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Mission idea: Kerbal Dakar 2017


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Just now, Triop said:

I see some of you take fuel/EC to last for 3 stages, why ?

Isn't it better to make your car lighter and just refuel after every stage ?


Personally, I wanted a quasi-realistic setup. I'm currently tweaking fuel consumption to closely match what a Dakar Jeep would consume in 30km stages. 

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5 minutes ago, Triop said:

I see some of you take fuel/EC to last for 3 stages, why ?

Isn't it better to make your car lighter and just refuel after every stage ?


Personally, if I could pack enough fuel for the whole rally, I would.  Although it's not being timed, I don't like spending a bunch of time between each stage to get a fuel vehicle out to the rover.

Not so much about realism for me, in this case, mostly just convenience and/or laziness.  The few m/s I would gain from having less fuel would likely only lead to more crashes, anyway :)

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5 minutes ago, Triop said:


*Heavy swedish accent* Aww don't be sad, Triop, that's why they call it Shpoople! 

I'll put it this way: my fuel truck takes 3 times as long to get to checkpoints, and my Fuel Drone has only landed successfully once :P  (And my Fuel Rocket... yes dumb idea as it is... was pretty imprecise at best).

I've considered sticking a bunch of fuel tanks up in orbit, and de-orbit them to the right precise areas as needed.  It would look insanely cool... but I would spend more time doing that than driving, in all likelihood.

Although if there were, like, fuel stations at each checkpoint, then maybe I would pack a little less fuel. :)

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40 minutes ago, Triop said:

Question to you all, what is your power source ? (amount of elec./fuel etc.)

Currently i stick to the smallest radial tank with 22 LF and 18 OX to power a 1200kg buggy with three small fuelcells, no additional batteries, this lasts until stage four flag in your rally, the third fuelcell works at around 85% load flatout, uphill all three go 100% and battery is slightly going down. 

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56 minutes ago, Triop said:

Question to electric drivers, how much battery power do you have in your car ?

I use 3050.

I use the small Fuel cells. One per wheel on the larger wheels, the small ones two fuel cells will do the job nicely. Each fuel cell handles 50 units, so that's 200 for my Dakar buggies, plus I add 300 units for a surge buffer. Fuel tanks are the Oscars, and 3 of them seem plenty to do the entire course (mathematically).

So.....I max out at 500 units.

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1 minute ago, GDJ said:

I use the small Fuel cells. One per wheel on the larger wheels, the small ones two fuel cells will do the job nicely. Each fuel cell handles 50 units, so that's 200 for my Dakar buggies, plus I add 300 units for a surge buffer. Fuel tanks are the Oscars, and 3 of them seem plenty to do the entire course (mathematically).

So.....I max out at 500 units.

Wonderfull how we all have complete different setups, it amazes me. &)

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7 minutes ago, Triop said:

Wonderfull how we all have complete different setups, it amazes me. &)

It is cool! Some people like to build tanks that can take down the launch centre, some of us (like me) build minimum weight race cars. I admit my setups are far more fragile and take alot more setup time, but they seem to do well.


Take this car for example. It has no backup batteries, two fuel cells, weighs in at 0.741 tonnes, and it can almost do the rally (it's a bit too light and too low to the ground), but on smooth surfaces it just plain hauls butt.

And the wing panels do alot more than the flaps. A lot more.

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6 minutes ago, GDJ said:

It is cool! Some people like to build tanks that can take down the launch centre, some of us (like me) build minimum weight race cars. I admit my setups are far more fragile and take alot more setup time, but they seem to do well.


Take this car for example. It has no backup batteries, two fuel cells, weighs in at 0.741 tonnes, and it can almost do the rally (it's a bit too light and too low to the ground), but on smooth surfaces it just plain hauls butt.

And the wing panels do alot more than the flaps. A lot more.

Whoa. Glad I caught that edit. Can I use that pic for the Structural Tubes mod page?


EDIT: looks like a caterham or LoCost

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3 minutes ago, DrunkenKerbalnaut said:

Whoa. Glad I caught that edit. Can I use that pic for the Structural Tubes mod page?


EDIT: looks like a caterham or LoCost

Yes you may use the image, and I'm flattered!

Umm....yeah I'll say Caterham inspired. It's really fun to drive, and it can do a reasonable approximation of Fast and Furious Tokyo Drifts.....and rip around the KSC buildings at 45 m/s. :D

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4 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Yes you may use the image, and I'm flattered!

Umm....yeah I'll say Caterham inspired.



Well there's been plenty of sexy rovers in these threads that are using the Tubes, but most kinda look like something I normally build, so although I am proud to have provided, yours is definitely unexpected. 

Like BureauJagers mini copter. Glad the mod is serving well. Almost done with the mod cleanup, just behind schedule due to Christmas/Dakar. :)


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Ya know ... the only reason I take part in this is because of all the attention of them girls.



Suddenly I hear all of ya yellin': "yeah allright, quit it granpah!"

But I'm only 39 and no kids!

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3 minutes ago, GDJ said:

There is also this one. This is the first one I did. I like the sexy red tubes. It weighs in at 0.650 tonnes.


I love the way u used the platforms.


 I've seen it used a few times as a windshield/windscreen/kerbal-head-stopper now. Makes me wish the mod had a broader scope. Maybe I'll do another sometime... This thread has been all over the place, but I'd feel particularly bad if mine and Spanners mod derailed it. Let's leave the convo there. Thanks for sharing and trying the mod! 


9 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Ya know ... the only reason I take part in this is because of all the attention of them girls.



Suddenly I hear all of ya yellin': "yeah allright, quit it granpah!"

But I'm only 39 and no kids!

It's my personal opinion that if a man and a guitar make it on stage together without both knowing the feel of cut wine bottle glass, they aren't fit to play luau music. Thanks for sharing Az. 

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7 minutes ago, Triop said:

I'm going to bed and cry all night....

stage 5;

I find stage 5 and 6 the hardest to navigate, very few landmarks to go by. I'm setting up some extra flags on S5 right now. If you take the right path it can be a really fast run....untill ^^ happens!


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Man... this would be so much more appealing if I could disable auto-struts on wheels! Many years of perfecting stock suspension has gone down the gutter now that wheels are auto-strutted. It'd make for some particularly interesting car entries.

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9 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Man... this would be so much more appealing if I could disable auto-struts on wheels! Many years of perfecting stock suspension has gone down the gutter now that wheels are auto-strutted. It'd make for some particularly interesting car entries.

I feel like I remember a post by @NathanKell that addressed this. 

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Just now, Avera9eJoe said:


I tagged him in hopes that he would respond. I may be confusing it with another issue, but he said something about leaving a back door to reversing that for the developers of a mod. Infernal Robotics? I can't remember. Sorry. I would search, but I'm following my wife through a department store like a puppy. 

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1 hour ago, DrunkenKerbalnaut said:

I tagged him in hopes that he would respond. I may be confusing it with another issue, but he said something about leaving a back door to reversing that for the developers of a mod. Infernal Robotics? I can't remember. Sorry. I would search, but I'm following my wife through a department store like a puppy. 

I'd love a mod that simply made auto struts on wheels behave like regular parts... Just the ability to change their strut destination would be enough for me... :(

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