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[Kopernicus](V0.55)(1.1.3) Universe: Star Pack


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After being distracted for far too long, I'm working on Universe again. However, I'll be completely rebuilding the mod (with the fancy stuff added), and so this might take a while. Thanks for your patience!



Universe - The Stock Interstellar Experience

Version 0.55

Most planet packs adding other stars have all had one flaw in my opinion - getting to those other stars takes either mods or ridiculously large and laggy spacecraft. What if going to another star took as much time and effort as going to Jool? No millennium-long transfer orbits. No crazy mods required - just stock KSP. Well, here it is.

Downscale - by 90%

Yes, that's right. Universe is the same size as the Toy Solar System mod, except, instead of just downscaling existing planets, Universe replaces and adds more. A LOT more. Where the stock game has 16 non-stellar bodies, Universe has 30, around five (and a half) different stars.

Notes and Download


I'm still working on heightmap smoothing through PQS (I've learned a lot (kinda)) so you should notice that several planets, (Minthe and E-1, most noticeably) no longer look like pixely piles of junk. As for total planetary count, there's nothing large left - maybe a few asteroid moons or another gas giant, but I want to keep the normal version from being GIGANTIC.


Explore Strange New Worlds

http://imgur.com/a/1TDyE (I'm posting the album as a link because Imgur is going totally wacko.)

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What May Become Frequently Asked Questions/Comments (Please read if you think something is wrong!)

Does this replace our stock system? - Yes, it does, and replaces it with my own textured planets.

Will this have compatibility with (insert mod here)? - Will it? Maybe. Does it? No. Currently, due to resizing everything, planet packs like OPM, or frankly just about anything are going to be 10x larger. This is one reason Universe is still in add-on development. 

One of the planets is acting up! - Please tell me which one it is and what's wrong. I haven't done a huge amount of testing, and there might be some problems. Once again, still in add-on development.

I want MOAR! - First of all, thanks, and secondly, I'm working on an Expanded Version that will have some more planets to add, as well as a Light Version if your computer is on the weaker side.

What do I need to make this work? - You need the latest version of Kopernicus and ModuleManager - that should be all. (If not, please tell me!)

I see all these references to binaries and rings and stuff. Why aren't they ingame? Did I do something wrong? - This is still V0.55, and I'm mostly working on adding planets and stuff like that, so rings and binaries aren't there yet because they don't exist in the pack yet!


 - @GregroxMun for letting me use the removestockplanets.cfg from his Vernian project

- @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures for letting me use the Valentine config from the unfortunately abandoned Extrasolar mod as a template for the stars. Also, for helping me a lot with learning how to make decent textures in GIMP

- @_Augustus_ because I'm using the Pledna config as a template for rougly half my terrestrial planets. (I don't claim ownership of the config structure - I'm still a starter when it comes to planet packs and am working on writing my own config templates) I'm in the process of switching to KopernicusExamples templates.

- GIMP and SpaceEngine - the two most important parts to making planets with water

- @daniel l. because I used the Sun's ring texture from the abandoned Dark Days mod as a ring for Kega, recolored.


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Bugs and What's Next:

Kerbin still has the annoying heightmap noise, and I just can't seem to get rid of it. Erbin has a similar problem, but I'm trying to iron this out.

The next update should consist of continuing depixelation of planetary heighmaps through PQS, and maybe some ground scatter if I feel like it.



Edited by Daeridanii
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  On 8/2/2016 at 9:41 PM, TheSealBrigade said:

What a wonderful and creative mod! I will probably find myself playing more KSP than usual...

And decent textures in GIMP? I've got a plan for a planet pack of my own, it would be wonderful if passed on the knowledge, @Daeridanii.


I'll try to make a tutorial tomorrow, I need to sleep before doing so. Also, you just made my day.

  On 8/2/2016 at 11:37 PM, ImkSushi said:

Right click the download button on spacedock, and click 'Copy link address'


Thanks! Will do.

