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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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  On 11/4/2021 at 5:35 AM, kerbiloid said:

T-72 usually don't have that MG shield, afaik.

I bet, Soviet T-64 or post-Soviet/Ukrainian T-84 (former T-80), but I'm not a WoT fan.

(Which T-80 is post-T-64, in turn.)


Yeah, I did a quick google, and the gun shield was very odd vs Russian tanks—I was wondering if it might be one used by one of the huge number of other countries that use them—perhaps they have different MGs or autocannons that use an odd shield?

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So speaking of tanks on the highway, today I had to venture down here:


And of course by that I mean downtown Seattle. :P

Of course, took the opportunity to try giving Full Self Drive beta a real challenge… aaaand that was a complete non-starter. Wigged out as usual on the I-5 express lanes, which according to every nav system ever do not actually exist. Couldn’t get more than a hundred yards in the city before disengaging, the city planners down there have a long line of… shall we say altered consciousness… <_<

Absolutely cannot blame the car tho, it’s like driving with a frazzled teenager, and having once been a frazzled teenager in Downtown I can’t say I did much better. 

A tank would have been nice, tho. -_-

Then it was on to the traditional yearly Costco trip, because sometimes you just need that 55-gallon drum of mayonnaise and pallet of paper towels. One of the few times I really miss my old so-big-the-S-end-has-it’s-own-zip-code SUV. Nothing like vehicular Tetris in the pouring rain. 

Had to stop and laugh at all the people idling in line waiting for gas tho. Not because I have an EV, but because the AM/PM up the street is always like 5 or 10 cents cheaper. :D

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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  On 11/4/2021 at 2:23 AM, tater said:

Looks like a T series (T 72?) Soviet/Russian tank—though it is used by so many countries the specific variant is hard to tell. The splinter protection for the MG is not what the Soviet ones look like I think.

Might be a modernized earlier one, like a T 55


The big laser rangefinder and infrared spotlight look like a dead ringer for a T-55AM.


The MG shield looks really odd, though, as if borrowed from a Wehrmacht vehicle. You can't mount a 12.7 mm behind it - no room for the ammo can.

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Please remember, it's not even 10:00 a.m. here (central time zone, U.S. yet...) :confused:

I'm still at my house and my cell phone rings. At the community college I work at, and because of COVID-19, faculty are required to put our cell phone numbers on our syllabi so that we are more "reachable" to the students in our courses.  With that said, my phone rings right at 8:45 -

"Hello, Dr. S....?"

Me: "Yes, that's who I am. But who are you?"

Student" "I'm J____ from your 11:00 class. I wanna let you know I'm not coming to class today."

Me: "Thank you for letting me know."

Student" "How much is this going to hurt my grade?"

Me: "Let me pull up your grades and see..."

Student: "You mean you just can't tell me? Why don't you know?"

Me: "Because there are 24 students who are in the same class as you -- (student interrupts me)

Student: "My mother is a kindergarten teacher; she has 20 students and can tell their parents how their child is doing at any time. Your boss will know how bad you suck 'cause I'm calling them next. Who's your boss! I want their name and number now!"

Me: "Yes, but in addition to your class, I also teach four other classes for the community college. The largest of those has 45 students, the other three have 26 each. I also teach two other classes at another university, both graduate level classes at 14 students each.  Your mother has 20 students. I have 171 students I track."

Student: "I'm only asking you about my grade, you should know that."

Me: "Yes, and now that I have your class' grade book pulled up, I can tell you that by looking at your grades, missing this class isn't going to have much of an impact on your grade at all."

Student: "Wow! I'm doing that good?!"

Me: "No, you're failing. You've not turned in any assignments since the third week. We are now four weeks away from the end of the term. You're not going to pass."

And with that, the student hung up on me. :D

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  On 11/9/2021 at 2:21 PM, adsii1970 said:

Please remember, it's not even 10:00 a.m. here (central time zone, U.S. yet...) :confused:

I'm still at my house and my cell phone rings. At the community college I work at, and because of COVID-19, faculty are required to put our cell phone numbers on our syllabi so that we are more "reachable" to the students in our courses.  With that said, my phone rings right at 8:45 -

"Hello, Dr. S....?"

Me: "Yes, that's who I am. But who are you?"

Student" "I'm J____ from your 11:00 class. I wanna let you know I'm not coming to class today."

Me: "Thank you for letting me know."

Student" "How much is this going to hurt my grade?"

Me: "Let me pull up your grades and see..."

Student: "You mean you just can't tell me? Why don't you know?"

Me: "Because there are 24 students who are in the same class as you -- (student interrupts me)

Student: "My mother is a kindergarten teacher; she has 20 students and can tell their parents how their child is doing at any time. Your boss will know how bad you suck 'cause I'm calling them next. Who's your boss! I want their name and number now!"

Me: "Yes, but in addition to your class, I also teach four other classes for the community college. The largest of those has 45 students, the other three have 26 each. I also teach two other classes at another university, both graduate level classes at 14 students each.  Your mother has 20 students. I have 171 students I track."

Student: "I'm only asking you about my grade, you should know that."

Me: "Yes, and now that I have your class' grade book pulled up, I can tell you that by looking at your grades, missing this class isn't going to have much of an impact on your grade at all."

Student: "Wow! I'm doing that good?!"

Me: "No, you're failing. You've not turned in any assignments since the third week. We are now four weeks away from the end of the term. You're not going to pass."

And with that, the student hung up on me. :D


Yikes! I can’t think of a forum-compliant word to describe that guy.  

He got what he deserved though &)

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In school they taught me that shall is for the first person, "I shall", "We shall" vs "You will", "They will".

When the internet had appeared, it appeared that any person is "will", while the "shall" is like "must will".

But Gandalf explained that "shall" is  "will" but for "you".

Now I have finally stopped understanding what is "shall" for at all...

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  On 11/10/2021 at 12:35 AM, cubinator said:

At my university I once had "Finals Gandalf" come into my class near the end of the semester and declare this.


I could never be a teacher, I’d use this line way too much. With full costume and theatrics. 

“Uh oh, someone’s flunking, prof’s got his good robes on today… :wacko:

  On 11/10/2021 at 6:02 AM, kerbiloid said:

Now I have finally stopped understanding what is "shall" for at all...


Don’t trouble yourself too much, English is a silly language. Shall is more just formal these days, or for trying unsuccessfully to sound overly British. 

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  On 11/10/2021 at 6:02 AM, kerbiloid said:

In school they taught me that shall is for the first person, "I shall", "We shall" vs "You will", "They will".

When the internet had appeared, it appeared that any person is "will", while the "shall" is like "must will".

But Gandalf explained that "shall" is  "will" but for "you".

Now I have finally stopped understanding what is "shall" for at all...


That's a lot of "shall"s...Otherwise known as a "shallot".

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