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[INDEV]-[1.4.3] - To Boldly Go | An external application designed to procedurally generate an entire galaxy for KSP.

daniel l.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 12:22 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

I tried in a fresh KSP folder and got memory limit problems (I guess I accidentally launched in 32bit) but then I saw only Kopernicus star /galaxy errors and NRE flood. It's as though Kopernicus does not see the extra stars or they are missing a parameter. 

It might help that I loaded a couple of other mods simultaneously and quite possibly it could be a bizarre mis-step of MM .


Well... Hmm... Did you use custom or auto? Did you generate black holes?

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I used auto, yes. I wasn't expecting black holes or any extra-special phenomenon. o.o


Creation Date: 17:23:38 01-19-2017
Generation Mode: a
Seed: 99
Galaxy Type: 1
Cluster Number: 0
Planets: y
Asteroids: y
Red Dwarves: 22
Yellow Dwarves: 11
White Stars: 9
Blue Giants: 1
Brown Dwarves: 15
White Dwarves: 4
 78 Stars
 29 Planets
 49 Moons
 36 Asteroids
 192  Total


This is my last setup and I had the errors with it.

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  On 1/18/2017 at 11:39 PM, Amus said:

Fine job and idea ye've got here and it seems to be coming off rather well.

I hope ye work out the 'home screen' issue (where it doesn't show KSC or any of the buildings that you can select) because what that also means is you can't upgrade any of the facilities in a campaign game.  I prefer to play it that way, over a true sandbox, meself.

Apart from that and some of the more technical issues that have been mentioned already, by folk who are probably more clever than I (the frequency of rather exotic orbital planes and whatnot)  that i'm sure have more to do with the randomness of a random generator than anything else, it's looking good.  I hope ye keep at it and someday my lil green dudes might actually have someplace to go with their shiny new FTL capable ship.

On a side note, I did notice one more glitch/feature (tho i'm sure i'm not the first)  You can indeed integrate a generated galaxy into an existing save... but any flights that were in progress (including landed bases) will be re-positioned to completely random planets, stars, etc.  Likely because of the program's reuse of existing data to generate the new systems.  It was interesting and provided a quick way to peek at far flung star systems tho. :P


That is actually a side effect of installing just about any planet mod out there. :) Rule of thumb with planet mods is don't add them to an existing save.

  On 1/19/2017 at 1:46 AM, daniel l. said:

The issue of integration will be fixed in 0.2.5 so enjoy it while it lasts. :P But don't worry. I'm intending to package a hyperdrive part that will come with 0.3 (probably releasing it in about two months.) It will use @RoverDude's Alcubierre drive mod as a dependancy (You will have to install his mod before the hyperdrive works of course.) But it will be capable of getting you to those far flung stars within a natural human lifespan (I'm quite convinced that sublight travel at maximum timewarp would probably take many months of IRL time.)


Awwww man! I just want the planets, not the parts! I do not think its a wise idea to package in both parts and planets in a single mod. I'm sorry, but that kinda takes the fun out of it for those of us who just want a planets mod and want to pick which warp drives to use if any, and not be forced to go with one particular one. I for one dislike the alcubirre drive, and do not want to have to install it with TBG. Honestly you will have much much better success having it just be an independent (except for kopernicus but that's kinda a given) planet pack, and highly recommending and linking mebbe your top five warp drive mods. Also what happened to the super cool idea of having a wormhole network you promised earlier would be in 0.3? :( It makes me sad to think that we would just cop out and be dependent on a warp mod instead of the awesome and new idea of wormholes. But the real, practical problem with being dependent on the alcubierre drive mod is what if RoverDude ever stops updating it? Then TBG is also screwed. I really do not think that would be a good idea. I was really hyped about the wormholes too. ;.; @JadeOfMaar am I way off here? If anyone thinks I am, then please do tell me. But I just want the planets, not a parts pack. Maybe you can make one on the side, specially designed to accompany TBG, and that would give the player a choice whether to have the parts or not. But please don't make TBG a parts mod. I love the wormhole idea, and I think its an ingenious way around the size of the galaxy! 

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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:11 AM, Mycroft said:

Also what happened to the super cool idea of having a wormhole network you promised earlier would be in 0.3? :( It makes me sad to think that we would just cop out and be dependent on a warp mod instead of the awesome and new idea of wormholes. But the real, practical problem with being dependent on the alcubierre drive mod is what if RoverDude ever stops updating it? Then TBG is also screwed. I really do not think that would be a good idea. I was really hyped about the wormholes too. ;.; @JadeOfMaar


The wormholes were being developed by @User.txt But he appears to have... Gone away. That is why i'm resorting to warp mods. Because in other words. It's really not possible to cross ten light years of KSP space using sublight engines.

  On 1/20/2017 at 4:11 AM, Mycroft said:

Maybe you can make one on the side, specially designed to accompany TBG, and that would give the player a choice whether to have the parts or not. But please don't make TBG a parts mod.


Already planned. I intend to release it bundled with 0.3 but in a separate folder.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:13 AM, daniel l. said:

The wormholes were being developed by @User.txt But he appears to have... Gone away. That is why i'm resorting to warp mods. Because in other words. It's really not possible to cross ten light years of KSP space using sublight engines.


