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Have we landed on the moon?


Home many of you believe we have landed on the moon?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. With people, we have landed on the moon.

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16 hours ago, NSEP said:

No, it is faked on Mars

Even worse. Mars at least had an atmosphere. Lunar "documentaries" were shot


on Rhea



14 hours ago, Just Jim said:

the best special effects we had at that time was the original Star Trek.

You are trying to say that Vulcan had never existed and Spock is a human with wig ears? Sure, Klingons would like to make us think so.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Clearly, it was shot in the Great Orbital Studio, a giant steel plate attached to a counterweight by a cable. The stage is built up from cardboard and charcoal, spun to 1/6 gee, and then they do their films in short segments while the light is right. It's where they'll fake the Mars landings too, only the plate will have rusted from disuse and space-oxygen, so they won't bother importing red food coloring.

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On 1/20/2017 at 4:40 AM, munlander1 said:


Right now, I think the general consensus is that we have, in fact landed on the moon. The reason why i make that statement is that people have voted for the first option and only 3 for the other option. I must say it has not been up for even 24 hours though. I think the conclusion is obvious though.

Contrary to what some people would like, reality is based on facts, not opinion.

Reality has a habit of biting back those who base their actions on opinion rather than on facts.

Edited by Nibb31
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I'm sure it's been said, but the USSR would have loved nothing more than to prove we never really got to the moon.  Trust me, they would look at every possible conceivable shred of evidence.  Keep in mind: Yuri Gagarin was the first human to orbit Earth in his Vostok spacecraft, meaning the USSR won the orbiting-human portion of the race.  Undoubtedly, the USA wanted to be first, but since they came in second, they made a new race: get to the moon first.

If we (the USA) never got to the moon, I can guarantee someone (likely Russia) would have called us out on it.

Besides, the entire purpose of the Space Race was for world powers (USA and USSR) to try to prove that they could put payloads (ergo, Nuclear Missiles) in orbit.  If you can put it in orbit, you can drop it anywhere you want, ergo the fear of the 'bad guys' (whichever side you're on) having Nukes hanging over their heads 24/7.

The Moon Landing was merely an extension of that - Americas way of saying "look what we can do!  Look how precise we can be with an orbital payload!  Go America!"


Edit: And if you're looking for skeptics, this is absolutely the wrong place to find em :P

Edited by Slam_Jones
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19 minutes ago, Slam_Jones said:

I'm sure it's been said, but the USSR would have loved nothing more than to prove we never really got to the moon.  Trust me, they would look at every possible conceivable shred of evidence.

If we (the USA) never got to the moon, I can guarantee someone (likely Russia) would have called us out on it.

Besdes, the entire purpose of the Space Race was for world powers (USA and USSR) to try to prove that they could put payloads (ergo, Nuclear Missiles) in orbit.  If you can put it in orbit, you can drop it anywhere you want, ergo the fear of the 'bad guys' (whichever side you're on) having Nukes hanging over their heads 24/7.

The Moon Landing was merely an extension of that - Americas way of saying "look what we can do!  Look how precise we can be with an orbital payload!  Go America!"

Edit: And if you're looking for skeptics, this is absolutely the wrong place to find em :P

Yes, I wonder if the skeptics about this was trolls from the beginning, either as an complain about lost space capabilities or as an joke. 
Kind of my claim that seahorses was fantasy creatures like mermaids, lots of seahorse decoration in the apartment we rented at the keys south in Florida so I wanted to see them while diving but found none so they had to be fake, add that they don't look like fish at all and the design made no sense.
Or the KSP 1.0-1.1 discussion about aerodynamic and only clean streamlined rockets would work and I pointed out that the space shuttle was and noob craft doing it all wrong, plenty of cross section, off balance trust, wings on rockets, they did it all wrong 

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NASA has a high resolution surveyor floating around the moon in polar orbit... How about some non blurry pictures :).


Science requires a rigorous procedure, and many peer reviews, before theories are generally accepted -> NASA has failed basic queries on the moon evidence = WHY ?


Edited by Frybert
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8 minutes ago, ColKlonk2 said:

NASA has failed basic queries on the moon evidence = WHY ?

Probably because we're hiding the aliens.  Can't let the public find out about those.



