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[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Enhancements [v1.4.1] [20 March 2019]


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17 minutes ago, Galileo said:

My graphics card took a dump on me tonight :/ I'm not sure how long I'll be off line as I'll have to save up a little dough to get a new one. (I'll also need to convince the old lady). This is pretty poor timing as I am in the middle of purchasing a new home and finding new furniture. I just started getting back into modding ksp too. Well, hope to be back full strength sooner than later. I'll still be on the forums like always, but modding will have to be put on hold. Such is life.

Sorry about it. But don't worry, we'll wait. Real life is infinitely more important than video games, so everybody will understand.

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Dear Galileo we talk about issue with Galactic Neighborhood and i found conflict or whatever issue can be called,when i asked about my problem on Kopernicus thread(about dark side kerbin becomes sun side) with SVE.is there way to make them play nicely??. I fix this myself i just changed scatterer folder/planetlist.cfg to he looks like this

			celestialBodyName = Kerbin
			transformName = Kerbin
			loadDistance = 100000000
			unloadDistance = 200000000
			hasOcean = True
			usesCloudIntegration = True
			mainSunCelestialBody = StockSun

Now Kerbals are allowed to music again:D

Edited by Syczek
Found solution
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10 hours ago, Galileo said:

My graphics card took a dump on me tonight :/ I'm not sure how long I'll be off line as I'll have to save up a little dough to get a new one. (I'll also need to convince the old lady). This is pretty poor timing as I am in the middle of purchasing a new home and finding new furniture. I just started getting back into modding ksp too. Well, hope to be back full strength sooner than later. I'll still be on the forums like always, but modding will have to be put on hold. Such is life.

Galileo,if you are interested I can send you a replacement video card. 

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I am currently using this to make the valleys of Minmus misty.

		name = Minmus-Dust
		body = Minmus
		altitude = 500
		speed = 10,50,5
		detailSpeed = 10,50,10
		killBodyRotation = true
			_Color = 114,146,134,260
			_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/detail1
			size = 3100,3
			rotationSpeed = 0.005
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			area = 18200,3.7
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.7
				_Opacity = 1.25
				_MinScatter = 1.5
		name = Minmus_geyser1
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
		altitude = 900
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailTex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
			size = 6000,3
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09
		name = Minmus_geyser2
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		altitude = 750
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			size = 6000,3
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09

How could I lessen the checkerboard effect from above, making it more flattened out?


From the surface it looks ok, but I would like the visibility range quite a bit shorter.


Video, just because I can!




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Hey! I had some problems with the sve folder a long time ago and even after fixing it my potato PC couldn't handle the low resolution. Now I got a laptop and OH BOY ISN'T IT GORGEOUS!!!! I even got scatterer and stuff. Charlie, you are a genius. Keep up the great work!!:confused:

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Just updated all my mods to 1.3.  Holy cow you have been busy.  My jaw dropped when I saw the new Jool system with the lighting effects on the rings, storms on Jool, and the new textures on Laythe (ok thats SVT... but they pretty much go hand in hand).  This is the best beautification mod! 

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On 6.8.2017 at 7:07 AM, Galileo said:

My graphics card took a dump on me tonight :/ I'm not sure how long I'll be off line as I'll have to save up a little dough to get a new one. (I'll also need to convince the old lady). This is pretty poor timing as I am in the middle of purchasing a new home and finding new furniture. I just started getting back into modding ksp too. Well, hope to be back full strength sooner than later. I'll still be on the forums like always, but modding will have to be put on hold. Such is life.

Man, that's the krakken reciting Murphy's Law. It's a pity, especially as you did so much great work here for a bunch of people. Honestly, if your work was not published generously for free, I'd buy it from the spot! Oh, wait there was that button in the first post ... :wink::D 



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Hey guys, let me voice an unpopular opinion.

I miss the SVE of 1.1.3, back when it was... plainer.




Might try hacking together some improvised configs later this evening; wondering what would happen if I just tried strapping the old configs and textures onto new EVE and Scatterrer...

Edited by DDE
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7 minutes ago, DDE said:

Might try hacking together some improvised configs later this evening; wondering what would happen if I just tried strapping the old configs and textures onto new EVE and Scatterrer...

Bad things, at least for scatterer. You have to bring them inline with changed syntax :)

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1 hour ago, DDE said:

Hey guys, let me voice an unpopular opinion.

I miss the SVE of 1.1.3, back when it was... plainer.




Might try hacking together some improvised configs later this evening; wondering what would happen if I just tried strapping the old configs and textures onto new EVE and Scatterrer...

That's not unpopular, I even miss it!

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2 hours ago, Theysen said:

Bad things, at least for scatterer. You have to bring them inline with changed syntax :)

I dug up 1.0.83, which was bundled with Scatterrer and EVE. They apparently failed to work with 1.3... so I proceeded to replace all the scripts with current ones.

Necromancy, not even once, kids.


