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Who do you appreciate?


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The concept is simple: Name someone (or someones) who has positively influenced your Kerbal experience, in-game or in the community at large, and let them know why you appreciate them.


  1. Try to limit each post to three (3) individuals, in no particular order. Be sure to include something you appreciate about each person. You may post more than once, but please allow at least one other person to post before you make a second.
  2. Keep it positive! It is an appreciation thread, after all.
  3. Don't derail the thread, and remember it's not about "likes".
  4. Refrain from "chatting", please.

 Why? To get a little positivity flowing!



  • @Tiberion - Aside from maintaining (and authoring) Novapunch2, Tiberion took the time to patiently answer many of my silly questions when I first began to dabble in creating parts. Without his guidance and his video tutorials, I think I would have been a lost cause.
  • @Claw - While Claw is on staff with Squad, he also devotes some of his personal time to improving the game for all of us with his Stock Bug Fix modules. This guy is personally responsible for saving my game several times, and for that I am indeed grateful.
  • @NathanKell - Another slayer of bugs and all-around KSP contributor, He both works for Squad and maintains or helps maintain a number of impressive mods, not the least of which is RO. I learned a good bit about realistic engines by talking to him, even if I didn't put it to good use. :wink:



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These guys supported me so much when I first started my Emiko Station story.  Honestly, I expected it to be somewhat competitive, but instead I got welcomed with open arms, and it was so great! 

Oh, for the record, there are many more members I would add to this list, but you asked to limit it to just three. 

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@NathanKell: Made me feel welcomed, at the time, I believe he was a moderator and not yet a Squad employee. It was my affection of the four-pointed star! I think he was the first forum member I "followed" on the old forum...

@Just Jim: He encouraged me to start writing... um, yeah, about that...:rolleyes:

And three others so I will say it is a tie: @Dman979, @monstah, and @ZooNamedGames: three great guys that deserve a mention here. If I ever met them in real life, we'd have to go out for pizza!

There are so many others that I have come to admire...but the OP said "only three" and I cheated a bit to mention the ones I did...

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5 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

@NathanKell: Made me feel welcomed, at the time, I believe he was a moderator and not yet a Squad employee. It was my affection of the four-pointed star! I think he was the first forum member I "followed" on the old forum...

@Just Jim: He encouraged me to start writing... um, yeah, about that...:rolleyes:

And three others so I will say it is a tie: @Dman979, @monstah, and @ZooNamedGames: three great guys that deserve a mention here. If I ever met them in real life, we'd have to go out for pizza!

There are so many others that I have come to admire...but the OP said "only three" and I cheated a bit to mention the ones I did...

Well let's plan for it :) , I'm doing some work for KerbalKon anyway.

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25 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Oh, for the record, there are many more members I would add to this list, but you asked to limit it to just three. 


10 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

There are so many others that I have come to admire...but the OP said "only three" and I cheated a bit to mention the ones I did...

Just to keep it from getting spammy or being one enormous list at a time. You can always post more later :)


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59 minutes ago, Randazzo said:

The concept is simple: Name someone (or someones) who has positively influenced your Kerbal experience, in-game or in the community at large, and let them know why you appreciate them.

There are too many to list.

First off, for help with learning the game itself and some of the intricacies of orbital mechanics, @Kasuha.  Ain't seen much of him lately but everybody of my vintage owes him a great deal.  For them as never met him, search out his many informative pots and tutorials.

Second, the part of this forum I like the best is the Mission Reports.  Back in my early days, I particularly enjoyed the tales of @Brotoro.  I think he is the inspiration for many of the great authors we have today.

And finally, of course, I'd like to thank all the COUNTLESS modders, past and present, for adding so much to the game.  I refuse to single any individual one out.

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What a great idea! In no particular order I choose...