All the same, I would really prefer to be able to choose my own warp drive mods. I believe that you should highly recommend them, but I really dont want to have to have a particular warp drive mod. And if that mod ever dies, that will be a large problem for TBG. Its sad if the wormholes wont be in. I will poke around to see if anyone can help with that. But the solution is not dependency on a parts mod.


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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:17 AM, Mycroft said:

All the same, I would really prefer to be able to choose my own warp drive mods. I believe that you should highly recommend them, but I really dont want to have to have a particular warp drive mod. And if that mod ever dies, that will be a large problem for TBG. Its sad if the wormholes wont be in. I will poke around to see if anyone can help with that. But the solution is not dependency on a parts mod.


It will be a big problem for TBG without a custom warp drive. No standard warp mod is EVEN equipped for the distances of TBG. None of them. They are all too slow and run out of fuel too fast. In order for the player to get anywhere. They will need a custom warp part.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:19 AM, daniel l. said:

It will be a big problem for TBG without a custom warp drive. No standard warp mod is EVEN equipped for the distances of TBG. None of them. They are all too slow and run out of fuel too fast. In order for the player to get anywhere. They will need a custom warp part.


In that case, with all due respect, I would urge a separate, complimentary mod that you can install with TBG. I dont want to need to be dependent on a parts mod for TBG. There is a reason for the very little amount of crossover between planet and parts packs. They don't combine well. Please trust me on this. Honestly the best solution at this point IMHO is the one I suggested above, that of a separate mod that maybe comes as part of the download but is a separate gamedata subfolder. I want to be able to have the ability to install TBG without adding any extra parts. Believe you me, I completely get why you want to do this. I am well aware that almost all warp mods are not ideal for the sheer scale of this mod. But I am also aware that it is good to be as independent as possible, and I am aware that the distinction between part and planet packs is there for a reason. I do not think this is a wise course of action. 

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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:28 AM, Mycroft said:

that of a separate mod that maybe comes as part of the download but is a separate gamedata subfolder.


Those are my plans. Don't worry. Besides. It would only be one HUGE part that would have two modes. Low speed, And high speed. Low is for interplanetary. High is for interstellar.

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@Mycroft I'm still against the idea of bundling a part in a planet mod. However I would accept that it's not 'directly' bundled. I'm okay with it being in an Optionals folder within the package. Also, we're not going to be forcing players to use TBG's warp drive. In the end the player will either never notice it, do decide to use it, or find/make an alternative for whatever reason. So no worries. @daniel l. knows his stuff.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 5:32 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Mycroft I'm still against the idea of bundling a part in a planet mod. However I would accept that it's not 'directly' bundled. I'm okay with it being in an Optionals folder within the package. Also, we're not going to be forcing players to use TBG's warp drive. In the end the player will either never notice it, do decide to use it, or find/make an alternative for whatever reason. So no worries. @daniel l. knows his stuff.


Yes it was my impression that @daniel l. was going to bundle it in with the main mod. I am glad to hear he is not planning to do so. I have nothing against the part, just the iea of bundling it, as I stated above. Thanks for the clarification! :) 

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Of note is that i will be releasing version tomorrow and it will have several improvements. not many as it is a simple patch for 0.2.5 but it will add a few things. Such as...

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Okay then... No replies. Anyway. Version will be released very soon. Also of note: Version 0.3 will add rare planets. And i intend for 0.3.5 to rework standard planets to make them entirely procedural.

But before 0.3 i intend to work on 0.2.6 :) Can you guess what that will bring? More galaxy configuration settings to the algorithm, Such as size, Age, Planet frequency, Density, And more. Also in 0.2.7 i hope to add a new system that groups stars close together in clusters. Kind of like the cluster galaxy mode only somewhat less complex, This will coincide with a rework of the stellar naming system as suggested by @seanth Also in 0.2.8 i plan to diversify stars of individual classes. So some red dwarfs may be more orange or purple then others. As for 0.2.9 i really haven't decided yet. I may even just skip it... but then again... :wink:

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  On 1/21/2017 at 2:25 PM, daniel l. said:

Okay then... No replies. Anyway. Version will be released very soon. Also of note: Version 0.3 will add rare planets. And i intend for 0.3.5 to rework standard planets to make them entirely procedural.

But before 0.3 i intend to work on 0.2.6 :) Can you guess what that will bring? More galaxy configuration settings to the algorithm, Such as size, Age, Planet frequency, Density, And more. Also in 0.2.7 i hope to add a new system that groups stars close together in clusters. Kind of like the cluster galaxy mode only somewhat less complex, This will coincide with a rework of the stellar naming system as suggested by @seanth Also in 0.2.8 i plan to diversify stars of individual classes. So some red dwarfs may be more orange or purple then others. As for 0.2.9 i really haven't decided yet. I may even just skip it... but then again... :wink:



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  On 1/22/2017 at 8:50 PM, Starslinger999 said:

Anyone having the problem where i hear the KSP music and all is see is a black screen and the loading icon?



Can you give a screenshot? There is a known bug with Kopernicus involving the KSC not appearing after you start a game, but that doesn't sound like what you're describing


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  On 1/22/2017 at 8:54 PM, seanth said:

Can you give a screenshot? There is a known bug with Kopernicus involving the KSC not appearing after you start a game, but that doesn't sound like what you're describing



I started up ksp again to take a pic of the glitch, But the main menu loaded this time and i started up 


Before it just had the loading thing didn't show the menu screen

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