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  On 8/3/2016 at 9:10 PM, AlexTheNotSoGreat said:

Aside from obvious WIP textures and alike, that I'm positive will be redone soon, this is actually really cool! Even at stock KSP or even real scale, this would be a great experience!


Thanks! I'm mostly going to try to be adding ground scatter and biomes in the next update, as well as smoothing some of the smaller moons (moonlets, mostly) and larger planets (Vestan, especially.) That might take a while, though, so I'll try to release it in chunks.

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Am gonna keep en eye on this mod as it looks great;

Testing on Mac and It looks like the world first contract orbit kerbol 3 keeps coming up, have 4 completed so far, however this is blocking the future world firsts such as orbiting one of the moons of kerbol 3 from showing up at all.  Is super easy to get off of kerbol 3 and orbit it with just 2 tech nodes open Excited to see how easy planets/stars will be

Edited by ToneStack
correcting auto correct
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version 1.0



I fell in love with Universe: star pack, it fells so gorgeous and genuinely stock, so why don't make it work in symbiosis with the stock system, and add an another wonderful Planets Pack: OPM!


this is a link to some explaining image stuff: http://imgur.com/gallery/z0WTm


I changed some orbits to keep the planets of the mod in the other star system:

  • Cthonias to Kerb 359
  • Helias to Kega
  • Vesta to KSR-15
  • Erbin to Cydias


All the orbits, gravity influence and dimensions are increased  10x!

Here is a link to the file, copy it directly into the Game Data folder : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zj2nx7wgjli3ypy/AAAR9rge3_EyHQdy2T86_OFIa?dl=0

Remember to install Kopernicus and Module Manager first!

If you want to make it work with OPM, install it before this



Special thanks to @Daeridanii and @CaptRobau for their wonderful work: Per aspera ad astra!




Edited by SartinMax
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  On 8/20/2016 at 3:14 AM, EnriqueB said:

What is the offset in VHM, and the order in VCM


VertexHeightMap offset is usually zero, but usually is different on planets with oceans. VertexColorMap order is 500 on all of them. (You can find this out yourself in the files.)

NOTE: I've been away for a while, but am continuing work on planetary surface pixelation, so the worst of it should be gone by next update. :)

Edited by Daeridanii
Offset, not deformity.
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More of a progress update than anything else.

  On 9/1/2016 at 2:54 PM, _Augustus_ said:

Thanks for thanking me, Pledna was a 10-minute config that I made out of boredom.


It was a very useful config. :wink:


Unfortunately, I haven't been working on Universe for a while due to numerous reasons, including some other games that I found. Don't worry, I have no intent of abandoning it any time soon! I'm back working on it now, but development will be a bit slower than the first update.

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I wanna do a version for KSP 1.1.2, Kopernicus 1.0.4 and 4 GB min. memory required.


- Changed scale to stock scale. You need to have warp drive mods like USI Alcubierre Warp Drive, WarpShip, or KSP Interstellar, if you don't wanna make decades of travel.

- Changed the folder arrangement and code to be compatible with Kopernicus 1.0.4 and KSP 1.1.2

- Changed all textures to .dds (using a DDS plugin for GIMP).

- Added biome maps!

Looks great, no? :D



Edited by EnriqueB
i forgot biomes!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

For the scatters try something like this:











                                                                name = LandClass1

                                                                color = RGBA(100,123,100,255) 





                                                                                        density = 1

                                                                                        scatterName = boulder









 NOTE : This is only an example, you need to define it. A(255) is solid color.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to present the new Minthe. Work is proceeding well on the PQSing - you can't see a single pixel while landed.

However, I'm still running into the overbright terrain issue - if anyone has any ideas, I'd be quite grateful.


Thought I should put this out here as an explanation for my silence. Also, sorry for the bump. :blush:

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  • 1 year later...

Is there any way to put it at 1x size, since it said it was 1/10 size? I find that with most star packs, the stars are so bright or so close that it'll constantly be day on Kerbin or other planets. If anyone can give me pointers on how to either increase the size of the systems, or to decrease the brightness of the stars so they don't cause mass insomnia among the kerbals, I'd very much appreciate it.

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