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45 minutes ago, ColKlonk2 said:

How about some non blurry pictures :).

Since Photoshop has been invented, photo evidences get disregarded,

Since Poser and FaceGen Modeller have appeared, video interviews get disbelieved, too.

The only way to reveal the truth — to fly to the Moon oneself and touch...
But as this will be possible only decades later, when all spacesuits will be attached to the Augmented Reality Global Network *, this will give nothing, too.

Poor, poor we. Never-never we'll get an answer.

* Look: that's a ready name for this thing: Augmented Reality Global Network, Auriga** Net
** as constellation of the same name

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21 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

In Finnland, to be accurate. Penguins were invented with Linux.

We use to melt steel with jet fuel aswell.
But back on the topic, some americans landed once on the moon. Good guys.

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2 hours ago, ColKlonk2 said:

NASA has a high resolution surveyor floating around the moon in polar orbit... How about some non blurry pictures :).




Science requires a rigorous procedure, and many peer reviews, before theories are generally accepted -> NASA has failed basic queries on the moon evidence = WHY ?

I'd be interested to see which parts of the moon evidence you believe NASA have failed to answer basic queries on. There is a huge amount of peer-reviewed scientific literature on the lunar landings, from the orbital mechanics of the mission, to the technologies of the spacecraft, to the geology of the lunar material brought back. A search for "Apollo mission" on Sciencedirect gives me over 6,900 results.

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2 hours ago, ColKlonk2 said:

NASA has a high resolution surveyor floating around the moon in polar orbit... How about some non blurry pictures :).

There are pictures. Just Google them.

Stuff doesn't "float around" in space. Learn something about orbital mechanics, and then you might be qualified to have an opinion about stuff that you clearly don't have any understanding about.


Science requires a rigorous procedure, and many peer reviews, before theories are generally accepted -> NASA has failed basic queries on the moon evidence = WHY ?

No it hasn't.

It has presented much evidence, including detailed schematics of all the hardware used to get there, hundreds of peer-reviewed science papers, broadcasts sent from lunar orbit, laser reflectors installed on the lunar surface, testimonies of thousands of scientists and engineers who worked on the Apollo, and lunar samples given as gifts to other countries, including to the USSR who could compare them with their own lunar samples.

All queries were answered 40 years ago. As a government agency, NASA doesea pretty good job of answering honest questions and FOAA requests. However, they can't afford to employ dozens of people to respond over and over again to dumb remarks about flags waving, stars being underexposed, or shadows not looking the same as they would on Earth. There's only so much ignorance one can reasonably be expected to respond to.

How can you really accuse NASA of failing basic queries when you clearly haven't even looked for a single science publication on the subject.


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What else do you do when you have a hundred billion plus dollars to burn, as well as a promise from a deceased president? To the Moon, of course!

In all seriousness, the budget for Apollo wasn't money that was literally burned, so where did it go? It's highly unlikely that a fake moon landing would cost so much.

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8 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

What else do you do when you have a hundred billion plus dollars to burn, as well as a promise from a deceased president? To the Moon, of course!

In all seriousness, the budget for Apollo wasn't money that was literally burned, so where did it go? It's highly unlikely that a fake moon landing would cost so much.

It would be more expensive, for one Soviet would know it was an fake, they was listening to the transmissions so you needed to bribe them to silence. 
You also need to make sure some thousands people in NASA and other organisations keep their month shut, this is very hard. 
Even top secret programs like the stealth plane one had plenty of leaks, that they was working with planes who was hard to see on radar was an open secret. 
Remember three can keep an secret if two is dead, now try it with thousands. 
Going to Mars might be simpler. 

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Not to mention, if you've got thousands of people working to figure out a way to go to the moon (and convinced that they are working with the real deal), astronauts ready to volunteer for the mission, and you even bother to assemble capable rockets, you've gone way past the point of needing to fake anything. At that point, it's a lot easier to just follow through with the fake mission/cover-up/whatever you call it, and save the expense of a film set.

Edited by Codraroll
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what's strange is that most moon landing conspiracy theorists are AMERICAN, so who landed on the moon first? AMERICA. so all they are doing is destroying their own country's reputation, its stupid and unnecessary, but what's worse, is that people are dumb enough to not only listen, but to BELIVE what they are saying

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