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I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items category, but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appear at "EVA Items")

// NEBULA eva handrail
  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items

  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items


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  On 10/22/2017 at 7:31 AM, flart said:

I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items category, but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appear at "EVA Items")

// NEBULA eva handrail
  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items

  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items



"cck-eva-items" is not a common category. It's introduced into the game by KIS. Are you sure you have KIS in your test env? Btw, keep in mind that people without KIS won't see your parts. Not sure if this is what you want for your mod.

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@IgorZ It's not my mod, I just want put these parts to other category. 

Yes, I have KIS and patch, introduced cck-eva-items category inside.

P.S. Also, what bitwise XOR (^=) do with strings? What is :^: ? I guess it should add tag to tags-string in config, but how?

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@IgorZ  Lightweight gamerun. Patch, CommunityCategoryKit, NEBULA, KAS, KIS

[Giant browser-destroying log file snipped by moderator.  Folks, please don't paste big log files directly into your post, even in a spoiler section.  It causes problems for people on mobile browsers or who have slow internet connections, because the browser is forced to download the entire content even if you've got it in a spoiler.  Do provide a log file, just don't put it in the post itself.  Instead, host it on some third-party site (there are lots of them around the internet), and then link to it from your post.  Thank you for your understanding.]

Edited by Snark
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  On 10/22/2017 at 8:59 AM, flart said:

Lightweight gamerun. Patch, CommunityCategoryKit, NEBULA, KAS, KIS


I don't see anything suspicious. CCK does create the relevant category. If your parts are not there, then it's something about MM. Try asking people there. I'm not sure if "FINAL" here does what you expect it to do. More likely, you need to execute your patch after the KIS patch, which adds the relevant category. I'm not an expert in MM to help you here.

Btw, a much better way to share a log file is using a third-party hosting site. E.g. see this wiki for some ideas.

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  On 10/22/2017 at 9:25 AM, flart said:

@IgorZ, My patch at line 1708, and mod patch at 1745 line. May be it suspicious ?


I've no idea. To me these records look like just a log of loading the configs, and the ordering there is not related to the MM constraints. I encourage you to ask people in the MM forum thread.

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  • 1 month later...

Question on the category mechanism.

If a mod maker sets their category name to (random example) "GRE", will all parts with tags that include the letters "GRE" as a subset of other tags be included? ie would a tag of "GreatTank" be included in the custom category?

If so, I take it the best way to work around this is a better tag definition? or is there a way to use MM to finesse it?

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  On 12/2/2017 at 2:12 AM, wile1411 said:

Question on the category mechanism.

If a mod maker sets their category name to (random example) "GRE", will all parts with tags that include the letters "GRE" as a subset of other tags be included? ie would a tag of "GreatTank" be included in the custom category?

If so, I take it the best way to work around this is a better tag definition? or is there a way to use MM to finesse it?


CCK requires a full match of the tag. Moreover, the tag must be defined within the CCK config file to be recognized. That said, "GreatTank" tag will be ignored by CCK unless you make a special patch that will tell CCK to recognize this tag as a category.

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  On 12/2/2017 at 9:18 AM, IgorZ said:

CCK requires a full match of the tag. Moreover, the tag must be defined within the CCK config file to be recognized. That said, "GreatTank" tag will be ignored by CCK unless you make a special patch that will tell CCK to recognize this tag as a category.


Thanks - I was going to ask a mod maker to see if they could change the CCK tags, but based on that descriptions, I'm now not sure what's causing the change. I'll have to get more information.

As some background - With OPT installed, I'm getting Cacteye Optical telescope parts appear in their custom category (I was assuming it was due to the manufacturer being "CactEye Optics") I was assuming it was a CCK thing as the OPT custom category is the only thing that seeing move these parts around.

I'll keep investigating as I can't find a patch that would move these into this CCK the mod maker created.

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I loved this mod when I got it working in 1.2.2, but since then, nada. Currently on 1.3.1. I've trawled high and low for a fix but there doesn't seem to be one anywhere - I'm getting absolutely nothing in the left-hand menu, no additional categories anywhere. No sign of a toggleable option in the difficulty settings, I've uninstalled all my other mods, tried manual and CKAN installations, deleted and reinstalled the game with only the one CCK mod, everything.

It mentions in the changelog you fixed a previous error where the categories weren't showing, is this still an issue?

Apologies if this belongs in some other thread but if it does I can't find it. 

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  On 12/3/2017 at 1:35 PM, GhilliePig said:


I loved this mod when I got it working in 1.2.2, but since then, nada. Currently on 1.3.1. I've trawled high and low for a fix but there doesn't seem to be one anywhere - I'm getting absolutely nothing in the left-hand menu, no additional categories anywhere. No sign of a toggleable option in the difficulty settings, I've uninstalled all my other mods, tried manual and CKAN installations, deleted and reinstalled the game with only the one CCK mod, everything.

