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[1.11.1] Hullcam VDS Continued


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  On 7/27/2023 at 6:01 PM, CalvonVulcan said:

i first tried to delte the old verison i ahd and install the latest one, first manually and then it said that it was wrongly installed like saying it was in entire diffrent folder but i didnt move  anything then i tried ckan and didnt want to at first but then it would and it didnt say anything same with manul i think it work because i deleted everything with hull cams, the docking cams work but i dont have the cameras and telescopes


Your log says you are using KSP 1.12.3, I'd suggest upgrading to 1.12.4, at least, if not 1.12.5.  Nothing big, just good to be on the latest version

Some of the cameras need other mods installed.  But the fact that your docking cameras are working is a fairly good sign

You do have a lot of mods, are you sure it's not just a matter of the cameras not being available due to your game progression?  The log file doesn't say anything about what game mode you are playing in.

I'd suggest doing the following:

1.  Start the game into a sandbox mode, see if the cameras are there

2.  If they are, then you just have a science/technology issue

3.  If they aren't, then first delete the entire HullCameraVDS directory, boot up and verify the following:

    a.  No docking camera shows up

    b.  No reference to any of the hullcam cameras are in the log file

4.  Then, install the mod, start up in sandbox and check again

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  On 7/27/2023 at 6:31 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Your log says you are using KSP 1.12.3, I'd suggest upgrading to 1.12.4, at least, if not 1.12.5.  Nothing big, just good to be on the latest version

Some of the cameras need other mods installed.  But the fact that your docking cameras are working is a fairly good sign

You do have a lot of mods, are you sure it's not just a matter of the cameras not being available due to your game progression?  The log file doesn't say anything about what game mode you are playing in.

I'd suggest doing the following:

1.  Start the game into a sandbox mode, see if the cameras are there

2.  If they are, then you just have a science/technology issue

3.  If they aren't, then first delete the entire HullCameraVDS directory, boot up and verify the following:

    a.  No docking camera shows up

    b.  No reference to any of the hullcam cameras are in the log file

4.  Then, install the mod, start up in sandbox and check again


I am using sandbox, i use 1.12.3 as alot of the mods i use dont really have it fun with 1.12.4 or 1.12.5, But ill try What you suggested (Im not Good at logs, so would it be okay if i send you my log then?)

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  On 7/27/2023 at 7:40 PM, CalvonVulcan said:

I am using sandbox, i use 1.12.3 as alot of the mods i use dont really have it fun with 1.12.4 or 1.12.5, But ill try What you suggested (Im not Good at logs, so would it be okay if i send you my log then?)



  On 7/27/2023 at 7:40 PM, CalvonVulcan said:

I am using sandbox, i use 1.12.3 as alot of the mods i use dont really have it fun with 1.12.4 or 1.12.5, But ill try What you suggested (Im not Good at logs, so would it be okay if i send you my log then?)


All mods which work on 1.12.3 work on 1.12.5

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  On 7/28/2023 at 10:27 AM, JonnyOThan said:

I really doubt the game version is the issue; 1.12.3 and later are all functionally identical (which also means staying on an older version because of  compatibility is not a valid reason).


I agree, but he mentioned that the mods weren't compatible, I was just pointing out that they were

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  • 1 month later...


I’m having some issues with this mod and RasterPropMonitor. It seems like the cfg files might need a look over to update them for the latest rpm? I’ve been trying to figure it out myself, but everything I’ve tried has either not worked at all or caused a bunch of errors in module manager.

The camera filters (e.g. night vision) don’t seem to work at all when viewed through the rpm screen.

The docking port cameras don’t work at all with rpm. I don’t see anything in the cfg files that adds an rpm module to the docking port parts, so I tried fixing this myself by making a module manager patch file, but I couldn’t get anything to work. I found a fix. See below post.

Only the forward facing camera of the booster cam works with rpm. I’m pretty sure the reason is that both the forward and rearward cameras are being given the same rpm Camera ID. If multiple cameras are assigned the same ID number, rpm will only detect one of them. The Booster Camera's cfg file has a comment saying this is a known issue with no current workaround.

