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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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Just now, CatastrophicFailure said:

@Just Jim beat me to it. Also, what episode are you starting with? They were broadcast out of order, and that’s usually the preferred way of watching them. :) But make sure you watch The Message last. Because.... reasons.... ;.;

Umm.. IDK. I've only watched one so far, and thats the episode Serenity. I was unaware there was an alternate order.

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1 hour ago, qzgy said:

Umm.. IDK. I've only watched one so far, and thats the episode Serenity. I was unaware there was an alternate order.

The (completely bass-ackwards) original broadcast order was: 

"The Train Job"
"Our Mrs. Reynolds"
"Out of Gas"
"War Stories"
"Objects in Space"

With "Trash", "The Message", and "Heart of Gold" unaired in the United States during the series original run.1  It sucks you in much better this way. :D Especially Our Mrs. Reynolds. :wub:I'll be in my bunk...

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8 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

But make sure you watch The Message last. Because.... reasons.... ;.;

Agreed  ;.;

And @qzgy... whatever you do... do NOT watch the movie Serenity until you've watched all the firefly episodes... Otherwise some stuff won't make any sense.


Edited by Just Jim
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Between the second and third lesson in school, my pen disappeared. It was nowhere to be found; it didn't fall into my bag, it also wasn't lying on the ground and I assume someone stole it (this class is basically full of people who behave like <5, I hope your school does/did better). There are some people in my class who would surely be capable of doing that.

Then the pen reappeared in the sixth lesson. It was between to tables; mine and the one next to me. I could've sworn it wasn't there before.

I guess I've seen some quantum tunneling.

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11 hours ago, Delay said:

Between the second and third lesson in school, my pen disappeared. It was nowhere to be found; it didn't fall into my bag, it also wasn't lying on the ground and I assume someone stole it (this class is basically full of people who behave like <5, I hope your school does/did better). There are some people in my class who would surely be capable of doing that.

Then the pen reappeared in the sixth lesson. It was between to tables; mine and the one next to me. I could've sworn it wasn't there before.

I guess I've seen some quantum tunneling.

The micro-wormhole effect... hehehe

I used to encounter this all the time when I was painting. I would take a break from painting something, go get some coffee... and then spend the next three hours trying to find the paintbrush I would have sworn I set down on my easel... After a while I came to the realization it had to be micro-wormholes... lmao...  :huh: 

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Today, the forecast for a tenth of an inch of snow got downgraded to a tenth of an inch of rain. There has been no snow in the New Mexican Rio Grande valley since January of last year, which was also my first snow day since 2011. There's been no rain since October or November, I think. The thing that really hurts is the schedulers include two weeks at the end of the year that they think are supposed to compensate for snow days; now they owe me three extra months of vacation.

What do you mean, it doesn't work that way? VACATION is DEMOCRACY! Or maybe Communism. I don't remember. At least I used that semicolon correctly.

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11 hours ago, Delay said:

Between the second and third lesson in school, my pen disappeared. It was nowhere to be found; it didn't fall into my bag, it also wasn't lying on the ground and I assume someone stole it (this class is basically full people who behave like <5, I hope your school does/did better). There are some people in my class who would surely be capable of doing that.

Then the pen reappeared in the sixth lesson. It was between to tables; mine and the one next to me. I could've sworn it wasn't there before.

I guess I've seen some quantum tunneling.


10 hours ago, Just Jim said:

The micro-wormhole effect... hehehe

I used to encounter this all the time when I was painting. I would take a break from painting something, go get some coffee... and then spend the next three hours trying to find the paintbrush I would have sworn I set down on my easel... After a while I came to the realization it had to be micro-wormholes... lmao...  :huh: 


This happened to me a lot one day. I looked everywhere for my pencil (even on me) and I stood up and sat down multiple times. Then it randomly fell onto my desk. I also lost and re-found my lunchbag once or twice that day...

I call the phenomenon "Being Attacked by Spacetime Wormholes."