It mentions in the changelog you fixed a previous error where the categories weren't showing, is this still an issue?

Apologies if this belongs in some other thread but if it does I can't find it. 


CCK by itself doesn't introduce any new menus, it only allows the other mods to easily create ones. E.g. if you install CCK & KIS, then you'll see a new left menu in the editor - "EVA Items", but without KIS this menu won't show up simply because there will be no content for it.

  On 12/2/2017 at 10:33 AM, wile1411 said:

I'll keep investigating as I can't find a patch that would move these into this CCK the mod maker created.


I recall there is a mod named like "Category filter" or something. Try checking if you have the one.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 2:31 AM, IgorZ said:

I recall there is a mod named like "Category filter" or something. Try checking if you have the one.


Nah, good idea, but I don't have it installed. Still looking as to what's causing it:

I've tried a minimum install and still see all Cacteye parts under OPT.
Only KSP1.3.1, CCK2.0.2,  OPT(Spacedock page) and CactEye telescope (Github zip) installed

There is nothing in the tags for CactEye parts to latch onto with a custom OPT category that wouldn't exist if CCK weren't installed, but it gets included for some reason.

Cacteye: tags = CactEye telescope planetary camera science
OPT:   tags=OPT SSTO spaceplane

Can you see anything in the log? Was wondering if you can replicate the issue too?

for reference, this is the Category.cfg file from OPT. Based on the wiki it looks all OK there.

		name = OPT
		tag = OPT
		normalIcon = OPT/Category/OPT
		//selectedIcon = 
		usedByMod = OPT



Edit: For the record, I fixed my game by changing the category to "cck-OPT" and replaced the tags string for all OPT parts. With that done, there was no problems with CactEye Optics appearing in the cck-OPT category.

Only reason I'm adding this post is I think I found a bug somehow or something weird that stock is doing and thought you'd like to check my findings.

Edited by wile1411
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  • 1 month later...


Adding categories is pretty straight forward. As part of that process, I'd like to delete a category created by CCK, but I'm not having much luck. Is it possible to delete a CCK created category and replace it with a different category?

Tried the simple things like with !, but it seems to delete the first category in the CCK config file I have just created. Curious if it is actually possible.


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  On 1/10/2018 at 5:14 AM, jmbailey2000 said:


Adding categories is pretty straight forward. As part of that process, I'd like to delete a category created by CCK, but I'm not having much luck. Is it possible to delete a CCK created category and replace it with a different category?

Tried the simple things like with !, but it seems to delete the first category in the CCK config file I have just created. Curious if it is actually possible.



I'd discourage you from mangling with the categories. Instead, replace the tags in question. CCK won't show the category if there is no tags matching for it.

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  On 1/10/2018 at 5:42 AM, IgorZ said:

I'd discourage you from mangling with the categories. Instead, replace the tags in question. CCK won't show the category if there is no tags matching for it.


Hmmm....I agree and that was the original path I tried to go down, but couldn't get the tags replaced. Is it a "delete all the tags" first type scenario? None of the MM methods I've messed with seem to do that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on a mod to handle ballast for submarines and I wanted to add a "submersibles" tab for the tanks and air compressors

since this mod is a thing, I thought to mention it here just in case there is enough interest for something like this in the community



PS: I already have the textures for the button but I'm not the greatest artist so if someone else wants to give it a shot be my guest

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 10/22/2017 at 7:31 AM, flart said:

I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items category, but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appear at "EVA Items")

// NEBULA eva handrail
  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items

  @category = none
  @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items



Although this question is quite old, i found the problem and a solution which may be useful for others:
If a key in ModuleManagerPatch is annotated with '@' this means edit but only if the key is already present. The parts in question didn't have a tags key so the above patch doesn't work.
So if you want to make sure your patch work with as much  parts as possible use the '%' annotation, meaning edit-or-create

	@category = none
	%tags ^= :^: cck-eva-items

	@category = none
	%tags ^= :^: cck-eva-items


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  • 3 months later...
  On 9/3/2018 at 9:12 AM, flart said:

What do you think about adding cck-universal-storage to CCT for using by Universal Storage, Universal Storage II and DMagic Orbital Science? 


You can always write your own patch for whatever you want. I've used CCK to rearrange large numbers of parts in the editor. I use: Airbreather, Mk2 Parts, Mk3 Parts, Nuclear Power, Electric Propulsion, Mining & Processing, Warp Drives, and 3 for KPBS (structure, containers, misc)

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  • 1 month later...

@RoverDude could u please add this in the OP

how to add your own icon &category thru a mm patch

  Reveal hidden contents

and how to delete/hide icons from stock with mm.patch for all redundant parts

  Reveal hidden contents

and of course thanks for this nice mod

ps a link to your wiki would also be helpful,thx


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