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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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  On 1/8/2018 at 11:34 PM, TachyonGMZ said:

Why is there a * next to them? none of the other numbers have it? If thats not the problem what could I try to do about it?


@OBJECT,* selects all objects in an cloud cfg

@altitude *= 0.62 multiplies the altitudes of all cloud layers by that number.

send logs and a screenshot of your gamedata folder.

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I just started a new career in 2.5x, I have no idea how much dV I need for orbit - don't want to know - kinda want to derive the equations myself - ...     looking forward to it

P.S. - is there a way to disable the "dirty camera lens" effect when the sun is in the frame?  It's cool but just a bit too much for me

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  On 1/9/2018 at 5:04 AM, fourfa said:

I just started a new career in 2.5x, I have no idea how much dV I need for orbit - don't want to know - kinda want to derive the equations myself - ...     looking forward to it

P.S. - is there a way to disable the "dirty camera lens" effect when the sun is in the frame?  It's cool but just a bit too much for me


Your DV will increase at the square root of the scalar...you scalar is 2.5 so multiply your normal scale DVs by 1.58. You mentioned deriving yourself and this may help you to understand how the calculation is changing.

Keep in mind that atmospheres can throw this off. This works great for non-atmospheric conditions and is a good starting point for atmospheric launches too, but you may have to tweak it a bit.

Edited by Tyko
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  On 1/9/2018 at 5:04 AM, fourfa said:

P.S. - is there a way to disable the "dirty camera lens" effect when the sun is in the frame?  It's cool but just a bit too much for me


Try this:

			Item = 0,0.56,1,1
			Item = 0,0.56,1,1

If it only works on one star, try this:

  Reveal hidden contents


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  • New textures!
    • Ciro
    • Grannus
    • Eta
    • Lili
    • Gratian
    • Geminus
    • Otho
    • Gauss
    • Nero
    • Hox
    • Leto
  • Provide/contain support for GEP
  • ResearchBodies config updated
    • Split into two part-upgrades which are closer to the telescope part in the tech tree
    • Second upgrade allows telescope range up to 9 Tm distance
  • Revised biome maps
  • Update KSPedia and dV map PNG
  • Adjusted resource system configs
  • Updated GPP_Clouds
    • New clouds on some bodies
    • New aurorae for all planets with them
    • Subtle gas giant cloud noise
    • Catullus is so fluffy! (Fluffier maybe?)
    • Dust and sandstorms are back! Like the Terminator T-1

Download and install instructions in the OP.

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PSA: Note that the bodies that have had their textures changed/improved listed above will all feature new terrain meshes. This in turn can cause issues when loading in your vessels and craft that are located on the surface of these bodies if you update to the new release. I suggest that if you have any vessels or craft in these situations on these bodies that you use a mod such as: 

... to try and negate the issue occurring when you load to your vessel/craft. This may/may not work, results may vary and the GPP team take no responsibility for any RUD situations that may occur as a result of this update. :P 

Edited by Poodmund
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  • Fixes a null spam problem caused by Sigma Loading Screens when KSP-AVC not installed.

For players already using GPP 1.6.0, download Sigma LoadingScreens from right here and copy the LoadingScreens folder into your GPP folder. Allow file overwrites.


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Hi there, first of all, thank you so much for your hard work on what is my favorite KSP mod. I've had countless hours of fun with GPP and can't wait to see what comes next!

My question is on the release - I recently installed 1.5.8 (like, 2 days ago) and it was displaying fine. 1.6 doesn't show planetary rings correctly (and some of the textures on the GEP are messed up, but I know that's not a GPP thing). Here's a gallery of what it looks like, including the rings, and here's my log file. I followed the exact same instructions as I did to install GPP just a couple of days ago and it worked great. I'm on a Mac if that matters. Thanks in advance for any suggestions / help!

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Couple of questions as I'm working on my new GPP install -

Has Thalia's heat been nerfed in this update? I did a quick sandbox flyby with a stock ship at a Pe of 9 km and didn't see any evidence of overheating.

And is KK a requirement for anomalies to be present in the system? I'd like to spend some time hunting for them in this career, but am also trying to limit the number of mods as much as possible.

Thanks in advance.

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  On 1/19/2018 at 12:35 AM, Norcalplanner said:

Couple of questions as I'm working on my new GPP install -

Has Thalia's heat been nerfed in this update? I did a quick sandbox flyby with a stock ship at a Pe of 9 km and didn't see any evidence of overheating.

And is KK a requirement for anomalies to be present in the system? I'd like to spend some time hunting for them in this career, but am also trying to limit the number of mods as much as possible.

Thanks in advance.


Thalia's heat hasn't been touched. Your situation must be pretty interesting then.

KK is required for the extra anomalies to appear. But so will our KSC++, the seagulls and Tellumo's birds. You're free to figure your way around the GPP\KSC++\ folder. :D But I can't promise you any help if (other) things break.

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Hello @ all,

is it possible to deactivate all the other launchsites. I like to Play like stock, with just one of them? Same with the red dots from remote tech, how it is possible to have just one of them like the stock game?

Hope i can find help

Thanks and greetings



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  On 1/19/2018 at 4:31 PM, M4ssler said:

Hello @ all,

is it possible to deactivate all the other launchsites. I like to Play like stock, with just one of them? Same with the red dots from remote tech, how it is possible to have just one of them like the stock game?

Hope i can find help

Thanks and greetings




Don’t use KSCSwitcher and don’t use RemoteTech. 

It is required for you to have other ground stations for remote tech. If you don’t want realism, why even use the mod? 

