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Will KSP get relased to mobile ?

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Now its 2018 and I’m typing this on a 11 inch iPad Pro, it has more Cpu power compared to any laptop that is cheaper than $1000 and its graphics are somewhere between a gtx 1030 and a 1050, now I beg the question... KSP? 

Regarding the 5 inch screens would suck statement, this is a 11 inch iPad not a 5 inch phone, also what phone is still 5 inches

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Okay I’ve seen all of the other threads and they all say the same thing “oh mobile devices are too slow for KSP screw off idiot” or “how I you finna play KSP on a 5 inch display my mans” yeh yeh SHUT UP. The device I’m typing this on right now is a 2018 iPad Pro 11 inch, it has enough cpu power to beat the most powerful mobile cpu you can buy (to my knowledge anyway) and its graphics performance is between a gtx 1030 and a gtx 1050, hence I could prolly build a starship to go over to laythe that would deploy kerbals, then receive them bac again then return to orbit around kerbin and it would dip to maybe... MAYBE 40fps in the process of doing so. So now I ask the question... KSP on the bus, or in class, or in the car, or in a backstreet ally anyone?

also I would be fine playing KSP on my phone

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5 hours ago, Hermanart said:

2018 iPad Pro 11 inch, it has enough cpu power to beat the most powerful mobile cpu you can buy

Citation (and benchmarks) needed.

If by "mobile CPU" you mean the ARM64 SOCs commonly found in phones, sure, it's quick... For a phone.
If you have the 6GB ram model, it might even have the required memory too.
If by "mobile CPU" you mean current generation laptop processors, that tablet will be curb-stomped by any modern x86 laptop designed with gaming in mind, in any bench you like.

The main problem for a KSP port is that A64 architecture. It's a supercharged phone processor and porting KSP to it would be akin to porting to an entirely new architecture just to support a single device.
How many other A64 devices do you know of that have the horsepower to run KSP? None? Me too. That's because most of them are phones.

I get it, you like your shiny i-thing. But it's not a gaming PC, however much apple's marketing would like you to think otherwise.
KSP is primarily a PC game, just look how well the console port worked out. Let's not do that again, m'kay?

If you wanted a gaming tablet, you should have gone with an Intel or AMD x86 based one.
Not only are they cheaper than this hipster apple stuff for the same performance, they can run KSP out of the box.
If apple wants to do weird things like build a high performance tablet around A64, that's apple's businesses, just don't expect everyone else to support it.

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10 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

consoles are actually made for gaming.

Speaking of things that are and aren't made for gaming, I found some benchmarks and this thing gets slaughtered by a Macbook Pro. Macbooks ain't exactly the poster-child for "made for gaming" either.
Frankly, this tablet looks like a big ol' waste-o-money to me, and I have no idea what market it's targeting.


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The other issue with a port to mobile is: where do all of the controls go? KSP has a lot of controls, so how do you fit all that on the screen along with the UI in an intuitive manner? Even if you have an enormous Ipad Pro screen, you'd be hard pressed to find space for controls, UI and a view of the spacecraft. Never mind trying to get that to work on an average smartphone screen.

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16 hours ago, steve_v said:

Speaking of things that are and aren't made for gaming, I found some benchmarks and this thing gets slaughtered by a Macbook Pro. Macbooks ain't exactly the poster-child for "made for gaming" either.
Frankly, this tablet looks like a big ol' waste-o-money to me, and I have no idea what market it's targeting.


The iPad Pro is targeting the creative market, and i can say with a fair bit o confidence you were looking at the maxed out 15 inch MacBook Pro which has the core i9 that it cant keep cool. But i may have stretched my words a little bit, ill admit, but i know I’m right about the graphics performance... geez I hope I don’t get proved wrong again... But i know for a fact that the iPad has enough power to run KSP how i described, but ill be more specific, ill bet it could run a 150 part ship at playable, maybe even enjoyable frame rates.

regarding the controls you could have a hotbar for the action groups and deal with having no shortcuts and needing to tap on everything, most of ksp’s controls are optional shortcuts is what I’m trying to say, and all you need is a lil up down left right thingy like in Minecraft PE and a hotbar.

