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Fix your crap, squad!


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I haven't played KSP for a long time and so I came back to it and I needed to update.  I opened the launcher, clicked update, logged into the patcher, and it failed to sync.  That's it.  No explanation, I have no way to do anything about it, so I'm deleting my entire KSP folder and redownloading it, which takes 2 hours because I have the worst internet ever.


10/10 Squad, thank.

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Yes, apparently the launcher's patching function has been broken for a very long time now. Please try to be more constructive though. You are right in your expectation that an application past it's version 1.0 release shouldn't contain features that are simply non-functional, but the whole anger-venting thing isn't helpful.

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Yeah I'll admit it's not too helpful..  It's just really really frustrating that such a big, popular and(usually) well made game is having such glaring problems for as long as it has.  I shouldn't have to redownload the entire game every time it updates yet I can't remember the last time it updated and I didn't have to.  It's insane.

I just got back into the game and I have to wait till tomorrow to play it.  I don't even know if my interest is gonna last that long now that I can't do anything with it.

Edited by SlabGizor117
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38 minutes ago, SlabGizor117 said:

I opened the launcher, clicked update, logged into the patcher, and it failed to sync.

The updater has been horribly broken for ages, AFAIK the person who wrote it no longer works for SQUAD, and those who currently do appear to be either unwilling or unable to fix it (which I find rather ludicrous, it's just an rsync frontend).
This has been pointed out over and over, caused a minor riot on the forums when a beta was released to steam users only (excuse, no patcher :confused:), was supposed to be fixed for the next update and wasn't.
Now we have binary "patches" for windows only, while the official update method built into the game launcher remains broken.
What a shambles.
@SQUAD: If you really can't fix the patcher please remove the damn thing, save people this confusing hassle, and save yourselves the egg-on-face of shipping broken software with every release.

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4 minutes ago, steve_v said:

@SQUAD: If you really can't fix the patcher please remove the damn thing, save people this confusing hassle, and save yourselves the egg-on-face of shipping broken software with every release.

This 1000x. The problem isn't that it doesn't work. The problem is that it's there at all. Fix it or ditch it.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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4 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

The problem isn't that it doesn't work.

I would certainly prefer it was fixed. As it stands, non-steam, non-windows users have no update mechanism besides a complete re-download. Some people have limited bandwidth or data-caps.

For some reason, the devs appear to be either allergic to, or incompetent with, native code - especially cross-platform native code. The launcher is built in Unity (which is a properly queer decision in itself), and the only native code ever shipped with the game (the patcher) has been an ongoing disaster. If I (or any other semi-competent schmuck) can replicate a running webserver with rsync, I really don't see how fixing this thing can be so hard - especially as the only custom code is the Qt GUI, and cross-platform UIs in Qt are about as hard as falling off a log.


37 minutes ago, SlabGizor117 said:

I have no other way to update it because it's the non steam version

There are executable patches on the download page... if you run Windoze. Otherwise you are SOL.

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7 minutes ago, steve_v said:

I would certainly prefer it was fixed. As it stands, non-steam, non-windows users have no update mechanism besides a complete re-download. Some people have limited bandwidth or data-caps.

I totally understand (and as someone who tethers to his cell a lot sympathize with) this. But if the patcher didn't even exist, you may have chosen to purchase from Steam instead.

As was said above, patching is (compared to a video game about space flight) a pretty simple thing and it's kind of surprising it's not set up to work. They solved that problem decades ago and companies have been using that solution - mostly unchanged - since then. The only possibility is it's a super-low priority. Which I also understand (and as a computer professional, sympathize with). But if it's not a priority REMOVE IT so people can make informed decisions when purchasing.

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10 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

But if the patcher didn't even exist, you may have chosen to purchase from Steam instead.

I really would not have. I simply do not buy games that are steam-only, and I will not have steam (or any other DRM) on my system. This includes (in the case of KSP) using it only as a distribution method.

10 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

it's kind of surprising it's not set up to work.

AFAICT, the patcher itself isn't actually broken (and it's code is totally unchanged since initial release), the issue is that nobody is maintaining the (r)sync server.

10 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

The only possibility is it's a super-low priority.

At this point I'm just going to call it oughtright laziness. Removing the button from the launcher would take less than 5 minutes, yet neither the launcher nor patcher have been touched for several releases.
I have filed two bug reports relating to the patcher myself, care to guess how old they are?

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14 minutes ago, steve_v said:

I really would not have. I simply do not buy games that are steam-only, and I will not have steam (or any other DRM) on my system. This includes (in the case of KSP) using it only as a distribution method.

As is your choice, but that choice has a consequence - you have to deal with whatever the game maker happens to have available. Which in this case is a full download whenever an update comes out.

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4 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

there are plenty of DRM-free games on Steam

I'm sure there are, and when they are advertised as such and I can filter by this criteria, I might consider using it.

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You're complaining about crap internet and a 2 hour download... while mine takes 3 to 4 hours. I can relate. I tried the launcher / patcher once. Fail. Period. Now I just do a full download of every update... make that 'save-braking-update', as nearly every single one of them has been.

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5 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

You're complaining about crap internet and a 2 hour download... while mine takes 3 to 4 hours. I can relate. I tried the launcher / patcher once. Fail. Period. Now I just do a full download of every update... make that 'save-braking-update', as nearly every single one of them has been.

Yup, fun times.

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3 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

mine takes 3 to 4 hours. I can relate.

I once did a binary delta between releases, just to show how much pain time a decent patcher would save (and refute SQUADs claim that non-steam prerelease builds would chew too much bandwidth), the results were impressive to say the least.

I have here a patch I just whipped up, with minimal effort and a free cross-platform tool, for ksp 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2. It's 113MB. Does a 113MB download sound better than 1.9GB or what?
C'mon SQUAD, if I can do it, so can you. Why windows only binaries?

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13 hours ago, steve_v said:

@SQUAD: If you really can't fix the patcher please remove the damn thing, save people this confusing hassle, and save yourselves the egg-on-face of shipping broken software with every release.

Squad cannot remove the patcher from old installs any more than any other developer can remove or patch old copies of games on peoples machines, unless the player runs a patch to update that install or is using steam, in which case it's a fight to prevent updates :P

The patcher was already replaced with standalone patches for Windows, available from the Squad store, and the Launcher in recent versions of KSP no longer downloads or runs the patcher, instead it notifies the player that updates are available and directs them to their Squad store account.

So the problem is already solved, but if players don't make use of the new system there's not a lot Squad can do about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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