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Following the passage of Saturn in the Orion constellation Orion our group Astrologynomy is inviting you to a great collective jump from the Victoria Falls to honor the glory of our natural and spiritual leader, Crocozilla Ist. Come and see us, we are waiting for you all*!


* Due to fecal management problems during our last collective jump journey, Hippopotamus are not welcome anymore.

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5/10/22/.5/e2/10 points

Au contrair! The pebbles do as they will. They cannot be stoped. Hazelnut mystify cuttlefish lark lurk Robert angelican pheromone halter top marmalade hardware laser pepper release kneecap falafel period chased chaste leggings wool sweater heartbeat heartbeat heart beat heart beat beat beat beat beat

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Wow. 7.3/10.


Until recently, I (Hanson Kerman) was presumed to be "presumed dead". Instead, this presumed presumption was not proved, as it was not, disproved to be proved to be incorrect.


By the way, "stopped" has a double "p".

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You know what? Here's a copy of some mathematics help I gave to someone on the forum, asking how to go from your craft's radius+velocity to keplerian orbital elements. I tried really hard to keep it straight forward. How'd I do? :D


Orbits for those finally tired of going round in circles


r(θ) = p/(1+e*cos(θ-α)

This equation tells you the entire shape of your orbit in terms of 3 constants, which you can calculate from any point in your orbit. Those constants determine shape, size and direction:
e "eccentricity" which defines the shape
p "semilatus rectum" which defines the size
α "longitude of periapsis" which defines the direction your periapsis points.

Tasty orbital elements like apoapsis and semimajor axis can all be found as simple relationships to these 3 constants, and in the next few paragraphs we'll see how these terms arise from from the fundamental concepts of an orbit. For a refresher: Orbits work by having you spin 'round a planet, and your centrifugal force holds you up even though gravity pulls you down. If these two forces happen to balance eachother your orbit will be a pleasant circle, but if they're out of balance, you'll bounce back and forth between them like a mass on a spring. At periapsis, extra centrifugal force becomes upwards momentum and you rise, then at apoapsis the higher relative gravity becomes downwards momentum and you fall. Then the cycle repeats, and because it happens the same way every time your craft orbits in the same shape every time. So the shape of the orbit must be based on the forces that make it happen. Let's see how.

Terms Cheat Sheet:

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Starting Info, gathered from any point in the orbit:
r = radius from the planet
v = total velocity of your craft
φ = angle between velocity and horizon
θ = present angle going 'round the planet

First Step:
vr =
v * sin(φ) = speed going away from the planet (dr/dt)
vθ = v * cos(φ) = speed going around the planet (r*dθ/dt)
ω = vθ/r = rate your angle is changing (dθ/dt) "angular velocity"

More Starting Info:
m = mass of your craft (will always cancel out)

M = mass of the planet
G = the gravitational constant

Second Step:
PUp  (Upwards Momentum) = m *vr
FG (Gravity) = G * M * m / r2
FC (Centrifugal Force) = m*


(side note, a common combo that shows up is ω*PUp = m *vr*ω, which is coriolis force in disguise. It behaves similarly to regular upwards momentum, so that's how it's presented here.)


1. Eccentricity: The Shape
e = sqrt[ (
ω*PUp/FG)2 + (FC/FG - 1)2 ]

The eccentricity measures the ovalness of an orbit, and to rephrase the picture painted in the intro, it captures this cycle: FC >FG ... we go up ... FC <FG ...  we go down... [repeat]. So, our constant 'e' needs to be able to catch the essence of this at any point in time. It handles this by adding these two squared terms:
(ω*PUp/FG) , which is the upwards momentum relative to the force of gravity (then multiplied by the rate your angle is changing to make the units work out right... <waves hands>). Any amount of upwards/downwards momentum causes imbalance, but the amount is relative to the gravity it'll be pushing against. You have this when rising and falling between apoapsis and periapsis.
(FC/FG - 1) When centrifugal force and gravity are equal to eachother, FC/FG becomes 1, and the term falls to 0. As either becomes different than the other the term gets a greater magnitude. You have this primarily at apoapsis or periapsis.
Since these two things are 'added in quadrature' (a2 + b2 = c2 hypotenuse style), it doesn't matter if the terms are positive or negative, it only matters how big they are. And with this, all possibilities for imbalance are captured and brought together, and can be measured anywhere in the orbit!