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1 hour ago, Hermanart said:

The iPad Pro is targeting the creative market

Name me one "creative" thing, besides digital finger-painting, that one can do better on an oversized tablet vs. a PC or laptop...


1 hour ago, Hermanart said:

15 inch MacBook Pro

Sure. There aren't many benchmarks available, because not many people bother doing benchmarks on weird-ass tablets.


1 hour ago, Hermanart said:

that it cant keep cool

Apple makes rubbish gaming machines, that was kinda my point.


1 hour ago, Hermanart said:

i know for a fact that the iPad has enough power to run KSP

I don't disagree, but it's still an oddball platform that KSP is very unlikely to ever be ported to.


1 hour ago, Hermanart said:

regarding the controls

Touchscreen controls are of course doable. They're also a pain to do well and an entirely new system that would have to be created, again to support a single device.

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14 hours ago, steve_v said:

Name me one "creative" thing, besides digital finger-painting, that one can do better on an oversized tablet vs. a PC or laptop...

Digital drawing with a pencil. 

It is also compact creating a good note taking device, if you just go to your local apple store and screw around with the pencil you will get where I’m coming from.

15 minutes ago, MSA said:

Because the console version was a failure ( a friend of mine bought it ) Mobile would be horrible 

The console is completely different from a mobile device, the reason for why i think the console version was poop is because the consoles do not providing any advantages in KSP over some office workstation. But a mobile device does provide advantages, I hope I don’t need to spell this out for you, but it has to do with mobile.

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On 1/15/2019 at 1:51 AM, Hermanart said:

Now its 2018 and I’m typing this on a 11 inch iPad Pro, it has more Cpu power compared to any laptop that is cheaper than $1000 and its graphics are somewhere between a gtx 1030 and a 1050, now I beg the question... KSP? 

Regarding the 5 inch screens would suck statement, this is a 11 inch iPad not a 5 inch phone, also what phone is still 5 inches

KSP is still very, very poor at multi-threading on the desktop, it's even very constricted performance-wise on the consoles (you're hard-locked to 300 parts at any given time, and you can't get mods for the console versions-- mods being a thing that KSP was built for, and what KSP encourages) and the only thing about your GPU that's important is its VRAM. All the muscle of your mighty GTX cores means nothing here. :P Moreover, reinventing KSP's UI to fit a mobile screen that isn't 10 inches or Apple Retina or some other super-ultra resolution gimmick is going to be a waste of time for Squad, and a hard time for anyone who figures their fingers are too big when they interact with the screen.

KSP on mobile is still a very bad idea.

Also, many mobiles have too little RAM (and I don't mean the drive space that mobile makers love to advertise and deceive you with) builtin. There would be no room for KSP to fit except on very large tablets. That barrier to entry might not be worth Squad's time.

... Also, I just bought a new 5.5 inch Hyundai phone and I could've bought a 4 inch, or a flip phone lol. It has a sorry 1 GB of RAM in it. I don't want it getting CPU strain for anything at all like my previous phone.

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4 hours ago, Hermanart said:

if you just go to your local apple store and screw around with the pencil you will get where I’m coming from.

The only time I might be seen in an apple store, dead or alive, is while I set fire to it.

Apples anti-competitive, anti-repair, anti end user rights and generally obnoxious behaviour trashed any respect I might have once had for them (the LC III was awesome btw) around about the time ipod batterygate happened.
Go check out ifixit's teardowns or watch some of Louis Rossmanns videos if you want to know more, it's quite astonishing how far apple will go to keep you from fixing your own stuff.


4 hours ago, Hermanart said:

consoles do not providing any advantages in KSP over some office workstation

Consoles provide a sizeable revenue stream, because a large number of gamers play on consoles.
Chief amongst their advantages is that they sit nicely in your living room and hook up to your ridiculous tv, and they have a couch-friendly controller to boot.
ARM based tablets do not provide such a revenue stream, because there is approximately one arm based tablet model in existence that stands snowballs chance in hell of running KSP, and tablets in general aren't designed for gaming.

