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[1.5.1] Kerbal Star Systems [v0.8.2] August 18, 2018


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2 hours ago, Voodoo8648 said:

I agree 100%. I was never a fan of the concept of a story line. It's a space simulator, not an RPG. I hope this story crap isn't holding up the release of 0.7 

I do however like the idea of missions.

It's literally just doing science. You get science points for it, and there's a special science part and special biomes for players to get parts of the story.

Unless the science mechanic of KSP is too outlandish for you, there's no reason the storyline addition will hurt your gameplay experience in any way.

Please don't make baseless assumptions about new features prior to their release, thank you. :/

Edited by Greatness101
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2 hours ago, TheSpacePotato said:

 Also, please refrain from referring to our hard work as "this story crap". It's about as degrading as saying the planets look like crap.

I. Just try to refrain from complaining, because nobody here likes having their hard work being treated like crap.

CLICK HERE -------->>  https://goo.gl/cqPPQX

How can I possibly comment on the story line's content when I have never reviewed the content? Perhaps you aggrandized the context of the word "crap". Wow.




Edited by Voodoo8648
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8 hours ago, Voodoo8648 said:

CLICK HERE -------->>  https://goo.gl/cqPPQX

How can I possibly comment on the story line's content when I have never reviewed the content? Perhaps you aggrandized the context of the word "crap". Wow.

Perhaps if you have never reviewed or even seen the content, you shouldn't be attempting to criticize it. Food for thought.

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I for one am extremely looking forward to the story elements! I've been reading lots of Asimov lately and can't wait to immerse myself in an amazing space game and this mod is gonna be perfect for that! 

Also I was kinda shocked at the rude tone some people here use and how they try to tell devs what to do and how hard work was being degraded. You're the consumer of a free product. Your feedback is welcome but you're in no position whatsoever to tell devs what they should do and what they should focus on. It's their mod, their brainchild, and if they decided to implement a butt-shaped planet then that is also their decision. Period. You don't have to play it or wait for the release. No one is forcing you to do so.

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Well a lot happened while i was asleep :P.

It's very simple, i have a vision for this mod (just as the other codevs) and this vision will be implemented with or without approval of other people, whether you like it or not. The story line won't affect a thing of enjoying space exploration. The only thing it does is explaining and revealing why certain things are 'this way' in KSS. Like why I made this thing 'The All' instead of using a black hole as a galactic centre. It's just 'background' information for those who are interested.

I might be one of the slowest developers in KSP mod making history. But at least KSS looks decent. I invest a lot of time in this project. So please talk with respect about KSS.

That being said, I understand where all the comments come from and I respect everyone's opinion. So thank you for being honest and now LET ME FINISH 0.7. 

Thank you.

Edited by StarCrusher96
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7 hours ago, Greatness101 said:
7 hours ago, Voodoo8648 said:

CLICK HERE -------->>  https://goo.gl/cqPPQX

How can I possibly comment on the story line's content when I have never reviewed the content? Perhaps you aggrandized the context of the word "crap". Wow.

Perhaps if you have never reviewed or even seen the content, you shouldn't be attempting to criticize it. Food for thought.

Also nice use of Urban Dictionary. Real mature.

@Greatness101, spot on.

@Voodoo8648, and to be clear I am saying all of this calmly (as text is notoriously bad a conveying tone), have you ever heard of the term "Perception is Reality"?  The words you used, and the context in which you used them, give the strong appearance of being of a berating nature toward the mod makers.  Even if you say that you like the concept of missions, simply referring to their work as "this story crap" is very degrading.  That gives the impression of an attack against the folks making this mod, and people are responding in kind.

No one is getting 'butthurt', as you suggested.  The manner in which you wrote was perceived as a slap to the face.  I would suggest a more careful selection of your words (or give additional info so people know the tone you're going for) to ensure this kind of misunderstanding does not happen again.

I hadn't planned on responding to this event again, buy hey, you poked me for some reason so I figured I might as well say something.

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Great News! KSS 0.7 is (tentatively) entering its testing phase!

We're getting the bugs ironed out for the completed portions of KSS 0.7 so we can save time later.


