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[Minimum KSP version - 1.12] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.29


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4 hours ago, bassie275 said:

Hi, I just updated to ksp 1.2.1 and installed this new version 1.3.1 of KIS. I have got all the same mods as i had in version 1.1.3 of KSP and KIS worked just fine.

Now since i have updated to 1.2.1 the added KIS items show up but i can't open the EVA inventory and i can't open the storage containers while on EVA.

Also i can't place any items in the inventory when i'm building in the VAB/SPH.

Is this a known issue or is it just me? or could KIS be conflicting with any other mod.

This version doesn't have known issues like this. Find the log (KSP.log) and attach it here. Also, try removing all the other mods to verify if it's indeed the mod conflict.

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5 hours ago, IgorZ said:

This version doesn't have known issues like this. Find the log (KSP.log) and attach it here. Also, try removing all the other mods to verify if it's indeed the mod conflict.

I have tried ksp with just KIS installed and the problem is still there.

Here is my log file. (if it is the correct one you were asking for.)


Edited by bassie275
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2 hours ago, bassie275 said:

I have tried ksp with just KIS installed and the problem is still there.

Here is my log file. (if it is the correct one you were asking for.)


Did you capture the log right after removing all the other mods? Because as far as I can tell from the logs you have other mods installed, and some of them fail to load in KSP 1.2. Moreover, you renamed "KIS" folder into "KIS-master" which is absolutely not allowed.

[LOG 07:47:24.372] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS-master\Plugins\KIS.dll
[LOG 07:47:24.406] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KIS' V1.3

Please, drop anything you have with regard to KIS and install the mod properly.



How to install

  • Recommended:
    • Install and run CKAN.
    • Search for "Kerbal Inventory System" or just "KIS", then install the mod.
    • Occasionally run CKAN client to update KIS (and other mods) to the latest version.
  • Manual:
    • Go to the files list on Curseforge and download latest release archive.
    • Unzip folder KIS into game's GameData folder. Note, that names of the folders must be exactly like this or it won't work.
    • If you upgrade to a fresh version then you must delete the old files, do not just copy over!



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[LOG 07:47:24.372] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS-master\Plugins\KIS.dll

Sounds like a source download from Github instead of a release download.

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2 hours ago, IgorZ said:

Did you capture the log right after removing all the other mods? Because as far as I can tell from the logs you have other mods installed, and some of them fail to load in KSP 1.2. Moreover, you renamed "KIS" folder into "KIS-master" which is absolutely not allowed.

[LOG 07:47:24.372] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS-master\Plugins\KIS.dll
[LOG 07:47:24.406] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KIS' V1.3

Please, drop anything you have with regard to KIS and install the mod properly.


I renamed the KIS-master folder to KIS and it works now. When i downloaded the mod it was named KIS-master so i assumed it was correct.

Thanks for the help :) 

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3 hours ago, bassie275 said:

Yes I believe I found it on Github. Didn't know it would actually make a difference.

Yeah, for ust regular playing of a mod, meaning you wont be modifying anything in it yourself, its best to grab releases from the "Releases" page of the Git repo...

If you see "master" or "source", those are NOT the ones you want.

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4 hours ago, bassie275 said:

Yes I believe I found it on Github. Didn't know it would actually make a difference.

Something labeled "source" is going to contain a whole bunch of stuff that will be totally cryptic to those who do not speak code and which is completely useless to those who aren't code monkeys.  You need several gigabytes of stuff installed on your system in order to turn them into a working mod.  99% of users are simply wasting their time downloading such files.  You want the "release" version or possibly a "beta" version.

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6 hours ago, bassie275 said:

I renamed the KIS-master folder to KIS and it works now. When i downloaded the mod it was named KIS-master so i assumed it was correct.

Good. But I'd suggest you dropping your current folder and do a clean install of KIS following the installation instructions. The only way to get "KIS-master" name is going to Github and doing "Clone or download" in the main branch. If you did it this way then your mod's folder has a lot of useless stuff like sources and scripts. In general, the mod is not designed to work "out of the box" being snapshotted from a Github branch. The normal approach is using release archives that are built by special script and have right folder names and structure.


Edited by IgorZ
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I read the entire thread.  First I'm sorry you guys have to deal with the amount of impatience and the instant gratification generation.  People asking a question that has been asked literally 2-3 posts above them.  Please people, just spend a couple minutes doing some old fashioned "Research".

Now I'm trying to figure out how to add items to the EVA tab in the VAB, also to include the ability to stack them.  To change the existing items like the KAS cPort1 to be stackable as well as the Strut.  Seems to be modules for every kind of item and I'm a bit confused.  The old system you could just copy the "ModuleKASItem" and place it into the desired target item cfg, alter the weight, volume and stack, rinse and repeat. Could someone paste the Module in an MM configuration adding the item to the EVA tab as well as weight, volume and stack capable Please.

Like this, but done correctly, unlike mine.  Because the one below does not work and I don't have a clue how to do it.

        name = ModuleKISItem
        volumeOverride = 100
        stackable = true
        allowPartAttach = 2
        allowStaticAttach = 1
        staticAttachBreakForce = 50

In case some one helps... thx a ton  :cool:

In case no one does.... I hate you guys  :huh:

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1 hour ago, ArkaelDren said:

Now I'm trying to figure out how to add items to the EVA tab in the VAB, also to include the ability to stack them.

Best way to make item stackable is adding its module/name into KIS config. To add into VAB category use the following patch:

		editorItemsCategory = true
		// other stuff


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Would it be much work to give containers an open distance override parameter?

