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Ultimate Steve

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  On 11/29/2017 at 7:22 PM, Earthlinger said:

Ohhhh, I thought you lived in the US. Whoops XD

I confuse you with @Ultimate Steve sometimes :D

Unless Ultimate Steve isn't in the US either. In which case...




Yes, I am from Iowa. Not Iowa the state, but Iowa the country. You see, we seceded from Iowa the state in 2013 over the lack of an Iowa based space program, but nobody recognized us. Iowa, AKA Stratovogmnolia, consists of a few hundred square feet in my garage attic.


BTW I should be doing my chemistry work right now but I'm using the school's chromebook to browse the forums... Oh, well, I've got an hour left in class anyway...

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Ah okay :D

  On 11/29/2017 at 7:27 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

BTW I should be doing my chemistry work right now but I'm using the school's chromebook to browse the forums... Oh, well, I've got an hour left in class anyway...


Someone should also make a homework/high school life/class discussion thread for all us still in secondary :P

EDIT: That sort of stuff could probably fit in here though, so never mind

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On the walk home from school today I saw a jet transit the moon.

Not particularly special, but rare. According to a reddit post (only source I could find) the moon comprises 0.00106% of the sky, so, pretty rare indeed.

Also that reminds me, a few weeks back I saw the moon perfectly positioned on top of a tower of some sort, it looked like an evil genius's weapon.

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Today in art class I listened to three of my classmates discuss how to pronounce the word 'squirrel.'

One of them has English as a second language, and she couldn't say 'squirrel' properly. Unfortunately, she decided to spend the next half of the class trying to pronounce it, instead of, like, doing it at home, or something :D

Basically, I spent about forty-five minutes listening to this:


"No not like that. Squirrel."


"Not that either. Squirrel."









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  On 11/30/2017 at 2:22 PM, Earthlinger said:

Today in art class I listened to three of my classmates discuss how to pronounce the word 'squirrel.'


Was she German or something? Apparently, the word squirrel is hard to pronounce for them. IDK, just guessing. Also just to add one more - Squirble.

Also... just looked at the word "squirrel"... it looks weird when I think about it.

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  On 12/1/2017 at 2:50 AM, qzgy said:

Was she German or something? Apparently, the word squirrel is hard to pronounce for them. IDK, just guessing. Also just to add one more - Squirble.

Also... just looked at the word "squirrel"... it looks weird when I think about it.


Can confirm, my housemate was wooing a German girl and we had a good laugh when we all went hiking and saw a "squiwrwel".

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  On 12/1/2017 at 8:11 AM, Booots said:

Can confirm, my housemate was wooing a German girl and we had a good laugh when we all went hiking and saw a "squiwrwel".


I can confirm also. Other words they struggle with are brewery and jewelry.

  On 12/1/2017 at 2:50 AM, qzgy said:

Was she German or something? Apparently, the word squirrel is hard to pronounce for them. IDK, just guessing. 


The german is hard for me (an American) to pronounce. Goes both ways.

  On 11/30/2017 at 2:22 PM, Earthlinger said:

Today in art class I listened to three of my classmates discuss how to pronounce the word 'squirrel.'


My sister and my german exchange student were trying to teach me how to pronounce "Eichhörnchen". I said "Einfachchen"...yeah, they both laughed. I did too.

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We watched a movie in RE. I was so uninterested and bored that I drew/hand-computed a z2+c Julia set with c=0. That was much more interesting.

  On 12/1/2017 at 3:55 PM, munlander1 said:

The german is hard for me (an American) to pronounce.


I don't struggle with "jewelry", "brewery" or "squirrel". My problems are words like "Earth's", "Deaths", "depths"; words that contain "ths".

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  On 12/1/2017 at 3:55 PM, munlander1 said:

My sister and my german exchange student were trying to teach me how to pronounce "Eichhörnchen". I said "Einfachchen"...yeah, they both laughed. I did too.


Germans and sqwirwels never find together. The Bavarian version is impossible to pronounce correctly for somebody not initiated to that "language", meaning all other Germans. It goes like "Oachkatzl" (oak cat),  and the tail is an "Oachkatzlschwoaf", a common joke when it comes to Bavarian.

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Zdravstvuyte, dostopochtenneyshie. Znayte zhe, chto perestrakhovyvayushjemusja nje povstrechayutsja sokrovennjeyshie zhemchuzhiny vzdrognuvshey Vsjelennoy.
(Greetings, the most honourables. Be aware that an overreacted/reinsured one won't meet the most intimate pearls of the shivering Universe).

  On 12/1/2017 at 6:29 PM, Delay said:

My problems are words like "Earth's", "Deaths", "depths"; words that contain "ths".


Schmidt is much easier...

  On 12/1/2017 at 5:49 AM, Earthlinger said:
  On 12/1/2017 at 2:50 AM, qzgy said:

Was she German or something


From Iran, I think


To spend the next lesson you can try "professor" and "perfect".

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So this morning, I heard loud engine noises outside. There was firetruck and an ambulance in front of my friend's house. There was no way to get a car past the units, so I had to walk a quarter mile while it was 25F. I have no idea what was wrong, but I do know one of the kids has CP. I didn't hear them run code (siren), only lights. 

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