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Most Common vessel name


Most Common Vessel Name  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have, or have you ever had, a vessel named "CommSat", "ComSatt", "CommSat I" or minor variations thereof?

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The first ship/station to get over 250-300 parts in every save gets called the Lagatha, cause I merge save files a lot that means there's several Lagathas floating about causing time dilation with their mass!

Edited by Kertech
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When I played with RemoteTech, back in 0.90, I made a point of abusing satellite launch contracts for my commsat network. Not all of them were contract launches, but at least 80%, I'd say.

And I would name them according to the contractor. So for example, if Jeb's Junkyard, Rockomax, Winter Owl and O.M.B. Demolitions all contracted me to put up satellites, I'd name them JunkSat-I, RockoSat-I, OwlSat-I, and DemoSat-I. Later on there might end up being a JebSat-II when Jeb's Junkyard contracted with me again, but I still achieved a remarkable variety of satellite names. I think I had sats up for fourteen different companies by the end of it, all conveniently providing commsat services for my space program :D

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  On 10/24/2016 at 3:53 PM, Curveball Anders said:

I actually like it being caps lock, since there's a nice indicator led on my keyboard


...only that the game ignores it. Unlike most every other application KSP does not care about whether capslock is on or off. The game does notice the keypress when it expects it (basically, being in flight scene, not paused, not renaming vessels), but you can easily get into a situation where capslock is off but fine controls are on, or the other way round. Happens to me all the time.

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Can't say I've have a common satellite name. The most common name I keep using is "YAF" standing for "Yet Another Flag". Used for all the silly "Plant a flag on X" contracts and leveling up Kerbals. For some reason, whenever I have a contract to rescue a kerbal, I send up a lander with a probe core providing control and have said rescued kerbal go on an immediate tour to land on the Mun and Minmus planting a couple of flags before actually returning.

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I don't really have spacecraft with names like that, but I have common mission names generally, as well as common prefixes and suffixes for different classes of vehicle.

Any vehicle designed for Munar exploration has the suffix [Medusa], anything for Duna has the suffix [Athena], and a similar rule exists for all planets (Mun and Minmus have unique ones but otherwise missions are named by the planet, whilst moons do not have unique common mission names).

I have vehicle classifications which will usually appear as a suffix (before the common mission name). HAAV (Heavy Atmospheric Ascent Vehicle) for example, which is any multi-stage single-use vehicle for transporting kerbals off of the surface of an atmospheric body (other than Kerbin). There is also IPT (Interplanetary Transport (crewed)) and IPF (Interplanetary Freighter (autonomous)) which are large reusable vehicles designed for efficiently transporting cargo and crew between Kerbin and another planet. Those two classifications appear before the vessel name (e.g. "IPT Apollo [Helios]"), but otherwise the classification will appear after. There are also various others but it would take a while to list them.

Whilst I currently don't have classifications for satellites (I'll name a satellite with the mission name and its general purpose, e.g. "Mios Orbital Surveyor [Minerva]"), I expect 1.2 will change that when I start a serious long-term career. At that point, I'll probably end up using a naming scheme along the lines of "Duna Constellation 1 Satellite 1 [Athena]". The first part is the main planetary body (I won't name communication satellites after a moon even if that's the SOI it's in). The second part refers to which satellite constellation it is a part of. Constellation 1 will be the network directly orbiting the main planetary body, and subsequent constellations will be for the moons in order of which is nearest to the planet (in the case of trojan moons (such as Ike and Nyke) the moon that is ahead in the orbit will have the lower number). The "Satellite {number}" part is for counting and tracking satellites in the constellation. There will also probably be Satellite 0 in Constellation 1, which will be the only one with an interplanetary-capable relay dish (and will probably remain attached to the transfer stage that brought the rest of the constellation).

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I use something similar, for sattelite probes I try to be informative, like: "LKO HG-5 Relay 01" or "LKO HG-5 polar 01".

Something that can tell antenna type(range) orbit type polar/equatorial, coverage area (high/low orbit or geostationary).
It is more important early in game without additional ground stations and only low grade antenna available.

As you progress more in game, you need less relay probes as you can put them in higher orbits and have more powerfull antenna.
For early game, 4 relays in LKO and 2 in polar orbit can cover 80% of unmaned probe needs for cheap scinece orbital grinding crafts. Later on, those early game probes might become obsolete if you have more accurate placed probes, but can always help with some oclusion gaps, so I didn't terminate those, just hide them from showing on map to reduce clutter.

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Other than "Untitled Space Craft" and "Untitled Space Craft Probe" (I like having recoverable booster stages), I suppose the names I've reused the most are these:
- Space Tug Klaw Edition
- SSL WIP (Single-Stage Lifter, Work in Progress. Used for ptototypes)
- KerbSat 1

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Well, of course! What else should I call my comsats?

I give them designations, sort of generations, according of the dishes they carry. The first ones around Kerbin are Comsat 1-1, Comsat 1-2, Comsat 1-3, followed by Comsat 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3, which I had to launch immediately after the first generation, which failed to provide the basic function I wanted them to provide - form a coms network. The dish-on-a-stick has too short range to be useful for a decent network, however, I decided to leave them in orbit. Can't have too many comsats, can you?
Then there is the constellation in the making around Minmus. It has "Minmus" in its name, so it doesn't get confused with something else. It's the second generation which is currently the longest rang I have available.

I have decided to include the contractor name in the future launches as described by @Streetwind. This was a decision I made because at the moment I have a contract to move one of my comsats to a different orbit, which I do not want to do, since it would mess up my network, but for future launches, the contractor gets to pick the orbit and change it whenever they please (as long as there's enough fuel to do it).

Edited by Shpaget
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Right now, it's 'Mun Lander', because that's a standard lander that I stick launchers under and bolt to cruise stages to go interplanetary. It's got enough fuel to insert into Munar orbit, land, take off inefficiently, and get back to kerbin inefficiently before using the last of the fuel to brake.

So, it can also land on Duna and take off again and get into orbit. Just.
It gets used a lot while I fiddle with the design to squeeze more DeltaV out of it without adding a lot more weight.

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My most common name is debris, given the sheer amount of debris battles produce.  Other then that the most common name is probably unnamed vessel, there is no reason to name something until its actually finished, and i tend to extensively test my warships before finalizing them and giving them a role and number designation (or a unique class name for larger and or more unique vessels like flagships and the like).

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