2. Semilatus Rectum: The Size
p = r*FC/FG

The semilatus rectum measures the size of an orbit. It tells us the radius your orbit will have in that single moment of the cycle when gravity and centrifugal force balance. We can measure what this magic radius should be from anywhere in the orbit by taking our current radius and multiplying it by a fudge factor: FC/FG . Why? By serendipity, FC/FG happens to be proportional to 1/r, so whenever our radius increases, the fudge factor decreases inversely. That means their product always stays the same, and it's the same value as our radius in that magic moment when the forces balance and FC/FG = 1. In this way we can measure this special radius from any point in our orbit.

3. Longitude of Periapsis: The Direction
α = θ - arctan( (ω*PUp/FG) / (FC/FG - 1) )

The Argument of Periapsis measures the direction (angle) of our orbit's periapsis relative to some pre-chosen galactic standard. Notice the (ω*PUp/FG) and (FC/FG - 1) terms are just the measurements from before for how far out of balance we are through either up/down momentum or imbalanced forces. Their ratio tells us where we are in the cycle, and the arctan turns that information into an angle. That whole piece tells us where the periapsis is relative to us, so when we add it to θ (which is where we are relative to the standard) we get the longitude of periapsis: the angle our periapsis points relative to the standard. Because it's always relative to where we are, we can figure out the direction of the orbit from anywhere along it.


And that's it! Now we know the shape, size and direction of our orbit we can plot it or gather other information through simple relationships. I hope it's brought some insight to the nature of these seemingly ineffable constants!





Let's make this derivation in terms of polar coordinates... And let's do it 2d! Finally, let's do it in terms of the fictitious rotational forces, because I think it'll make more intuitive sense than the other stuff I've tried to figure out (wiki / old texts). So... We'll solve for our object's motion in terms of Gravity, Centrifugal and Coriolis forces. The advantage of doing it this way is we won't (or at least I think we won't) need to deal with any confusing reference frame stuff this way. It'll just be F=ma with forces for all of its simplicity and occasional nastiness.

We can handle our position and velocity variables like this: we're at a certain distance (r) from the planet while traveling a certain velocity (v) and traveling at a certain angle compared to the 'horizon' on the planet ( φ ). So, for φ, if we're flying level with the planet (eg. circular orbit, or at apoapsis, periapsis) φ  = 0, and if we're flying straight up φ = pi/2 (aka 90 degrees). Finally there's θ , which will be our present angle in the orbit relative to our starting point. The initial values will be r0, v0φ0 and θ0. Present variables will always be bold, while constants will be normal type.

For convenience, we can re-package the information from v and φ by turning it into vr and vθ , meaning the velocities of our object going up/down and round/round. The conversion's the simple standard:
vθ = v *cos(φ)
vr= v *sin(φ)

Great! The stage is set. Let's plug in the forces F=ma style. Because it's the simplest part, we'll start with the rotational direction θ. The only force in the θ direction will be Coriolis force, however that one's confusing if you've never had to deal with it before, so let's talk about it. If you're on a ... spinny thing at the kid's park.... you push them and they spin round, and you get all sick? Anyways, let's say you're near the edge while it's spinning, and you start pulling yourself inwards. What happens? You're doing work to pull in (force*distance on centrifugal force) and in exchange, the spinny thing pushes you in the direction of rotation. Our velocity actually increases as we pull ourselves in, and we spin round faster as a result. Coriolis force!

Coriolis Force = m*vθ*vr/r in the direction of rotation. So, in order to feel a coriolis force we need to be spinning, and then it's proportional to the relative change in radius. I don't have my derivation with me anymore, but I'm pretty sure this was it. That said, I'll be using a workaround with an angular momentum balance instead until I'm sure I've got it right.

Centrifugal Force = m*vθ2/r in the outwards direction

Gravity = G * M * m / r2 in the inwards direction. G is the gravitational constant and M is the mass of our planet.

All of our forces are proportional to our object's mass, so we can write things immediately in terms of accelerations where: a = F/m

aθ = -2vθ*vr/r                                  (a = coriolis)  (probably... sorry, I'll doublecheck this one soon! I use another approach momentarily)
ar vθ2/r   -   G*M/ r2                   (a = centrifugal out - gravity in)

Now the next step would be to find vθ as a function of r. Why? We'd like to avoid solving this as a parametric (simultaneous) system, so if we can solve for that vθ hanging out in ar 's equation, we can solve for ar much more simply. You can think of this as: centrifugal force should only depend on the initial conditions and the present radius. That makes sense! I want to do with an energy balance on coriolis force eventually, but for the moment, we happen to know the answer from conservation of angular momentum is:

vθ = vθ,0 * r0 / r    (because L = constant = m *vθ *r at all times. This means vθ *r = vθ,0 * r0 , and we get our equation from here   I will replace this later - It's just Coriolis force in disguise!)

