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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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  On 1/9/2017 at 4:50 AM, Tyko said:

I landed on Thalia and the surface graphics don't looks right. Here's a pic of what I'm seeing...Is something loading wrong or is that what's expected?



thats right

  On 1/9/2017 at 4:33 AM, TheUnamusedFox said:

The experimental scatterer version seems to have a couple new things in the planets cfgs, CloudExtinctionHeightMultiplier and VolumetricsColorMultiplier.


yes and it doesnt work correctly. thats why we are using the most current and stable release 0.0256

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I guess I'm a slow GPP player - everyone else seems to already be landing and whatnot.  I've just finished mining most of the science available from Iota and Ceti* (manned landings - still little bits of science available at both for future missions) and only started getting probes out to some of the other planets.  My original Tellumo probe has been done with its science farming for over a year, and my Niven probe just now got there.  Still have 159 days until the Gratian probe arrives.

OTOH, I've launched five new probes.  Three are destined for Tellumo, Niven, and Gratian again, as the original probes didn't have as complete a research suite as the new ones.  The other two are bound for Thalia and Otho.  I don't recall which ones, but three of those five all have transfer windows in a bit over 200 days, with two of them only seven days apart.

*My Ceti lander is named C.A.M.E.L - Ceti Advanced Medium Exploration Lander.  Seemed silly, but I also used the same lander configuration for Iota, with the added bonus that I could hit two biomes per mission.  Now I just need to come up with individual names for the rest of the landers when I get around to building them, although I think I'm going to pass on the Tellumo landing for now.  I haven't unlocked enough stuff in the tech tree to make it viable for a planet with 1.9 times the gravity of Gael.  At least, not for a manned landing.  I might be able to figure out something unmanned that can still return science, as opposed to transmitting it.

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Has anyone successfully landed a crewed craft on Tellumo and successfully returned to orbit? I spent a good part of the weekend in Sandbox mode just trying different combos out and I haven't found anything that can both A) survive re-entry and B) make it back to orbit.

I'd really love to see how others are doing.

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  On 1/9/2017 at 8:14 AM, Tyko said:

Has anyone successfully landed a crewed craft on Tellumo and successfully returned to orbit?


I believe Tellumo is what kerbals affectionately refer to as a 'cloaca tease'.

So much so that I'm debating having my new career using 3.2x, and just accept that Tellumo is out of bounds except for looking at it.

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Hi Tyko

First - thanks to all involved in GPP. Fantastic job! It's given my KSP game playing a new lease of life.

Yes, I have landed a crewed craft (MK1 capsule) on Tellumo and returned to orbit. I used stock parts for the lander (Space Y for the Gael launch booster).

Here's my lander:


The bottom stage is a pair of Vectors in the centre surrounded by a ring of 6 Rapiers.

The second stage has a central Aerospike with 2 tanks strapped to the side, each with another Aerospike. The outer tanks feed fuel in to the centre tank and the outer tanks/engines then drop off once those outer tanks are empty (so 3 stages in all).

You'll notice the steerable fins on the lower tanks. In some of my experiments I convinced myself they were needed, but actually I got best result in the end by dropping them immediately on launch - they (and the landing legs) are attached to the tanks by decouplers.

The two Vectors are connected to the centre tank via a small tank and a decoupler - so I can actually drop the Vectors once I'm done with them.

I think it's a fairly nice looking design..but it's damn tricky to fly and took many attempts to limp it in to a 100K circular orbit. The best approach seemed to be:

- Have the Rapiers in air-breathing mode at launch
- Run the Vectors at full-throttle until the Rapiers are generated a good amount of thrust (over 200KN)
- Drop the Vectors
- Fly a shallow profile to keep air ramming in to the Rapiers. The thrust should crank up like crazy and now we're sipping fuel as we don't have any pure rockets running
- Hit around 20KM at which point we should be doing crazy speeds and getting heating effects
- Pull up sharply as the thrust starts to drop in the thinner air, and switch to rocket mode on the Rapiers for the last few seconds of fuel
- Stage and make sure the centre tank for the Aerospikes is not draining (I think I got the fuel lines wrong so had to inhibit it)


Getting on to the surface seemed easier than when I did it on Eve. I used inflatable shields fore and aft, with the top one placed back from the craft via girders to keep the centre of drag back so the craft falls retrograde. I also had some Airbrakes on there but don't think they did much:


The craft tends to tumble a bit at maximum heating but without harm being done. After that, parachutes do the rest combined with a last-second burst from the Vectors to soften the landing.