Compare the number of avid gamers who own a console, and contrast it with those that own that specific model of ipad... Do you see a difference?

Again, that tablet is based on a smartphone architecture, porting KSP to a smartphone architecture would be pointless because the vast majority of devices using it can't run KSP.


11 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I just bought a new 5.5 inch Hyundai phone and I could've bought a 4 inch, or a flip phone lol.

I wouldn't go bigger than the 5" I have now, any more and I find it just gets awkward. I kinda miss flip phones too TBH.

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4 minutes ago, steve_v said:

I wouldn't go bigger than the 5" I have now, any more and I find it just gets awkward. I kinda miss flip phones too TBH.

I forgot what the size of my old one was. Turns out to be 4". I would've saved a good chunk... I considered the flip phone for real, but for necessity's sake, I till need to be able to type fast/swype and be able to check email and Whatsapp. :D

5 minutes ago, steve_v said:

and they have a couch-friendly controller to boot.

Gotta disagree with you there. The typical gamepad layout just doesn't sit well with a significant potion of KSP activites. I can see myself gtting into and even used to it but the amount of context stuff you need to do at a moment's notice, and fluid movement of the camera or a highlighted part around the screen or the moment where you need to (re)name a craft or toggle things manually (stock ability to edit action groups in flight when?) just aren't things you should have to fudge about with just a D-Pad and analog stick. And don't get me started on the Wii-U controller. Space agencies run their operations on good old keyboard and mouse.

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1 minute ago, JadeOfMaar said:

The typical gamepad layout just doesn't sit well with a significant potion of KSP activites.

I was speaking of gaming generally, but yeah, I agree a gamepad isn't ideal for KSP.
It's still a lot closer to it than a touchscreen though, IMO.
I'm pretty sure all current consoles can take a standard keyboard and mouse if the controller gets too annoying.

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52 minutes ago, steve_v said:

The only time I might be seen in an apple store, dead or alive, is while I set fire to it.

Apples anti-competitive, anti-repair, anti end user rights and generally obnoxious behaviour trashed any respect I might have once had for them (the LC III was awesome btw) around about the time ipod batterygate happened.
Go check out ifixit's teardowns or watch some of Louis Rossmanns videos if you want to know more, it's quite astonishing how far apple will go to keep you from fixing your own stuff.

I agree with everything that you just said... except for the first thing. don’t take me for an apple fanboy, I just happen to have an iPad Pro, and its the only apple product I have auctually enjoyed. 

52 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Again, that tablet is based on a smartphone architecture, porting KSP to a smartphone architecture would be pointless because the vast majority of devices using it can't run KSP.

How bout in 2 years 

56 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

KSP is still very, very poor at multi-threading on the desktop, it's even very constricted performance-wise on the consoles (you're hard-locked to 300 parts at any given time, and you can't get mods for the console versions-- mods being a thing that KSP was built for, and what KSP encourages) and the only thing about your GPU that's important is its VRAM. All the muscle of your mighty GTX cores means nothing here. :P Moreover, reinventing KSP's UI to fit a mobile screen that isn't 10 inches or Apple Retina or some other super-ultra resolution gimmick is going to be a waste of time for Squad, and a hard time for anyone who figures their fingers are too big when they interact with the screen.

KSP on mobile is still a very bad idea.

Also, many mobiles have too little RAM (and I don't mean the drive space that mobile makers love to advertise and deceive you with) builtin. There would be no room for KSP to fit except on very large tablets. That barrier to entry might not be worth Squad's time.

... Also, I just bought a new 5.5 inch Hyundai phone and I could've bought a 4 inch, or a flip phone lol. It has a sorry 1 GB of RAM in it. I don't want it getting CPU strain for anything at all like my previous phone.

1. Resizing the UI would not be hard, it literally has a slider

2. You can play ksp on a machine with 512mb of VRAM and the recommended is 1gb, I’m not completely sure, but I think the iPad has that

3. Well... most android phones have enough ram. HAH,      

Seriously tho even though iPhones don’t have enough ram to run ksp, it could be optimized, maybe you could run lower textures even who’d a thought of that. yes I know if you did that most of everything would just be a solid color, but if you had texture on some parts, and a solid color on others, say the fuel tanks, and other world parts you could widdle down VRAM and RAM usage. 

