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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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5 hours ago, DDE said:

And another. Glad to see intense Kirovposting and Flanjerposting are beginning to impact routine US military operations.

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Remember when we thought those guys were cool?

I'm starting to wonder if McCarthy was wrong after all.

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14 hours ago, TheSaint said:

I'm starting to wonder if McCarthy was wrong after all.



But after [Archibald Clarke] Kerr's arrival in the United States, events took place that made him look a little differently at the value of the main gift he received from Stalin. At the first press conference on the dock in New York, he got nervous, awkwardly answered journalists' questions and, apparently wishing to change the subject, suddenly said: "I have a Russian slave given to me by Stalin." This statement attracted the attention of not only the press, but also the FBI, whose agents were very interested in Yost and strongly advised the ambassador to send the Soviet citizen back to the USSR.

His employees also objected to the presence of the "Russian slave" in the British embassy in Washington. It was said that the first secretary of the embassy Donald Maclean, incidentally an agent of Soviet intelligence codenamed "Homer", was the most vehemently opposed to the fact that a Soviet citizen walked around the embassy wherever he pleased. Maclean decided that Yost had been sent from Moscow to supervise him, and tried to free himself from this burden.

I don't think we should broach the topic any further. All I can say is that I've trained Yandex to pepper me with truly fascinating Kommersant History articles like this one.

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2 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Let's try to stay on the topic of the thread, which is what happened to you today, or at least recently.... not to discuss historical occurrences.    Thanks!  :grin:

So you’re saying… someone needs to start a “what funny/interesting thing happened in some random stranger’s life at some point in the past” thread? :D

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As it was told earlier, stirring tea in a cup  and watching the whirl makes to think about our Galaxy, to start searching our Solar System there.

On the other hand, watching the bathtub sink makes feeling sad on thinking about the Great Attractor, where all our galaxies are moving to.

But recently a quantum physics joined the game, as I found a couple of entangled strings on the edge of the matter, and disentangled them, restoring their original dimensions.

Feeling universal makes feeling so stramge...

Edited by kerbiloid
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Things You Can’t Tow with a Tesla, Episode… er, 3.


4200lb bucket lift. :cool: Ok, this one I actually felt. High CoM, narrow track, and surge brakes makes it a bit :wacko: but a new personal best for the “glorified golf cart.” 

And then a weekend of risking life and limb to do things I prolly shoulda just hired a professional to do, but tree limbs can’t be that heavy, right? :unsure: let me just lean way over with this here chainsaw in one hand, what could possibly go wrong?

Tho I’ll say I dunno how those SpaceX guys on the 150-foot lifts do it, I was never more than maybe 20 feet up and just… yeesh… :confused:

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Haven't been here in a good while. Stopped in to grab the latest version 1.12.2 and figured I'd wave hello.

So, hello, from the Republic of Georgia. I'm here on a 6 month vacation with my wife. We've been traveling all over the place, spending August in Batumi for example. This past week we went up to Kazbegi, to visit the Gergeti Trinity Church and Dariali Monastery Complex. The trip put me at the Lars Checkpoint, beyond which was Russia. Closest I've ever been to Russia. A few pictures are in the spoiler below.


Mt. Kazbek as seen from the village of Stepantsminda.


The Gergeti Trinity Church.


The Lars Checkpoint.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to my neighbors always awesome Halloween party. Was unable to get anything last minute to match the theme suggestion (any costume was fine, she does a prompt partially to make it easier for people), so I wore chain mail (which I happen to have) as I have not worn it for Halloween in more than 5 years. 38 lbs meant I could drink Mad Men style and feel like I was working it off, lol. Their band played (they have a band). Decent crowd, maybe 100 people? Nice to be with a large group of people acting like rational humans.

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Spent the last four days moving my mom from California to Arizona. My cousin had arranged to put her in a assisted living out there, but it wasn't working out for her, so we needed to move her out here. We found a rental place on Monday (which is no mean feat, the rental market here in Northern Arizona is nuts right now). So we called and arranged everything with her on Tuesday. Drove out on Wednesday. Spent Thursday cleaning out her apartment at the assisted living. Drove back here on Friday. Spent today unpacking and getting her moved in. We're all pooped.

Tomorrow we're doing our annual Halloween tradition: Not going anywhere. No Trick-or-Treating, no costumes, nothing. The uniform-of-the-day is pajamas. Going to make breakfast, doing church via streaming, then we're going to sit down and watch a movie trilogy (this year it is Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy). When we get hungry it's junk food: pizza rolls, chicken fingers, etc. Everyone went to store and picked out a bag of candy. They all go in a big bucket, and everyone gets to eat candy all day. That's Halloween: Eat candy, watch movies.

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1 hour ago, TheSaint said:

That's Halloween: Eat candy, watch movies.


We're Seeing the new Wes Anderson movie tomorrow with some friends. Gonna pick up in-laws, and have them over for dinner in the evening, and have candy out in case any kids come. Our street has a few little kids, but it's sort of hilly. Don't want them to be disappointed if they bother to walk out 1/2 mile street loop (with a few hundred ft of elevation change)

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I pulled out our fluoresecent blacklight for Halloween for the first time  in two years, and noticed something interesting: the blacklight looks a lot brighter when viewed through my right eye, which is the eye that has had cataract surgery performed. The effect is.... interesting


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8 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

I pulled out our fluoresecent blacklight for Halloween for the first time  in two years, and noticed something interesting: the blacklight looks a lot brighter when viewed through my right eye, which is the eye that has had cataract surgery performed. The effect is.... interesting



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7 hours ago, GuessingEveryDay said:


Yeah, I remembered those sort of references when I noticed the effect. One sunny day next spring I’ll have to go look at some flowers, especially blue-y or violet ones. 

Something else I noticed with my new phone is that red text on black gives a 3D appearance, like the red text is “sunk in” to the black, relative to white text near it. It’s especially noticeable in arstechnica articles, or at least that’s where I occasionally run into occasional red words on a black background. I’m wondering if that effect is related to the fake lens in my eye too…

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I have a 30-min highway commute to work. I've seen plenty of stuff on flatbed/lowbeds: industrial machinery and tanks, race cars, disassembled airplanes and choppers, modulars, and so on. Too bad there 's no reason to see a rocket stage out here. But today was a first.....

Can anyone name this beast from this crappy cropped dashcam image?


The semi was done in camo colors, and the name on the door "Lumpy's Lowbed Service" was so fitting I had to chuckle.

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3 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Can anyone name this beast from this crappy cropped dashcam image?

Looks like a T series (T 72?) Soviet/Russian tank—though it is used by so many countries the specific variant is hard to tell. The splinter protection for the MG is not what the Soviet ones look like I think.

Might be a modernized earlier one, like a T 55


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