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[1.x.x] Kerbal Hacks: Wearable KIS Props


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11 hours ago, fatcargo said:

... Wold totaly work for some live action shots, go-pro-style. Parachutes, breaking sound barrier on sub-orbital trajectory, riding a rocket, bathing in flames of launched rocket, exiting cockpit in flight... :cool:


*chuckle* go-pro - yep exactly what I was thinking of. :):cool:

getting the 'talkie working would be interesting - just have to add resource EC - and


		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 20
		maxAmount = 20
		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
		antennaType = DIRECT
		packetInterval = 2.4
		packetSize = 1
		packetResourceCost = 1.2
		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		DeployFxModules = 0
		antennaPower = 20000
		antennaCombinable = False



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  • 2 weeks later...

        %antennaType = DIRECT
        %packetInterval = 0.2
        %packetSize = 1.35
        %packetResourceCost = 0.375
        %requiredResource = ElectricCharge
        %antennaPower = 35000
        %optimumRange = 5000
        %packetFloor = 0.1
        %packetCeiling = 5

eva kerbals are the same thing as a ship above is a cfg for adding a xmitter to them. 

the above works prior to breaking ground. 

if you have breaking ground installed use the universal storage II EVAx backpack. 

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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  • 2 months later...

Tried the 1.5 version of the mod posted here on 1.7.3 and it mostly works, and the things that don't work might be because I'm a bit obtuse:
- I tried changing the color of the Holo Visor "Eyepatch" during EVA using part commander, but I could not find the part in the part-list. I don't have firespitter installed. (The fuel gauge seems to be working, wasn't able to properly deplete enough fuel to see changes)
- Equipping the Omni-Tool Blue and trying to bolt a part to a vessel (a Holo Visor) gave me the 'tool needed' error message.

Are these issues worth looking into?

Edited by The-Grim-Sleeper
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@The-Grim-Sleeper The blue omni tool is just for looks. You can add engineer functionality to it by adding this module:


		name = ModuleKISItemAttachTool
		shortcutKeyAction = equip
		equipable = true
		equipSkill = RepairSkill
		equipSlot = leftHandWrist
		equipMeshName = body01
		equipBoneName = bn_l_elbow_b01
		equipPos = (-0.15,0.022,0.01)
		equipDir = (0,90,15)
		toolPartAttach = true
		toolStaticAttach = false
		toolPartStack = true
		attachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver
		detachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/detachScrewdriver


I will have time for updating the parts this month. Need to adapt them for new Kerbal bodies.


I should replace the color changer on emissive parts with a stock module. Would love to get my hands on that inflight color changer for DLC suits.

Edited by Enceos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a mod similar to this one that gives me more feedback when I'm in first-person EVA ("through the eyes of a kerbal")? Like a mod showing a 3D joystick or arm-mounted buttons on the Kerbal, or whatever, so that when I'm in VR I have more feedback about the piloting of the space suit.

Some piloting feedback similar to the one you have in the bottom-left corner of the screen when you're in docking mode guidance.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/19/2019 at 10:22 PM, Enceos said:

I should replace the color changer on emissive parts with a stock module. Would love to get my hands on that inflight color changer for DLC suits.

I've looked at the new .cfg file for the tron-suits, and the only new modules are for the ROC-science and a 'ModuleColorChanger', similar to the one used in command pods for the window-lights. Instead of color curves, it uses 3 solid 'xxxxxColor'-fields for color definition. I don't see an obvious 'this-field-required-for-inflight-editting'-field.

I'm not the most savvy of kerbal file explorer. I can't find the 'this module controls visor-color'-module in the ARHoloVisorSingle.cfg either.

Any recommendations?

Edit: Ok, I found that FStextureSwitch2 module. It helps if I look at the correct HoloGoggles file. Still not very savvy.

Edited by The-Grim-Sleeper
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 9/10/2019 at 5:19 PM, Yoloking Mapping said:

Omg This is very awesome mod. But i have some issues in 1.7.3. When i click the equip button it doesn't want to equip. Is this a bug? Can it be fixed? How do i fix that?

It seems to be based on the KIS version change as noted here: https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/wiki/Equippable-items-in-KIS-v1.15-and-higher#transitioning-from-the-pre-115-versions

The body part name in the config for each little prop needs to be changed to the alias, instead. I just tested the holo eyepiece, and it works fine with the simple change from:

equipBoneName = bn_upperJaw01


equipBoneName = aliasHead

...or the appropriate alias based on the link above.

I'm also realizing that same part was giving me log spam because it's probably not talking properly to Kerbalism (which removes EVA fuel in favor of monoprop, i think).