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wow. looks beautiful!

Question. I'm using @Galileo ReScale at 2.5x. With these settings Gael's day reads out at 9h 58m 31s in the Tracking Station.  Is this the Sidereal Day? I'm guessing that's the case, but just confirming...If so, then I'm guessing the solar day is exactly 10h?


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Asteroids spawning is behaving strangely. I've run a couple of experiments, with several complete save restarts, and here's what I'm seeing.

The maximum total asteroids that will spawn is 44. That number spawns in about a year. Even running the game fast forward for another 2 years didn't cause any additional asteroids to spawn.

It looks like asteroids will only spawn around Ciro unless you actually visit Tellumo, Nero or Grannus. I simulated visiting them by placing a ship in their orbits using F12. Visiting each one 'activates' asteroid spawning around them too, but if there are already 44 asteroids in the system no additional asteroids will spawn around them.

If I start a new game and cheat a ship into orbit around the three bodies right away those bodies each accumulate spawns along with the main belt until the solar system total hits 44.

Here are my log files. Both the KSP.log and the Kopernicus logs as well


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  On 1/20/2018 at 3:46 AM, Tyko said:

Question. I'm using @Galileo ReScale at 2.5x. With these settings Gael's day reads out at 9h 58m 31s in the Tracking Station.  Is this the Sidereal Day? I'm guessing that's the case, but just confirming...If so, then I'm guessing the solar day is exactly 10h?


Yes, that's correct.  The Tracking Station always displays the sidereal rotation period.  Gael's solar day in 2.5x is exactly 10 hours.

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  On 1/20/2018 at 8:19 AM, Tyko said:

Asteroids spawning is behaving strangely. I've run a couple of experiments, with several complete save restarts, and here's what I'm seeing.

The maximum total asteroids that will spawn is 44. That number spawns in about a year. Even running the game fast forward for another 2 years didn't cause any additional asteroids to spawn.

It looks like asteroids will only spawn around Ciro unless you actually visit Tellumo, Nero or Grannus. I simulated visiting them by placing a ship in their orbits using F12. Visiting each one 'activates' asteroid spawning around them too, but if there are already 44 asteroids in the system no additional asteroids will spawn around them.

If I start a new game and cheat a ship into orbit around the three bodies right away those bodies each accumulate spawns along with the main belt until the solar system total hits 44.

Here are my log files. Both the KSP.log and the Kopernicus logs as well



Yes, asteroids will only appear around Nero, Grannus, and Tellumo etc. after you visit.

as for the asteroid limit, we only allow 45 asteroids max at a time for performance purposes.

you can go into the asteroid cfg, located in GPP/GPP_Configs/Asteroids.cfg and adjust the “lifetime” of the asteroids. 

But everything you see happening is intentional at this time

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  On 1/20/2018 at 8:48 AM, Galileo said:

Yes, asteroids will only appear around Nero, Grannus, and Tellumo etc. after you visit.

as for the asteroid limit, we only allow 45 asteroids max at a time for performance purposes.

you can go into the asteroid cfg, located in GPP/GPP_Configs/Asteroids.cfg and adjust the “lifetime” of the asteroids. 

But everything you see happening is intentional at this time


I've actually been playing around with that since my first post. setting minUntrackedLifetime = 60 and maxUntrackedLifetime = 180  creates a fairly stable belt that hovers between 35 and 40 asteroids. Even doing that I never saw an asteroid spawn at Tellumo or Nero. I ran it for 2 years on fast forward just to be sure.

UPDATE: I've run about a dozen scenarios, varying the lifetimes of the asteroids and running each scenario out 4-6 years. The only way I ever see spawns outside the main belt is if I cheat a craft into orbit around the other bodies right at the beginning of the game. If I even wait a year it's too late. I'm not sure the exact cutoff, but it's a really short period of time after a new start.

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Reporting a problem with contracts generated by the Gaelean Historians Collective.  I accept the contract, get awarded advance funds, then when I quit and restart the contract is no longer accepted, and is available to accept again.  Problem is, this is an easy exploit for free funds.  I'm having to be careful not to accept these, so as not to affect my chosen difficulty level

I'm in a modded 2.5x game, and I'll throw up some logs but it's probably better to reproduce in a more stock game:

Log1 Alt-F4'ed immediately after accepting a GHC contract: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hyrtcrtrh9yfrdl/GPP contract problems1 output_log.txt?dl=0

Log2 after restarting, back into mission control and the same contract is available again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6g8v21osqcmeat2/GPP contract problems2 output_log.txt?dl=0

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  On 1/25/2018 at 8:39 PM, fourfa said:

Reporting a problem with contracts generated by the Gaelean Historians Collective.  I accept the contract, get awarded advance funds, then when I quit and restart the contract is no longer accepted, and is available to accept again.  Problem is, this is an easy exploit for free funds.  I'm having to be careful not to accept these, so as not to affect my chosen difficulty level

I'm in a modded 2.5x game, and I'll throw up some logs but it's probably better to reproduce in a more stock game:

Log1 Alt-F4'ed immediately after accepting a GHC contract https://www.dropbox.com/s/hyrtcrtrh9yfrdl/GPP contract problems1 output_log.txt?dl=0

Log2 after quitting, restarting, back into mission control and the contract is available again https://www.dropbox.com/s/6g8v21osqcmeat2/GPP contract problems2 output_log.txt?dl=0


I will need you to replicate this with bare bones GPP. Since GPP just provides the cfgs for agencies and contracts, your problem likely lies with contract configurator or another contract related mod.

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