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There is this tradition where we get rid of all the used christmas trees by burning them. Its a huge fire, probably like 20 meters tall, unfortunately we moved away from the place where you can just look out of the window and see it happend a few years ago, so we forgot about it.

Its happending today, i might go there next year though. Its really fun to watch, i like to watch things burn.

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15 minutes ago, NSEP said:

i like to watch things burn.


..................same. Kind of. I almost burned down my bathroom when I was 13 because I was fooling around with some homemade circuits (with batteries, not the actual plugs). I wanted to see if I could see a spark (hence the bathroom location) so I turned off the lights, shut the door, and started touching the wires. After a few seconds, the paper I was doodling on somehow caught fire, and somehow the towel started up, and.....ah, well...

Edited by Earthlinger
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11 hours ago, Delay said:

Between the second and third lesson in school, my pen disappeared. It was nowhere to be found; it didn't fall into my bag, it also wasn't lying on the ground and I assume someone stole it (this class is basically full of people who behave like <5, I hope your school does/did better). There are some people in my class who would surely be capable of doing that.

Then the pen reappeared in the sixth lesson. It was between to tables; mine and the one next to me. I could've sworn it wasn't there before.

I guess I've seen some quantum tunneling.


10 hours ago, Just Jim said:

The micro-wormhole effect... hehehe

I used to encounter this all the time when I was painting. I would take a break from painting something, go get some coffee... and then spend the next three hours trying to find the paintbrush I would have sworn I set down on my easel... After a while I came to the realization it had to be micro-wormholes... lmao...  :huh: 

When I was living in South Africa I heard a pen come back from the pen dimension. (It must have screwed up its return or something.) I had been given a really nice pen at my office Christmas party, a hefty metal retractable with the company logo on it. I carried it in my shirt pocket every day. One morning I got up and couldn't find it anywhere when I was getting up for work. Was very irritated about that all day at work. I got home, did a quick search of the bedroom to see if I could find it, no luck. I had just turned to leave the room and ask my fiance if she had seen it when I heard a very audible <thump> behind me, exactly like someone had dropped a fairly hefty object from a couple of feet in the air onto a stack of papers. I turned around to see what it was, and there on a stack of large paperback books by the side of my bed was my pen. It would have been impossible for me to miss earlier, it wasn't under or behind anything, it was just sitting right out in the open. Bizarre. I suppose the skeptic would say that the pen was under my pillow on the very edge of the bed and chose just that moment to fall out onto the books. Which, if you stop and think about it, is just about as bizarre as believing in a pen dimension.

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I work in a city.  Directly to the left of me is a Little Caesars/Family Video, to the right is a Casey's General store.  Across the street is a fitness place.  Definitely not rural at all.

A goat wearing a collar, and his dog buddy just ran past the front door like they were looking for something.

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4 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

The real question is, as all these pens are traveling Otherspace, are the passing the missing socks from the clothes dryer going the other way?

The mind boggles. :confused:

Sadly, all my experiments involving small bits of paper stuck to the side of the sock before drying and checking them for ink marks after drying, have so far proven fruitless. And soggy.

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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

The real question is, as all these pens are traveling Otherspace, are the passing the missing socks from the clothes dryer going the other way?

The mind boggles. :confused:

I lost an entire pair of sweatpants to the sock dimension for a month once. I put them in the laundry, my wife did the laundry. When the laundry was all dry and put away: no sweatpants. I'm looking at my wife like, "Where the heck are my sweatpants?" She's all, "All the clothes are clean. You must have put them somewhere else." Looked everywhere they could possibly have gone: under the bed, behind all the furniture in the bedroom, behind and under everything in the laundry room, everywhere. No sweatpants. I'm interrogating my kids, "Who stole my sweatpants!" Nothing. I lived without them (in the middle of winter, no less) for a month thinking I would just find them somewhere. I'm finally almost at the point where I'm going to just go buy another pair. We're folding laundry again, we dump it out on the bed. Sweatpants. My wife is laughing, but she's putting her hands up and saying, "I swear, I have no idea how those got in there." Apparently they were just visiting their cousins the socks for a month.