@Snark -- takes the time to explain it all patiently, whether it's a gameply technique, moderator policy, or the arcane art of software development

@Starhawk -- always there to give new members a friendly welcome, and with encouraging comments both on and off the comics threads

@Angel-125 and @GregroxMun- I still can't believe these guys were nice enough to create custom stuff for me to use in my stories! Angel made the bridge viewscreens and helped solve a problem with my hangar doors, while Gregrox contributed custom uniforms PLUS an entire flippin' planet and it's moons.

Hard to limit it to just three or four, so many great people here!

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As to my top 3... Well that's a tough one as I appreciate just about everyone especially those who give a moment to understand what I'm saying.

So I'd have to call out @_jack, for getting me started on my first rocket builders company Kerbal Minds Corp which allowed me to seed myself into this community. Now admittedly he didn't say much, but it's the fact he told me to go out on my own and try, and that try was one of the most successful endeavors I ever made here.

Then, it would have to be @zekes, a long since inactive member our community who was an awesome outstanding guy and helped make the forums much nicer to be part of, despite a few quandaries he got into.

Lastly I'd have to say @KasperVld. When I first started out on the forums he was just a mod and he was a great guy. I had him on my steam friends list and he was fun to  talk to :) . Granted now he's the senior PR manager for squad and is taking Forensics Science(?) in university so Ofc he's too busy to be an active member anymore. But I do wish I could have him back on my steam friends list, or even my Skype contacts list, because he's a cool guy and I enjoyed my conversations with him.

I pick these three mostly because I struggled to find anyone else. I appreciate groups of people rather than just individuals. Like the members of the KMC, it's because of them it was epic, I only made the thread and occasionally altered it. Same goes for the members of the Real Space Program. I wouldn't just pick one of them, as it's the entire team that makes it great. 

But since I'm appreciating people who have done amazing stuff for me then I must call out @adsii1970, @Endersmens, @Spartwo, @Florid Monkey, @Pine And countless others for doing artwork and other such things for me over the years. There's no true way to say thank you for the help you've given and I wish I could give more.

Oh and I can't forget @MK3424! A constant friend who's cared and helped me through some hard times. As well as an active member of the KMC.

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All three of these people have been great help to me in my efforts to mod the Kerbal game with interesting, good-looking, and well-built planets. They're also just really cool people and have really cool ideas and do really cool things.

@Sigma88: Constantly coming up with original and interesting ideas, pushing the KSP engine to its limits, and being great technical help with Module Manager and Kopernicus.

@Thomas P.: For building up Kopernicus with so many more features than it originally had. Without him, none of these planet mods would exist in the form they are now. 

@KillAshley: Essentially inspiring me to begin planet modding. New Horizons is the reason I decided to make Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered. Also one of the most experienced planet modders in the community.

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First of all, I appreciate everyone on the forums for their contribution. If I had to chose 3 though, I'd choose these people.

@NathanKell Has made the game way better for me. RSS and Realism Overhaul. I love the work he does and the way his mods make the game that much better for me.

@GregroxMun For the way he shapes the community. I like how he helps mostly everyone, and the stuff he makes for us to do is fun. He's a great person to talk with too if you bump into him on a thread.

@Just Jim is a very nice person. He always appears on my threads and says positive stuff. It makes me feel good and what he does on his own and other threads is just great. 



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Picking just three is hard, even just to start with.  To take just a few:

@NathanKell, for being incredibly patient and just, well, nice.  Despite being a Squad dev (and therefore insanely busy), he routinely takes the time to chime in on threads here in the forums, to help answer technical questions from a variety of users.  Infallibly patient and helpful; I've never seen him lose his cool even once.  (Please, please, nobody take that as a challenge.  NathanKell is good people and we want him to keep coming back here.)  I like to think of myself as a patient person, but honestly, if I had to deal with what he does on a routine basis, I think I'd be a lot grouchier than I am.  Given his busy dev schedule, the passion and engagement he shows here in the forum is above and beyond.  Hats off.

