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[Minimum KSP version - 1.11] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) v1.12


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12 minutes ago, bunjatec said:

Hi, I don't know if it's already known here, but there seems to be some inter-operability bug between KAS and Extraplanetary launchpads.

Latest KAS is great btw, but using any KAS parts (either in the craft being built or on the building vessel) means that the most recent version of EL bugs out...

I'm not blaming KAS, and EL hasn't yet been updated for 1.7.x yet, just wondering if something significant changed in KAS that we can feed into the bug reports..

This one is all on EL, go complain there. I did months ago. I just posted a bug report that I was using an unsupported configuration and was seeing some bugs with the current (at the time) releases. I did not pester him for a release date on an update. There's no simple fix for it either. Unlike MKS or KPBS flexible corridors, this isn't a simple .cfg file change.

Taniwha has written code to use KIS and KAS functions directly. The problem is none of his code is up to date with current versions of KIS or KAS. I didn't start using EL until recently, so I don't know what this code is supposed to be doing and I don't think he's heard of comments in his code to make it any easier to interpret. Both KIS and KAS are relatively stable at this point as IgorZ is trying to only do bug fixes while he develops KIS 2.0.

Just to figure out how EL was supposed to work I went back to 1.6.1, KAS 1.1, and  KIS 1.16. EL seemed to be mostly working, but some parts didn't work as I expected or contrary to documentation, so I don't know if it was bad documentation or buggy parts.. KAS 1.2 was a big change getting rid of legacy code that EL still using. I'd rather have simpler robust code with fewer dependencies than something that can break with a dependency updates. 

I ended up downloading EL and commenting out any references to KIS or KAS just to keep it from nuking my performance with a constant stream of errors into my logs, but that seems to have completely broken anything but building with survey stakes for me in 1.7+. I can understand using KAS for resource transfers before launching a new ship, but I don't understand how KIS is involved in anything.

The only good news in Taniwha indicated last week he was finally looking at updating EL. I also started a new game with BG and haven't gotten to a point where I'd need EL yet, so I'm hoping Taniwha gets an update out before I really need it.

For all it's problems, I would still stick with EL over Global Construction. Even if all I can use is survey stakes for building, EL has been more reliable that Global Construction ever was for me. I tried GC last fall/winter and it was nothing but headaches with ships disappearing instead of launching and the mod's parts locking up the build queue requiring me to edit my save file to reset them. Along with this the developer went missing for 6 months about the time I started having problems and no one could answered support questions.

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Thanks for the rapid and comprehensive reply Tonka Crash.

I didn't want to pester anyone as I appreciate how this is all done in spare time for free etc. I was hoping there was some little thing I could help with, but it sounds like the core problems are understood.

I'm at a slightly further stage in my savegame and I'm getting desperate for it to work now, I've actually paused playing.. 

I really like the rocketparts concept and for all it's faults/quirks I've loved it since I started using simple construction (around KSP v.1.2)

I guess I'll have to work on my mobile analogue controller till its ready (sliders and thumbsticks in a mini box).



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I do hope EL gets updated. I have a Mun colony where I want to start using EL. But it has KAS sockets all over. Great mod, KAS is. Allowed me to re-purpose parts of my rocket to be refueling stations, and connect my mobile base to the colony for resource transfers.





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Hi guys,

Just wanted a bit of clarification. So the KAS RTS-1 transfer station breaks if you revert a mission. I thought I could fix this by flying up a new mission with the same parts I had loaded before (including the RTS-1) but when I got there, the new RTS-1 had the same issue - When the 'get connector' dialog comes up, it just beeps and you can't grab a hose. 

Does this bug occur if you EVER saved a game that you reverted a mission, even for new parts on a new mission? If so that would explain it, either that, or I've got another bug going on and will need to wait for fixes. 



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@Tslisher What version of KSP and KAS are you using?  Breaking Ground broke KAS on 1.7.1. There are workarounds to use KAS on 1.7.1. If you did use KAS on 1.7.1 it can leave the RTS-1 in an unrecognized state. There are are also instructions in that link on how to repair glitched connections. KAS 1.4 and KSP 1.7.2 should work fine. I haven't seen any problems, but glitched connections from before updating to 1.7.2 could still be in your save.

Edited by Tonka Crash
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@Daniel Prates The harpoon, anchor, grappling hook and magnet were Legacy KAS parts and completely removed with the other Legacy parts at 1.2. Coming up with new versions is on IgorZ's list of future improvements for KAS, but he's currently focused on a major KIS rewrite to deal with the new cargo system and some other long standing issues.

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34 minutes ago, Tonka Crash said:

@Daniel Prates The harpoon, anchor, grappling hook and magnet were Legacy KAS parts and completely removed with the other Legacy parts at 1.2. Coming up with new versions is on IgorZ's list of future improvements for KAS, but he's currently focused on a major KIS rewrite to deal with the new cargo system and some other long standing issues.