Plug it in~!

ar = vθ,02 * r02 / r3   -   G*M/ r2                        This is our acceleration away from kerbin knowing only our present radius and initial starting conditions

And this is great- it relates exactly the things we want to know in a simple way without fuss... and it happens to be completely unsolvable. Thanks math. :/ Even if we can't solve it directly, it does make a great vantage point for us to stop and take a look to make sure we're on the right track. Let's see. This makes sense! When you get too far in, centrifugal force quickly pushes you out (inverse r cubed) . When you get too far out, gravity eventually pulls you back in (inverse r squared). When orbiting, you tend to swing past the periapsis quickly and the apoapsis slowly, so I'll claim we're on the right track. I'm lucky I had to go make pancakes at this point, because that's a nasty integral. The next couple steps took me the rest of the day to puzzle through, and I think it's important to realize that these next steps don't gain us ANYTHING conceptually. They're purely mathematical manipulations to cram our formula into one of the solvable forms for a second order ordinary difeq.

have    ar = ~~~/r3 - ~~~/r2       Right now the formula looks like this, which is nasty unsolvable analytically
want     au =      -u + ~~~      If it instead looked like this, it would be solvable as a standard harmonic oscillator (sin and cos) Let's get it into this form.

We would adore some variable substitution to pop an r3 in there, but sadly there are none. Because of this, we have to make a concession and solve for just the orbit's shape, not its motion as a function of time. It's pretty yuck, but it's a hallmark of any orbit derivation. Over the centuries, people have made hundreds of increasingly complicated ways to partially undo the damage done in this next tragic-but-necessary-step. We'll use Leibnitz notation to convert our equation from time domain, where it tells us exactly what our craft does over time, into theta domain where it will only tell us the shape of its path. We'll also introduce a helper variable u = 1/r just to make the math work nicely.

have   ar = d2r/(dt)2                    This is just the definition, showing off Leibnitz notation.
want    au = d2u/(dθ)2

Ok, so to get from where we are to where we want to be we'll need to convert from t to θ, and from r to u. First we'll make a conversion factor of (dt/dθ)2 to convert the domain (t->θ) Leibnitz style, and then a du/dr factor to convert to our helper (r->u).

dθ/dt * r = vθ = vθ,0 * r0 / r         That dθ/dt will help in our conversion. dθ/dt is the rate you're spinning in circles expressed in radians, and if you multiply it by your radius, you'll get your radial velocity. Hey we have a handy relationship for radial velocity from before thanks to Coriolis force / angular momentum.
dθ/dt = vθ,0 * r0 / r2                    In this step we solve for dθ/dt. In the next we invert and square it to make the conversion factor.
(dt/dθ)2 = r4/ (vθ,0 * r0)2             [1]  This factor will let us convert to theta domain. We just need to find the conversion factor for the u = 1/r helper variable now.

u = 1/r
du/dr = -1/r2                              [2]  Solving for du/dr was much easier.

All set! Let's multiply our ar equations with the conversion factors [1] and [2], and replace any remaining 1/r with u. Finally, move the u across to the left, and we'll have the classic harmonic equation:
ar = d2r/(dt)2 vθ,02 * r02 / r3   -   G*M/ r2                           reminder of the ar equation. Next we plug in the equations [1] and [2].

d2r/(dt)2(dt/dθ)2 * du/dr  =   (vθ,02 * r02 / r3   -   G*M/ r2) * (r4/ (vθ,0 * r0)2) * (-1/r2)        Plugged in equations... and then it simplifies to!

d2u/(dθ)2 +=  G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 )                                   This is the happy form, which shows up for all ideal harmonic oscillators. We can now get our solution from an integral table:

u(θ) = G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 )  + C1*sin(θ) + C2*cos(θ)             Ok, next we need to solve for those integration constants... Let's make θ0 = 0. at t = 0. then we can plug in r0 to get C2:


u0 = 1/r0 = G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 + C2                                                    Solving for C2

C2 = 1/r0 - G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 )                                                                                   Gotcha! No time like the present, plug it in.

u(θ) = G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 )  + C1*sin(θ) + ( 1/r0 - G*M/( vθ,02 * r02 ) ) *cos(θ)            Working equation...


Alright, the next one's gonna be the trick. We need to bring in our starting angle φ0, which will interact with the first derivative of u(θ) to generate C1.  When we take the first derivative, the constant drops out, the cosine turns into a -sine (which is 0 at θ=0) and the sine with C1 into a cosine (which is 1 at θ=0)

du/dθ (evaluated at θ = 0) = C1                                                            We're gonna need 3 derivatives for piecing together du/dθ, Fortunately, all of which we've determined already.