I used a similar approach for Eve:

and had the same issue that getting rid of the inflatable shields without damaging the craft can be tricky.

Landing site elevation was 4600m, not sure if I could have made it back from a lower site.

After all that - I sent a rescue mission to Tellumo orbit with my favourite workhorse mining lander:


and after picking Jeb up from Tellumo orbit and visiting the hidden moon we've been working our way out through the system - currently exploring the Nero moons.

Next challenge will be a lander for Catullus.. 

Good luck!




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  On 1/9/2017 at 6:35 AM, MaxxQ said:

I guess I'm a slow GPP player - everyone else seems to already be landing and whatnot.  I've just finished mining most of the science available from Iota and Ceti* (manned landings - still little bits of science available at both for future missions) and only started getting probes out to some of the other planets.  My original Tellumo probe has been done with its science farming for over a year, and my Niven probe just now got there.  Still have 159 days until the Gratian probe arrives.

OTOH, I've launched five new probes.  Three are destined for Tellumo, Niven, and Gratian again, as the original probes didn't have as complete a research suite as the new ones.  The other two are bound for Thalia and Otho.  I don't recall which ones, but three of those five all have transfer windows in a bit over 200 days, with two of them only seven days apart.

*My Ceti lander is named C.A.M.E.L - Ceti Advanced Medium Exploration Lander.  Seemed silly, but I also used the same lander configuration for Iota, with the added bonus that I could hit two biomes per mission.  Now I just need to come up with individual names for the rest of the landers when I get around to building them, although I think I'm going to pass on the Tellumo landing for now.  I haven't unlocked enough stuff in the tech tree to make it viable for a planet with 1.9 times the gravity of Gael.  At least, not for a manned landing.  I might be able to figure out something unmanned that can still return science, as opposed to transmitting it.


You may seem slow but it looks like you've gone all out. You're just casting a really wide net (seriously, launching probes at 5 planets at once) instead of chasing just one prey at once, so to speak. :P You should name your other lander I.N.A.M.E.L. (Iota Nominal Alternate Medium Exploration Lander). I myself haven't gotten to play casually, with helping to ensure that everything is in an appreciable state.

  On 1/9/2017 at 1:45 PM, eddiew said:

I believe Tellumo is what kerbals affectionately refer to as a 'cloaca tease'.

So much so that I'm debating having my new career using 3.2x, and just accept that Tellumo is out of bounds except for looking at it.


My word, man. That English. xDDD But there are so many new options for Tellumo ascent vehicles compared to options for Eve ascent. You, my friend, have shown quite the experience with one of these options... And @Plummet has just shown his experience with another option. 

Yea I'm waiting to see the Catullus craft. I'm waiting!

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@JadeOfMaar in general, would you say that Tellumo ascent is in any way possible with 3.2x? Maybe with Karbonite or something similar? A lot of the pain of Eve tends to be the atmospheric density gimping your thrust, but afaik the scaling mods don't tend to touch that, nor g asl, so it's mostly just altitude and orbital velocity...

(I guess the other issue is atmospheric entry. I'm not averse to turning off heating though, since on the whole it just spoils my fun :P)

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@eddiew I can't answer that personally, but since Tellumo's atmosphere goes from 10atm ASL to 5atm @2km, will scale correctly in the update (Sigma Dimensions now properly handles atmospheres), and someone has just shown here that all-stock Tellumo ascent is quite doable, it's within reach of anyone to nail this in an up-scaled universe, moreover with KRnD and some serious air-breathing engines (...and a serious heat control strategy). Karbonite will be quite a help, yes. Now that I think of it, I ought to re-check my patch(es) for two or more of its parts.