@Thomas P., the man behind Kopernicus:  the mod that makes basically all planet packs possible.  Talk about your thankless jobs.  It's a huge tour-de-force of a mod, and given the way it has to tinker with lots of KSP internals, is very easily broken with each KSP update, which means it takes a lot of hard, thankless work to keep it up and running-- and when it stops, everyone comes hammering on his door, because every planet-pack mod goes belly-up.  And you would not believe the amount of insistent, when-will-it-be-ready posts that routinely flood the Kopernicus thread.  I'm astounded that Thomas keeps putting in all that work in order to bear the weight of the entire planet-mod-using community on his shoulders, asking nothing in return, and often very poorly appreciated.  Again:  I like to think of myself as a patient person, but if Kopernicus were mine and I had to put up with what Thomas does, I suspect I would have ragequit long ago. Thank you, Thomas, for all that you do for us.

@OhioBob, for being the authoritative go-to guy in Gameplay Questions for anything involving orbital mechanics, atmospheric profiles, or other hard sciencey questions as they apply to playing KSP.  Informative.  Deeply knowledgeable.  Patient above and beyond the call of duty.  If you find yourself disagreeing with him on a technical point, the smart money says you're wrong.  :)

...I've got plenty of others I could name, but those will do for starters.

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Who do I appreciate, uhmmm... that's a good question. Definitely none of you guys, that's for sure! /irony

Just kidding, where would I be without so many incredible forum-goers? The only issue is I have to pick 3, and I appreciate everyone that has ever given the slightest hint of encouragement or niceness, which is quite a large (read: all) part of the forum.

So, with that in mind, I pick:


@sal_vager: Literally my forum guardian angel. This guy, he's incredible. Met him in the forums a long time ago, back when I was still on my old account that got "rekt"  in the forum migration, SaplingPick. I believe I met him when I made some sort of rocket-sled challenge. Either way, sal has always been helping me out with any forum issue I have, saved my old account from the grave, sticky-ed me and even checked up on me during hard times! Really guys, love him! He deserves it!


@Kerbin vonKerbal: He was the first person that entrusted me with a drawing, and that really made my day when I saw him asking for a drawing! He really seems to have helped my thread get some attention, even though I think people still exaggerate on my skills.


@Sturmgeschutz: A nice friend to have! A fun person to talk with, always giving helpful replies and/or funny ones, and really just a great all-around person which I am glad to have met!


Let's not forget every single person that has asked for a drawing, since it makes me extremely happy to see people actually trusting me with something like that!



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@sal_vager, for being the most active moderator, the guy to whom we refer most of the tough questions, and the person who talked me into being a moderator, which has turned out to be a lot of fun and has made me a bunch of good friends in the form of the other moderators. 

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Aw, I feel all warm and fuzzy :)

Well, first of all, I appreciate you all. I browse this forum every day at work, and it's a kind of social interaction I don't get from people around me. My interests have always been vastly different than those of my colleagues, and there's a lot of downtime at work when, weren't it for this place, I'd go crazy(-er).

That said, there are a few here I know more than others. @adsii1970, @Snark, @regex, are probably the ones I feel closest to, having discussed many subjects, both KSP related and not. I find them helpful to others on this forum, and I relate so much with @regex's grumpiness. Do you know that @adsii1970 teaches at a Community College? That comes with not only appreciation, but respect, too!

@sal_vager, for putting out fires with a smiley on his face, and @tetryds for keeping an eye on the Portuguese subforum. We're few in there, but we have to be kept in line.

On 22/07/2016 at 7:43 PM, Snark said:

NathanKell is good people and we want him to keep coming back here.

Amen to that.

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Putting on my modder hat:

I appreciate the incredibly patient, helpful, informative mod authors who give advice to noob mod authors such as yours truly.  The KSP modding community has some great folks in there-- I'm deeply grateful that they're so willing to share their expertise and help out an ignoramus like me.