@Enceos -- do you have these in a github or anything? I'm probably going to "fix" all your props' .cfg files, then add a tiny Kerbalism patch if I can figure out the MM syntax.

Edited by Beetlecat
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1 hour ago, Beetlecat said:

do you have these in a github or anything? I'm probably going to "fix" all your props' .cfg files, then add a tiny Kerbalism patch if I can figure out the MM syntax

sweet - I only use one or two (lights) - but still great. kindly also post the patches here.

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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I found:


Soyuz:KISProps macluky$ grep -R equipBoneName *|cut -f 2 -d :|sort|uniq

equipBoneName = bn_helmet01

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01

equipBoneName = bn_l_elbow_b01

equipBoneName = bn_r_mid_a01

equipBoneName = bn_upperJaw01

So for :










It becomes:


What about the others? what are the new bones? #excited to fix this

Ran ahead, not tested yet, but what about this:


                @equipBoneName = aliasHead


Now the others...

equipBoneName = bn_helmet01

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01

equipBoneName = bn_l_elbow_b01

equipBoneName = bn_r_mid_a01

Edited by MacLuky
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** update **

can anyone test this? away from KSP:

		@equipBoneName = aliasHead

		@equipBoneName = aliasHelmet

		@equipBoneName = aliasJetpack

		@equipBoneName = aliasRightElbow

		@equipBoneName = aliasRightPalm


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59 minutes ago, MacLuky said:

Now the others...

equipBoneName = bn_helmet01 is now aliasHelmet

equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01 is now aliasJetpack

equipBoneName = bn_l_elbow_b01 is now aliasLeftElbow

equipBoneName = bn_r_mid_a01 is now aliasRightPalm

Sorry, you already caught them.

Edited by Rik
I was stupid
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this should work (original missing the @ before Part and should always have a :NEEDS and :FOR)


// KISPropsBones.cfg v1.0
// KerbalHacks/KISProps
// created: 22 Jan 2020
// updated: 22 Jan 2020

		@equipBoneName = aliasHead

		@equipBoneName = aliasHelmet

		@equipBoneName = aliasJetpack

		@equipBoneName = aliasRightElbow

		@equipBoneName = aliasRightPalm

// thank you @MacLuky

// MIT
// zer0Kerbal



ps: I prefer the ',' (comma) to the '|' (pipe) to indicate AND - to me the comma is more universally understood.

just tested and apparently is working. thank you for the effort!

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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5 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

excellent - what about the @linuxgurugamer mod that changes EVA_Propellant to MP?

In this case, Kerbalism is doing it already, and the eyepiece prop+indicator lights is looking for the wrong (now missing) resource.

I'm trying this out to see if it'll take. There is more than one entry for that module in that part (one to manage each of the "bars" of fuel status) -- will this syntax replace @resourceName in all of them, or do I need to call them out individually?

		@resourceName = MonoPropellant



Edited by Beetlecat
fixed MM script per zer0Kerbal
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17 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

that might do it - the ",*" should mean ALL

ooo! That worked like a charm. I was only seeing one of the bars, so I knew I was on the right track. :) Cheers!

So that's the "Kerbal Hacks + Indicator Lights + Kerbalism (or any mod that changes EVA_Propellant to MonoPropellant)" patch.

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10 minutes ago, Beetlecat said:

ooo! That worked like a charm. I was only seeing one of the bars, so I knew I was on the right track. :) Cheers!

So that's the "Kerbal Hacks + Indicator Lights + Kerbalism (or any mod that changes EVA_Propellant to MonoPropellant)" patch.


here is a suggested change:


// EVAFuel.cfg v1.0
// KerbalHacks/KISProps
// created: 22 Jan 2020
// updated: 23 Jan 2020

// update only if KISProps and IndicatorLights is installed
	// only change if either EVAFuel or Kerbalism is installed.
		@resourceName = MonoPropellant

// @Beetlecat
// MIT
// zer0Kerbal



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8 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:


here is a suggested change:

  Hide contents

// EVAFuel.cfg v1.0
// KerbalHacks/KISProps
// created: 22 Jan 2020
// updated: 23 Jan 2020

// update only if KISProps and IndicatorLights is installed
	// only change if either EVAFuel or Kerbalism is installed.
		@resourceName = MonoPropellant

// @Beetlecat
// MIT
// zer0Kerbal



Niiiiice. :D

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Whenever I try to equip a head accessory, like the aviator shades or helmet lights, I get these errors in orange:

Error: Cannot find object for EVA item: bn_helmet01 for the helmet lights and

Error: Cannot find object for EVA item: bn_upperjaw01 with the aviator shades.

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