The night vision camera works fine when viewed using the ‘=’ key, but is rotated 90 degrees when viewed in rpm. The camera’s viewpoint is also too far back, causing your view to be clipping through the camera’s model. The rotation is an easy fix. In rpm2-hullcam-models-as-external-cameras.cfg, change the night vision camera’s rotation to “%rotateCamera = -90,90,0”. For some reason %translateCamera doesn’t seem to do anything, so I don’t know how to fix that part.

If you right click a kerbal, there’s an “activate camera” button and an “enable camera” button. The camera is really easy to bug out by clicking activate, then enable, or using ‘=’ and ‘-’ after clicking one of the options. Log file:

This next issue went away when I deleted all mods and reinstalled only rpm, hullcam, and module manager, so this one is a mod conflict, but I have yet to track it down. The booster cam’s rearward camera was rotated to point in the same direction as the forward camera. I don’t know how that happened, and I’m still trying to recreate it. If I find out how that happened, I’ll post here.

Edited by Micro753
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@linuxgurugamer I found out why my attempt at fixing the docking port cameras wasn't working. I was using ModuleDockingNode as the camera container because that's what the Squad files had as the module name, but apparently it needed to be dockingNode instead. I added this to a cfg file and the docking port cameras are working again:

  Reveal hidden contents

This cfg also works even without hullcam and only rpm.

Edited by Micro753
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I keep on accidentally switching to cameras whenever I use the next, previous (- and =) for other purposes, even when I'm not controlling the vehicles that have the cameras. Sometimes it even breaks the game entirely. As @ElonsMusk suggested, if it's possible to disable the mod to prevent these kinds of miss inputs?

Overall, this mod is incredible, thanks for continuing the development!

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  On 11/26/2023 at 11:32 AM, omegalex said:


I keep on accidentally switching to cameras whenever I use the next, previous (- and =) for other purposes, even when I'm not controlling the vehicles that have the cameras. Sometimes it even breaks the game entirely. As @ElonsMusk suggested, if it's possible to disable the mod to prevent these kinds of miss inputs?

Overall, this mod is incredible, thanks for continuing the development!


Not easily at this time

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This mod is still one of my favorites of all time, it's a must-have for me for any install! Thank you for the continued maintenance, your work is greatly appreciated!

  On 4/29/2024 at 5:03 AM, kerbal1873631287 said:

how do i get rid of the crosshair on the cameras?


Only some cameras have crosshairs, you can typically fix this by using a different camera. For example, docking cameras have them by default because it's easier to line up your approach with them.

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  On 4/29/2024 at 5:03 AM, kerbal1873631287 said:

how do i get rid of the crosshair on the cameras?


If you want, you can just edit the cfg files in the ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\HullCameraVDS\Parts\


Find the cfg of the camera you want to change and and edit the line:

cameraMode = 7


cameraMode = 0

Save the cfg and run the game.

If you update the mod it will overwrite your changes and you would need to do it again

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  • 2 months later...

@linuxgurugamer Playing with this plus probe control room and ksa iva.  The external view from the camera I'm using had a black dot in the middle, did some digging and found the camera translations from the part configs to the rpm patch in the MM scripts folder don't match.  Matching them solved the issue.


        %name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
        %cameraContainer = Cylinder
        %rotateCamera = 0,0,0
        %translateCamera = 0,0,0
        %cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam

hc_Kazzelblad part config

//    MODULE
//    {
//        name = HullCamera    
//        //cameraName = SciCam
//        cameraName = KazzelBlad
//        cameraForward = 0, 1, 0
//        cameraUp = 0, 0, -1
//        cameraPosition = 0.0, 0.25, 0.0
//        cameraFoVMax = 20
//        cameraFoVMin = 4

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Got a question on the camera ID system... how does it work? I'm trying to make a cinematic for the last flight of a rocket but can't seem to get the actual number in which the cameras should cycle through to actually cycle. I do have a Launch Camera watching from a little ways away (Within vessel swap distance) if that's anything to account for.

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  • 4 months later...

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