Picking out just three is, again, hard... but just for starters:

@NecroBones, who's not only the author of SpaceY (which I adore), but also has been astoundingly patient and helpful.  His video tutorial on using Blender was a godsend to me... and he's spent a lot of time personally helping me out with various difficulties stemming from my blinkered ignorance about the entire area of modeling.

@sarbian, who not only gives us ModuleManager (without which I'd guess at least half of all the mods out there wouldn't be possible), and MechJeb (a fantastic resource for coders, even if you don't actually use it in-game), but who's also very helpful to aspiring modders.  There have been many times when I've posted a "How the dickens do I do X?" in the plugin-development forum, and sarbian has been the one who not only had an answer but could point me at code he's written that does exactly that.

@Diazo, the go-to authority for anything involving action groups, who has also been very helpful to me with his responses.


...And finally, but by no means least (yeah, I know, this breaks the 3-limit, but I just have to include this):  a major shout-out to @tomf, for giving us this:

...he went truly above and beyond (yeah, I know, I'm using that phrase a lot in this thread, but holy cow did he earn it!) by setting up a wiki documentation site for the KSP API, which is programmatically populated from existing documentation and the actual KSP API, but fully wiki-editable so modders can fill things in for the community's benefit as they learn things.

I don't have the words to express just how staggeringly useful this site is for modders who are trying to figure out how to accomplish what they want to code.  I've lost count of how many times it has unblocked me when coding my own mods.

tomf has done a great service to the modding community by setting it up, and deserves the gratitude not only of modders but of all the mod users who don't even know what an important role this has filled in making possible the mods that you love to play with.

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@Snark - For being really helpful all the time, and, without fail, not shutting out others during arguments/debates.

@Just Jim - For writing the first KSP fanfic I ever read. It's quite a bit better than some actual published books.

@RoverDude - For being a god among men. Seriously. You are incredible.


Shoutouts to @Spaceception, @Kuzzter, @Parkaboy, @Red Iron Crown, and @SirCmpwn. Oh, and who could forget about @regex? Not me, noo... heh... heh... sorry.

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vOv might as well.

@NathanKell especially for taking the realism to a whole new level.  When I was actively modding it was a real pleasure working with him and I still count him as, by far, one of the coolest people I've never met.

@Red Iron Crown, and all the other mods, for putting up with my BS day in and day out for three years (aren't you happy I have nothing to really complain about now?).  RIC especially for being cool to hang out with in #RO.  Special mention to @sal_vager for the same.

@sarbian for keeping ModuleManager relevant and the hilarity that is the MechJeb forum thread.  Also a very cool dude to hang out with on IRC.

Also, props to @monstah for being so level-headed in discussions, people like you make the forums awesome.

Too many others to list, given the rules above, I love you all.

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And some more:

@mjl1966 for getting me hooked on KSP in the first place.

@NecroBones for much the same reaons as posted above. MRS was the first mod I ever installed, and I have not had a game of KSP since that didn't have it. Beyond this, he's quite helpful and patient.

@CobaltWolf for always managing to drop a like on even the most obscure of posts. :wink: And BDB is pretty much amazing, too.

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I'd say my three are:

@AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures - For implementing practically all of my suggestions in his mod, and being an all-around friend.

@Pine - For drawing such a nice picture of my mission report launch, and actually reading it! Thanks.

@sal_vager - For giving me a TOTM, as well as being a great moderator.

I would also like to thank all the readers of my mission report and those who have attempted my challenge for trying out a noob's attempts at greatness.


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2 hours ago, Snark said:

@NecroBones, who's not only the author of SpaceY (which I adore), but also has been astoundingly patient and helpful.  His video tutorial on using Blender was a godsend to me... and he's spent a lot of time personally helping me out with various difficulties stemming from my blinkered ignorance about the entire area of modeling.



34 minutes ago, Randazzo said:


@NecroBones for much the same reaons as posted above. MRS was the first mod I ever installed, and I have not had a game of KSP since that didn't have it. Beyond this, he's quite helpful and patient.


Aw shucks, guys... you're going to make me blush. :wink::D


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