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My right arm bone is broken... Now I badly able to use mouse to play any games.You know game is over demand on mouse to plays like KSP. Also my right hand usually use for eating, writing, and many thing now its impossible :(  My writes is messy and friends have hard time to understand.  I'm deaf. I over depend on hand to talk. Many people says "Use Left Hand" problem is I'm use right to talks. Normally I could typing really fast. But this one from starts to now takes 10 min!  I use right thumb to press space. Since I cant do that. So I keep forget to press with left. I keep hit backspace >.< to correct them.


What happen?

I was talking with friend in sign language as we walking in the hallway at local community college. I accidently step on my loose shoe lace as I walking. Next thing I fell down without try avoid to fall down hard with both hand. to break/reduce impact. But I only use one hand to try reduce impact while other hand holding backpack. So my overweight body crush on my one arm **creak** As I got up. I check myself any injury. I discovery my right arm is unable to move at all. As I try force little bit to rotation my wrist (if right spell) my hearing friend who taking sign language class at community college says "dont move! I hear creaking and pop in your wrist! o.O The pain was horror! So my friend agree to going hospital with me to interpreter for me. I spends 3 to 4 hours there. They discovery 3 hairline creak top of bone and other 2 more hairline creak at bottom bone also displace wrist. So doctor says I  have to wear cast til next week to see my family doctor to see if I need any surgery to correct it or what :( 


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6 hours ago, Deaf3279 said:

My right arm bone is broken... Now I badly able to use mouse to play any games.You know game is over demand on mouse to plays like KSP. Also my right hand usually use for eating, writing, and many thing now its impossible :(  My writes is messy and friends have hard time to understand.  I'm deaf. I over depend on hand to talk. Many people says "Use Left Hand" problem is I'm use right to talks. Normally I could typing really fast. But this one from starts to now takes 10 min!  I use right thumb to press space. Since I cant do that. So I keep forget to press with left. I keep hit backspace >.< to correct them.


What happen?

I was talking with friend in sign language as we walking in the hallway at local community college. I accidently step on my loose shoe lace as I walking. Next thing I fell down without try avoid to fall down hard with both hand. to break/reduce impact. But I only use one hand to try reduce impact while other hand holding backpack. So my overweight body crush on my one arm **creak** As I got up. I check myself any injury. I discovery my right arm is unable to move at all. As I try force little bit to rotation my wrist (if right spell) my hearing friend who taking sign language class at community college says "dont move! I hear creaking and pop in your wrist! o.O The pain was horror! So my friend agree to going hospital with me to interpreter for me. I spends 3 to 4 hours there. They discovery 3 hairline creak top of bone and other 2 more hairline creak at bottom bone also displace wrist. So doctor says I  have to wear cast til next week to see my family doctor to see if I need any surgery to correct it or what :( 


Hope you get well! Breaking an arm sucks... I remember when I broke my wrist/arm falling off the monkey bars in third grade.

Also, you have the same mouse I do!

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Get well soon. You have youth on your side, you will heal quickly!

Stay away from that ZzzQuil, that stuff is no good.

While I am not deaf, I did learn the ASL alphabet back in the late 70's. I'm guessing you use the same? I understand there is a two-handed version. Might that be helpful?

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Ow, hope you heal soon. Don't neglect your therapy when you get out of that cast.

You remind me of how I started the computer program at my school. :)

Back when I was in 7th grade, which was in 1981, I fell while we were playing volleyball during P.E. class and broke a bone in my right wrist. I wound up in a full cast, elbow to fingers, for six weeks. Couldn't write a thing. Tried writing with my left hand, but it really wasn't legible. I wound up having to do most of my school work on a typewriter, which worked okay for prose and essay work, but math was a major pain in the keister. My math teacher knew that I was one of the smartest kids in her math class and that making me do busy work was unnecessary, cruel, even, when I was having to take an hour each night to tediously crank it out on a typewriter. So she told me, "Go through the lessons each day and find the parts that you don't understand and make a note of those, and I'll tailor your lessons around those so you don't have to do as much homework." The first day of this I brought the book up and showed her the only part of that chapter that I didn't completely understand. This particular math book was rather new, and it had a small section at the end of each chapter that showed how to perform that chapter's math functions in BASIC programming. I told her that this was the only part of that chapter that I was having any problem understanding. She gave a chuckle and assigned me a skeleton homework assignment for that night. But that got her thinking about it. And she did some research and decided that computers were turning into a big thing and that they should be teaching kids about them. So she put a proposal in front of the school board, and they approved, and she took a bunch of classes and got a bunch of certifications, and they bought a bunch of computers, and she started teaching the computer classes at our school.

And I know this is all true because when I took my first computer class from her four years later she told this story in front of the whole class and said that if it hadn't been for my broken wrist she would still be teaching math classes. :) 

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I wish you well.  Its difficult when any part of the body is injured; whether we normally think about that part being useful or just being there.  Turns out every part is important, but in the case of hands and communication, that's even more of a challenge without one or two.

By the time you develop methods to overcome the challenges, you will be all healed up and will need to adjust back to normal.  :wink:

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..you could use a mental trick and get used to the itch in the cast, accept it as a "temporary" friend and maybe it won`t bother you much anymore. It sounds weird, but remember that pain and any other sensations develop in our brains, and not in the limbs witch which are hurt themself. Its a medical fact, believe me. "Patience" and take it easy,  i know it hurts and i know the itches...:rolleyes:

Edited by Mikki
witches sure...:D i mean which:D
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11 hours ago, Deaf3279 said:

i dont see any those kind coat hanger loop since i was kid. now they sell huge plastic coat hanger


I don't know if you live in the States, but just about any dry-cleaner (laundry service) has them. If you went to one and asked they might just give you one, or let you buy one cheap.

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