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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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1 hour ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

There is no one at school. Today is field day for us, so no one bothered to show up. There's about ten people in my first class.

So I have nothing to do but browse the forums and read XKCD. It's a good day.

Yeah, on our field day we had awards and yearbook distribution on the same day. A good third of the school didn't show up. Then there were finals the last three days, yesterday was the last school day. It was consistent the number of people who showed up. Tuesday it was about 3/4, then Wednesday it was only about half, then yesterday about less than a quarter showed up. Then there were all the people that left after finals ended, which ended at 11:30 Tuesday and yesterday.

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I bought a 64 gigabite flash drive for $6.99 from Office Depot. It was in a bin marked $6.99 clearance... and it wasn't supposed to be in there. Some hourly employee put the wrong flash drives in that bin by mistake... and yes, I did argue the price down...

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14 hours ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

So I have nothing to do but browse the forums and read XKCD. It's a good day.

strangely XKCD isn't blocked on my computers, but other less...how shall I put it...inappropriate? yeah that'll do... but other less inappropriate websites are blocked

so I can read XKCD, but I can't browse @Drew Kerman's awesome thingymabob because the website has "blade" in the name somehow and it automatically blocks it :(

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1 hour ago, StupidAndy said:

I can't browse @Drew Kerman's awesome thingymabob because the website has "blade" in the name somehow and it automatically blocks it :(

sorry for having such a violent web domain LOL

Ok I should have it fixed now. Whenever you visit kerbalspace.agency it redirects to a page that checks for any new launch/maneuver info to display in the site's sidebar and I had that redirecting via my main domain www.blade-edge.com. I replaced that redirect with the kerbalspace.agency domain so hopefully you should now have access

I'd like to think my project would make for some excellent "bored at work" browsing :)

Edited by Drew Kerman
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So, I get home from the graduation ceremony (I'm not graduating, I was just in the band) and I go onto YouTube, where I find this livestream by Keyboardplayer, who is known for doing improvised versions of songs. I didn't know he livestreamed, though. There were 29 people watching. I didn't have anything better to do, so I clicked on it.

Easily the best decision I made this month.

He's really great at playing, and he was taking song requests, so naturally I asked for "The Final Countdown," my favorite song. And - Yes. :D

Link for those interested!

I never expected for anyone to improvise that live. :D

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I realized I haven't uploaded to YouTube in, like, four months. The problem isn't the amount of footage to be edited, but the motivation to edit it. I have a backlog of around eight model rocketry videos to be edited, but I don't really want to do that. There's also Reusable Space Program to edit (series never took off), a video I made with a friend, and a failed lightweight Moho mission (had plenty of DV, but 1.01 TWR when I tried to land it).

I also realized I had never been to Eeloo. I have a Project Intrepid ship on the way, but I don't have the motivation to continue with that series just yet, especially with Voyage and maybe the collaborative cinematic taking place.

So I built an Eeloo mothership for use in a YouTube video. And literally half a second after I dock the final module, the sun rises over the horizon.

I'm starting to wonder if the game is rigged so that every docking happens at sunrise. Literally HALF of my dockings happen at sunrise! Not that I'm complaining. :D


EDIT: I was de-orbiting my crew spaceplane for the mission. Just as I entered the atmosphere, the sun rose eclipsed by the Mun.



Edited by Ultimate Steve
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Yesterday, I had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to go to X-country practice, which I did (and it was fun), but when I got home, I had a migraine from dehydration and threw up my breakfast after running for 2 miles. Fun! Did the same today but without the 2 miles (ran up a hill 6 times) and sickness.

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I changed my phone notification sound to a baby bunny. I borrowed it from a youtube video titled something along the lines of "Screamign baby rabbit" and its terrifying. Its good for notifications.

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So I went on a date/hangout with a girl I met at a waterpark (We went back there today) And guess what? She's my girlfriend now!!! However, we couldn't really enjoy our day; The waterpark got closed because of thunderstorms. And then on the way home a wreck happened in front of us. Now it's off to eat food and see Wonder Woman!

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