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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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  On 9/21/2018 at 8:15 AM, p1t1o said:

...it was a decade old when I started driving it - I knew it was oldish but not THAT old!


The first car I drove was made a year after I was born.

The only problem it had was when I decided I didn't want to be on the road and drove it straight into a ditch.  And it didn't like to start in the cold.  And it would stall if you didn't keep the gas going at at traffic light.  Unless it was cold.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 1:25 PM, razark said:

The first car I drove was made a year after I was born.

The only problem it had was when I decided I didn't want to be on the road and drove it straight into a ditch.  And it didn't like to start in the cold.  And it would stall if you didn't keep the gas going at at traffic light.  Unless it was cold.


The very first car I drove was a 1980 Buick Century, a hand-me-down from my parents. I learned very quickly that I needed to leave 10 minutes early for school. Because every morning when I reached the bottom of the hill on the way to school and turned right it would vapor lock and stall, and I would have to coast over to the side of the road and wait for 10 minutes before it would start up again. Every. Single. Time. After I drove it for about three months it had some catastrophic engine failure which was not worth fixing, so it was towed off to the scrap yard. Then we were a two-car family again and I was back to being driven to school every day.

But on the weekends I got to borrow Dad's 1984 Toyota Van. Which doesn't sound like a cool car, but let me tell you: When you can haul seven people all over town on a Friday night, you are a very popular guy. And it had a giant moonroof in the back and a reclining middle seat. Had a lot of fun in that car. Lasted a long time, too, my brother inherited it when Dad passed and he drove it to over 300,000 miles, even though he beat the crap out of it.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 1:25 PM, razark said:

The first car I drove was made a year after I was born.

The only problem it had was when I decided I didn't want to be on the road and drove it straight into a ditch.  And it didn't like to start in the cold.  And it would stall if you didn't keep the gas going at at traffic light.  Unless it was cold.


I'm currently on my first car. It's a 2002 Subaru Legacy with a manual transmission and duct tape holding the rear right fender to the rear right quarter panel. It drives okay, except that the clutch sticks when it's hot and humid, or when it's really cold, and the key won't turn if you rotate the steering wheel while the engine isn't running, and if you leave the parking brake engaged for more than 2 days it gets stuck. Oh, and the trunk latch is finicky. And it may be slowly burning oil. And the AC and cruise control are both broken. And the rear left tire slowly loses air and needs to be refilled about once a month.

But it gets me from point A to point B with decent gas mileage, which is all I care about. Plus, there's no way it'll ever get stolen. The subset of car thieves stupid enough to steal such a worthless car and who could actually drive the darn thing is very, very small.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 5:06 PM, IncongruousGoat said:

The subset of car thieves stupid enough to steal such a worthless car and who could actually drive the darn thing is very, very small.


Oh, you never know..Maybe someone will steal that car, refurbish it and after 25 years, market as a restored vintage car from the earliest years of the twenty first century.. :D

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  On 9/21/2018 at 9:11 AM, p1t1o said:

It was the train mostly - £12 return train ticket plus 2x£1.50 on the bus, every day (season ticket for the train would have saved me...5%? but without any flexibility, ie: no savings if Im on holiday or if Im not working from the office).

So about £15 a day, or about £300 a month. Car lease costs roughly £190 a month, insurance £80 and petrol about £80 a month too. So the total cost is a little more but then I use it for much more than just my work commute.


Holey mother of—! :blink:

And I thought I had an expensive commute taking a ferry every day. I’ve never before heard someone say driving was actually cheaper than public transit, especially in Europe:confused:

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I was looking for some stuff in my cartons when I found it back... my beloved 12 years old DSC-W100! It's the first digital camera I've ever had, and I thought I lost it two years ago.

From 2006 to 2015 it was my sole and only camera, and wherever I traveled it followed me. Actually, almost all the museums pictures I've shared here were taken with it. He is marked and scratched everywhere, but he has held up and will keep on!.. if I can find a good card reader first, as even its card is outdated (a "Memory Stick Pro" format, which was not reliable)

It can now rest in a better place, with its Sony brothers and my adopted Panasonic orphan (which was the one replacing it for two years)



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  On 9/22/2018 at 6:28 PM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Details, man! :huh:


Best birthday present ever from my dear wife - a Keeper experience at the local zoo! Basically an hour going behind the scenes, getting to go into a couple of the enclosures and handling some of the animals. In my case an armadillo, a quite adorable wee owl, a couple of snakes (corn and royal python) and a tenrec. Which is basically a Madagascan hedgehog, about hand sized and cute as. This one decided that the palm of my hand was an adequately warm and comforting place to fall asleep.

Also got face to face with some very curious meerkats. Most probably curious in a 'd'ya reckon he's gonna feed us, Bob?' sort of way. :) That was just in passing though and separated by wire mesh. Apparently they're a bit bitey, so that was probably for the best.

Edit, I was not aware of this, but baby armadillos are soft-shelled and about golf ball sized. So I learned a thing today. :)

Edited by KSK
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  On 9/23/2018 at 12:15 AM, tater said:

Bought an almost 20kg sack of green chile, then spent the last hour or so peeling and bagging it.

I know I should wear gloves, but I never do, lol.


 Could be worse. Grew some cayenne peppers this season, was cutting them up for the dryer, oops, my eye itches... :0.0:

Seriously tho, how do you peel those suckers without them turning into mush?


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  On 9/23/2018 at 6:46 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

 Could be worse. Grew some cayenne peppers this season, was cutting them up for the dryer, oops, my eye itches... :0.0:

Seriously tho, how do you peel those suckers without them turning into mush? 



The roaster ends up removing a decent % of the skins. It's a large mesh drum with burners under it that rotates.

They get dumped into a plastic bag, and tied off. After driving home,. and letting them sit (super hot (thermally), most of the skins just slide off.

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And here I was, wondering where would this fit...

I did my first successful rendezvous and docking op... in Orbiter 2016 :P



Granted, I had to spend the last couple of days watching tutorials on the use of the simulator's various MFDs. But with that out of the way for the most part, my experience from, propably a thousand similar ops in KSP kicked in. Set up a closest approach, met up with the ISS, aligned with the docking port I had chosen and docked.

Haven't brought the bird down yet -propably tomorrow :D

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