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[1.12.x] End your parts list nightmare - Introducing The Janitor's Closet


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  On 2/23/2021 at 11:02 PM, therealcrow999 said:

O NavBall Texture Replacer realmente não precisa ser atualizado, não há problemas com ele. O autor do mod já verificou. Se não está quebrado, por que consertar.

Por que adicionar o substituto de textura quando tudo o que você quer fazer é substituir o navball. Agora, se eu quiser substituir Kerbals, skybox e outras coisas, sim, é um ótimo mod para isso. Uma coisa que notei com TR é que se você tem os trajes DLC, ele não os trata bem. Não sei se o TR corrigiu isso, mas foi o que descobri quando o testei há um mês. TR foi feito para lidar com um terno de cada vez, eu sei disso porque quando eu fiz alguns mods com ele. Portanto, ter a nova maneira de trocar de terno no KSP é melhor do que o TR, e acho que o TR precisaria reescrever essa área no mod para fazê-lo funcionar mais.


My intention is to change only the NavBall ... I like the stock system of the planets / galaxy / etc etc ... I am still reading and learning how to install. Thanks!

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  On 2/23/2021 at 11:02 PM, therealcrow999 said:

NavBall Texture Replacer doe not really need to be updated, there is no issues with it. The mod author already check. If it ain't broke, why fix it.


This is what @linuxgurugamer said in its thread.

  On 2/24/2021 at 1:28 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

You should recompile it at least every time the .Net version changes.  Would provide a bit of comfort for people knowing the DLLs are compiled for the same version.

.Net version changed with the 1.8 release


On top of that, KSP 1.3.0 is *two* major Unity changes (KSP 1.4, KSP 1.8) away from what's in 1.11.x.  For a mod that's does have code (even if it must be simple to have no apparent issues), that's really whistling past the bug graveyard.  Especially as the mod author hasn't played KSP for 3 years and really hasn't come back.


  22 hours ago, therealcrow999 said:

Why add Texture replacer when all you want to do is replace navball. Now if I want to replace Kerbals, skybox and other things, yeah it is a great mod for that. Thing I noticed with TR is if you have the DLC suits, it does not handle them well. I don't know if TR fixed this, but this is what I found out when I tested it like a month ago. TR was made to handle one suit at a time, I know this because when I did some modding with it. So having the new way to change suits in KSP is better than TR, and I think TR would need to rewrite that area in mod to make it function more.


Did you report this to @shaw or in the TR topic?

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  On 2/24/2021 at 9:52 PM, Jacke said:

On top of that, KSP 1.3.0 is * two * major Unity changes (KSP 1.4, KSP 1.8) away from what's in 1.11.x. For a mod that's does have code (even if it must be simple to have no apparent issues), that's really whistling past the bug graveyard. Especially as the mod author hasn't played KSP for 3 years and really hasn't come back.


Yup.  And I just looked at it, needs work to recompile for 1.11.

I'm also going to look at a possible UI to change the texture on the fly, not sure how difficult that will be

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  On 2/24/2021 at 9:52 PM, Jacke said:

This is what @linuxgurugamer said in its thread.

On top of that, KSP 1.3.0 is *two* major Unity changes (KSP 1.4, KSP 1.8) away from what's in 1.11.x.  For a mod that's does have code (even if it must be simple to have no apparent issues), that's really whistling past the bug graveyard.  Especially as the mod author hasn't played KSP for 3 years and really hasn't come back.


Did you report this to @shaw or in the TR topic?


It is not a bug in TR, it is a limitation, something that needs to be added. It is OK, I don't use the mod anymore. Plus Shaw might not be working on the mod much, he usually takes big breaks from the game. When TR first came out him and I work together a bit, I did a lot of bench mark testing of the mod.

Usually if I get the need to replace like, skybox, I use DiRT. It is a very simple replacer.

In the early days, TR was needed for a lot of things, like replacing skybox, kerbals, textures of planets, and naball. That is what I used it for back then. Now I don't need it because Squad has done some nice additions to game, like better skybox and updated textures on planets. Over the years I also greatly reduced my mods, since I find base game not bad.

  On 2/24/2021 at 10:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Yup.  And I just looked at it, needs work to recompile for 1.11.

I'm also going to look at a possible UI to change the texture on the fly, not sure how difficult that will be


That would an interesting try, would love to see what you come up with.

