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Through Hardships to the Stars [Chapter 32 - Something Big II]


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@KAL 9000 You're on the list! Please note that due to "historical progression"  your (probably) high-tech spacecraft will have to wait a bit longer than other launches. 

Also, will it be possible to use your craft without Snacks? Since there's already a crew aboard SpaceLab, I'm not too keen on introducing life-support mods right now. 

One more thing: will installing RealChute affect the stock chutes or keep them the same? I can't be bothered to post on the RealChute thread (I probably should... :P)

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  On 11/9/2016 at 6:31 PM, KAL 9000 said:

Oh wait, Snacks is also an @Angel-125 mod? Sorry, not it :). Crafts that already have parachutes shouldn't be affected too much by RealChute (they'll still land safely, etc.)


It's fine :). I'll be looking forward to the craft! (Must be a huge behemoth of a spaceship if it can carry 100 kerbals to Duna :confused:)

Oh, and I've been thinking of a new title for this series, and my favorite right now is: Through Hardships to The Stars*. What do you think? Do you like it? Do you have any ideas? 

*I must confess, the idea came from @KAL 9000's title of his forum account :P Hope you don't mind

Edited by TheEpicSquared
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Congrats on your first successful munar landing in this save. :) I've not used KerbalX before, so this is definitely a first!

  • Payload name: KOS-1
  • Payload provider: <Classified>
  • Type of payload: Kerbin Observation Satellite
  • Payload mass: 9.76 mt
  • Payload height: 10.1m
  • Payload length: 3.7m
  • Payload width: 2.5m
  • Payload part count: 24
  • Stock or Modded: Modded
  • Mods: MOLE
  • Body: Kerbin
  • Intended orbit: Polar orbit, 250km
  • Short description of the payload: The Kerbin Observation Satellite (KOS) is designed to investigate the effects that kerbals have on the environment and monitor climate change. We wouldn't mind if you took pictures of airfields and launch complexes from time to time as well... There are new components that need testing as well: the WB-2 "Corvette" Liquid Fuel Engine as well as the new Solar Battery Module. There are also a pair of "Korona Lite" science return capsules that need landing tests. The satellite includes data relays as well as a Mk1 docking port for servicing missions.
  • .Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Angel-125/KOS-1
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If I send you a payload with multiple mun landers, would you be willing to land them all (Maybe 3, 4, or 6, working them out)? The satellite will go into a polar orbit and send a few surveyors down to help select a site for your future landing...


EDIT: I would provide the launcher

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  On 11/11/2016 at 1:46 AM, Kosmonaut said:

If I send you a payload with multiple mun landers, would you be willing to land them all (Maybe 3, 4, or 6, working them out)? The satellite will go into a polar orbit and send a few surveyors down to help select a site for your future landing...


EDIT: I would provide the launcher


Sure, I can land them all, but not necessarily in the same chapter. :) 

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Payload Provider is Kosmos Interplanetary Dynamics

232 Parts

I provide the launcher, so the other info is not necessary

Completely stock (that was hard)

Mun Polar Orbit, and small four landers. It is capable of doing so, easily.

The Munar Survey is a dry run for a future Duna Survey to find a good spot for the colony.

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@epicsquared been working about an hour now, got some new crafts

From Interstellar Dreams, come some new Duna Tech. I would appreciate a landing of the lander, an orbital and kerbin landing test of the base, and do whatever you want with the Ship.

Please install Lithobrake Exploration Technologies, I have it in the lander and the Hab

Company: Interstellar Dreams

Kraken ITV (SPH)


Made to take 6 kerbals to Duna, and maybe back. Can support 14, but it would be pretty packed. Uses nuclear and Ion Engines.

132 Parts

221.040 Tons

H: 6.9m

W: 15.7m

L: 43.5m

Pretty Aerodynamic, should be launchable by strapping some boosters to the side. Has multiple docking ports, so refuelling and landers are viable.

Tanabi Duna Lander (But not Launcher)


A one-way lander to ferry 1-6 Kerbonauts to the Dunatian Surface, the Tanabi can support them for a while. It also has a 'Balcony' on top with multiple science experiments. It can be reached directly from the lander, or from the surface. Includes a Duna circularization/deorbit service module, a fairing for launching it, a docking port, a Duna Entry stage, and the landing and Hab stage.

44 Parts

30.931 Tons

H: 15.7m

W: 9.7m

L: 8.4m

Atlantis Duna Base

Has room for 1-14 kerbals (6 recommended). Has an airlock, science module, and hab module.


19 Parts

17.810 T

H: 3.5m

W: 3.9m

L: 10.5m

Edited by Kosmonaut
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  On 11/13/2016 at 2:12 PM, The Raging Sandwich said:

When I go to upload my crafts on KerbalX, all that appear are the stock craft that come with the game. I just signed up the morning of making this, how do I upload stuff?


Go to the Saves folder and go to the folder of the save where you built your craft. Then, go to ships, then VAB/SPH (depending on where you built the craft) and the .craft file of every craft you have built should show up. Just find the .craft file of the craft you want to upload and drag that into the "upload craft" section in KerbalX (it's at the top of the screen). 

I hope that makes sense. :) 

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Here's mine:

Kerbol Space Telescope

Sandwich's Raging Rocket Co.


0.65 tons

Height: 4.3 m

Length: 2.5 m

Width: 3.1 m

9 parts

Completely Stock

Kerbol orbit

Place in an orbit inbetween Eve and Moho

A space telescope to monitor the outer planets and asteroids



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  On 11/13/2016 at 6:41 PM, TopHeavy11 said:

Do you have a modlist we could use?


All mods are allowed, EXCEPT those that add life support or different fuels. I'll add this to the OP, thanks for pointing it out.

Oh, and @The Raging Sandwich, you're on the list! You'll launch in chapter 17 (chapter 16 will be out later today, I'm going to start writing now). :) 

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