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[1.11.1] Hullcam VDS Continued


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On 8/22/2021 at 12:36 PM, EritoKaio said:

Also I remember there was a mod that had a visual cone of the FOV when placing it in the VAB but I can't remember what mod it is, does anyone know?

I'd like to know the answer to this as well. @linuxgurugamer, are we imagining this? I've seen videos in which the part in the VAB was accompanied by a blue cone showing the camera's field of view.

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2 hours ago, jefferyharrell said:

I'd like to know the answer to this as well. @linuxgurugamer, are we imagining this? I've seen videos in which the part in the VAB was accompanied by a blue cone showing the camera's field of view.

I'm pretty sure you can trigger this by pressing and holding "U" in the VAB

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14 hours ago, jefferyharrell said:

Pressing "U" in the VAB doesn't do anything for me. I'm running 1.12.2 if that matters.

I just re-tested and confirmed that in my game (KSP v1.11.1, HullcamVDS v0.2.1.3) I see the blue cone when placing a camera, and I see cones for all cameras when I hold the "U" key. I have a heavily modded save but if you are having an issue where you don't see the cone at all when placinga cam, or the "U" key doesn't do anything, maybe 1.12.2 has something to do with it. I imagine that @linuxgurugamer could look at when he has time, but I also imagine you should have the log handy from attempts to press the "U" button in the VAB doing nothing.

Edited by Zelda
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48 minutes ago, Zelda said:

I just re-tested and confirmed that in my game (KSP v1.11.1, HullcamVDS v0.2.1.3) I see the blue cone when placing a camera, and I see cones for all cameras when I hold the "U" key. I have a heavily modded save but if you are having an issue where you don't see the cone at all when placinga cam, or the "U" key doesn't do anything, maybe 1.12.2 has something to do with it. I imagine that @linuxgurugamer could look at when he has time, but I also imagine you should have the log handy from attempts to press the "U" button in the VAB doing nothing.

Ok, sounds like a problem with 1.12

Thanks for confirming it works in 1.11.  I'll add this to my todo list :D


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2 hours ago, Zelda said:

I just re-tested and confirmed that in my game (KSP v1.11.1, HullcamVDS v0.2.1.3) I see the blue cone when placing a camera, and I see cones for all cameras when I hold the "U" key. I have a heavily modded save but if you are having an issue where you don't see the cone at all when placinga cam, or the "U" key doesn't do anything, maybe 1.12.2 has something to do with it. I imagine that @linuxgurugamer could look at when he has time, but I also imagine you should have the log handy from attempts to press the "U" button in the VAB doing nothing.

Just tested this in a clean 1.11 game, I don't see the cone.  What other mods do you have installed?  

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12 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Just tested this in a clean 1.11 game, I don't see the cone.  What other mods do you have installed?  

Oh interesting. Maybe this is coming from another mod, but it seems to only affect HullcamVDS cameras so I always assumed it came from that. I'll get the mod list after work and post it here.

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Okay, @linuxgurugamer, here is the list of DLLs from my KSP.log. Sorry, there are a lot. :/ 

Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0
ModuleManager v4.2.1.0
ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.10.17
FilterExtensions v3.2.6.0 / v1.0.0.0
BlendshapeModelLoader v1.0.0.0
TexturesUnlimited v0.0.0.0
aaa_Toolbar v1.8.0.5
ToolbarControl v0.1.9.4 / v1.0.0.0
AnyResContinued v2.0.7.3
Sigma88LoadingScreens v0.5.0.0
SigmaReplacementsSkyBox v1.0.0.0
B9AnimationModules v1.7.0.0 / vv1.7.0
B9PartSwitch v2.17.0.0 / vv2.17.0
BDAnimationModules v0.6.6.0
RNModules v1.1.9.0
WearableProps v1.0.0.0
KSP_Log v1.2.0.0 / v1.2.0
BetterLoadSaveGame v2.5.3.3
SigmaTweakMaxResource v1.0.0.0
BetterTimeWarp v2.3.12.5
CameraTools v1.19.0.0 / v1.19.0
Chatterer v0.9.99.2788
CCK v4.0.0.0 / v4.0.0.0 for KSP 1.5.0
ConformalDecals v1.0.0.0 / v1.0.0
ContractConfigurator v1.0.0.0 / v1.30.5
RemoteTech v1.9.0.0 / v1.9.11
CC_RemoteTech v1.0.0.0 / v1.30.5
CustomPreLaunchChecks v1.0.0.0 / v1.8.1.0
KerbalKonstructs v2.0.0.0 / v1.8.3.0
KerKonConConExt v1.0.0.0 / v1.30.5
KXAPI v1.0.0.0
CraftManager v1.0.7240.23210
KatLib v1.0.7240.21438
CrewQueueTwo v1.1.11.3
SimpleBoiloff v0.2.1.0
CustomAsteroids v1.9.0.0
CustomBarnKit v1.1.21.0
DatedQuickSaves v1.2.4.4 / v1.1.5.0
DecouplerShroud v1.0.0.0
DeployableEngines v2.2.0.0
DestructionEffects v1.12.0.0
DistantObject v2.0.2.0
DMagic v1.4.3.0 / vv1.4.3.0
DynamicBatteryStorage v1.0.0.0
FlightTracker v1.0.0.0
EarnYourStripes v1.0.0.0
EditorExtensionsRedux v3.4.3.5
EditorTime v1.0.6.0
EngineLightRelit v1.6.3.0 / v1.0.0.0
Atmosphere v1.11.3.1
CelestialShadows v1.11.3.1
CityLights v1.11.3.1
EVEManager v1.11.3.1
PartFX v1.11.3.1
PQSManager v1.11.3.1
ShaderLoader v1.11.3.1
Terrain v1.11.3.1
TextureConfig v1.11.3.1
Utils v1.11.3.1
_BuildManager v1.11.3.1
Firespitter v7.3.7660.26532
FP_DockingSndFX v2.1.12.27690
HideEmptyTechTreeNodes v1.0.0.0
HullcamVDSContinued v0.2.1.3
JanitorsCloset v0.3.7.7 / v1.0.0.0
JSIPartUtilities v0.5.0.4 / v0.0.3.103
RasterPropMonitor v0.31.5.22299
Kaboom v1.3.0.0 / v1.3.0.15
KEI v1.2.10.2
KerbalChangelog v1.4.2.0
KerbalConstructionTime v1.4.9.0
KerbalEngineer.Unity v1.0.0.0
KerbalEngineer v1.1.9.0
KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.15.0
KerbalObjectInspector v1.1.8.1 / v1.0.0.0
HyperEdit v1.5.8.0 / v1.5.8
KiwiTechTree v1.0.0.0
Kopernicus.Parser v1.0.0.0
ModularFlightIntegrator v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.10.0
Kopernicus v1.0.0.0
kOS v1.3.2.0
kOS-Career v0.1.0.0
KOS-Scansat v1.2.0.0
kOS.AddOns.StockCamera v0.2.0.0
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib v0.86.0.518 / v0.86.0
kOS.Safe v1.3.2.0