1. du/dr = -1/r2           2.   dr/dt = vr= v *sin(φ)        3.  dθ/dt = vθ/r = v *cos(φ)/r   .....   from these    Eq1 * Eq2 / Eq3   gives du/dθ
du/dr * dr/dt / (dθ/dt ) = (-1/r2) * v *sin(φ) / (v *cos(φ)/r)                   Simplify...
du/dθ = -tan(φ)/r                                                                                 And finally, evaluating at t = 0...
C1 = -tan(φ0)/r0                                                                                    This was easier than I feel like it should have been. I'll take it! Wrong units. Huh. Good to go.


u(θ) = G * M/( vθ,02 * r02 )  + (-tan(φ0)/r0)*sin(θ) + ( 1/r0 - G * M/( vθ,02 * r02) )*cos(θ)   Last step, convert back to r = 1/u

r(θ) = 1/[  G * M ( vθ,02 * r02 )  + (-tan(φ0)/r0)*sin(θ) + ( 1/r0 - G * M/( vθ,02 * r02) )*cos(θ) ]  Hee! Does it work? .... bug fixing.... bug fixing.... Now it does. Er, I mean, I always get it right first try!


1/  ( (3.5*10^12)/(2275^2*675000^2) +  (-tan(3.14/16)/675000)*sin(t)   (1/675000 - (3.5*10^12)/(2275^2*675000^2))*cos(t) )  Checks out. I'll need to double check exact values later, but it seems to fit the bill.

r(θ) = r02/[  G*M/ vθ,02  - r0*tan(φ0)*sin(θ) + ( r0 - G*M/ vθ,02)*cos(θ) ]           One simplification form.... I think this form is my favorite, but lastly:


|     r(θ) = r0/[  G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))  - tan(φ0)*sin(θ)  +  (1 - G*M/ (r0*v02*cos2(φ0)))*cos(θ) ]       |                  Yatta! :lol:

||   r(θ) = r0/[ cos(θ) + (G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0)))*(1-cos(θ))  - tan(φ0)*sin(θ)  ]    ||                                                (another alternative form, simplified for the constants, easier to play with)


So we finally have our full orbit equation in terms of only initial conditions. At some point, if the equations don't spaghetti  I'll complete the derivation of orbital parameters from initial conditions here.

Day 2:

OK, in a lot of ways the double boxed equation is super ideal! If you type it in to a calculator you can quickly go from your present conditions to an equation for your entire orbit. The question was how to get specific orbital values though, so in this next part we'll shoe-horn this equation into the standard format so we can find periapsis, argument of periapsis, eccentricity, and so on.

First off, what form are we trying to fit?

have r(θ) = r0/[    P  + Q*sin(θ)  +  (1 - P)*cos(θ)    ]                       (the single boxed formula we just derived with convenience constants P and Q)
r(θ) = a*(1-e2) / ( 1 - e*cos(θ + α ) )                                       (the standard formula with a phase shift so our variables will fit. Has convenience constants a=semimajor and e=eccentricity)

P = (G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0)))                                                               Just reiterating the convenience variables
Q = -tan(φ0)          

   We had to add the  α  into the standard form because our theta is 0 at t=0, rather than 0 at periapsis. The first step is going to be cramming the sin and cos terms together into one. Trigonometry textbook formula page go!

a*sin(x) + b*cos(x) = R*cos(x-α)   ,   R=(a2 + b2)1/2  ,   α=arctan(a/b)  

Now we just fill the form:
R=(Q2 + (1-P))1/2     
α = arctan(Q / (1-P) )                                                                                               This has a tan in an arctan... I want to fix it but I can't :/  Keep going!

r(θ) = r0/[   P  + R*cos(θ-α)  ]              We're plugging in our new simplified form with convenience variables composed of convenience variables! How deep will the rabbit hole go? We'll get apoapsis and periapsis from this equation. The cosine has a max of +1 and a min of -1, which correspond to periapsis and apoapsis respectively.

r(θ) = (r0/P)/[ 1 - (-R/P)*cos(θ-α)  ]         Here we have our equation shoe-horned in to the standard form. From this we can get eccentricity, true anomaly and semi-major axis. Argument of periapsis could also be determined if we had a set reference angle, but we never declared one. I suppose we could now, but eh?


