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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

Phineas Freak

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I just take your develop file for test & i have small sugestion:

1. try add a bigger hallow, glowing to our dear earth :) is a little to could & it need a little love touch :)

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2. I see you build only 2 cloud layer, i guess reason was to not be soo heavy stress for game :) but 1 more i will be ok to sneak in if you can. i will try to send you some config file when i will succeed to make them work proper agen with actual mods :) below few screanshot done with your dev pack & new scatter version


3. The Sun it need to be bigger

Thx for working to keep alive a visual pack for RSS, hope to see Pingo back to :)

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  On 1/24/2017 at 1:38 AM, Blacks said:

1. try add a bigger hallow, glowing to our dear earth :) is a little to could & it need a little love touch :)


The Earth has been brightened a bit since the last release candidate. I try to keep it realistic, since the colors would be flat in reality.

  On 1/24/2017 at 1:38 AM, Blacks said:

2. I see you build only 2 cloud layer, i guess reason was to not be soo heavy stress for game


Yep, when you add a cloud layer without volumetrics it looks really bad from up close. In the same time i cannot afford the performance loss from more than 2 volumetric layers. So, for the mainstream releases i will not consider more layers.

  On 1/24/2017 at 1:38 AM, Blacks said:

3. The Sun it need to be bigger


I do not control that. The size of the Sun and the distance from the Earth are specific, so is the apparent size of it when viewed from a distance of 1AU. Now, if you mean the flare then i will see what i can do. I already shrunk it a bit since it did not look realistic.

@sDaZe, @Galileo one of the things that bother me a lot are the Scatterer configs as seen from the flight view (i.e. the config points). Currently it is a major problem as i can never get them to look good all the way from the ground to orbit.

I am considering making a small program to:

  • Extract the altitude - pressure curve of the body
  • Finding a nice way to link this curve into gas/particle density
  • Normalizing the resutls between 0 and 1 for easier porting

Also, i had asked this question previously, and it will sound really stupid that i am asking it now, but how can i calculate the ratio between:

  • Rt and Rg
  • Rl and Rg

Theoretically, i should be able to use the defined atmospheric height for Rt (140000 m for Earth) and add some value to it to get Rl. Is this valid in any way?

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  On 1/24/2017 at 8:01 AM, Phineas Freak said:


  • Rt and Rg
  • Rl and Rg

Theoretically, i should be able to use the defined atmospheric height for Rt (140000 m for Earth) and add some value to it to get Rl. Is this valid in any way?


Yes, this is what I did for Earth and Mars, though Mars has issues. Rg doesn't need to change but Rt and then I tweaked the half densitiy heights to the atmosphere charts. 

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  On 1/24/2017 at 9:08 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Theysen A quick test shows that it does work, although to get a nice result on the Scatterer Tool i had to divide the atmospheric height by 2. If we can automate this to also create the nodes then i will be a very happy person! :D


I can't tell you exactly why you would need to divide it by 2? But I am just redoing the Mars .halfs from scratch and I am stunned by scatterer once again as the butterscotch color turns into blueish around dawn and dusk. I also have configs for what the human eye would see down on the surface in contrast to what the rover pictures deliver, but sadly scatterer doesn't allow dynamic switching (yet :P).  I also hope to delete the terrain - atmosphere mismatch now. 

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  On 1/24/2017 at 9:29 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Theysen OK, i re-tested and now it works with the normal altitude(s). BTW, what did you use for Rl? Playing with various values does not seem to change anything.


for Rl I did not use anything as it happens automatically by the tool, and as blackrack stated in the explanation it works "strange". I just entered earth  radius and atmoheight (although it must not be changed as it scales automatically, but I prefer working with the real values). For Rl I just add a km to the Rt, I don't see any differences, no matter what I enter in that field.

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  On 1/24/2017 at 9:43 AM, Theysen said:

I don't see any differences, no matter what I enter in that field.


I made a quick program to calculate automatically the Scatterer Tool parameters from the defined body settings. Now, to find what particle size to use for Mie...should be fun!

Edit 1: seems like reusing the Rayleigh values does the trick.

Edit 2: another nice thing: albedo (ground reflectance) is also well supported!

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  On 1/24/2017 at 10:03 AM, Phineas Freak said:

The develop is a bit broken right now. I was changing various things while trying to understand the new EVE integration. I will reapply all the old settings after i finish with the Scatterer texture remakes.


Aaaah, alright! :) Wow I'm hooked, I try to get this Mars atmo right asap and make a PR so you can have a look and evaluate if you want it :)


Nope - I can try whatever I want but the atmo on Mars just starts below ground and gives very harsh edge against the mountains in the back. Although it should scale correctly. It's still present in the current version of scatterer / kopernicus. I don't know where the issue is coming from :(


EDIT: Putting a thought into the issue I think it's actually the "penalty" for the realistic properties given to the atmosphere config. As Mars has a very very thin visual atmosphere it comes to issues like these when the mounain peaks are higher than the half density. Either I could create a thicker and higher nice looking atmosphere band or we have to come up with a workaround. I'll keep on looking for a solution.

