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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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@War Eagle 1

On 4/25/2018 at 12:34 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

HI. apologies for that slippage,  until an official fix is available . Browse to BDA/Parts/AmmoBox  and cut out the two CM cfg's you will find there (chaffDispenser.cfg and  flareDispenser.cfg). 
Paste those two cfg's into the BDA/Parts/cmDropper folder , overwriting the current contents.


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Hey, so you know how 7mm weapons do only 0.01 damage? Can someone give me an example multiplier for that? I need it to fix my mod.

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7 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

Thanks...that solves one issue

So why were you unable to read that in the post that was quoted?

I don't understand ... can you explain? ... was the quoting of the post too difficult to mouse over and click?

Please explain as I am completely dumbfounded that you would thank one person who copy pasted the post that was quoted yet demand an explanation from others who only provided a link to the post

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12 hours ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

Is there any way to stop weapons from turning off when any part gets destroyed?

Thanks a bunch

I have not seen this phenomena in all of my extensive testing. I have had tanks (that I built) have nearly everything blown off (tracks, armor panels, reactors, fuel tanks) and keep firing back.

As long as the Weapon Manager, a power source, a command part (with antenna), and a weapon (with ammo) are still intact and physically connected to each other, the tank continued to fire back. 

If either of these gets destroyed, the weapon should deactivate.

Edited by TheKurgan
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14 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

So why were you unable to read that in the post that was quoted?

I don't understand ... can you explain? ... was the quoting of the post too difficult to mouse over and click?

Please explain as I am completely dumbfounded that you would thank one person who copy pasted the post that was quoted yet demand an explanation from others who only provided a link to the post

Because of the times I read it I didn’t find that comment in the first post

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I have a bug in BDA. Don't have access to the log right now. I have BDA 1.2, KSP 1.4.2, PRE, Vessel mover, AirplanePlus, and tweakscale.

The guns tracers aren't visible (e.g, when you fire guns, nothing is visible.) Impact FX still work, and so does the damage system. Simply invisible bullets. 

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20 minutes ago, dundun92 said:

I have a bug in BDA. Don't have access to the log right now. I have BDA 1.2, KSP 1.4.2, PRE, Vessel mover, AirplanePlus, and tweakscale.

The guns tracers aren't visible (e.g, when you fire guns, nothing is visible.) Impact FX still work, and so does the damage system. Simply invisible bullets. 

Check your video settings, some people have reported that the graphics settings... texture quality has something to do with it, but I can't confirm myself.

Apparently the 1.4.? update/patch reverted some video settings back to default. 

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6 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

I have not seen this phenomena in all of my extensive testing. I have had tanks (that I built) have nearly everything blown off (tracks, armor panels, reactors, fuel tanks) and keep firing back.

As long as the Weapon Manager, a power source, a command part (with antenna), and a weapon (with ammo) are still intact and physically connected to each other, the tank continued to fire back. 

If either of these gets destroyed, the weapon should deactivate.

yeeeah but if I'm controlling it cause I like doing the firing not the bots. It's happened in all my versions of BD Armory and in the past, don't know whats wrong with my game but I asked it before (like 1.1.2 or something) and got an indecisive answer about why it does it.

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6 minutes ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

yeeeah but if I'm controlling it cause I like doing the firing not the bots. It's happened in all my versions of BD Armory and in the past, don't know whats wrong with my game but I asked it before (like 1.1.2 or something) and got an indecisive answer about why it does it.

Your response actually does not contain any information pertinent to what @TheKurgansaid. Even if you are controlling the weapon, if the WM gets destroyed, or the EC is drained due to damage/destruction of parts, the weapons will cease to function.

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4 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

Your response actually does not contain any information pertinent to what @TheKurgansaid. Even if you are controlling the weapon, if the WM gets destroyed, or the EC is drained due to damage/destruction of parts, the weapons will cease to function.

I'm well aware, however, that is not what is happening. For instance, if a rudder is shot and poofs away, my machine guns will toggle off and I have to action group all my weapons again and so on

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1 minute ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

I'm well aware, however, that is not what is happening. For instance, if a rudder is shot and poofs away, my machine guns will toggle off and I have to action group all my weapons again and so on

Have you tried testing this on a clean install with just KSP and BDAc? If not, I suggest doing that. If you have enough EC, a WM, etc, then this should not be happening and I suspect there may be a mod conflict.

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1 minute ago, XOC2008 said:

Have you tried testing this on a clean install with just KSP and BDAc? If not, I suggest doing that. If you have enough EC, a WM, etc, then this should not be happening and I suspect there may be a mod conflict.

