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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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On 4/12/2020 at 4:15 PM, Space Scumbag said:

Did you mod the Wind Turbines or where can I find them? Anyways its nice work.

I need them for my next "project". :D


And I see you guys found my Space Elevator. Would someone be so nice and create a static for it? Just one long stick in its simplest version. Better would be, if you could add the lift itself on it with an proper animation. That would be so spic. :)


Wouldn't it need to be multiple sticks, each one slightly overlaid with the other, in order to prevent the 'if static object is too far away, it unloads' problem?

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9 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

This mod has no parts at all. It's all about statics.

At some point @Ger_space had a mod that at the bottom thanked SM Marine for allowing him to use the aircraft carrier static. If anyone knows what that mod is please tell. Thanks!

Edited by harrisjosh2711
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On 5/1/2020 at 10:45 AM, XxUnstableStarxX said:



Hi, I have a question. Is this mod compatible with Real Solar System mod? Because if i press Ctrl+K it doesnt show up. I installed Kerbal Konstructs again and i pressed again Ctrl+K again but still nothing. Thx for the answer


You can build stuff in RSS, just look at my post at the top of this page.

(I need to go back and iron out some bugs in my airports though)

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On 5/1/2020 at 1:45 PM, XxUnstableStarxX said:



Hi, I have a question. Is this mod compatible with Real Solar System mod? Because if i press Ctrl+K it doesnt show up. I installed Kerbal Konstructs again and i pressed again Ctrl+K again but still nothing. Thx for the answer

Remember you must press Ctrl+K while spawned into a craft. It doesn't work on the Kerbal Space Center screen.

Edited by Mandella
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46 minutes ago, Tonas1997 said:

Is the mod working in 1.8.1 for anyone? For the life of me, I can't launch from KK launchpads - either vanilla or through KCT.

Works for me, but I’m not using KCT at the moment.

Are you able to select a launchpad in the VAB?

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3 hours ago, Nightside said:

Works for me, but I’m not using KCT at the moment.

Are you able to select a launchpad in the VAB?

Yup. I mean, I can open (and select) new launchpads from the VAB but they don't remain open when I come back. Also, if I try to brute-force it by closing the vanilla pad, only opening the new one and selecting it, it still takes me to the vanilla pad...

EDIT: after further testing, it does appear that opening the pads from the VAB is completely broken. I was only able to launch on a new pad once I physically edited the  instance file itself. Even after opening the pad in-game and closing KSP, I get this:

OpenCloseState = Closed


Edited by Tonas1997
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2 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

Yup. I mean, I can open (and select) new launchpads from the VAB but they don't remain open when I come back. Also, if I try to brute-force it by closing the vanilla pad, only opening the new one and selecting it, it still takes me to the vanilla pad...

Sounds like a mod interaction as this feature is working for me (with over 600 bases). The prime suspect would certainly be KCT (which I don't have installed), since that is also messing with how crafts are launched from the VAB

Does anyone use both KCT and KK? Maybe @Drew Kerman?

Edited by Nightside
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1 hour ago, XxUnstableStarxX said:

i know but its still not working though

I see this sometimes when Kk has an error while loading. The KK symbol still shows in the sidebar but the editor won’t open.

1st make sure you are using a version of KK that matches your KSP. Delete your Module Manager config cache if you have MM.

Next: Try removing static packs, especially  any older ones that might not be compatible for some reason.

if those don’t work, it may be a bad interaction with another mod.

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4 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

Ok, just to confirm no one else is having this issue: are you able to save the grass color on your launchpads? Do they show up with the correct color after restarting the game?

I'm having the same issue. Seems to affect only launchpads, no other structures. I also have the problem with the launchpads closing again. Will try editing the instance files.

EDIT: I use KCT as well

Edited by infinite_monkey
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On 5/8/2020 at 7:45 PM, Tonas1997 said:

Update: just confirming that yes, I do need to mark the site as Opened by manually editing the instance file. Afterwards, it will work flawlessly, both in vanilla and KCT.

I'm also having this problem in 1.8.1. I'm not sure what KST is though, but I have about a hundred other mods. Could you show an example of which file to edit and how?

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11 hours ago, Mandella said:

I'm also having this problem in 1.8.1. I'm not sure what KST is though, but I have about a hundred other mods. Could you show an example of which file to edit and how?

KCT stands for Kerbal Construction Time which, besides adding construction times to your rockets, also allows you to manage multiple pads. Both mods play well-ish together, with Kerbal Konstructs' own pads being recognized by KCT.

Anyways, to open your pads, just go to GameData > KerbalKonstructs > NewInstances and look for the launchpad config file. Open it and it should look something like this:

	pointername = TLC_36
		UUID = 11311ff1-14d5-40d9-9a8c-9da830e1a8b7
		CelestialBody = Earth
		RelativePosition = -11.3860998,-2.66599989,-5.51499987
		Orientation = 0,170,0
		isScanable = False
		ModelScale = 1
		VisibilityRange = 25000
		Group = LC-1
		GrasColor = 0,0,0,0
			FacilityType = KKLaunchSite
			OpenCost = 0
			CloseValue = 0
			FacilityName = 
			LaunchPadTransform = TSC_36_spawn
			LaunchSiteName = LVP-1
			LaunchSiteAuthor = Damon
			LaunchSiteType = VAB
			LaunchSiteDescription = Tundra's Launch Complex 36
			LaunchSiteLength = 7
			LaunchSiteWidth = 7
			LaunchSiteHeight = 50
			MaxCraftMass = 50
			MaxCraftParts = 250
			InitialCameraRotation = 90
			ILSIsActive = False
			ToggleLaunchPositioning = False
			OpenCloseState = Closed
			LaunchSiteIsHidden = False
			Category = RocketPad
			GrassMeshName = TE_GRASS
			MaterialOffset = 0
			GrassColor = 0.284799993,0.340900004,0.204600006,1
			NearGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new
			NearGrassTiling = 0.150000006
			NearGrassGrayScale = False
			FarGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new_detail
			FarGrassTiling = 0.00700000022
			FarGrassBlendDistance = 110
			FarGrassGrayScale = False
			TarmacTexture = BUILTIN:/ksc_exterior_terrain_asphalt
			TarmacColor = 1,1,1,1
			TarmacTiling = 100,100
			TarmacTileRandom = False
			TarmacGrayScale = False
			BlendMaskTexture = TundraSpaceCenter/Pads/TSC_36/TLC_36_Mask

Just change OpenClosedState to "Open" and you're good to go :D

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PSA: For files you want people to download from Dropbox, as opposed to be directed to another web page where you can then download the file, replace the ?dl=0 with ?dl=1, like so https://www.dropbox.com/s/seh1jn8srn48pk6/KerbKonstNewAssets.zip?dl=1

That way, the download starts immediately, without having to allow any cookies, JavaScript, or other shenanigans.

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