@Galileo, do understand my gripe. Neither current SVE nor AVB fit too well into the OPM-DMagic "canon". SVE's Laythe is transformed into a cold alien world, all too much like Tekto (to the point where, until seeing the patch in Pood's thread, I considered "fixing" Tekto by reassigning Laythe's configs). Whereas AVB's Laythe has those extremely apparent biolumescent clouds, even though the discovery of life on Slate, in one particular biome, using one particular science tool, is played up as a big thing.

That, and it seems appropriate for a more hydrated version of Mars to have more ice clouds, and for Eve's atmosphere to be undifferentiated.

Edited by DDE
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On 6.8.2017 at 6:57 PM, KerbMav said:

I am currently using this to make the valleys of Minmus misty.

		name = Minmus-Dust
		body = Minmus
		altitude = 500
		speed = 10,50,5
		detailSpeed = 10,50,10
		killBodyRotation = true
			_Color = 114,146,134,260
			_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/detail1
			size = 3100,3
			rotationSpeed = 0.005
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			area = 18200,3.7
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.7
				_Opacity = 1.25
				_MinScatter = 1.5
		name = Minmus_geyser1
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
		altitude = 900
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailTex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
			size = 6000,3
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09
		name = Minmus_geyser2
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		altitude = 750
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			size = 6000,3
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09

How could I lessen the checkerboard effect from above, making it more flattened out?


From the surface it looks ok, but I would like the visibility range quite a bit shorter.


Video, just because I can!

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@KerbMav just stumbled across your post when reading further up. Looks really awesome, though i have no clue where the texture are from (zzzMaruko ...) Are you willing to share this work?



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@Galileo, let's approach this from another direction. This is AVP's configuration for Laythe.


		name = Laythe-CloudsHigh
		body = Laythe
		altitude = 6250
		speed = 0,50,0
			_DetailScale = 4
			_DistFadeVert = 3.99999E-05
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.01,0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.0015000001
			_DetailDist = 1.5E-07
			_Color = 1530,3060,5738,160
				value = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/duna1
				value = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/detail2
				_FalloffScale = 10
				_RimDist = 0.001
				_FalloffPow = 0.7
				_InvFade = 0.02
				_MinLight = 0.1
				_ShadowFactor = 0.60
			area = 18000,4
			maxTranslation = 100,750,100
			size = 2000,2.8
			noiseScale = 1.2,1.2,90
			followDetail = True
				_Tex = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/Particle/rgb
				_BumpMap = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.0
				_InvFade = 0.008
				Opacity = 0.25


Do I understand correctly that the glow of the cloud formations on the dark side of the moon is driven by _MinLight = 0.1 and that setting it to 0.0 should kill it?

Yes, it is. I'm a few edits away from victory.

Edited by DDE
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5 hours ago, SchrottBot said:

@KerbMav just stumbled across your post when reading further up. Looks really awesome, though i have no clue where the texture are from (zzzMaruko ...) Are you willing to share this work?



I copied them from some visual mod but cannot remember which.

Just wanted to make sure I still have them available should I switch something else.

So no, I cannot share them as they are not mine.

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5 hours ago, KerbMav said:

I copied them from some visual mod but cannot remember which.

I suspect it's AVP, since it has Minmus mists, "sandstorms" and geysers. I've managed to transplant the former two in my ongoing efforts at playing Frankenstein.

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9 hours ago, KerbMav said:

I copied them from some visual mod but cannot remember which.

Just wanted to make sure I still have them available should I switch something else.

So no, I cannot share them as they are not mine.

I suspected this might be the case. Anyway thanks for your answer. :blush::)




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Alright, I think it's time I stopped running around flailing. I've almost done everything I wanted, and I currently have two problems.

First is getting the clouds on Duna to work. I've got SVE's dust storms intact:


		name = Duna-DustStorms
		body = Duna
		speed = 0,75,0
		altitude = 2001
		detailSpeed = 0,300,0
		killBodyRotation = True
			_MainTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/duststorms
			_DetailTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/detail1
			_DetailScale = 2
			_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
			_Color = 85,37,17,255
			visibleRange = 10000
			rotationSpeed = 0.0025000001
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			area = 2000,2
			followDetail = True
			size = 4000,2
				_Tex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/rgb
				_BumpMap = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.0
				_Opacity = 1.25
				_MinScatter = 1.5


And then I have the AVB clouds config, with all dependencies still in place, slide in on top of that:


		name = Duna-MainClouds
		body = Duna
		speed = 0,35,0
		detailSpeed = 0,0,0
		altitude = 6000
			_Color = 255,180,180,255
			_DetailScale = 8
			_UVNoiseTex = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/uvnoise1
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.01,0.01
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.0015000001
			_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
			_DetailDist = 1E-07
				value = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/duna1
				value = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/detail1
				_FalloffScale = 2
				_RimDist = 0.001
				_InvFade = 0.02
			maxTranslation = 100,2000,100
			size = 3000,3
			area = 18000,4
			noiseScale = 1.2,1.2,90
			followDetail = True
				_Tex = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/particle/rgb
				_BumpMap = AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.0
				_InvFade = 0.008
				_Opacity = 255
				_MinScatter = 250


Unfortunately, the clouds still seem really dim (dare I say, Mars-like) compared to their original form in AVP, and I barely coaxed them into existence by dumping both configs into one file. How does EVE play with two different configs? And given how you mentioned making dust storms invisible from orbit, I'm pretty sure I'm barking up the right tree, @Galileo.

