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[1.8.x, 1.9.x] NEBULA space engineering - Decals Continued


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This is a continuation of the NEBULA Space Engeneering Decals mod, old thread is here

Thanks to @MeCripp for providing an update


This mod allows to place decals on your crafts!

Theres 5 parts - 1 flat, 1 curved decal, 1x2, 1x4 and 1x8 decals. You can switch the textures of the decal and rescale it.


Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/1132/NEBULA Decals Continued

Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NEBULA_Decals



This mod INCLUDES Firespitter plugin by Snjo (only the plugin is included)! His forum thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-5-(Sep-1st)-for-KSP-0-24-2 

Tweak Scale plugin is recommended so you can rescale the decals! Get it here

Making Your own decals:

  1. Make your desired texture with size by power of two - 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 etc.. pixels and save it as YourTexture.png in " \GameData\NEBULA\decals\textures\ " directory.
  2. Open the config.cfg and configc.cfg. Find the line " textureNames = " and add your texture name at the end of line with a semicolon before it.


If your texture is named "Yourtexture.png", the line should look like:

textureNames = dcl2;nebula;esa1;esa2;nasa1;nasa2;roskosmos1;roskosmos2;energia1;euflag;usflag;ruflag;Yourtexture

Restart the game and enjoy your new decal :)

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Glad to see Nebula continuing! I know there's another fork of nebula out there, I'll check this out.... I have a mostly done set of graphics for Nebula and a template for people to make their own, thanks for the update :)

Edited by Saybur Stuff
spelling, grammar
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36 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Quite possible.  I'll look into it

Awesome. I use nebula to make a lot of custom graphics for my game, there's a lot of name-changing when I add new stuff. I think it'd be handy to just drop png's into a folder. I'd imagine you would need a different folder for each dimension.


Thanks for the work on this :)

Edited by Saybur Stuff
I imagine that I say "I'd imagine" too often...
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  • 1 month later...


Please excuse the noobish question but I'll start from the top:

I have a shuttle 'x'  craft file.  I want to have multiple versions of it (ex 4 different names).  With this mod, I understand that I could use something like MS Paint/Corel Draw and make a few "Name Decals", save them as a .png (or whatever), and then follow the directions above it should show up, correct?

It has been about 10 years since I have done any sort of graphic art/map creation

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25 minutes ago, smotheredrun said:


Please excuse the noobish question but I'll start from the top:

I have a shuttle 'x'  craft file.  I want to have multiple versions of it (ex 4 different names).  With this mod, I understand that I could use something like MS Paint/Corel Draw and make a few "Name Decals", save them as a .png (or whatever), and then follow the directions above it should show up, correct?

It has been about 10 years since I have done any sort of graphic art/map creation


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, ErevanGaming said:

hi @linuxgurugamer =)

Is there a way to change a decal on an already deployed vessel? I used Nebula decals to show designations for my satellites and numbered them. I've already set-up my Mun relay satellite when I realized I forgot to change the number set. =D =">


Regards! =)

Probably not, it works in the editor, using editor tools.

You would have to edit the save file to do this

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I've been waiting so long for a replacement since this stopped working, and linuxgurugamer has gone and sacrificed some more sanity to keep an awesome mod going. Woo! I don't know how you haven't snapped trying to manage so many mods, and i wish i had some extra cash to donate

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12 hours ago, ErevanGaming said:

Hi @linuxgurugamer

Got it! =) think I'll let my mistake "slide" this time. ="> don't want to mess up my career save =D


Thanks again =)

Anything is possible with KIS/KAS :wink:

1. Go to VAB open a part which is roughly same size as your target part where you want to place the decal

2. put a KIS container on top of that part

3. Place decal on 1st part, resize, set texture etc.

4. Open the KIS inventory and pull the Decal item inside the container

5. set the KIS container as root part

6. Remove the decal plus the 1st part

7. Build a rocket around the KIS container, send it to the Deployed Satellite (remember to take an Engineer with you + Screwdriver)

8. EVA attach the Decal as you wish

if *7 is too hard due to high orbit, Satellite far away, no way to get to it, just HyperEdit the KIS container + Crew Cabin to it :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, FasterThanFlourite said:

More marvelous mods maintained by you, @linuxgurugamer! This might be better suited in the TweakScale thread, but how do I restrict TweakScale only to work on the flags?

Not sure I understand you.  This uses Firespitter to control the decals, if you right-click on the decal, it should have a way to scale it.

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