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Think of buying PC version


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  On 7/22/2016 at 4:06 PM, shuggaloaf said:

Buy them the PC version?

Sorry, couldn't resist. I agree with Bewing, until the console versions of the game are kept updated to the current version there are going to be a ton of issues reported that have already been addressed.


At the moment the console version is broken :( I have it on xbx1 now and it unplayable. I mean it crash every time i land on a moon, or planet . And save get rewinded waay back:( Kinda imbaresing but am buying my self a pc rig cuse of this game...  So a way to return my consol edition would be awesome :P But thing are sadly very limited to what "we" can do other then wait 4 patch on consol.  Do consol run on dx9 ? Why cant we use more thene one cpu core in this engine? Why use same patch on consol that hadd tons of problems on pc?  I have many more Q but.  Give the consolplayers patch and i realy hope its worth buying the pc version :)

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  On 7/26/2016 at 10:30 PM, Skubaben said:

At the moment the console version is broken :( I have it on xbx1 now and it unplayable. I mean it crash every time i land on a moon, or planet . And save get rewinded waay back:( Kinda imbaresing but am buying my self a pc rig cuse of this game...  So a way to return my consol edition would be awesome :P But thing are sadly very limited to what "we" can do other then wait 4 patch on consol.  Do consol run on dx9 ? Why cant we use more thene one cpu core in this engine? Why use same patch on consol that hadd tons of problems on pc?  I have many more Q but.  Give the consolplayers patch and i realy hope its worth buying the pc version :)


That's pretty awesome that KSP motivated you to get a good PC setup. I switched from console gaming to PC after xb360 and ps3. I sold those and all my games and haven't looked back. Almost every game for console is on pc and you can use an xbox or ps controller so it makes the switch easier. Also, and here's the thing, the games are cheaper! Not at first maybe, but once they get a little older the consoles hold out on price while pc drops. Like when PS gets the "greatest hits" but they're still like $20. Same game will be like half or less on PC. Also for a lot of games (like KSP) you can get free mods that make the game so much more. New parts/items, quests, textures, etc.

I can't answer some of your questions about the game as I don't have it on console. You could probably google it or search the forum here. I am pretty sure that the PC KSP that is now 64bit uses multiple cores. Actually, yep, I just checked. Haha. I'm playing while I type this (well, it's running in the VAB anyway) and I'm showing usage on all 6 of my cores from KSP_x64.exe.

I'm saying it definitely IS worth buying on the PC. Is it going to be perfect? No. We all still encounter bugs from time to time, but not as bad as the consoles at all. And to be fair some bugs/crashes come from mod conflicts and can't really be attributed to just the game. If you ran a stock KSP on the PC you'd have a much better experience than the Xbox. But dont! LOL Get some mods. The game is much better with them.

Now are you saying the game crashes when you land or are you crashing? Just trying to understand so I can help. On the PC version (and I'm assuming/hoping console as well) you can quick-save. Especially when you're first learning you're going to crash. I couldn't land for excrements when I first started now I can land a rocket in grandma Kerman's butt-crack. So see if you have quicksave. When you get to orbit, say around the Mun, quicksave before trying to land. If you see you're going to crash quickly do a quick-load and you'll be back to your save point.

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  On 7/27/2016 at 2:18 AM, shuggaloaf said:

That's pretty awesome that KSP motivated you to get a good PC setup. I switched from console gaming to PC after xb360 and ps3. I sold those and all my games and haven't looked back. Almost every game for console is on pc and you can use an xbox or ps controller so it makes the switch easier. Also, and here's the thing, the games are cheaper! Not at first maybe, but once they get a little older the consoles hold out on price while pc drops. Like when PS gets the "greatest hits" but they're still like $20. Same game will be like half or less on PC. Also for a lot of games (like KSP) you can get free mods that make the game so much more. New parts/items, quests, textures, etc.

I can't answer some of your questions about the game as I don't have it on console. You could probably google it or search the forum here. I am pretty sure that the PC KSP that is now 64bit uses multiple cores. Actually, yep, I just checked. Haha. I'm playing while I type this (well, it's running in the VAB anyway) and I'm showing usage on all 6 of my cores from KSP_x64.exe.