KRASH v0.5.33.5
Kopernicus.Parser v1.0.0.0
Kronometer v1.0.0.0
ksp-advanced-flybywire v1.8.3.3 / v1.1.0.0
XInputDotNetPure v1.0.0.0
KSPRescueContractFix v1.1.0.0
KSP-PartVolume v0.0.2.8
KatLib v1.0.7240.21438
LightsOut v0.3.0.1
MagiCore v1.3.2.3 / v1.0.0.0 / v1.3.1.0
MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / v / v2.12.3.0
System.Buffers v4.0.3.0 / v4.6.28619.01 @BuiltBy: dlab14-DDVSOWINAGE069 @Branch: release/2.1 @SrcCode: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/tree/7601f4f6225089ffb291dc7d58293c7bbf5c5d4f / v4.6.28619.01
MemGraph v1.2.0.0
MemorialWall v0.0.0.0
DockingPortAlignmentIndicator v6.9.2.2
DPAI_RPM v1.0.0.2
ModuleDockingNodeNamed v1.0.0.2
NearFutureElectrical v1.0.0.0
NearFutureExploration v0.4.0.0
NFPropUtils v1.0.0.0
NearFuturePropulsion v0.9.0.0
NearFutureSolar v0.4.0.0
NearFutureUtils v0.0.0.0
NeptuneCamera v1.0.0.0
OhScrap v2.2.0.0 / v2.2.0.13
PartInfo v0.0.6.1 / v1.0.0.0
PersistentRotation v1.3.1.0
PlanetShine v0.2.6.1
PreciseNode v1.2.11.2
ProceduralFairings v6.0.0.0 / v6.1.0.0
ProjectManager v1.0.0.0
QuickExit v2.2.0.8
RCSBuildAid v1.0.6.35359
RCSBuildAidToolbar v1.0.6.35359
RealChute v1.4.7691.3806 / v1.4.8.2
ReentryParticleEffectRenewed v1.8.1.0
ResonantOrbitCalculator v0.0.6.2 / v1.4.4.0
Restock v0.1.0.0
SCANsat v1.20.4.0 / vv20.4
SCANmechjeb v1.20.4.0 / vv20.4
SCANsat.Unity v1.20.4.0
scatterer v0.772.0.0
ScienceParamModifier v1.0.12.0 / vv12
ScrapYard v2.2.0.0 / v2.2.0.6
ScrapYard_ContractConfigurator v2.2.0.0
SensibleScreenshot v1.2.5.3 / v1.2.4.0
0Harmony v1.2.0.1
Shabby v0.1.2.0 / v0.1.2
SigmaDimensions v1.0.0.0
SimpleAdjustableFairings v1.12.0.0 / vv1.12.0
SmokeScreen v2.8.14.0
SolverEngines v3.3.0.0 / v3.10.0.0
SoundtrackEditorForked v4.7.1.4 / v4.6.0.0
ButtonManager v1.0.1.1
KSP_ColorPicker v1.1.0.4
KSP_PartHighlighter v1.1.0.10
SpaceTuxUtility v1.0.1.0 / v1.0.1
VesselModuleSave v1.0.1.2
Stock assembly: KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.35
StagedAnimation v1.0.0.0
StageRecovery v1.9.5.3 / v1.8.0.0
HabUtils v1.0.0.0
SystemHeat v0.1.0.0
TacSelfDestruct v1.7.0.0 / v1.0.0.0
TarsierSpaceTech v7.12.0.0
TextureReplacer v4.5.1.34806
LightTracker v0.0.2.1 / v1.0.0.0
BetterTracking v1.0.6.0 / v6.0
BetterTracking.Unity v1.0.6.0
KerbalAlarmClock v3.13.0.0
TransferWindowPlanner v1.7.2.0
TrimIndicators v0.1.0.3 / v1.0.0.0
TUFX v1.0.0.0
UniversalStorage2 v1.8.0.0 / vv1.8.0.0
UniversalStorage2.Unity v1.8.0.0
Waterfall v0.0.0.0
WaypointManager v2.8.3.1 / v2.8.1
SnacksUtils v1.0.0.0
ZeroMiniAVC v1.1.0.2
[x]_Science! v6.0.0.8


