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The Truth Can Now Be Told - GTA Lunar


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/5/2018 at 7:52 PM, Kernel Kraken said:

@purpleivan, do you do Photoshop tutorials? I was trying to Photoshop Chris Pratt and Jack Black's faces on to an engraving of the Boston massacre, but it looked, well, awful.


Doing a tutorial for something like that would be quite difficult Combing the contents of two images successfully has a lot of details to it, some very minor but which contribute to the overall look of the finished image. Also the work needed varies from one image to the next. It's not something I've thought of doing and probably wouldn't want to have a crack at.

I've got a lot going on at work at the moment too, so that would be an issue too.

Sorry for the bad news.

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  On 10/5/2018 at 8:00 PM, purpleivan said:

Doing a tutorial for something like that would be quite difficult Combing the contents of two images successfully has a lot of details to it, some very minor but which contribute to the overall look of the finished image. Also the work needed varies from one image to the next. It's not something I've thought of doing and probably wouldn't want to have a crack at.

I've got a lot going on at work at the moment too, so that would be an issue too.

Sorry for the bad news.


More of a joke, but thanks anyways!

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  • 1 month later...

You really need to make more of these.


That actually reminds me that months ago i had seen one of your images from this series and tried to make my own one based off of it.

Here is the link to it for anyone curious

(I know it's not that good but that's all i can do when all i have is paint.net and an old Optiplex 760 SFF computer with only 2 GB of RAM to work with.)

Edited by inkoalawetrust
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  On 11/9/2018 at 12:26 AM, inkoalawetrust said:

You really need to make more of these.


That actually reminds me that months ago i had seen one of your images from this series and tried to make my own one based off of it.

Here is the link to it for anyone curious

(I know it's not that good but that's all i can do when all i have is paint.net and an old Optiplex 760 SFF computer with only 2 GB of RAM to work with.)


Lets hope the series continues as well, I enjoyed it 

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  On 11/9/2018 at 12:26 AM, inkoalawetrust said:

You really need to make more of these.


I need to make more of lots of stuff (LOST on Laythe chapters, Tinfoil Times images, More Wallpapers, plus other stuff kicking around in my head)... and now I'm getting distracted by new stuff, like my first parts mod.

I will make more of these images... errr, I mean have them handed to me under a table, by some guy in a trenchcoat.

I've got half a dozen games sitting around waiting to be installed too, never seem to get the time for them.

Must get around to acquiring some clones.

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This morning this reporter was abducted while on the way to work. A bag was put over his head and he was thrown into what was most likely the trunk of a car.

On being removed from the assumed trunk the hood was removed, and this reporter found himself in what appeared to be a small shoe store. His abductor dressed in a green and blue pinstripe suit, red patent leather shoes and a Richard Nixon mask; handed him a beige envelope. The Nixon mask wearer then threw the bag back on, bunded this reporter into the same assumed trunk, or one of similar size and shape. Minutes later he was unbundled and told to remove the mask after a count of 30 seconds. Fearful of angering some Nixon mask wearing cabal, the reporter obeyed the instructions and on removing the bag, found himself at the entrance to his place of work.

Inside the envelope was a single photograph and a piece of paper containing the transcript of a debriefing of one of the Apollo astronauts.  The transcript described events on the moon that have until today, not been made public knowledge.

Ed was using the TV camera with Mission Control telling him what they wanted him to focus on, while I was working on a panorama with the Hasselblad. I'm working on the 12 o'clock sector when I swing round to side of the LEM and I see one of them creatures. It was the first time we'd come across them and this little guy is about 20 feet in front of me, standing by the flag.

It just stares up at it at for a while, then it reaches out and grabs hold of it with its right hand and start yanking on it. I'm guessing these creatures ain't exactly strong, because this one's pulling away at it like crazy, but the thing ain't budging. I got a shot of it as it's yanking at the pole, then I moved towards it, hoping to scare it off.

Well it's just then that all that yanking pays off for the little guy, and the flag comes outta the ground. That thing looks straight at me... big grin on it's face, tucks the flag and pole under it's arm and fires up some kinda rocket pack. Well that thing's heading up and away from me, down sun and I'm doing the best I can to keep up on the ground, but it's moving away pretty fast. After about 15, 20 seconds that rocket pack must have malfunctioned, and that little guy starts spinning and tumbling, no way it was gonna keep in flight like that.

In the end the creature hits the ground going at a fair lick and kicks up a big plume of dust. I was expecting to see the little guy's suit all ripped up from the impact, but when the dust starts to clear, the thing just hops back up on its feet like nothing happened. It must have lost grip of the flag a bit short of where they came to a stop, and it's on the ground about midway between the two of us. It turned round and took a look at the flag, then at me and back at the flag again. I guess it thought better of trying to make off with it a second time, because it turned and started running again across the surface, going up sun.

That little guy could move at a fair lick on foot, so there wasn't much point in trying to catch it, plus we had a lot of scheduled work to do. So I went over to the flag, picked it up and returned to the landing site to put it back where it belonged.


Edited by purpleivan
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

More news has come to light regarding the shocking story of human interaction with alien beings on the moon in the 1960's and 70's. A photo that the space agency had previously said was "lost when sent to the local drug store to be developed" has come to light in unusual circumstances.

Janitors clearing up after a particularly raucus Christmas party at the Kennedy Space Center discovered the photo in a folder, stuffed in a half empty box of tequlia bottles. The box of "Limpiador de Cerebro" brand bottles had the words "Space Shots" written on it in thick black marker.

As well as the photo itself, the folder contained a transcript of a debriefing of the astronaut seen in the photo.

"We were on EVA 2, heading out to Cone Crater and we made a stop near a large boulder, the grade was pretty steep so both of wanted to catch our breath. Ed started started taking panorma photos and I went to take a closer look at the boulder.

As I got closer suddenly one of those little guys we saw on EVA 1, trying to take our flag, pops up from behind the boulder. It takes one look at me starts to panic, it's flapping its hands around like their on fire or something, and gives me a look like he was staring at his own ghost. Eventually it stops flapping its hands and started quickly looking around, still with that panicked look on its face. It was turning between looking left and right so fast that its helmet spun round 180 degrees, so I'm staring at the rear of the helmet while the visor's round the back.

Well it started flapping its hands again, then it starts feeling the part of the helmet that's in front of its face. I don't know if it couldn't turn it back round, or if it was just confused, but suddenly it turned and started running off to my left. I don't think that little guy got more than 10 feet before it tripped over a rock and landed flat on its face. Then it jumped up and took off again in a different direction, got another 10, 20 feet or so before it was in the dirt again.

It kept running and falling like that for about a minute and half, all the time I'm staring at this thing, getting nice clear look of the back of its head through the visor. A lot clearer than that little guy's view of the moon anyway. Eventually it drops out of sight when it dropped into a small crater.

I gotta tell ya... you ain't seen physical comedy 'til you seen it in 1/6th G."


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  On 1/12/2019 at 7:54 PM, lapis said:

this is amazing, nice work on editing the kerbals in, how long did it take you to get that face for the kerbal in the last picture?


Not too long, maybe about 10-15 minutes, but that includes getting the camera in the right position to match up with where I wanted to put the kerbal in the image. After that it was just a case of waiting until the panic animation started, then hammer away at the F1 key to grab screenshots.

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