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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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18 minutes ago, OmenRa said:

Всем привет!

Когда я изменил настройки сканирования на MJ2 Dev и установил MJ2 Dev - ничего не произошло ... MJ2 не загружается в игру. 

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the issue is resolved - after reinstallation in the CKAN




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I updated to the new DEV RELEASE in CKAN and landing at coordinates are not working.   Rolling back to prev version...  

EDIT: release 1036 landing works fine.  

EDIT2: ok so it did it on that version too after several perfect landings, its just trying to hover way before getting to the landing site.  


EDIT3: ok, its an issue with what part is the root part on my ship. 

EDIT4: or not, IDK, landing just not working no matter what now.  /sigh  what did i do. 


Edited by eberkain
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On 12/31/2020 at 12:13 AM, OmenRa said:

Hello all!

When I changed SCAN settings to MJ2 Dev and installing MJ2 Dev - nothing happened... MJ2 not loaded in game. 

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Similar (not identical) issue. I did a new install of 1.11 with the latest BG. I tried installing a few mods, they seemed to work. When I got to MechJeb2, the system said it was installed, so wouldn't install it. I did another full fresh install of 1.11, and the latest BG, again. I installed a large number of mods, including MJ2. All of the mods installed _except_ MJ2! Note that ckan _thinks_ it installed MJ2, but there is no MechJeb* directory in the GameData folder. I manually extracted the contents of the MJ2 dev distribution, and then copied the MJ2 dir to GameData and now MJ2 is working. I'm not sure if it is an issue with ckan, mj2, or both, or if some other mod is causing it to not install properly. And note, I said this was a completely fresh install!


Edited by Michel Bartolone
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Hi everyone,

I was going to ask it few days ago but forgot about it until now, actually, it's few ksp versions that I have this question about ascending guide, when you click on show ascend guide on the interface, there should be a blue marker on the nav ball, but for few versions of ksp, it's missing, anyone knows why? is there any way to fix it?

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MJ dev #1037, KSP 1.10.1

Situation: suborbital Mun trajectory, node set to bring hv to zero (node alt. about 6 km ASL).

Node is not executed.

Reverting to #1034: everything works as intended.

-> #1037 seems to be NOT compatible with KSP 1.10.1 

Edited by VoidSquid
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I'm sorry, but MJ dev #1039 and KSP 1.10.1 (as per CKAN, #1039 should be compatible with 1.10.1) don't seem to go well together:

I did ask @Jim DiGriz some time ago why MJ starts burns always a few seconds later than the KSP burn time indicator suggests, he told me, MJ has a different way to calculate. Fine with me, we are talking about about a few seconds here for a burn of 3 or 5 minutes, and the results are (or actually were) not perfect but still ok.


KSP 1.10.1, a transfer burn from a 90x90 km LKO to Mun, planned Mun Pe 36 km prograde. KSP and KER calculated the burn time to 3m16s / 3m16.9s, respectivly. Planned burn using MJ dev #1039:


MJ #1039 starts the burn way too late, this is the very moment (1s into the burn) MJ starts the burn:


The burn is about 1m 44s late, that is more than half of the full burn time.

It results in a retrograde Mun Pe of 760 km



Something is way off the charts here...


Reverting to #1034 now. #1034 starts the burn only 5 seconds late in respect to KSP/KER


Result: a Mun prograde Pe of 7.5 km



I kindly ask for clarification, is MJ dev #1039 compatible with KSP 1.10.1, or is it not?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by VoidSquid
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New official release MechJeb2 v2.12.0.0 causes incorrect translation in \Parts\MechJeb2_AR202\part.cfg in mumech_MJ2_AR202_features3 - lines title, manufacturer and description

    // --- general parameters ---
    name = mumech_MJ2_AR202_features3
    module = Part
    author = r4m0n/The_Duck (code) || keptin (part)

    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = model.mu
    rescaleFactor = 0.75

    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = flightControl
    entryCost = 15000
    cost = 750
    category = none
    subcategory = 0
    title = #MechJeb_Future_AscentLandingSpaceplane_Title = MechJeb Features - Ascent, Landing, Spaceplane
    manufacturer = #MechJeb_AnatidRobotics // #MechJeb_AnatidRobotics = Anatid Robotics
    description = #MechJeb_Future_AscentLandingSpaceplane_Description // #MechJeb_Future_AscentLandingSpaceplane_Description = Unlocks the following MechJeb windows: Ascent Autopilot, Landing Autopilot, Spaceplane Guidance. Once unlocked, all existing MechJeb modules will be automatically upgraded to latest firmware.

I cannot find the relevant information in GameData\MechJeb2\LocalizationIn\ru.cfg
There are also non-critical problems with the translation into Russian (like "no line" text in manufacturer of part in his discription).

Edited by LowOrbitChokolate
Add correct part name
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11 hours ago, LowOrpoodleokolate said:

New official release MechJeb2 v2.12.0.0 causes incorrect translation in \Parts\MechJeb2_AR202\part.cfg in mumech_MJ2_AR202_features3 - lines title, manufacturer and description

I cannot find the relevant information in GameData\MechJeb2\LocalizationIn\ru.cfg
There are also non-critical problems with the translation into Russian (like "no line" text in manufacturer of part in his discription).

I can not fix a Russian localization error. Someone (you?) will have to provide a fixed file.