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  On 2/24/2021 at 7:53 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

New release,

  • Fixed stock toolbar button coming back after being disabled
  • Removed need to restart after changing toolbar button option
  • Updated description and added tooltip to toolbar button option

Question about this new update, when the toolbar option is disable, will this disable the icon on all scenes, even VAB and SPH? I am just wondering because it is not there in VAB or SPH. If this is as intended I can manage with this feature just fine, if not, it might be a bug.

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  On 2/24/2021 at 11:01 PM, therealcrow999 said:

Question about this new update, when the toolbar option is disable, will this disable the icon on all scenes, even VAB and SPH? I am just wondering because it is not there in VAB or SPH. If this is as intended I can manage with this feature just fine, if not, it might be a bug.


I've just fired up my 1.11.1 test install, with CKAN installing only ModuleManager and Janitor's Closet plus its dependencies and suggestions.

In a test sandbox game's settings, under the Janitor's Closet tab, the radio button "Toolbar Enabled" has the tooltip "Enables/hides button in scenes other than the editor".  Yet when disabled, its button is gone from the stock toolbar in all scenes, including both the VAB and SPH.

So the tooltip doesn't match the behaviour of the "Toolbar Enabled" radio button.


  On 2/24/2021 at 10:44 PM, therealcrow999 said:

It is not a bug in TR, it is a limitation, something that needs to be added. It is OK, I don't use the mod anymore. Plus Shaw might not be working on the mod much, he usually takes big breaks from the game.


Shaw's still logging in, which is good.  Mod authors do things in the spare moments of their lives and it takes time.  Look at me, just a set of Science Spreadsheets and to get that completely upgraded to KSP 1.11.x after no change for 2 years took far too many hours which was only 7 calendar days because I had the time free and I focused on it.  Anything else takes a lot longer.



Usually if I get the need to replace like, skybox, I use DiRT. It is a very simple replacer.   [ More words on lesser need for TR and the better visuals in the stock game. ]


I find many mods essential but try to keep them to a minimum and stick with the well supported ones (like from @linuxgurugamer).  I've kept track of DiRT as well as alternate mods in other cases (have to keep the options open if needed).  I may shift to it.  TR in the past has done more than I intended (like change Kerbal heads, though it may have been another mod providing textures for TR without me realising it).


  On 2/24/2021 at 10:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Yup.  And I just looked at [ NavBall Texture Replacer ], needs work to recompile for 1.11.

I'm also going to look at a possible UI to change the texture on the fly, not sure how difficult that will be


Like @therealcrow999, I'd like that too.

Edited by Jacke
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  On 2/25/2021 at 12:11 AM, Jacke said:

I've just fired up my 1.11.1 test install, with CKAN installing only ModuleManager and Janitor's Closet plus its dependencies and suggestions.

In a test sandbox game's settings, under the Janitor's Closet tab, the radio button "Toolbar Enabled" has the tooltip "Enables/hides button in scenes other than the editor".  Yet when disabled, its button is gone from the stock toolbar in all scenes, including both the VAB and SPH.

So the tooltip doesn't match the behaviour of the "Toolbar Enabled" radio button.


Shaw's still logging in, which is good.  Mod authors do things in the spare moments of their lives and it takes time.  Look at me, just a set of Science Spreadsheets and to get that completely upgraded to KSP 1.11.x after no change for 2 years took far too many hours which was only 7 calendar days because I had the time free and I focused on it.  Anything else takes a lot longer.


I find many mods essential but try to keep them to a minimum and stick with the well supported ones (like from @linuxgurugamer).  I've kept track of DiRT as well as alternate mods in other cases (have to keep the options open if needed).  I may shift to it.  TR in the past has done more than I intended (like change Kerbal heads, though it may have been another mod providing textures for TR without me realising it).


Like @therealcrow999, I'd like that too.


Yeah I do like TR head changes. I feel like there was a mod out there that just does that. I might of been using TR if it was not for the suit problems. I feel like that feature should be removed from mod, so that the game can use its own stock suits from DLCs. I believe stock game allows suit replacements with out a 3rd party mod. When I get more venturous, I might talk to Shaw about it, but since I don't use mod at all, I am not driven too.

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  On 2/24/2021 at 11:01 PM, therealcrow999 said:

Question about this new update, when the toolbar option is disable, will this disable the icon on all scenes, even VAB and SPH? I am just wondering because it is not there in VAB or SPH. If this is as intended I can manage with this feature just fine, if not, it might be a bug.



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I don't know if this has been an issue with anyone else, but with the current version of the mod, as well as previous versions, I've had a lot of issues when sorting my toolbar.

