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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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On 1/24/2020 at 1:59 PM, kerbiloid said:

Yesterday finished watching The Expanse season 4.
8 of 10 episodes non-stop.

Now I call Kerbals "kerbalowda" and any blue lights on KSP screens and videos looks suspicious...
Why do they not add the protomolecule in KSP? It could be glowing blue.



Oye kerbalowda!

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Today, the new tractor delivered. :D

More precisely, my wife’s new tractor. :unsure:

Aaaaand before it even got here the delivery driver got stuck backing down our muddy driveway...


...reason #42 why we need a tractor... :P

So, the very first thing I got to do today was dig the chains out and use my ginormous lil’ old SUV to drag a 46,000lb flatbed out of the mud. :cool: Gearing FTW.

But finally, it’s here! Brand new Kubota B2301 with loader, grapple and box blade. Time to get my farmer on and start ripping out blackberries with extreme prejudice.

Eventually. Had to get to work after all that and haven’t even sat on the thing yet. :P


Model 3 in the back all like :angry:


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The Three Mus-Kitty-ers : A three part Feline Fantasy


I went to work and I returned home to this. The mother had a very satisfied, smug look on her face and her eldest daughter was just happy that she got siblings to bully take care of. That, and extra breast milk from her mother! I deemed the elder kitten (4 months old) a bit of a threat to the proper development of the three newborns and I have tried to separate her from this litter as much as possible.

There are now 6 cats in our home, if we include the Dad, but Dad's quite the gentleman, he rarely intrudes into our home and prefers to stay outside most of the time. So, 5 cats to look out for.. Good God..

Oh, and my first scientific article was published, 13 months after I submitted it. :D

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26 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

I've spent the last couple of nights cleaning and reorganizing the workbenches and shelves in my garage. Because, well, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

I’ve done that a time or two. It lasts maybe 90 minutes at best before entropy takes over... :unsure:

4 minutes ago, Delay said:

This TAC is not necessarily life support, is it?

Depends upon whose life is being supported... -_-

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