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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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I currently have a...side project I’m working on, and it involves a bunch of eggs I got on Sunday. Unfortunately, they hatched yesterday afternoon, and I don’t have everything ready for them. It’s going to be a complicated next few days. The good news is that what I need for them should be ready by this weekend-ish. 

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17 minutes ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I currently have a...side project I’m working on, and it involves a bunch of eggs I got on Sunday. Unfortunately, they hatched yesterday afternoon, and I don’t have everything ready for them. It’s going to be a complicated next few days. The good news is that what I need for them should be ready by this weekend-ish. 

Cheesy sci-fi movie title:

ProtoJeb The Exoplaneteer and the aliens from the planet Egg!

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6 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I currently have a...side project I’m working on, and it involves a bunch of eggs I got on Sunday. Unfortunately, they hatched yesterday afternoon, and I don’t have everything ready for them. It’s going to be a complicated next few days. The good news is that what I need for them should be ready by this weekend-ish. 

Bird eggs, insect eggs, tarantula eggs?

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

Bird eggs, insect eggs, tarantula eggs?


1 hour ago, silverfox101 said:

@ProtoJeb21 The eggs, tell us about the eggs


41 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

@ProtoJeb21 The eggs, tell us about the eggs

They’re Tent Caterpillar eggs. You want to know why I have Tent Caterpillar eggs? Because I feel like it. 

I have two egg masses from two different species: the Eastern Tent Caterpillar (which has a large egg mass) and the Forest Tent Caterpillar (which has a smaller egg mass). Yesterday, about half of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar eggs hatched, and the rest came out today. Some of the Forest Tent Caterpillar eggs have hatched today as well. The cherry tree I will be using to feed these guys hasn’t fully bloomed yet, but some tiny leaves have poked out - just large enough for the hatchlings to feed on. 

I need to start working on a MUCH larger enclosure for these guys, because even though they’re tiny now, there are at LEAST three dozen of them, and before I know it they will have made their trademark giant silk tents. If any manage to escape I may have a bit of a problem on my hands, but thankfully they usually keep to a small area.


Other stuff: I’m probably going to see Infinity War on Saturday, while spending the next two days hiding under a rock to avoid spoilers. And I’ll probably finally post some stuff on the forum this weekend. I have a bunch of new planets to report on, and I got bored and made a giant space station over the last few weeks in KSP.

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21 minutes ago, silverfox101 said:

@ProtoJeb21 Caterpillars sound really interesting. Giant Space station..... Just how giant are we talking...how many caterpillars can it house:)

It’s my largest space station by far. Honestly, it looks a lot more like one of those giant Jool-5 motherships, and it is a pain to dock with because physics is a jerk. I don’t know the exact size. 

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5 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Do, or do not... my shoes are untied... or something like that... need caffeine...

hehehe, something like that. I am now down to drinking one cup of coffee a day...

1 minute ago, p1t1o said:

You want to make a low budget adult movie? XD

Um, no. Not at all. I'd rather make a horror movie based on the college campus. Simply call it "Your Transcript is Calling"

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2 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

I am now down to drinking one cup of coffee a day...

Are you serious? I'm impressed. Kudos.

I'm still, and ever shall be, at least a pot a day.



2 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

I’m an arm’s length away from taking it intravenously at this point. 

You should try M'Lady's coffee, Georgian style. It's this finely ground (powder) really strong Turkish coffee. No filtration, nada. Just drink. You might as well shoot it in your arm. :confused:

It will put hair on your chest. And if you already have hair on your chest, it will strip it right off.

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Well today all i did was make this cute drawing, that i want to send to my friends, but its probably already to late because its 8:30PM



I also baked some pancakes.

The most interesting thing that happend today, was when i was just doing my business, you know, smashing rocks together. But then i saw a spark. Yes, a spark. A tiny, spark. It had an orange glow (no sneaky patriotism intended). What if i can make warm orange flower using this? My grandfather Uga Buga once told a story about a lighting bolt, wich created a big warm orange flower, that glew like the sun and ate everything it touched. Hmmmmm.....

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28 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

Are you serious? I'm impressed. Kudos.

I'm still, and ever shall be, at least a pot a day.

I need to do something different. I needed to prove to myself that I am the master, not the servant to caffeine. My last blood lab actually had residual caffeine in the blood. As my doctor said, "significant traces"... :blush:

31 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

You should try M'Lady's coffee, Georgian style. It's this finely ground (powder) really strong Turkish coffee. No filtration, nada. Just drink. You might as well shoot it in your arm. :confused:

It will put hair on your chest. And if you already have hair on your chest, it will strip it right off.

Sheesh, now you tell me about it...

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Been thinking, @razark,

1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

You should try M'Lady's coffee, Georgian style. It's this finely ground (powder) really strong Turkish coffee. No filtration, nada. Just drink. You might as well shoot it in your arm. :confused:

It will put hair on your chest. And if you already have hair on your chest, it will strip it right off.

You know, I bet if we added some butter, we could make this into a topical body rub. For an instant coffee rush, spread paste liberally across skin... :D

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I and my production team (aka merry band of misfits) got nerd- sniped yesterday.:D


We have a weekly team meeting, and the girl that runs it likes to give us a "team building exercise" to kick it off. Yesterday's exercise:


We worked on it for 15 minutes, made good progress, then set it aside to finish later.
After the meeting, we were all completely useless. All of our collective energy for the rest of the day was focused on solving the puzzle. As the end of the day was approaching, we had it very close to solved, and we're starting to get worried. How will we be able to function for the rest of the day or even sleep without solving this puzzle??

 Well, we finally solved the puzzle the next morning when we discovered the crucial little detail everyone had overlooked:
(No clicky the spoiler if you want to figure it out on your own)



The PDF copy of this particular puzzle posted above (and distributed to us) is defective. It lacks the critical 6th clue: "6. Alice’s Ice Cream was in Boulder but Sherry didn’t stop there on Friday night." Without that, it's insoluble :D

 It is only because I conducted a google search after work to find that same exact puzzle to work on it further that I was able to notice the discrepancy.
 The nerd- sniping wasn't intentional, she just thought it would be fun and printed them off for us not realizing there was anything wrong with the printed version.

 So the girl that gave us the puzzle got a copy of the xkcd comic above placed in her cubicle. We were told that she looked at it and said "I don't get the inside jokes around here".


Edited by GoSlash27
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