I don't think anyone will mind you turning off re-entry heat for the sake of story flow. :)

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 1/9/2017 at 4:08 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

...it's within reach of anyone to nail this in an up-scaled universe, moreover with KRnD and some serious air-breathing engines (...and a serious heat control strategy). Karbonite will be quite a help, yes...


Excellent. I think I might have to give this a try then - might even turn up science to 20% if I actually need to be investing it it progress! I mean, sure, I found good use for it with stock+OPM, but it wasn't particularly needed... it was just nice to have 1600 isp engines on a mothership :D 

I'll judge my heat setting based on how things go, I guess. Won't be surprised if Gael is no problem with a heat shield and a lander can, but spaceplanes might well start burning up on the first attempt. Or just not be viable. But that just means I have to actually do something different for once, and there's no real shame in that either :) 

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  On 1/9/2017 at 1:48 PM, Plummet said:

Hi Tyko

First - thanks to all involved in GPP. Fantastic job! It's given my KSP game playing a new lease of life.

Yes, I have landed a crewed craft (MK1 capsule) on Tellumo and returned to orbit. I used stock parts for the lander (Space Y for the Gael launch booster).

Here's my lander:


The bottom stage is a pair of Vectors in the centre surrounded by a ring of 6 Rapiers.

The second stage has a central Aerospike with 2 tanks strapped to the side, each with another Aerospike. The outer tanks feed fuel in to the centre tank and the outer tanks/engines then drop off once those outer tanks are empty (so 3 stages in all).

You'll notice the steerable fins on the lower tanks. In some of my experiments I convinced myself they were needed, but actually I got best result in the end by dropping them immediately on launch - they (and the landing legs) are attached to the tanks by decouplers.

The two Vectors are connected to the centre tank via a small tank and a decoupler - so I can actually drop the Vectors once I'm done with them.

I think it's a fairly nice looking design..but it's damn tricky to fly and took many attempts to limp it in to a 100K circular orbit. The best approach seemed to be:

- Have the Rapiers in air-breathing mode at launch
- Run the Vectors at full-throttle until the Rapiers are generated a good amount of thrust (over 200KN)
- Drop the Vectors
- Fly a shallow profile to keep air ramming in to the Rapiers. The thrust should crank up like crazy and now we're sipping fuel as we don't have any pure rockets running
- Hit around 20KM at which point we should be doing crazy speeds and getting heating effects
- Pull up sharply as the thrust starts to drop in the thinner air, and switch to rocket mode on the Rapiers for the last few seconds of fuel
- Stage and make sure the centre tank for the Aerospikes is not draining (I think I got the fuel lines wrong so had to inhibit it)


Getting on to the surface seemed easier than when I did it on Eve. I used inflatable shields fore and aft, with the top one placed back from the craft via girders to keep the centre of drag back so the craft falls retrograde. I also had some Airbrakes on there but don't think they did much:




Next challenge will be a lander for Catullus.. 

Good luck!





Thanks! I'll have to give that a try. I think I was trying to get too fancy. I really wanted a fully re-usable crewed lander.

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  On 1/9/2017 at 7:03 PM, Galacticvoyager said:

Wait what... How?


Run the highlighted Application shown in the screenshot below:


Navigate to wherever you have KSP installed (I have just shown my default Steam install directory on my F:\ drive) and run the executable. Alternatively, right click on it, and create a shortcut that you can then run from your desktop/taskbar etc. for ease of use.

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This weekend was a major success with a man landing on Thalia and Eta. I can see why it is refered to as a cursed planet. Most of the flags played are labeled "Do not return here". The crew of the Franklin are now in Deep Freeze awaiting a return transfer window.