My second question concerns a subject on all of our minds': eclipses. :cool: Thanks, 'Muricaland.

I thought it were my shenanigans with Laythe, but turned out there are no shadows on SVE's Kerbin either. Does this mod not support cloud eclipses? I distinctly remember a 1.1.3 eclipse on Duna being pretty thorough. No, I just deleted the redundant of two identical configs:


		body = Kerbin
		caster = Mun
		body = Mun
		caster = Kerbin
		body = Eve
		caster = Gilly
		body = Gilly
		caster = Eve
		body = Duna
		caster = Ike
		body = Ike
		caster = Duna
		body = Jool
		caster = Laythe
		caster = Bop
		caster = Tylo
		caster = Vall
		body = Pol
		caster = Jool
		body = Bop
		caster = Jool
		body = Tylo
		caster = Jool
		caster = Laythe
		caster = Vall
		body = Laythe
		caster = Jool
		caster = Tylo
		caster = Vall
		body = Vall
		caster = Jool
		caster = Laythe
		caster = Tylo


At this point I'm half-ready to give up and just install a lightly pruned Astronomer's. Half-ready.

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On 8/6/2017 at 0:57 PM, KerbMav said:

I am currently using this to make the valleys of Minmus misty.

		name = Minmus-Dust
		body = Minmus
		altitude = 500
		speed = 10,50,5
		detailSpeed = 10,50,10
		killBodyRotation = true
			_Color = 114,146,134,260
			_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/detail1
			size = 3100,3
			rotationSpeed = 0.005
			maxTranslation = 100,200,100
			area = 18200,3.7
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb
				_LightScatter = 0.55
				_MinLight = 0.7
				_Opacity = 1.25
				_MinScatter = 1.5
		name = Minmus_geyser1
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
		altitude = 900
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailTex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
			size = 6000,3
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09
		name = Minmus_geyser2
		body = Minmus
		speed = 0,0,0
		altitude = 750
		detailSpeed = 0,2000,0
			_Color = 20,100,200,300
			_DetailDist = 1
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-07
			_DetailScale = 50
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser
				value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail
			rotationSpeed = 0.03
			size = 6000,3
			area = 26000,2
			maxTranslation = 0,50,0
			noiseScale = 1,1,10
				_Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3
				_BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM
				_MinScatter = 1
				_Opacity = 1.09

How could I lessen the checkerboard effect from above, making it more flattened out?


From the surface it looks ok, but I would like the visibility range quite a bit shorter.


Video, just because I can!

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IIRC, you can avoid patterns like that by placing the clouds in intersecting spirals with small random variations in the position of each cloud. I really regret I can't find the blog post talking about this... it was about placing bundles of reeds/grass such that you never get the visual effect of "rows", pretty much the same issue, if you feel like trying to google it yourself.

No idea how you'd accomplish putting your clouds in intersecting spirals with small random variations in the position of each cloud using that config file, though :)

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Today I installed some visual enhancement mods to upgrade the visuals of my KSP install. I installed the following mods:

- Stock Visual Enhancements
- Stock Visual Terrain
- Astronomer's Visual Pack
- Kopernicus

Now, is there any benefit of installing both SVE and AVP? Or is it recommended to just use one of the two?

I've also run into two issues:
- Is it normal that I can see the curvature of a planet through the clouds while in orbit? I guess the cloud layer is placed on top of the atmosphere?
- Looking through a window from inside results in seeing a grey box (video). Any info on that issue?

Note: this post was also posted in the AVP's thread.

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1 hour ago, simtom said:

Today I installed some visual enhancement mods to upgrade the visuals of my KSP install. I installed the following mods:

- Stock Visual Enhancements
- Stock Visual Terrain
- Astronomer's Visual Pack
- Kopernicus

Now, is there any benefit of installing both SVE and AVP? Or is it recommended to just use one of the two?

I've also run into two issues:
- Is it normal that I can see the curvature of a planet through the clouds while in orbit? I guess the cloud layer is placed on top of the atmosphere?
- Looking through a window from inside results in seeing a grey box (video). Any info on that issue?

Note: this post was also posted in the AVP's thread.

(Going to post what I did in the AVP thread here, just to ease things a bit.)

It is not recommended to use SVE alongside AVP or KSPRC alongside SVT (you going for a visual maximum here? lol). As far as I know, nothing EVE-wise conflicts (I'm guessing SVE's scatterer configs overwrite the default ones, and the clouds do not conflict due to how EVE works), KSPRC and SVT both attempt to retexture all stock bodies so I don't know what could happen there.

You use a combination of cloud pack and ground textures. Not more than one of each.


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24 minutes ago, Trekkie148 said:

When I install the mod with The other addons correctly the textures seme to be bright yellow... IDK what the glitch is,

I have no idea what you are talking about. Screenshots, Logs? 


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