Oh, ok. Thanks. Those were great parts, absolutelly essential to hold naval wessels or airships in place. To my knowledge there is nothing similar anywhere. It will be good to see them back eventually.

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1 hour ago, Daniel Prates said:

Oh, ok. Thanks. Those were great parts, absolutelly essential to hold naval wessels or airships in place. To my knowledge there is nothing similar anywhere. It will be good to see them back eventually.

I've used a minor hack-together for my crafts at the KSC (boats and seaplanes).


You attach a ground pylon at shore with a winch or connector, which you then connect to the vessel.


I've modified the winch to hold 200m cable tho.

I set "maxLinkLength = 50" to 200.


You can also use a groundpylon, with an uncontrolled IR hinge or rotatron to make kind of a pontoon-style floating mooring dock. Then it will keep it's distance from shore as well.


I find empty rockomax tanks or the Karibou rover from MKS make for excellent floating devices.

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1 hour ago, mrstoned said:

I've used a minor hack-together for my crafts at the KSC (boats and seaplanes).


You attach a ground pylon at shore with a winch or connector, which you then connect to the vessel.


I've modified the winch to hold 200m cable tho.

I set "maxLinkLength = 50" to 200.


You can also use a groundpylon, with an uncontrolled IR hinge or rotatron to make kind of a pontoon-style floating mooring dock. Then it will keep it's distance from shore as well.


I find empty rockomax tanks or the Karibou rover from MKS make for excellent floating devices.

It seems like a decent workaround.

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@Tslisher To troubleshoot what's going on, I need a log and a copy of your save. Start the game and in the game force the problem to occur and the exit. Upload the your save and the KSP.log (in the games install directory) to a file sharing site like dropbox and post a link here.

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I might have missed the answer to this question:

I am prepping to build a base using Pathfinder - which heavily relies on KAS to transfer resources. I've noticed the CC-R2 port is no longer part of the KAS mod - which connector can I use to transfer resources so I can inflate the base segments?

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22 hours ago, Tonka Crash said:

@Maestro93 The old KAS pipes created by connecting two ports are no longer part of KAS. Now you use a JS-1 connector as a socket and pull a hose from the RTS-1 (red thing with yellow hose) to connect to it and on the RTS-1 is an option to transfer resources.


I know I should RTFM or at least the descriptions on the new items but thank you lord. Spent half an hour wondering why my pipes wouldn't appear :(

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21 hours ago, spencer14516 said:

Hi i have an issue in which the joint pipe js-1 i think its called won't link between crafts any reasons why? Ive tried it on 1.7.1 and 1.6.1 ksp versions and still acts the exact same :(

You have to use a JS-1 with a Resource Transfer stations. You can then either transfer fuel with the KAS gui or set them to docked mode so they act as 1 craft. 


Edited by stargazer424
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On 3/7/2019 at 4:32 AM, Tonka Crash said:

No offense to @IgorZ but I've always found the TJ1 and TJ2 links too short for anyplace I would want to use them. This morning I figured out how they are configured and made some XL versions if anyone is interested. I doubled the length of the piston portion and added a 5th segment to get me to just over a 5m extended length. 

The Stock lengths (retracted and extended) are to the left with my new XL versions to the right. The white structural tube is 5m tall.


Patches in the spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

+PART[KAS.TJ1]:FINAL // Start with TJ-1 fixed telescopic Joint
        @name = KAS.TJ1XL // Extra Long TJ-1
        @title = TJ-1XL Fixed Telescopic Joint
        @entryCost *= 2.2
        @cost *= 2.2    // A little more than double the weight and cost for extra materials
        @mass *= 2.2
                @pistonsCount = 5 // Add a segment over base TJ1
                @pistonModelScale = 1.1,2.0,1.1 // Double the length of each segment
                                                // +10% diameter for extra segment
                // Lengths eyeballed using Node Helper pivot to pivot for fully
                // retracted and extended. Don't think that they need more precision.
                @minLinkLength =  1.325
                @maxLinkLength =  5.145
+PART[KAS.TJ2]:FINAL // Start with TJ-2 free telescopic Joint
        @name = KAS.TJ2XL // Extra Long TJ-2
        @title = TJ-2XL Free Telescopic Joint
        @entryCost *= 2.2
        @cost *= 2.2    // A little more than double the weight and cost for extra materials
        @mass *= 2.2
                @pistonsCount = 5 // Add a segment over base TJ2
                @pistonModelScale = 1.1,2.0,1.1 // Double the length of each segment
                                                // +10% diameter for extra segment
                // Lengths eyeballed using Node Helper pivot to pivot for fully
                // retracted and extended. Don't think that they need more precision.
                @minLinkLength =  1.325
                @maxLinkLength =  5.145



I know I should likely remember this. Maybe I should be waiting for the coffee to kick in, but...I can't for the life of me remember how to add these extended struts. Should just need to copy the text and drop it into the file, right?

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