One question I keep asking myself if is I will actually see any anomalies on other bodies. I appreciate that I don't want to post any spoilers  but my ScanSat fleet has yet to detect one anywhere by Gael. Can someone simply confirm or deny their existence so that I can manage my expectations?

Also, another question and I apologize if it sounds stupid but I've been holding off updating KSP to 1.2.2 as I thought that it broke GPP. Some of the updates on the OP make me think that GPP will do fine with 1.2.2 just some mods stop working. Can someone confirm this?

Thanks again!


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@Galacticvoyager Please don't post huge sections of text into the forum itself. Put it on Google Docs or Dropbox and link to it there. It's easier on the developer's eyes to open that kind of thing outside of the browser, and mobile users won't always get the blessing of a working spoiler tag.

  On 1/9/2017 at 4:57 PM, eddiew said:

Excellent. I think I might have to give this a try then - might even turn up science to 20% if I actually need to be investing it it progress! I mean, sure, I found good use for it with stock+OPM, but it wasn't particularly needed... it was just nice to have 1600 isp engines on a mothership :D 

I'll judge my heat setting based on how things go, I guess. Won't be surprised if Gael is no problem with a heat shield and a lander can, but spaceplanes might well start burning up on the first attempt. Or just not be viable. But that just means I have to actually do something different for once, and there's no real shame in that either :) 


GPP being natively as big as Stock + OPM is enough reason to deploy a fleet of ships whose engines have super Isp. You're going to want to deploy something like the Odyssey again, that's for sure. :D

Why do I think super Isp will be particularly needed in GPP?

  • Colonize Ceti in the mid-game unless you get too spoiled by Iota.
  • Colonize Leto. Someone posted that they want to deploy EPL there
  • Ascend from Catullus. Gravity is not the scary part of Catullus.
  • Round trips between Gael and the gas giants' atmospheric moons. The distances of Jool through Urlum.
  • Retrieve Ore for contracts from that far.
  • Throw a frosty pool party on Hox or its moon Argo. As far as Neidon.
  • Circularize in low Tellumo orbit and then leaving Tellumo.
  • Quest for Karborundum.
  • [redacted]

The only remarkable difference between Gael and Kerbin for spaceplanes is that the Stratosphere is a little warm which steals a sliver of performance from any turbojet engine on ascent but also current KSP changes the stock aero once again: mainly the pointy end cuts air better and the flat end drags harder, and hypersonic planes pick up less friction heat.

No, there's no shame in doing something different but if you have a problem with spaceplanes all the time, it's time to go to Rocket School (see our featured Twitch.tv channel). :P

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  On 1/9/2017 at 1:48 PM, Plummet said:

Next challenge will be a lander for Catullus.. 


I think taking off from Catullus is harder than taking off from Tellumo.  The depth of the atmosphere makes it quite a challenge.  I've done it, but I didn't actually land the craft there.  I did it as a test to determine dV for the delta-v map.  So I just temporarily gave Catullus' physical and atmospheric properties to Gael so I could liftoff from the launch pad and experience Catullus conditions.  That's a lot easier than having to land the launcher that has to take back off again.  Good luck, I hope you figure it out.

By the way, I was also able to attain orbit from Tellumo sea level conditions, but the payload fraction was a meager 1%.  It gets immensely easier and more efficient launching from higher elevations.

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Mucking around with sandbox spaceplanes in 3.2x scale GPP... (Default atmosphere heights, but geebus look at those mountains! They're 8km at the peaks! Maybe I should scale up the atmospheres after all!)



Did not reach orbit :/  Rapiers quit breathing air around 24km as usual. Reached 3km/s at 50km altitude, so probably still about 1500m/s short?

On the up side, my last career had birds that would reach LKO with over 5km/s spare, so I know this is doable with KR&D. Maybe I'm ok with that... it'll force me to do the early-mid game with rockets, and only let me do SSTOs once I'm above and beyond terrestrial tech levels. That's not unrealistic, the question is whether my inner pilot will let me do it :)

Also have I mentioned how irksome that runway angle is? :P 

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