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[1.3.0] Andromeda Visuals: Daydream [0.3.5]


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  On 9/11/2016 at 2:29 PM, Ceras said:

@Matchlight I don't know if you want it but I finished the rain particle effect too (I also added like a fog type thing to mine, I can leave it in if you want but you don't need to use it obviously) 

The fog and rain use the same material and texture too, just cleverly (ish) done in the particle renderer so they're different shapes

I will post images in a moment if you want :)


Thanks man, go ahead :D sorry i couldn't respond earlier; Time zones i guess.

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Alright, here take a look first, since its 10:48pm here I'm not actually on Unity now (even though I say since its that time but sometimes I can be using it till like 3am) but here are the screenshots I took earlier, they're not great quality again like the videos but the particle effects do look better in unity. 


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  On 9/11/2016 at 9:48 PM, Ceras said:

Alright, here take a look first, since its 10:48pm here I'm not actually on Unity now (even though I say since its that time but sometimes I can be using it till like 3am) but here are the screenshots I took earlier, they're not great quality again like the videos but the particle effects do look better in unity. 



They look incredible! just what i was looking for :D

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@Matchlight It is a really nice effort to ressurect this mod. I always wanted to use it, but never could since when I started playing KSP, it was already incompatible with the latest release. So, really thank you for your effort. I'd like also to ask permission to mess around with Kerbin clouds. I think that EVE (and thus SVE) have clouds that cover too much of the surface. How will Jeb be able to see his house from space with so many clouds? The latest release of EVE does not have that many clouds, so I'm thinking in performing some sort of merge with it and see if the results are good. I have zero experience with modding KSP though, so I am not sure if I will be able to achieve anything...

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  On 9/11/2016 at 9:48 PM, Ceras said:

Alright, here take a look first, since its 10:48pm here I'm not actually on Unity now (even though I say since its that time but sometimes I can be using it till like 3am) but here are the screenshots I took earlier, they're not great quality again like the videos but the particle effects do look better in unity. 



Do Want

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/12/2016 at 2:24 PM, Wilhelm said:


@Matchlight It is a really nice effort to ressurect this mod. I always wanted to use it, but never could since when I started playing KSP, it was already incompatible with the latest release. So, really thank you for your effort. I'd like also to ask permission to mess around with Kerbin clouds. I think that EVE (and thus SVE) have clouds that cover too much of the surface. How will Jeb be able to see his house from space with so many clouds? The latest release of EVE does not have that many clouds, so I'm thinking in performing some sort of merge with it and see if the results are good. I have zero experience with modding KSP though, so I am not sure if I will be able to achieve anything...


Go ahead, mess around with anything you like! :D If the results are good please tell me all about it, Sorry it took me so long to reply... I've been quite busy lately.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 7:24 AM, Matchlight said:

So guys, is this working in 1.2?

Yeah, this is a very gpu intensive mod. I would recommend using KSPRC or EVE instead as it is much less GPU intensive :D


KSPRC is likely the most demanding visual pack.  I don't know that I would be sending  guys there for performance. 

Eve is good though.. 

  On 10/18/2016 at 9:46 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I'm still waiting on the rain.

I'm also still waiting to see what this pack with be renamed to now that @Astronomer is back and working on a new pack


I think because of Astronomer's return,  perhaps this mod should should come to a halt.  If the rain is ever going to actually come to fruition,  I think it would be better served in a mod like Scatterer.  I'd say bring it up with blackrack and see what he says.  I think there is a reason rain hasn't been implemented in a long time and I think it has to do with performance

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  On 10/18/2016 at 9:46 PM, Drew Kerman said:

I'm still waiting on the rain.

I'm also still waiting to see what this pack with be renamed to now that @Astronomer is back and working on a new pack


Hey, guys! Thank you for keeping the mod alive! As you probably all know I'll be releasing a new version soon for 1.2 (on the same mod page, will start a new thread). I've already reworked snow and will bring back lightning as an optional feature. I can't think of a way to make rain with playable performance, but I'll try. I'll link to the windowshine mod from within the pack as one of the recommended mods though. Matchlight, it's up to you if you wanna lock this thread, but if you wanna keep working on this version as a stand-alone that's fine. Maybe rename it to something like "Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack"? Who knows, maybe 10 years from now there's gonna be a thread called "Aleph Null's Sagan's MLG420Illuminati's CenaKiller99's Gelileo's Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack", but probably not. If you guys have a great suggestion do let me know!

Update: Like Galileo said though - it's best we leave rain up to blackrack.

