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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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8 hours ago, hendrack said:


A craft in orbit spams NREs, its a combination of USI/habtech2 and procedural battery parts:

[ERR 08:57:36.982] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be colinear.

[ERR 08:57:37.025] Module DischargeCapacitor threw during OnFixedUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.get_CurrentCharge () [0x00025] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00204] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x000bd] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 

Makes the game unplayable because of NRE spamming, linux version even crashes after this NRE:

[ERR 17:47:07.565] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be colinear.

[ERR 17:47:07.599] Module DischargeCapacitor threw during OnFixedUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.get_CurrentCharge () [0x00025] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00204] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x000bd] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 

think this was after the latest update, but I am not sure, I have been debugging another issue and haven't loaded that craft much. For some time I had no issue with this orbital station, I am not exactly sure when this behaviour was introduced. :confused:

Logs and craft file can be found here: https://yadi.sk/d/6ZHe68IqSAmTrw

Made a github issue.

I have seen a few reports of this and people seem to drop off the map when I ask for more information. I can't reproduce this at all so it has to be a conflict with another mod. Specifically please get me your ModuleManager.ConfigCache (I see mods patching the capacitors and I need to know what the final config looks like) and possibly a version of this log with the Dynamic Battery Storage verbose logging enabled (look in DynamicBatteryStorage folder for a settings file and set the log flag to True). 


3 hours ago, theicon32 said:

Excuse a dummy with a dummy question, but I was just trying to see if I understood antennae/reflectors so I quickly made this ugly thing and was wondering why this combination doesn't seem to work:


Is the reflector deployed? hard to tell from the picture but it looks like it isn't. 


21 hours ago, EvilotionCR2 said:

There appears to be an issue with one of the mods, where Kerbnet doesn't work. Trying to pinpoint it to a specific one.

I don't think so, but feel free to tell me once you figure something out. 


19 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

@Nertea found a bug with the NFLV ER-U2 cluster mount, I'll explain it in Gherkin syntax since I don't have time to do screenshots.

GIVEN I set the ER-U2's outer mounts to 8

AND I set the inner mounts to 4

WHEN I attempt to add a part to the inner mounts with symmetry on

THEN the part symmetry matches the outer mounts (8-fold symmetry in this case)

AND the part cannot be attached

This happens with every combination of outer and inner nodes and also affects the 'floating' node in the middle (not the attachment node at the base of the interstage). Symmetry for those nodes is coming from the number of outer mounts. The parts are in the right places over the inner mount points, just with extras superimposed to make up the numbers.

Yeah you can't have multiple symmetries in a part. I will have to change that back to x2 maximum or something. 

On 5/30/2020 at 3:29 PM, RyanRising said:

Is it an intentional feature that the Mk3-9 Rhea can't function as a command pod without probe control? When there are Kerbals aboard, that is.

No, but it's a problem with stock that I can't do much about. 

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@Nertea I updated ksp.log with dynamicbattery logging and put MM cache there: https://yadi.sk/d/6ZHe68IqSAmTrw, do you need player.log also? I had to do this in linux because of some other unrelated problem with my win10 os. For some reason my /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ has no player.log

Note that I use lisias' modulemanager but I tried it with sarbians MM too, same outcome with the exception spamming.

And I got this in the console:

Native stacktrace:

Module DischargeCapacitor threw during OnFixedUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.get_CurrentCharge () [0x00025] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at NearFutureElectrical.DischargeCapacitor.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00204] in <989fb22680e84dbba0703c76fe6eb41a>:0 
  at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x000bd] in <ac04291822974a138f007b85091a10d0>:0 
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

        /home/chris/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libmonobdwgc-2.0.so(+0xd5a64) [0x7fc1eef4aa64]
        /home/chris/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libmonobdwgc-2.0.so(+0x5c5c3) [0x7fc1eeed15c3]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x153c0) [0x7fc1f591b3c0]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0xbee21) [0x7fc1f57d2e21]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x7385dc]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x74238b]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x742788]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x1264f1c]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x12657a6]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x8c9856]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x8d4bce]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0xd2af3b]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x8e9835]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x8d1326]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x88ea36]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x889d6b]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x88614a]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0x886289]
        ./KSP.x86_64() [0xcbad49]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x9609) [0x7fc1f590f609]
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x43) [0x7fc1f5836103]

Debug info from gdb:

mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb
[Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be colinear.
(Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/physx/build/PhysX/Source/PhysXCooking/src/convex/QuickHullConvexHullLib.cpp Line: 914)

[Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be colinear.
(Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/physx/build/PhysX/Source/PhysXCooking/src/convex/QuickHullConvexHullLib.cpp Line: 914)

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

Obtained 18 stack frames.
#0  0x007fc1f57d2e21 in memcpy
#1  0x000000007385dc in (Unknown)
#2  0x0000000074238b in (Unknown)
#3  0x00000000742788 in (Unknown)
#4  0x00000001264f1c in (Unknown)
#5  0x000000012657a6 in (Unknown)
#6  0x000000008c9856 in (Unknown)
#7  0x000000008d4bce in (Unknown)
#8  0x00000000d2af3b in (Unknown)
#9  0x000000008e9835 in (Unknown)
#10 0x000000008d1326 in (Unknown)
#11 0x0000000088ea36 in (Unknown)
#12 0x00000000889d6b in (Unknown)
#13 0x0000000088614a in (Unknown)
#14 0x00000000886289 in (Unknown)
#15 0x00000000cbad49 in (Unknown)
#16 0x007fc1f590f609 in start_thread
#17 0x007fc1f5836103 in clone
Aborted (core dumped)


Edited by hendrack
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58 minutes ago, hendrack said:

@Nertea I updated ksp.log with dynamicbattery logging and put MM cache there: https://yadi.sk/d/6ZHe68IqSAmTrw, do you need player.log also? I had to do this in linux because of some other unrelated problem with my win10 os. For some reason my /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ has no player.log

Note that I use lisias' modulemanager but I tried it with sarbians MM too, same outcome with the exception spamming.


Something has added a DischargeCapacitor module into a very large number of parts that should not have it, for example the Hitchhiker, the Cupola, etc. 

I don't know what mod is causing this. I dug through your logs a bit but I can't really spare the time to go through every mod's source and locate the patch that is doing it. You could try doing a find-in-files type operation in your GameData folder and looking for the string DischargeCapacitor. That might help us work out where the problem patch is. 


edit: aha! I think it's On-Demand Fuel Cells. Can you clarify what version of that mod you're using? There was a past release which had this: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/ODFCr/blob/

That tries to incorrectly add capacitors to stuff. However it looks like this file doesn't exist in newer versions of the mod, so you should update to it. Note also that you should delete and reinstall it - if you just overwrite that bad file will stick around. 

Edited by Nertea
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chris@NZXT:~/Kerbal Space Program/GameData$ grep -Ril "DischargeCapacitor" .

I have a highly probable suspect: on demand fuel cells, which either makes copies of parts with fuel cells or modifies them. If you look at my craft file, every cupola has the ODFC module. @zer0Kerbal

Other than that, I have only tweakscale and bumblebee left.

Thats one of the MM patches from that mod.

// Stock Fuel Cells v1.7
// On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled
// created: 13 Aug 19
// updated: 02 Sep 19

	// @name ^= :^:ODFC:
	@cost += 50
	@title ^= :$: <color=#6495ED> ODFC</color>:
	@description ^= :$:<#6495ED><i>ODFC installed.</i> </size></color>:
	@mass += 0.001
	@tags ^= :$:  odfc demand:

		name = ODFC
			MaxEC = 0.5
				MonoPropellant = 0.0005
			MaxEC = 0.5
				LiquidFuel = 0.0005625
				Oxidizer = 0.00152777777777778
			MaxEC = 0.5
				LiquidFuel = 0.0000425
				IntakeAir = 0.0102
			MaxEC = 0.5
				Hydrogen = 0.104264849617275
				Oxygen = 0.0788621982550263
				Water = 0.0000843419222

		name = DischargeCapacitor
		ModuleID = lightColor
		ChargeRatio = .75 // 1
		ChargeRate = 0.1
		DischargeRate = 0.5
		MaximumCharge = 5

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5
		flowState = False

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5

		&amount = 0.01
		%amount += 0.01
		&maxAmount = 0.01
		%maxAmount += 0.01

// CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
// zer0Kerbal


EDIT: Ah, wasn't seeing your reply. Maybe its a CKAN thingy, I have two things there: Core 1.2 and Modify Patches 1.0 (which adds that StockPod patch).


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Hmm yeah I was not looking at CKAN, but maybe that is why I can't find those patches in recent versions, they were moved elsewhere.

This is the problem block - it needs to add the stored charge resource for the DischargeCapacitor module to work, but the syntax is not correct. 

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5
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42 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Hmm yeah I was not looking at CKAN, but maybe that is why I can't find those patches in recent versions, they were moved elsewhere.

This is the problem block - it needs to add the stored charge resource for the DischargeCapacitor module to work, but the syntax is not correct. 