I can try, I've just been wondering if this is a game/conflict issue or me doing something wrong/stupid issue, like, are you supposed to weapon toggle to action groups and use the mouse to shoot them?


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1 minute ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

I can try, I've just been wondering if this is a game/conflict issue or me doing something wrong/stupid issue, like, are you supposed to weapon toggle to action groups and use the mouse to shoot them?


It's either a mod conflict or an installation error. I suspect the former before the latter as you haven't said anything about a missing BDA category. You should be able to just select in the WM and fire (the action groups are purely optional). Definitely give the clean install a try and you can always slowly add mods one by one to identify the problem. (Or remove them one by one from the current game for the same end result, though it's easier with a clean game going forward.) As a tester I have multiple instances of BDA and SM mods on various clean and SUPER dirty installs, so if there are conflicts I tend to be able to identify them easily.

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43 minutes ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

are you supposed to weapon toggle to action groups and use the mouse to shoot them?

Please do not take what I am about to say the wrong way, I am not trying to insult your intelligence... honestly.

No, you do not need to assign individual weapons to an action group, you can do it all manually.


In the video below, I am manually testing the hellfire missile, watch what I do in the video, and let me know if what you are doing matches it.

To fire the weapon, in this case the Hellfire missile, I do the following:

1) open the Weapon manager.

2) At the 8 second mark I choose the weapon I want.

3) at the 43 second mark, I arm the weapon. (not applicable for guns) 

4) at the 44 sec mark, I press and hold the left mouse button to fire the weapon.

KSP BDAc Hellfire Testing Lateral Decouple

I hope this helps. If it doesn't help you, then try what @XOC2008 said, and try a clean install.


Edited by TheKurgan
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6 hours ago, ThiccRocketScientist said:

I can try, I've just been wondering if this is a game/conflict issue or me doing something wrong/stupid issue, like, are you supposed to weapon toggle to action groups and use the mouse to shoot them?


Please read our BDPedia (KSPedia) in game for detailed instructions on the operation of BDAc  (Little book button at the bottom right of the screen)

If you are still experiencing issues after reading the instructions feel free to open an issue on our github (link in the OP)


Edited by DoctorDavinci
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So ive been messing around with some tank battles using the new AI (which while extremely minimalistic and not that smart, is very nice addition as tanks will now move and at least TRY to avoid fire), and ive come across something really really odd in my testing.  It appears that armor and weapons really isnt very well balanced, specifically with regards to high explosive autocannon shells.  As an example, i put up 3 light tanks with ~100mm of armor all around (tank AI sorta requires omnidirectional armor as there is no option to make it play with something akin to a TD which HAS to face towards the enemy at all times and never show sides), up against 2 medium/heavy tanks with 200mm or all around armor and armed with a turreted 105mm gun.  Did 3 fights, and every time the light tanks (which SHOULD have been virtually unable to touch a 200mm armored tank) walk over the heavier tanks, EVEN when i added 2 more of them to try and even the odds.  It seems that armor just doesnt have the intended effect against lightweight weapons, specifically anything firing 30mm HE rounds which not only is extremely prone to blow up a tank's interior if any holes are made in the armor, but it consistently and reliably removes said armor.


I dont know, perhaps my tanks designs are made in such a way as to be very resilient to heavy weapons (most of which have major trouble even hitting a target consistently), but it seems that with equal numbers, tanks armed with automatic weapons (especially fast firing ones like the goalkeeper) are almost always going to win every fight purely because of the volume of fire and apparent ineffectiveness of armor against rapid fire HE ammo.  I strongly suggest adding some sort of functions that dramatically penalize low caliber HE rounds hitting armor, specifically armor that is considerably thicker then the impacting round.  There is nothing wrong with 30mm HE taking down heavier tanks with excessively conentrated attacks, but as it stands, 30mm HE is MORE effective at achieving kills then 105mm anti-tank guns.


That and with my testing of the current version, HE in general tends to be the dominant weapon, since it works against both very sloped and flat armor and has a tendency to shred internals way faster then solid shot AP does.  It should be effective against internals, but HE (short of very large calibers) should do virtually nothing to a well armored tank, especially with 75mm or lower HE rounds since they have very little bursting charge compared to say 122-155+mm rounds which actually have enough HE content to damage armor significantly.  75mm should still do something ofc, but 30mm should be 100% useless against 200mm armor regardless of what era the round was from (AP 30mm should do something, HE should be worthless).

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