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Just now, TheSaint said:

I lost an entire pair of sweatpants to the sock dimension for a month once. I put them in the laundry, my wife did the laundry. When the laundry was all dry and put away: no sweatpants. I'm looking at my wife like, "Where the heck are my sweatpants?" She's all, "All the clothes are clean. You must have put them somewhere else." Looked everywhere they could possibly have gone: under the bed, behind all the furniture in the bedroom, behind and under everything in the laundry room, everywhere. No sweatpants. I'm interrogating my kids, "Who stole my sweatpants!" Nothing. I lived without them (in the middle of winter, no less) for a month thinking I would just find them somewhere. I'm finally almost at the point where I'm going to just go buy another pair. We're folding laundry again, we dump it out on the bed. Sweatpants. My wife is laughing, but she's putting her hands up and saying, "I swear, I have no idea how those got in there." Apparently they were just visiting their cousins the socks for a month.

The semester just ended, and so did PE for me! I can't find my gym pants.

Also related to PE, the teacher never asked for our padlocks back so I clipped mine onto a random pipe sticking out of the ceiling... If it's still there in a week I will take it down, though.

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As many of you know, I teach at a local university and a community college. Yes, this actually happened today:

I was sitting at my desk at home, working on some last-minute changes to my syllabus for a class that starts next week. About half-way though Perry Mason and updating the attendance requirements in my syllabus, the phone rings. When I answer it, a young female student starts cussing me out. Now I cannot use the exact words she did because the forum must remain PG-13 or less, but here's what happened:

"Dr. Simmons, I am freaking mad at you..."

"Ok, now that we have established that, what can I do for you..."

"You can freaking explain why the text books for your  class cost me $573 for three books..."

"No, even brand new books for my course and IF you bought them through the campus book store, should have been around $180 or so..."

"You are a freaking liar. I'm going to let your boss know why I hate you and want you fired..."

"Ok, well, let me ask you this. What's the title of the book. If the book store messed up, I want to try to make it right..."

"Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing..."

"Well, there's your problem..." (she cut me off in mid sentence)

"What the freak is your problem! That was only the first book. Don't you want to hear the other three titles?"

"Not really..."

"So you don't care about the problems you've caused me?"

"I would if those books were for my class. I don't teach nursing courses..." (yes, she interrupted me again!)

"Um. Um, uh, well, what... um..."

"I teach U.S. History, Foreign Policy, World Civilization. I don't teach nur ---"

"Oh, God..." (not even an "I'm sorry." She hung up... :D 

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9 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

As many of you know, I teach at a local university and a community college. Yes, this actually happened today:

I was sitting at my desk at home, working on some last-minute changes to my syllabus for a class that starts next week. About half-way though Perry Mason and updating the attendance requirements in my syllabus, the phone rings. When I answer it, a young female student starts cussing me out. Now I cannot use the exact words she did because the forum must remain PG-13 or less, but here's what happened:

"Dr. Simmons, I am freaking mad at you..."

"Ok, now that we have established that, what can I do for you..."

"You can freaking explain why the text books for your  class cost me $573 for three books..."

"No, even brand new books for my course and IF you bought them through the campus book store, should have been around $180 or so..."

"You are a freaking liar. I'm going to let your boss know why I hate you and want you fired..."

"Ok, well, let me ask you this. What's the title of the book. If the book store messed up, I want to try to make it right..."

"Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing..."

"Well, there's your problem..." (she cut me off in mid sentence)

"What the freak is your problem! That was only the first book. Don't you want to hear the other three titles?"

"Not really..."

"So you don't care about the problems you've caused me?"

"I would if those books were for my class. I don't teach nursing courses..." (yes, she interrupted me again!)

"Um. Um, uh, well, what... um..."

"I teach U.S. History, Foreign Policy, World Civilization. I don't teach nur ---"

"Oh, God..." (not even an "I'm sorry." She hung up... :D 

Oh... wow.... I wish you could have somehow recorded that one... too funny!!!  :D

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