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Hi, do I understand correctly that the rss + scatterer + eve + rssve combo doesn't work currently? I tried to download the newest version of every dependency and all I got was sometimes black clouds and always big performance hit. I know that with this setup I wont get fancy FPS but this was really unnatural. When I switched scatterer to the compatibility mod with older version of eve, I managed to get those clouds white but still everything was laggy and definitely not pretty. Or am I doing something wrong? 

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  On 1/30/2017 at 9:07 PM, Adik3714 said:

Hi, do I understand correctly that the rss + scatterer + eve + rssve combo doesn't work currently? I tried to download the newest version of every dependency and all I got was sometimes black clouds and always big performance hit. I know that with this setup I wont get fancy FPS but this was really unnatural. When I switched scatterer to the compatibility mod with older version of eve, I managed to get those clouds white but still everything was laggy and definitely not pretty. Or am I doing something wrong? 


The newest scatterer version is currently not compatible to the release candidate version of RSSVE - but it is being worked on. For now download the second newest scatterer version from spacedock, you find it under changelog. Otherwise you experience bad behaviour which might end in OOM and very low FPS.



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@Adik3714 You fell into a small loophole that my installation instructions have: they do not account for breaking changes to any of the two required mods. So, when i say to install the latest version of a mod this may be incompatible with the actual content that RSSVE provides. Currently, the only way to get it work is to install the previous stable version of Scatterer (v.0256), as @Theysen pointed out .

The incompatibility with the newest Scatterer release is known for a long time and i aknowledged it in the previous page of this topic.

@sDaZe You are a natural at this kind of stuff, aren't you? :D That's one of

Progress Log #2

Not very much to report, i am having major problems getting the result that i want to have. Some bodies (Earth, Mars, Triton, Pluto) are working fine, others (Venus, Titan) not so much and for some specific ones (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are impossible to get and look right. Time and testing will tell if i will manage to get them working.

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  On 1/31/2017 at 8:49 AM, Phineas Freak said:

You fell into a small loophole that my installation instructions have: they do not account for breaking changes to any of the two required mods. So, when i say to install the latest version of a mod this may be incompatible with the actual content that RSSVE provides. Currently, the only way to get it work is to install the previous stable version of Scatterer (v.0256)@Theysen


May I suggest altering the installation instructions in Post #1 to include a link to the last version of Scatter that is known to work, in case of problems with the newest version?

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  On 1/23/2017 at 9:18 PM, Heady978 said:


@Phineas Freak  I got it. Clouds is just a layer like Earth map. So I optimistically added 4 extra cloud layers... the result was standing in the night at launch pad with 16 FPS instead of ~50FPS before. :D So i deleted 3 and had just one more with a slightly faster moving speed. Im pretty happy with this config.

How did you do that?



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  On 1/31/2017 at 6:48 PM, sDaZe said:

That sentance ended quite abruptly XD


Blame the mobile view. IPS is one of the worst forum suits that i have ever seen on that end...anyway, the correct sentence was:


You are a natural at this kind of stuff, aren't you? :D That's one of the best examples that i have seen for KSP visuals!


@Nathangun Are you looking for a way to add more layers? If so then open the EVE interface (Mod Key + 0 {zero}), find the Earth cloud config entry and add more layers.

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  On 2/1/2017 at 8:27 AM, Phineas Freak said:

Blame the mobile view. IPS is one of the worst forum suits that i have ever seen on that end...anyway, the correct sentence was:

@Nathangun Are you looking for a way to add more layers? If so then open the EVE interface (Mod Key + 0 {zero}), find the Earth cloud config entry and add more layers.


Thanks @Phineas Freak

I love the mod, I made the mistake of loading Scatter EVE, etc.. viva CKAN when (using it for the first time ever) installing RSS as shown in a youtube vid, at first RSSVE lagged, but then I copied over the manual installed addon's from the generic KSP I've been playing and now it works like a dream on my aging rig, and I have countless addon's, the AVC addon counts 50! :o

Just one more question, as a newbie I can ask without getting embarrassed, how do I open the EVE interface in game and which button is the Mod Key?

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  On 2/1/2017 at 8:58 AM, Nathangun said:

as a newbie I can ask without getting embarrassed


Don't be, we all have to start from somewhere!

  On 2/1/2017 at 8:58 AM, Nathangun said:

how do I open the EVE interface in game and which button is the Mod Key?


The Mod key depends on the OS used. If you are on Windows or Linux then it is the "Alt" key. On Mac i think it is called the "Option" key. Pressing that key, in conjuction with the zero on the keyboard (note: zero {0} and not the character {O}) while in the Space Center/Tracking Station/Flight scene will open the EVE GUI.

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