The distance is calculated from the origin of object (which the game uses as center of mass, so it should be logically placed where CoM of the container is.) In case of larger containers (say, the 5m container from the Kontainer mod) this makes the area where the inventory can be accessed awfully small. Even the larger 'stock KIS' container can't be opened 'from the ends'. And as I was planning an MK4 KIS cargo fuselage, I realized it would be entirely inaccessible, with the correct 'logical center' of the container being so far from the walls that at no point can a kerbal get closer than 3m to it.

A better solution would be to count distance from the nearest collider, but as I understand, this would be significantly harder to implement, so a parameter for KISInventory module to increase the Open range would be sufficient.

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A good compromise between using center-of-mass and nearest-collider might be to have the part specify two points and a radius, to define a cylindrical volume where its contents can be reached.  For many parts, that'd be a better approximation of the shape than a sphere centered on the CoM, and calculating perpendicular distance to a line is much simpler than figuring out the nearest point on an arbitrary-shaped collider mesh.

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3 hours ago, Thertor said:

Whenever I try to attach a docking port to another docking port in EVA, the game crashes. I'm running it in 64-bit mode.

I think the experts here will need more information.  What versions of KSP and this mod do you have installed?  This might not be a KIS problem so post your log file (<your KSP>/KSP_x64_Data/output_log.txt; upload it to a file sharing service, such as DropBox, and post the link to it here in the forum).

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14 hours ago, Sharpy said:

Would it be much work to give containers an open distance override parameter?

The distance is calculated from the origin of object (which the game uses as center of mass, so it should be logically placed where CoM of the container is.) In case of larger containers (say, the 5m container from the Kontainer mod) this makes the area where the inventory can be accessed awfully small. Even the larger 'stock KIS' container can't be opened 'from the ends'. And as I was planning an MK4 KIS cargo fuselage, I realized it would be entirely inaccessible, with the correct 'logical center' of the container being so far from the walls that at no point can a kerbal get closer than 3m to it.

A better solution would be to count distance from the nearest collider, but as I understand, this would be significantly harder to implement, so a parameter for KISInventory module to increase the Open range would be sufficient.

Context menus and distances are controlled by KSP as of now. Any approach other than measuring from CoM would require complete refactoring of menu system. Overriding max distance can be an option.

UPDATE. Added an issue to track it.

8 hours ago, Thertor said:

Whenever I try to attach a docking port to another docking port in EVA, the game crashes. I'm running it in 64-bit mode.

Crashing is always a mod conflict issue. Logs may give a hint what mod is a problem but the only reliable way to figure it out is trying removing mods one by one. If we know the the conflicting mod I may try to fix the conflict, or we may escalate it to the other mod author.

Edited by IgorZ
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New version is released.

1.4.0 (December 4rd, 2016)

  • [Enhancement] Add default items for the first seat into a lesser slots.
  • [Fix #178] Full mass used for empty parts for purpose of removing from containers.
  • [Fix #179] Put all KIS items into a real KSP categories.
  • [Fix #180] Persist equipped state in EVA inventories.
  • [Change] ModuleManager is now a required mod.
  • [Change] CommunityCategoryKit is now a required mod.

Special note for the mod developers (@AlbertKermin, @Nils277, etc.). If you need a part to be presented in "EVA Items" category in the editor you have to add tag "cck-eva-items" to the part config. KIS is no longer maintaining own EVA category. Instead, it relies on CCK for creating a proper filter.

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8 hours ago, IgorZ said:

New version is released.

1.4.0 (December 4rd, 2016)

  • [Enhancement] Add default items for the first seat into a lesser slots.
  • [Fix #178] Full mass used for empty parts for purpose of removing from containers.
  • [Fix #179] Put all KIS items into a real KSP categories.
  • [Fix #180] Persist equipped state in EVA inventories.
  • [Change] ModuleManager is now a required mod.
  • [Change] CommunityCategoryKit is now a required mod.

Special note for the mod developers (@AlbertKermin, @Nils277, etc.). If you need a part to be presented in "EVA Items" category in the editor you have to add tag "cck-eva-items" to the part config. KIS is no longer maintaining own EVA category. Instead, it relies on CCK for creating a proper filter.

I'm going to tag @CobaltWolf and @DMagic, since they do most of the work for Surface Experiment Pack.

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Okay, time for me to vent a little in the form of a question/request...

I've been trying to install radiators on my orbital kolony.  I have two Kerbals on EVA, holding station with their helmets touching both each other and the container.

I try to pick a radiator out of the container, and it says "too heavy".  Thing is, the radiator's weight is about 1.5x what one Kerbal can carry.


So here's my question/request: Is there a way to make the "Yes, you are close enough together" distance larger?  (It would also help to make the "Yes, you are close enough to pick this up" distance larger, as well, as it seems to work from the base of the radiator, where, in reality, it would be holdable from any point, but I can work around this one...)

I'm not a coder, but if there's a setting in a .cfg somewhere, I would very much appreciate it.  On the ground, it isn't much of an annoyance, but it's making my station building an exceedingly frustrating experience...

Edited by AdmiralSirJohn
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Check the config file and edit it there. Adjust the grab distance and the grab strength. 

1 hour ago, AdmiralSirJohn said:

Okay, time for me to vent a little in the form of a question/request...

I've been trying to install radiators on my orbital kolony.  I have two Kerbals on EVA, holding station with their helmets touching both each other and the container.

I try to pick a radiator out of the container, and it says "too heavy".  Thing is, the radiator's weight is about 1.5x what one Kerbal can carry.


So here's my question/request: Is there a way to make the "Yes, you are close enough together" distance larger?  (It would also help to make the "Yes, you are close enough to pick this up" distance larger, as well, as it seems to work from the base of the radiator, where, in reality, it would be holdable from any point, but I can work around this one...)

I'm not a coder, but if there's a setting in a .cfg somewhere, I would very much appreciate it.  On the ground, it isn't much of an annoyance, but it's making my station building an exceedingly frustrating experience...


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