Essentially, sometimes I'll try to move an icon to a folder, and the icon will remain in place, while also copying itself to the folder. I then have to remove the icon from the folder and put it back for it to finally work. Then, after I've finally sorted my toolbar, I either leave the scene and come back, or just relaunch the game, and all of the icons are now unsorted and out of their folders.

I haven't had any issues with the part sorting, and this mod has been great in that regard, but the toolbar issue means that I can't really use that feature of the mod. I'm wondering if anyone knows about this toolbar issue, or if it's just me, since I don't think it's specifically mentioned on the Github.

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Hi @linuxgurugamer, just fyi, I found a little issue with JC and the K2 pod: purging the 1.875 m variant also purges K2_IVA.mu which is used by the 1.25 m variant as well, resulting in no IVA, no Kerbal portraits displayed, hence no right click EVA option (can only be done then via the Transfer Crew menu by right clicking the pod).

Edited by VoidSquid
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  • 2 weeks later...


is it possible to a "bulk" delete? in RO we have a whole category of unsupported parts and it is really taking up a lot of memory. However clicking on them one by one seems like a lot of work

I did see an import/export function, perhaps a script is possible

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  On 3/19/2021 at 7:20 PM, MacLuky said:


is it possible to a "bulk" delete? in RO we have a whole category of unsupported parts and it is really taking up a lot of memory. However clicking on them one by one seems like a lot of work

I did see an import/export function, perhaps a script is possible


Umm, with a bit of work, yes.  The mod writes a file so that if a mod gets updated, the files will pruned again.  Find that file, and add your files to it

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've found an "interesting" "bug" with Janitor's Closet while tracking something weird it did.

Consider a part with a malformed bulkheadProfiles declaration, missing a comma between different profiles (eg. "bulkheadProfiles = size0 srf" instead of "bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf"); while the base game will just ignore those after the first and work fine otherwise, if Janitor's Closet (at least the latest) is present, then JC's windows will spawn in the top left portion of the screen in reduced size on editor scene load and no part (including Squad) starting from the first part with that typo will be shown in the SPH/VAB and no mod will be shown in JC's filter list beyond the mod with the first offending part.

It's not a bug per se as the problem is not truly with JC, but it still doesn't fail cleanly in that situation. Took me quite some time to figure as I kept missing the damn missing comma.

It seems "new" as the same malformed statement from the same mod didn't trigger that bug in 1.9.1.

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  On 4/9/2021 at 2:40 PM, EthanKerbman said:

I've found an "interesting" "bug" with Janitor's Closet while tracking something weird it did.

Consider a part with a malformed bulkheadProfiles declaration, missing a comma between different profiles (eg. "BulkheadProfiles = size0 srf" instead of "bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf"); while the base game will just ignore those after the first and work fine otherwise, if Janitor's Closet (at least the latest) is present, then JC's windows will spawn in the top left portion of the screen in reduced size on editor scene load and no part (including Squad) starting from the first part with that typo will be shown in the SPH / VAB and no mod will be shown in JC's filter list beyond the mod with the first offending part.

It's not a bug per se as the problem is not truly with JC, but it still doesn't fail cleanly in that situation. Took me quite some time to figure as I kept missing the damn missing comma.

It seems "new" as the same malformed statement from the same mod didn't trigger that bug in 1.9.1.


Specifics, please.  What mod and part is causing that.  Also a log file

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It's not mod specific, you can edit any stock part and it will do the same, I happened upon that one while integrating MAD/MoS into my 1.11.2 save, but that's only the trigger for it; as I said, I've tested it with other parts, ANY part will do that, it's the lack of a comma that makes it fail less than gracefully, not a specific mod.

But hey, here's the relevant part of a log from a minimalist install (KSP 1.11.2, Module Manage 4.1.4,  ClickThroughBlocker, ToolbarControl, Janitor's Closet and SpaceTuxLibrary with the stock aerodynamicNoseCone edited to trigger the bug.

[EXC 17:21:00.660] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
	System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow+PartInfo..ctor (AvailablePart part) (at <e283773f1a5a4cf79933af77639d96cb>:0)
	JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow.InitialPartsScan (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] loadedParts) (at <e283773f1a5a4cf79933af77639d96cb>:0)
	JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow.InitData () (at <e283773f1a5a4cf79933af77639d96cb>:0)
	JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow.Start () (at <e283773f1a5a4cf79933af77639d96cb>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

P.S. And yes, that's the only relevant part, I've checked against the log for the same install without the edit and loading correctly, the rest is utterly irrelevant, mostly timestamp differences and MM cache related shenanigans that I already checked.

Edited by EthanKerbman
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