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The James Webb Space Telescope and stuff


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Deployment is the riskiest part of the mission and it's already hard enough to do once. It's too fragile to boost deployed. Nobody wants to deploy, undeploy, deploy again if it can possibly be avoided.

Also low-mass deployment systems don't necessarily work in reverse.

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  • 2 months later...
18 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Every time I see this topic pop up... I get excited. 





But then I look at the date of the OP.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Beccab said:

Remember that the Ariane 5 has to do two launches with the redesigned fairing before being allowed to fly the JWST, so if any of those has problem or just slips the JWST will, once again, slip as well








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Calm down, brother. Calm down.

I feel your pain. We all do.

But patience is the most important virtue any space nerd needs :(

At this point, probably only nuclear fusion enthusiasts have it worse than we do.

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There is an old joke about a women saying the her marriage has never been consummated because her husband is an aerospace engineer and all he ever does is tell how how great it will be one day.

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I saw this telescope a year or so back at the facility for open  house, as I live close enough, and knew someone who works at Northrop. 

It was interesting how big it is, but I mainly found it incredible as its so gosh darn complicated, so far behind schedule, and just more or less sitting in a large closet waiting for more tests/other delays. 


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  • 1 month later...


"One more Arianne 5 launch must go well..." 

So, September - and then the tension can really begin 

Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Except now I cannot stop thinking about it being Hurricane season in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. 


The chance of a hurricane striking French Guiana is quite low due to the fact that it's almost at the equator.


Tropical cyclones need to be some distance from the equator to form because the rotation associated with their structure initially derives from the Coriolis force, and the Coriolis force is zero at the equator. In addition, it would be unlikely for an extant tropical system to move south towards French Guiana due to the beta effect (on slides 11 - 18).

Starbase, on the other hand... well, it's only a matter of time, and those tents don't look very windproof.

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