Edited by Zelda
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Actually I did some sleuthing and might have figured out where this is coming from: RasterPropMonitor. I looked at the source code, and in the below file, it appears to have code that creates cones, and this line at the bottom: "Hold down '" + GameSettings.HEADLIGHT_TOGGLE.primary + "' to display all the camera fields of view at once."

https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/blob/master/RasterPropMonitor/Auxiliary modules/JSIExternalCameraSelector.cs

If that is it, sorry for the confusion! :blush:

Edited by Zelda
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5 hours ago, Zelda said:

Actually I did some sleuthing and might have figured out where this is coming from: RasterPropMonitor. I looked at the source code, and in the below file, it appears to have code that creates cones, and this line at the bottom: "Hold down '" + GameSettings.HEADLIGHT_TOGGLE.primary + "' to display all the camera fields of view at once."

https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/blob/master/RasterPropMonitor/Auxiliary modules/JSIExternalCameraSelector.cs

I'll confirm that with RPM installed, the cones are there.

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4 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll confirm that with RPM installed, the cones are there.

Yup, I concur. Specifically one needs the "RasterPropMonitor Core" mod, if one is using CKAN. Thanks @linuxgurugamer and @Zelda for solving the mystery!

EDIT: There's your answer, @EritoKaio.

Edited by jefferyharrell
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, gilflo said:

I have a strange bug with hull "eating" my rocket!!! just lock at this vid and tell me what this is??? All the cam are well outside the rocket

Not a bug per se, but a quirk the way the internal cameras work.  Not much can be done about it

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4 hours ago, gilflo said:

Hello guys

I have a strange bug with hull "eating" my rocket!!! just lock at this vid and tell me what this is??? All the cam are well outside the rocket


I use to have the same problem with physics extender mod and some modified version of scatterer, if you have physics extender, try without to see if it's change anything.

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  • 1 month later...


Im currently experiencing a bug with this Mod, where, when i activate on of the Cams, the Display turns black. i can still see all GUI Elements, and after exiting out of the Camera, everything works fine.

All mods have been installed with CKAN.

KSP version: 1.12.2 Linux 64bit



Reproduction Steps:

Add a Camera to any Vessel and activate it at the Launchpad or at any Stage during the Flight.

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A while ago I made some new camera models  for hullcam (see album). @linuxgurugamercan I add the models to your mod or should I upload them as a new mod?  The new models do not replace any of the originals, it just adds new ones. They also include module manager patches for Neptune camera and LaserDist. 



Parts and description:

  • Hazzard cameras - small durable, simple. Comes in black and white. Ask your sales rep about the super-wide angle model.
  • AeroCam* - good for attaching to boosters and airplanes. Comes in regular and 180.
  • MunCam* - a bit grainy but perfect for filming your golf tournament on the Mun.
  • TurretCam* - High quality camera with a long zoom. Good for navigation and science. (Rotation not included)
  • NavCam* - Two high quality cameras. One has night vision. Using Neptune camera, you can take stereoscopic images to see Duna in 3d for the first time!
  • ChemCam** - Not a camera! For science. Shoots a laser at rocks and then analyzes the smoke . Has an attachment specifically suited to the NavCam.


* Neptune camera patch

**LaserDist patch

The only thing I never figured out is how to give the ChemCam a proper science experiment. Currently it just has ModuleResourceScanner and ModuleBiomeScanner.  It deserves better.  


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18 hours ago, Aahz88 said:


A while ago I made some new camera models  for hullcam (see album). @linuxgurugamercan I add the models to your mod or should I upload them as a new mod?  The new models do not replace any of the originals, it just adds new ones. They also include module manager patches for Neptune camera and LaserDist. 



Parts and description:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Hazzard cameras - small durable, simple. Comes in black and white. Ask your sales rep about the super-wide angle model.
  • AeroCam* - good for attaching to boosters and airplanes. Comes in regular and 180.
  • MunCam* - a bit grainy but perfect for filming your golf tournament on the Mun.
  • TurretCam* - High quality camera with a long zoom. Good for navigation and science. (Rotation not included)
  • NavCam* - Two high quality cameras. One has night vision. Using Neptune camera, you can take stereoscopic images to see Duna in 3d for the first time!
  • ChemCam** - Not a camera! For science. Shoots a laser at rocks and then analyzes the smoke . Has an attachment specifically suited to the NavCam.


* Neptune camera patch

**LaserDist patch

The only thing I never figured out is how to give the ChemCam a proper science experiment. Currently it just has ModuleResourceScanner and ModuleBiomeScanner.  It deserves better.  


Please do a pr, I’ll be happy to add them.

when I get some time, I’ll look at the chem cam,  or someone else might decide to do that

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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