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What Facts Do We Know About The Devs Leaving?


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*Yaaaawn* *Stretch* "Morning KSPForum, did you have a good wee...wait, WhatFactsDoWeKnowAboutTheDevsLeaving? What are you still doing here? Did you go home on Friday?"

*bleary-eyed* "Urgh, no they kept me here overtime. Jeeze, what day is it?"

"Christ WhatFactsDoWeKnowAboutTheDevsLeaving, its Monday! You must be knackered!"

"So tired...."

"I'll call you a cab, you're in no condition to work today"

"But the devs...ad hominem...free speech, and something about...steel beams?"

"Oh Gawd, I'll boil the kettle..."


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I have a fear that content that should have been in the base game are going to be locked behind a pay wall with the new " Expansions " , Dv readouts comes to mind. I fear they are going to go like Ark did ( Releasing a paid DLC while the main game is still in Early Access ), it ain't truly comparable per say, as KSP technically is out of EA and is released as a completed game.

Any additional content from now on could be locked behind a pay wall. They could do so, as the game is released, I just feel it might be why mass exodus of main devs is happening.

My 2 cents on the current events, not based on any facts or any tangible rumors, just putting my fear out there to see if anyone has the same point of view on this.  

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A paying custom can ask and expect answers to questions like: does the departure of so many devs signify an illness of the company? When can we expect to see the rocket part revamp by porkjet as STOCK? Why does this bug keep getting ignored while other less critical things get more attention, as example: NTDLL.DLL crashes being ignored or treated as less than serious. Questions like that are serious questions that need answers, not run arounds or beauracratic nonsense.

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1 hour ago, RoyalVengeance said:

I have a fear that content that should have been in the base game are going to be locked behind a pay wall with the new " Expansions " , Dv readouts comes to mind. -Snip-

Any additional content from now on could be locked behind a pay wall.

"I want new tires for my car, but those jerks at the store locked them behind a pay wall. So unfair, I should get them for free!"

New stuff costs money, that's the way the world works. We've been unbelievably lucky to have been getting updates and new features for free for as long as we have. And honestly, I think we've gotten spoiled by it.

1 hour ago, RoyalVengeance said:

just putting my fear out there to see if anyone has the same point of view on this. 

Sorry, but I don't have any fears about it. Besides, they said in the dev notes that they would be things that drastically add to the game. I'm okay with paying for that type of additional content.

1 hour ago, Higgs said:

A paying custom can ask and expect answers to questions like: does the departure of so many devs signify an illness of the company?

Sorry, but not really. You have no vested interest in the health of the company. Your business with Squad was concluded the second that you bought the game (or the second that they released 1.0 if you purchased during early access). Their personnel status has no bearing on you or your status as their customer.

1 hour ago, Higgs said:

When can we expect to see the rocket part revamp by porkjet as STOCK?

That may or may not happen. The thing is that Squad is under no obligation to deliver that. Think of it as a gift that they said they would probably give us, but it turns out they might not. Oh well. You've already received what you've paid for, and then some. 

1 hour ago, Higgs said:

Why does this bug keep getting ignored while other less critical things get more attention, as example: NTDLL.DLL crashes being ignored or treated as less than serious.

I'm sorry that you're encountering bugs. But that happens sometimes. Sadly, faulty products are a thing that exist (though I'm not saying that I think KSP is one). If you feel like the product you purchased doesn't live up to what you were promised, then request a refund or post a bad review.

1 hour ago, Higgs said:

Questions like that are serious questions that need answers, not run arounds or beauracratic nonsense.

They have been answered, and not with anything that I would classify as bureaucratic nonsense. 1.3 is being worked on. They have devs on hand, and are looking for more. What else do you need?


P.S. I apologize for continuing the derailment of this thread down this particular track.

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@FullMetalMachinist Actually my interest in Squad as a healthy company did not end in July some years ago when .21 came to Steam. My interest, your interest continues each day. Each update. Now with the rumor from Squad on actual expansion packs, our interest in the health of Squad continues. Please cite your evidence that 1.3 will contain the full breadth and scope of Porkjets rocket part revamp. This is not a derail as you put it, but in depth discussion of the threads purpose.

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9 minutes ago, Higgs said:

Please cite your evidence that 1.3 will contain the full breadth and scope of Porkjets rocket part revamp.

I wasn't saying that it would. That's my point. We might never get it. And that's okay. We've already gotten what we're due.

13 minutes ago, Higgs said:

My interest, your interest continues each day. Each update.