But now that i think about it, yeah it would be impossible to play on a phone, BUT, the app can be whitelisted to only certain devices with above a certain spec, but then that begins to beg the question, is it worth it to make a game that could only be played on a select few devices... maybe, but I’m no software engineer so i cant answer that 

as I side note, i would prefer to play ksp with a large touch screen than with a xbox controller, because you can tap on things with a touch screen.

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8 hours ago, Hermanart said:

How bout in 2 years 

How bout if you have some concrete evidence you cough it up, rather than speculating.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what smartphone specs or KSPs system requirements will be in 2years. I sure don't, so I'm not making such assumptions.

If in 2 years average smartphones can run KSP the way average PCs or consoles can today, then it might be time to consider a port, not now.

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18 hours ago, Hermanart said:

The console is completely different from a mobile device, the reason for why i think the console version was poop is because the consoles do not providing any advantages in KSP over some office workstation. But a mobile device does provide advantages, I hope I don’t need to spell this out for you, but it has to do with mobile.

When I download space games from the App Store, they all were very low quality. In my opinion if KSP is put onto Mobile, KSP is just like other Mobil games. Not good

On 1/15/2019 at 12:04 AM, Hermanart said:

Okay I’ve seen all of the other threads and they all say the same thing “oh mobile devices are too slow for KSP screw off idiot” or “how I you finna play KSP on a 5 inch display my mans” yeh yeh SHUT UP. The device I’m typing this on right now is a 2018 iPad Pro 11 inch, it has enough cpu power to beat the most powerful mobile cpu you can buy (to my knowledge anyway) and its graphics performance is between a gtx 1030 and a gtx 1050, hence I could prolly build a starship to go over to laythe that would deploy kerbals, then receive them bac again then return to orbit around kerbin and it would dip to maybe... MAYBE 40fps in the process of doing so. So now I ask the question... KSP on the bus, or in class, or in the car, or in a backstreet ally anyone?

also I would be fine playing KSP on my phone

Some people don’t have that though. 

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KSP is terrible without mods, that’s why no one should have gotten the consoles. It’s bone stock forever. Ewwwww....

If KSP was put on the App Store, people, would think it is a ripoff of space flight simulator, which is very much not true.

and besides, it wouldn’t get any downloads because of how toxic some people are about their favorite shooter games.

0/5 “not fortnite, requires way more brainpower than the 3 IQ i have”

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3 hours ago, Fraston said:

KSP is terrible without mods, that’s why no one should have gotten the consoles. It’s bone stock forever. Ewwwww....

I got 947 hours on that game and i would say that only 50 of those hours are with mods, but i see where you are coming from.

Also there could be an in game mod menu that could directly connect to curse.

3 hours ago, Fraston said:

If KSP was put on the App Store, people, would think it is a ripoff of space flight simulator, which is very much not true.

and besides, it wouldn’t get any downloads because of how toxic some people are about their favorite shooter games.

0/5 “not fortnite, requires way more brainpower than the 3 IQ i have”

Yes i agree, it would not bring many new players to ksp, but i can see current players downloading it.

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31 minutes ago, Hermanart said:

there could be an in game mod menu that could directly connect to curse.

No. Just no. Curse is a curse.
There are perfectly good mod-management systems already available. There is KerbalX craft sharing integration already available. Curse can go die for all I care, I've never used it and I never will.
As for mods on consoles, that's more due to the difficulty of installing anything on a console that didn't come from it's respective store - somewhere an open-source mod will never be.

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3 hours ago, Hermanart said:

.Yes i agree, it would not bring many new players to ksp, but i can see current players downloading it.

I can already detach my laptop from the monitor and take KSP anywhere.

So I wouldn’t download it

How much is KSP again. $39.99 or something? No one would THINK about buying a $40 game off the App Store.

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