Edited by sarbian
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On 1/12/2021 at 10:31 AM, sarbian said:

New official release with stuff

Download 2.12.0

Previous release was 1.10.1 ONLY, wasnt it?
Is compat for this new version 1.10.1+ *only*, or 1.11.0+ *only*?... or does it include support for, like 1.9.1/1.8.1?
Sorry for asing.... if it *is* either, mebbe add that to the changelog? vOv
As Always... THANK YOU for the update ;)

Edited by Stone Blue
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Is there's a setting somewhere that can control when/if the rendezvous autopilot does a match planes maneuver? I find that when there's some infinitesimal difference between two orbits it forces me to do this - which wastes a lot of time getting around to the AN/DN point. If I go into the rendezvous planner I can can skip this step for orbits I know to be "close enough" and go strait to planing a Hohmann transfer. Once on that transfer orbit I can enable the rendezvous autopilot and it will take things from there. That's my workaround, which is a bit tedious and eats up screen real estate with both the rendezvous planner and autopilot open.

Is there a way to set the tolerance for the rendezvous autopilot so that it will skip the align planes step when the planes are within some tolerance, say a degree or two? It's really not a big deal if the match velocities step fixes the plane difference.

If this isn't a setting somewhere could it be made a setting?

FYI, I'm using MJ2 2.12 and KSP 1.11 if that matters.


Edited by schlosrat
Added mod and KSP version info
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On 12/24/2020 at 8:40 AM, DrakRocket said:

Yes and No.  Sometimes it will fire manually.  Also, additional information:  If I let the system sit there and try to execute the node, it will eventually start firing in about 2 second bursts with a break between bursts of 2-20 seconds.

It also doesn't affect every NERV every time.  Sadly, I do have a lot of addons, so I can't 100% say it's MJ.  I did donate some $ to MJ project last night.  Lord knows I've used MJ more than enough to pay for it.


Off the wall, but I've had similar things happen when my control point wasn't where I thought it was.  Especially the sputtering engine.  Verify your control point and that the it is set to the proper direction 'Up' or 'Forward'.  A long shot probably

Edited by darthgently
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When my first stage re enters the engines keep overheating. Im just allowing MJ to land close to the launch pad. Its the first time I ever encountered them overheating so Im not sure what Im doing to cause it.  Im using latest version with 1.11.


Edit: It seems to be staying in burn to long, I had to install  Radiators around the engine shroud and hide them for it to last. 


Edit 2: I can land all my stages manually, so its something Im doing wrong with MJ

Edited by viperwolf
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Apologies if this has been addressed earlier in this thread, but there are 141 pages to go through...

Is there a way to get MechJeb to remember which windows I want open for certain situations? For example, for every launch I always want Orbit Info and Smart A.S.S. open - can this be retained between launches somehow?

Similarly, in Ascent Guidance I set Autostage delay to 0, but have to re-set that from time to time -- can this be saved?

Yes, it's a small first-world problem, but by your 50th launch the repetition starts to add up... :-)

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4 hours ago, chd said:

Apologies if this has been addressed earlier in this thread, but there are 141 pages to go through...

Is there a way to get MechJeb to remember which windows I want open for certain situations? For example, for every launch I always want Orbit Info and Smart A.S.S. open - can this be retained between launches somehow?

Similarly, in Ascent Guidance I set Autostage delay to 0, but have to re-set that from time to time -- can this be saved?

Yes, it's a small first-world problem, but by your 50th launch the repetition starts to add up... :-)

MechJeb saves the window settings in two ways. Globally and for individual crafts.

You can find these settings in: KSP\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\PluginData\MechJeb2\

The global settings are stored in file named: mechjeb_settings_global.cfg

The individual craft settings are stored in files named like this: mechjeb_settings_type_NameOfYourCraft.cfg

EDITED (after some testing):

When you are leaving a craft (You switch to another craft, using [ and ] or switch scene, to for example Space Center or Tracking Station) all your current MJ settings (ex. RCS Balancer) are saved to "mechjeb_settings_global.cfg" and to "mechjeb_settings_type_NameOfYourCraft.cfg"

When you load (by Launching it, or just Switching to it from Tracking Station or different craft) a craft (ex. "NameOfYourCraftNumber-1") MJ looks for corresponding settings file (ex. "mechjeb_settings_type_NameOfYourCraftNumber-1.cfg".) if the file is found, settings are loaded from it.

If the corresponding file it is not found, settings are loaded from "mechjeb_settings_global.cfg" and saved to "mechjeb_settings_type_NameOfYourCraftNumber-2.cfg".

At least that is how it appears to be from my testing. I'm not sure if this applies to all settings or just some, or whether they are overwritten from global settings in same cases/situations.

In theory you could use same craft name for repetitive launches and have a mechjeb preset like this.

I admit, that I'm a bit confused about this myself. Further experimentation is in order, but I have kerbals returning from Minmus now, so it has to wait. If anyone knows more, please correct me.

I'm using individual buttons on blizzy KSP Toolbar to quickly open and close certain MJ windows (Maneuver node, Editing maneuver node, Smart SAS, etc.)

Edited by ronillon
Edited my conclusions after some more testing of MJ behavior.
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25 minutes ago, chd said:

Is there a way to get MechJeb to remember which windows I want open for certain situations? For example, for every launch I always want Orbit Info and Smart A.S.S. open - can this be retained between launches somehow?

No, there isn't currently.  I find KER to be better at this although it's not automatic by scene either nor do I think it should be.

I can't speak to the feasibility of your other feature request but I'd post an issue on GitHub if you're really keen.  There's no guarantee it'll be implemented but it's better than losing it in 141+ pages of this thread.

1 minute ago, ronillon said:

I'm using individual buttons on blizzy KSP Toolbar to quickly open and close certain windows (Maneuver node, Editing maneuver node, Smart SAS, Orbit, Surface, Vessel info, Custom Approach window etc.)

Unless you're keeping the toolbar visible all the time, why not just use the MJ drop-down?  I hide my toolbar against an edge so, for me, putting MJ buttons on it would be redundant.  YMMV.

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