I'm saying it definitely IS worth buying on the PC. Is it going to be perfect? No. We all still encounter bugs from time to time, but not as bad as the consoles at all. And to be fair some bugs/crashes come from mod conflicts and can't really be attributed to just the game. If you ran a stock KSP on the PC you'd have a much better experience than the Xbox. But dont! LOL Get some mods. The game is much better with them.

Now are you saying the game crashes when you land or are you crashing? Just trying to understand so I can help. On the PC version (and I'm assuming/hoping console as well) you can quick-save. Especially when you're first learning you're going to crash. I couldn't land for excrements when I first started now I can land a rocket in grandma Kerman's butt-crack. So see if you have quicksave. When you get to orbit, say around the Mun, quicksave before trying to land. If you see you're going to crash quickly do a quick-load and you'll be back to your save point.


Thx for respond :) My dear friend i have planes :D I have found tweaks and mods i want to use :) I bought a i7 6700 k DDR 4. ROG motherboard. And 970 gtx.  I hope it will be enough :D I actely sold my last rig couple of years ago sadly :P I said to my self am sick of pc and all the configs and tweaks to get some games to work propely and so on :) And now am right back :) Dont get me wrong am exited getting back in real graphics and try dx12 :)

I have ofc crashed in mun :) But whene i say it crash.  Its often after i have landed and detached my rover to mine.  No exploses just sound tear and game resets.  And whene i load game again the save resets back waaay back exact same spot every time. Even the quik save is same place.  But before game crash i can relode the quiksave i just saved.  But resets after crash..  


I dont expect crash free:) but i hope to atleast progress more :) build a sick  base on duna or someting :). Explore every planet in kerbin univers

:)  I playd ALOT of games :) And Ksp rly is awesome game/program :) Program sounds better using this much time on :)  



Xbox : Skubaben

Steam : Baflabis 

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  On 7/27/2016 at 6:00 PM, Skubaben said:

...I bought a i7 6700 k DDR 4. ROG motherboard. And 970 gtx.  I hope it will be enough


No problem buddy! Yeah, I think that ought to do it! More powerful than my rig and I run the game fine.

  On 7/27/2016 at 6:00 PM, Skubaben said:

...I actely sold my last rig couple of years ago sadly :P I said to my self am sick of pc and all the configs and tweaks to get some games to work propely and so on :) And now am right back :) Dont get me wrong am exited getting back in real graphics and try dx12 :)


Yeah there may be some tweaks here and there with PC but a lot of those tweaks are what makes the games better! Besides with the setup you're getting I think you will have minimal issues.

  On 7/27/2016 at 6:00 PM, Skubaben said:

I have ofc crashed in mun :) But when i say it crash.  Its often after i have landed and detached my rover to mine.  No exploses just sound tear and game resets.  And whene i load game again the save resets back waaay back exact same spot every time. Even the quik save is same place.  But before game crash i can relode the quiksave i just saved.  But resets after crash..


Ok that is definitely not normal. Even if detaching your miner from your lander would cause a crash it shouldn't cause a sound tear and game reset. That definitely sounds like a bug. And if you can use a quicksave from, say, around the moon's orbit but then you crash and it puts you back to, say, Kerbin's orbit and you can't load back to the mun that sounds like a bug too. Or a corrupted quicksave file. It'll be better on PC for sure. I would contact Squad and ask them if it's possible to trade your XB version for a PC version. I believe the cost would be similar and after hearing that you bought a whole PC setup just to play their game? How could they not be impressed by that? :wink:

Yeah you can definitely make all kinds of cool as well as goofy (see my space bong) things in KSP. Your imagination is the limit (well that and too many parts).

Here's just a couple things I did in an older version of KSP.
This is just the tip of the iceburg. I have probably a couple thousands hours in to KSP so I've made a ton of stuff but these are a few things I actually have screenshots of. I may go through and add some more images at some point.

Once you get it up and running. Some mods I would recommend would be:

@sarbian's MechJeb. Especially for new users. Helps to automate a lot of things and gives great info. As you get more experience you'll prob find that you won't automate things anymore but the info is great to have!

@JPLRepo's Endurance Continued. Adds parts from Endurance ship from the movie Interstellar. These are just some really cool and useful parts to have. I've made all kinds of stuff from them that are not the actual Endurance ship. In my pics link above the x-16 is made with 2 landers on the sides and vipers on the bottom.