I'm not going to spoil too much, but here's another sneak peek of updated Kerbin and a shot of the refreshed Kerolon System (without visuals).



Expect some more news in the near future.

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2 hours ago, lk00david said:

I appear to have an infinite loading screen.... i'm new to ksp but its the loading... with planets going in a circle before the main menu

KSS 0.6 is made for KSP 1.2.2. It doesn't work well with KSP 1.3. Use the right kopernicus and KSP version + follow the instructions. 

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4 hours ago, Greatness101 said:

Great News! KSS 0.7 is (tentatively) entering its testing phase!

We're getting the bugs ironed out for the completed portions of KSS 0.7 so we can save time later.

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm not going to spoil too much, but here's another sneak peek of updated Kerbin and a shot of the refreshed Kerolon System (without visuals).



Expect some more news in the near future.

That updated Kerbin looks nice!

...and what is this refreshed Kerolon System? Are you adding new planets to it or something?

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2 minutes ago, EricL said:

That updated Kerbin looks nice!

...and what is this refreshed Kerolon System? Are you adding new planets to it or something?

Starcrusher has added a new planet, re-textured some of the old planets, and added a lot of new moons for the Kerolon System.

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3 minutes ago, EricL said:

That updated Kerbin looks nice!

...and what is this refreshed Kerolon System? Are you adding new planets to it or something?

The Kerolon System is going to be finished in 0.7. The only planet that's being added in 0.7 is called Etim, which is the one closest to Kerolon (there appear to be 4 outer planets, but 2 of those orbits are a bug). There's also going to be a few moons around Hetoo, Rilna, Aquel, Rix, Mesmo and Lyrne.

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Alva is a desert planet located in the Kelin System, orbiting around the star Kelin. It is believed that Alva was once a temperate world with large oceans, like its sibling, Blalo. However, the planet was ultimately too close to its sun and the oceans vaporized when the global climate became too warm.

Alva is the KSS equivalent to Tatooine in Star Wars. It is a dry, sandy planet just barely touching the habitable zone of Kelin. Because of this, Alva's oceans have dried up long ago, leaving its continents as cracked plateaus. Due to large heat differences between daytime and nighttime on the desert planet, Alva has developed strong global wind currents that kick up sand and occasionally develop into full-on dust storms. However, to avoid having your probes damaged by these dust storms, going on top of the plateaus is one of the best way to avoid destruction.


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Taythe is known in KSS as a "new Laythe". It actually has a lot similar to the Laythe in stock KSP. However, Taythe has developed life on the surface and in the seas. It is the 3rd moon of Mirn.

Taytheis a mostly oceanic planet, with islands and continents dotting the surface. The continents and islands are kept mostly by the plant life, as Taythe is covered mostly in massive jungles, with grasslands near the poles.

There are a few things about Taythe that make it very interesting to kerbal scientists. One of the things is that Taythe is covered in a rare superconductor called Cantfindium, which is not found on Kerbin at all. Some of the regions with large amounts of Cantfindium interact directly with Taythe's and Mirn's gravity fields, creating a hot spot for magnetic anomalies.

Another interesting fact about Taythe is that its dense atmosphere combined with the low gravity create large plant lifeforms that reach many stories high. This is unique for a body, as most of the bodies known to have complex ecosystems have a higher gravity than Kerbin.


Edited by TheSpacePotato
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2 minutes ago, Saltshaker said:

Are these excellent new planets that beautiful because of EVE/scatterer or are those with the mod? (Perhaps 2 downloads, one that's just normal KSS, and then another with EVE/scatterer configs?

Removing eve and Scatterer isn't hard

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4 minutes ago, Saltshaker said:

Are these excellent new planets that beautiful because of EVE/scatterer or are those with the mod? (Perhaps 2 downloads, one that's just normal KSS, and then another with EVE/scatterer configs?

These planets are taken with EVE/scatterer. Currently, what you download doesn't have the visual mods with it, but if you install either (or both), then the clouds/scatterer will kick in and the planets will look (mostly) like that. That picture of Taythe was taken in a testversion of 0.7 :P

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