Periapsis = r0 / (P+R) =   r0 / (P+(Q + (1-P))1/2)
Periapsis =   r0 / [
(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))+(tan2(φ0) + (1-(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))))1/2]    It's honestly not too bad, but it's a bit spaghetti.

Apoapsis = r0 / (P-R) =   r0 / (P-(Q + (1-P))1/2)
Apoapsis =   r0 / [
(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))) - (tan2(φ0) + (1-(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))))1/2]    There's other forms, but I haven't found any simpler

eccentricity = -R/P  = -(Q2 + (1-P))1/2 / P 
eccentricity =  -(tan2(φ0) + (1-(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))))1/2(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0)))        These are all easiest to just calculate P, Q and R first.

Semi-major axis = r0 / (P*(1-(R/P)2))                                                                                   This one in particular!

True anomaly = -arctan(Q
/ (1-P) )
True anomaly = arctan( tan(φ0) / (1-(G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0)))) )

All this said, I've had way worse as far as spaghetti goes. Hey! We set out to find our orbit's critical values in terms of present position/velocity and here we have it! We built a boat and found ourselves on the far shore. What to do now we're here? I think I'll just enjoy the view. Hopefully for you this is enough to take the next trek farther!

Day 3:  (WIP)

*cough cough*

Speaking of enjoying the view, I couldn't help but consider what we could learn from the equations we generated. In particular, the double-boxed equation is surprisingly concise. It wraps up the entire orbit using our starting variables only once or twice each, and can be invoked from any point in the orbit. Given the complexity of orbit and of orbital equations, that's surprising!

Let's look at that thing I dubbed 'P', which is central in the double-boxed equation
P = G*M/(r0*v02*cos2(φ0))
Q = - tan(φ0)

I actually wrote a section about how it's an energy ratio between escape energy and rotational energy  Egrav = GMm/and   Erot = 1/2 m vθ2   ... and while it is (mind the factor of 2) there's actually a better explanation.... It's a force balance!! I may be the only person for whom this seems insane- I wish I could convey it. There's a force balance in an equation that holds for all time. Forces are present, all time is not. This isn't a thing that I've ever seen happen for a system so complex. Energy sure, but force?? I think I'll leave the mistaken section at the bottom because I think it's funny. Also, the reason it isn't clear what these things mean is that they started as integration constants, which need to be divined from starting conditions through mathematical tomfoolery, they don't start as physical relationships. Ok, enough gabbing. Time to copy paste.

Gravity = G * M * m / r2
Centrifugal Force = m*
P = Gravity/Centrifugal

Then we notice the only difference between centrifugal force and coriolis force is that a vr and vθ are swapped. Suddenly, the tan(φ) makes sense!
Coriolis Force = -2m*
vθ = v *cos(φ)   ,   vr= v *sin(φ)    ,    vr/vθ = tan(φ)
Q = Coriolis/Centrifugal    (well 1/2Q the way I defined it)

And then, in the greatest logic leap I've made in a while, I'll claim that:
1 = Centrifugal/Centrifugal

So plugging it all back in, we see:

r(θ) = r0  *    FCentrifugal,0 /[ FCentrifugal,0 * cos(θ) + FGravityl,0*(1-cos(θ))  - FCoriolis,0*sin(θ)  ]     Then we remember that the only difference between these trig functions is the phase shift.

r(θ) = r0  *    FCentrifugal,0 /[ FGravityl,0*(1+cos(θ-180deg))  - 1/2FCoriolis,0*cos(θ-90deg) - FCentrifugal,0 * cos(θ-180deg) ]  

This is it! Values in the denominator increase your radius when they're small or negative, and increase your radius when they're big and positive. Because of that, I put minus signs on the forces that generally hold you out, so when that value's phase comes about is when it's doing its thing the most. We posited in the begining that orbits are caused by the interplay of these three forces, and now we can see the nature of that interplay very plainly. Hm.. maybe the best way to convey it would be a chart?

Total Coefficients of:
FGravity             FCentrifugal                 FCoriolis
Now                      0                      1                          0
90 deg                 1                       0                        -1/2
180 deg               2                      -1                         0
270 deg               1                       0                         1/2
360 deg                0                      1                          0

Remember, negative numbers mean out! So, this is a measure of how much your initial radius changes relative to whatever imbalance in the forces there are.





Edited by Cunjo Carl
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There are 2 doors. One leads to Life, and one leads to Death. There are 2 guards. One always tells the truth, and one always lies. You only have 1 question to ask each of them. How can you figure out which door leads to Life (a.k.a the door you want to go through.)?  :o


Is there a brain bender game I could put that in?



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