@KospY & @winn75's KIS & KAS mods. Does so much stuff. Allows attaching of parts on EVA, fuel pipes, winches, etc. etc. and gives storage so you can bring parts in storage containers. Honestly just look at their page for everything. Other mods use it as well and while not strictly necessary, you're going to want it and it's definitely a necessity for me!

@Nertea's Near Future Technology. Actually a collection of 5 different parts packs. Tons of useful parts and very nice looking as well.

OPT Space Plane Parts has some great parts as well. It's working for me with the current PC version but it looks like the updating may be spotty from here out. Still worth a shot as it still works with KSP 1.1.3

@Nils277's Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS). Lots of really nice base parts that work with other mods that offer things like life support, more complex resource mining, etc.

@Angel-125's Pathfinder Mod. "Space Camping and GeoScience" Lots of nice parts, new resources, distribution of resources without direct connections with nearby bases (trust me you will want this once u start building ur bases) and just well, a ton of other stuff. Check out the link.

When you want to change the look of KSP, check out EVE, Scatterer and Texture Replacer.

There's a bunch more that I have (approx 40 mods total) and waaay more out there. I'm not in front of my GameData folder so I'm prob forgetting some good ones. Just check stuff out, if you don't like it, it's free and just delete it.

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  On 7/26/2016 at 10:30 PM, Skubaben said:

At the moment the console version is broken :( I have it on xbx1 now and it unplayable. I mean it crash every time i land on a moon, or planet . And save get rewinded waay back:( Kinda imbaresing but am buying my self a pc rig cuse of this game...  So a way to return my consol edition would be awesome :P But thing are sadly very limited to what "we" can do other then wait 4 patch on consol.  Do consol run on dx9 ? Why cant we use more thene one cpu core in this engine? Why use same patch on consol that hadd tons of problems on pc?  I have many more Q but.  Give the consolplayers patch and i realy hope its worth buying the pc version :)


KSP on PC is amazing!!!

We can pretty much do anything thanks to all the mods and depending on what sort of computer you have it can also be faster.

If I were you I wouldn't even think twice, its the best 38 (australian)  dollars I have spent.

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Its deffintly worth getting KSP on PC, you have mods to choose from, better preformance and stuff like that. And i heard you are planning to build a good PC, wich is absolutely wonderfull. Good luck!

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  On 7/30/2016 at 3:17 AM, BT Industries said:

KSP on PC is amazing!!!

We can pretty much do anything thanks to all the mods and depending on what sort of computer you have it can also be faster.

If I were you I wouldn't even think twice, its the best 38 (australian)  dollars I have spent.


Yeah my pc has arrived at post office Now! :) omg!  Exited! But need to build it.  Install.  And config fanspeed and what not :)  It wasent the cheepest pc so am going to use my time building tweeking it to my desire . And thene start getting a fue mods at start.  I see alot of mods i want to try! :)  so tomorrow i hope ksp for all the money ! :P prosjekt duna base! :)


I7 6700k . 6. Gen 

Rog motherboard. 

DDR4 . 

970 gtx

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You've got quite a great setup! I personally recommend Stock Visual Enhancements and Stock Visual Terrain, they are great visual mods that makes the game beautiful! For parts I love Bluedog Design Bureau, Tantares and HabTech, they match the stock games's art style and will add 350+ parts with all three!

Here's a screenshot of what SVE and SVT looks like:


For installing mods CKAN can help a lot, it is a mod installer, but it can install mods incorrectly sometimes.

I do think you'll love the game a lot more on PC, and have fun!

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An important mod is the Kerbal Alarm clock once you play with multiple vessels or want to save transfer windows... Oh and scatterer's shadows of the mountains at the KSP at sunset seen from orbit are so astonishing - not to mention the enhanced looks of the oceans.

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Games works fluiently! So am sitting learning abit abut mods. And how to use xbox one elite controller in game for flying. Buttons  are synced but the "Joysticks"/Axis dont respond in the game jett. Any tips would be awesome! I tryed to find mod that support newest kps. But only found one that supports 1.1.2 . And flying with keyboard buttons isent a option :P ( Xbox controller now works) 


Atm i feel overvelmed with all things i have to learn now :D:D

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