No, mine doesn't, actually. Squad could shut their doors for good tomorrow (after the release of 1.2, preferably) and I would be a happy camper. I have what I paid for, and I'm happy with it. No need to get worked up about Squad's current situation.

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4 hours ago, Higgs said:

A paying custom can ask and expect answers to questions like: does the departure of so many devs signify an illness of the company? When can we expect to see the rocket part revamp by porkjet as STOCK? Why does this bug keep getting ignored while other less critical things get more attention, as example: NTDLL.DLL crashes being ignored or treated as less than serious. Questions like that are serious questions that need answers, not run arounds or beauracratic nonsense.

We've been over this. You can ask all you want, but you do not and never will have the right to an answer. SQUAD doesn't have to tell us anything. If you want a more in depth answer, then please read the last three pages or so. It's not that much.

4 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

This is a triumph.


[facepalm] :D 

Nice KSP motto to have: "No matter what the problem, there's a mod for that"

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Just now, I_Killed_Jeb said:

what I'd like to know is who's around to squish the inevitable list of bugs that crop up with every release

@RoverDude for one. That's some real quality right there. I'm sure there are others who I don't know about. But RoverDude has some serious skill.

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On 10/6/2016 at 4:39 PM, Mycroft said:

First, thanks! Second, what? I actually picked my name as a result of SeaQuest, but I am dimly aware that my username had a more popular reference. Can you enlighten me?

SeaQuest?! Even better! I loved that show.

Mycroft is the name of Sherlock Holme's older brother. His deductive reasoning skills and general knowledge base is greater than Sherlock's, but he lacks the interest in fieldwork. Mycroft is a government official for the Queen and usually acts as an oracle, giving Sherlock cases, pointing him in the right direction, and revealing information that Sherlock would not have access too. My favorite interpretation of Mycroft is by Mark Gatiss, who played Mycroft in the 2010-current BBC series.

So you're acting just like Mycroft Holmes by refusing to voice your own deductions, but providing factual and rumored information for the rest of us to work off of.

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1 hour ago, p1t1o said:

Meh, isn't there one of these surrounding almost every major update?

This is one of the most circular threads I've ever seen though.  I think the posts from Rover, Nestor and Ouomwhatever should get snipped out and pinned with a note that says: "Note: read this prior to going ballistic.  These are Squad's official statements, this is all you're getting.  If you don't like what they said, please discover alcoholism."

Might help, never know.

Edited by MaxPeck
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@FullMetalMachinist Porkjet was paid monies for his time on the rocket part revamp. Not including in stock is a wast of his time and Squads money. Not a good thing.

@Mycroft I can and you can expect an answer to a question asked if it does not infringe on trade secrets or internal security. A company has an expectation to be as transparent as is reasonable. Issues like the ntdll.dll related crashes can directly harm financial gains as people warn people away because of this instability. Having the garbage collection cycle damage memory which causes crashes that are unpredictable and can happen back to back to back in the span of minutes makes for no game play. 

Hiding the truth on this issue or other issues like the exodus of devs only exacerbates things. As they say: The truth shall set you free.

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OK everyone. I can see that everyone has an opinion about what has and what hasn't happened, and there's some interesting debate going about what we should or shouldn't expect to hear from Squad. The thing is, the topic for this thread is "What facts do we know about the devs leaving?" so let's keep any further discussion to that topic, please.

We would also really appreciate it if people (or aliens) could avoid posting just to question whether the thread should still be here.

Thanks for your attention :).

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30 minutes ago, Deddly said:

OK everyone. I can see that everyone has an opinion about what has and what hasn't happened, and there's some interesting debate going about what we should or shouldn't expect to hear from Squad. The thing is, the topic for this thread is "What facts do we know about the devs leaving?" so let's keep any further discussion to that topic, please.

We would also really appreciate it if people (or aliens) could avoid posting just to question whether the thread should still be here.

Thanks for your attention :).

Yes! Thank you, Deddly! I do want to discuss the facts on this thread.


Also, today is the day!!! I'm super pumped about 1.2 coming out!

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7 hours ago, Deddly said:

OK everyone. I can see that everyone has an opinion about what has and what hasn't happened, and there's some interesting debate going about what we should or shouldn't expect to hear from Squad. The thing is, the topic for this thread is "What facts do we know about the devs leaving?" so let's keep any further discussion to that topic, please.

We would also really appreciate it if people (or aliens) could avoid posting just to question whether the thread should still be here.

Thanks for your attention :).

Is it pink/red behind the bold text or am I finally going blind from playing so much KSP?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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