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I mainly do photos, so performance is not an issue for me. If it looks like it's raining and its only 15fps I'll take it. Of course, that's not much motivation for anyone to work on rain from scratch so the only reason I was asking here is because I saw examples of it already implemented in the game on this thread

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  On 7/31/2016 at 11:27 AM, Matchlight said:

Astronomer's Visual Pack: Andromeda also includes a pre-installed version of Windowshine by Avera9eJoe and Astronomer's nebula skybox. For now, here are some eye candy images of what i have done so far! 


You make me proud :'D - Do note however that the shaders WindowShine runs off of have a number of bugs I.E. part highlighting and cabin lights not functioning. I actually have new shaders for it but I don't have the modding experience to implement them. If you have the skill or know someone who could get this running please send them my way :/

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  On 10/19/2016 at 1:16 AM, Avera9eJoe said:

You make me proud :'D - Do note however that the shaders WindowShine runs off of have a number of bugs I.E. part highlighting and cabin lights not functioning. I actually have new shaders for it but I don't have the modding experience to implement them. If you have the skill or know someone who could get this running please send them my way :/


Oh man and that shader looked fantastic! Hey have you asked @blackrack about pointers on implementing that shader? I'm sure he would be a great starting point.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 10:32 PM, Astronomer said:

Hey, guys! Thank you for keeping the mod alive! As you probably all know I'll be releasing a new version soon for 1.2 (on the same mod page, will start a new thread). I've already reworked snow and will bring back lightning as an optional feature. I can't think of a way to make rain with playable performance, but I'll try. I'll link to the windowshine mod from within the pack as one of the recommended mods though. Matchlight, it's up to you if you wanna lock this thread, but if you wanna keep working on this version as a stand-alone that's fine. Maybe rename it to something like "Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack"? Who knows, maybe 10 years from now there's gonna be a thread called "Aleph Null's Sagan's MLG420Illuminati's CenaKiller99's Gelileo's Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack", but probably not. If you guys have a great suggestion do let me know!

Update: Like Galileo said though - it's best we leave rain up to blackrack.



  On 10/18/2016 at 10:32 PM, Astronomer said:

Hey, guys! Thank you for keeping the mod alive! As you probably all know I'll be releasing a new version soon for 1.2 (on the same mod page, will start a new thread). I've already reworked snow and will bring back lightning as an optional feature. I can't think of a way to make rain with playable performance, but I'll try. I'll link to the windowshine mod from within the pack as one of the recommended mods though. Matchlight, it's up to you if you wanna lock this thread, but if you wanna keep working on this version as a stand-alone that's fine. Maybe rename it to something like "Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack"? Who knows, maybe 10 years from now there's gonna be a thread called "Aleph Null's Sagan's MLG420Illuminati's CenaKiller99's Gelileo's Matchlight's Astronomer's Visual Pack", but probably not. If you guys have a great suggestion do let me know!

Update: Like Galileo said though - it's best we leave rain up to blackrack.


Omg, your back!:0.0: I'll definitely be using your pack from now on haha, mine was very under-optimised and I think its best that you continue your work. I give you full credit. I won't take down the page just in case people want to compare or for whatever reason use this pack. I may update from now and then but for now I guess its retired. Also, this mod is literally the only thing I have done when it comes to KSP mods, The only real reason I made it was to try get back your mod! Anyway thanks for responding and good luck, if you ever need me with texture design I have come along way with my Photoshop skills. :D Btw, if you want I'd be happy to test the pre-release versions and tell you if there are any bugs/ glitches.


As for the future, I'm gonna continue working on this mod but branch out to my own visual packs. And who knows, maybe one day we'll make a pack together. But for now I'm going to work on my YouTube channel, It's my primary goal to expand on that.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 9:36 PM, maybach123 said:

been watching this thread for a while. absolutely love the mod and cant wait till its updates to 1.2 :D


Thanks, I will eventually work on it but as said, Astronomer is back so I'd recommend checking out his stuff!

  On 10/19/2016 at 2:14 AM, sDaZe said:

Ignore this


I don't think so! :wink:

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  On 10/19/2016 at 1:03 PM, Matchlight said:

Thanks, I will eventually work on it but as said, Astronomer is back so I'd recommend checking out his stuff!

I don't think so! :wink:


when i try this mod out it keeps crashing how can i keep it from going above my ram limit? and decrease lag

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  On 10/26/2016 at 1:13 AM, Program Kerbal Space said:

when i try this mod out it keeps crashing how can i keep it from going above my ram limit? and decrease lag


are you running a windows 64 bit install? And if so are you already using 64bit KSP?

I was having CTD issues for a day or two, didn't realize that I was running 32bit KSP for my modded install. Switching to the 64bit client has solved issues with ram limit. May help depending on how much ram you have available.

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