		&amount = 5
		%amount += 5
		&maxAmount = 5
		%maxAmount += 5

I don't think you can do MM math with %, wouldn't it be @

I think it would need to be something like this:

		%amount = 5 //edit amount to 5, or create if missing
		@amount += 5 //5+5 +10
		%maxAmount = 5
		@maxAmount += 5


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I have a problem which means that NFLV does not get the CryoTanksMethalox, even when I named the folder exactly as it is supposed to be.

I have identified the problem and see it as that the part names in CryoTanks are completely different from the part names provided in the cfgs in NFLV.



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1 hour ago, Nightside said:

I don't think you can do MM math with %, wouldn't it be @

I think it would need to be something like this:

		%amount = 5 //edit amount to 5, or create if missing
		@amount += 5 //5+5 +10
		%maxAmount = 5
		@maxAmount += 5


I mean fundamentally the @RESOURCE is problematic, because there is no storedCharge node to edit, it needs to be created. 

7 minutes ago, mabdi36 said:


I have a problem which means that NFLV does not get the CryoTanksMethalox, even when I named the folder exactly as it is supposed to be.

I have identified the problem and see it as that the part names in CryoTanks are completely different from the part names provided in the cfgs in NFLV.



Uh yes this is intended, those engines are not Methalox. 

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4 hours ago, Nertea said:

edit: aha! I think it's On-Demand Fuel Cells. Can you clarify what version of that mod you're using? There was a past release which had this: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/ODFCr/blob/

That tries to incorrectly add capacitors to stuff. However it looks like this file doesn't exist in newer versions of the mod, so you should update to it. Note also that you should delete and reinstall it - if you just overwrite that bad file will stick around.


+1 :rep:@Nertea Thank you for the troubleshoot. Yes, the most current release of ODFC is (plus pre-releases) - and the offending patch lines no longer exist in releases.


the above is correct. when I get my local network fully relocated I will be releasing a new version of ODFC patches - just FYI. Current versions of either Modify or Copy Patches should not have this issue. It was something that slipped through from my personal patch collection.

2 hours ago, Nightside said:

I don't think you can do MM math with %, wouldn't it be @

correct, and the & fixes the issue of NODE (resource) not existing.

& only CREATES does not modify - so a &... line would do nothing if it exists.

// if no EC, add 50 units
	&amount = 50
	@amount *= 30
	@maxAmount = #$amount$

there were other errors in my original patches - above is how I write it now. Of course I also adjust for pod mass, number of crew (if applicable) or SAS level; and round to nearest integer.

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14 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:


+1 :rep:@Nertea Thank you for the troubleshoot. Yes, the most current release of ODFC is (plus pre-releases) - and the offending patch lines no longer exist in releases.


the above is correct. when I get my local network fully relocated I will be releasing a new version of ODFC patches - just FYI. Current versions of either Modify or Copy Patches should not have this issue. It was something that slipped through from my personal patch collection.

correct, and the & fixes the issue of NODE (resource) not existing.

& only CREATES does not modify - so a &... line would do nothing if it exists.

// if no EC, add 50 units
	&amount = 50
	@amount *= 30
	@maxAmount = #$amount$

there were other errors in my original patches - above is how I write it now. Of course I also adjust for pod mass, number of crew (if applicable) or SAS level; and round to nearest integer.

Ok thanks. Basically ensure that there is StoredCharge present on the pod if you are adding a DischargeCapacitor. The handling and logging of the error could probably be better though, something for me to do if I have time. 

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3 hours ago, Meezala Mazala said:

Does anyone know if the smaller pods like the Proteus and Nereid or the medium Thethys and Elara pods will have the RPM and such IVA mod support that the larger capsules like the Rhea and Amalthea capsules do?

You should probably ask in RPM thread

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14 hours ago, Meezala Mazala said:

Does anyone know if the smaller pods like the Proteus and Nereid or the medium Thethys and Elara pods will have the RPM and such IVA mod support that the larger capsules like the Rhea and Amalthea capsules do?

Not it @Nertea does not resume communications with me. I was working on just such a thing at one point.

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Sorry if this problem has already been posted, or this question has already been answered.

I'm having a weird issue where certain antenna details (Range, power consumption, etc...) do not show up in VAB or SPH when hovering over the parts. All I see is "Antenna Feed" and "Deployable Antenna". This is only happening for NFE Antennas. (See pic)

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?



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1 hour ago, bennie10101 said:

Sorry if this problem has already been posted, or this question has already been answered.

I'm having a weird issue where certain antenna details (Range, power consumption, etc...) do not show up in VAB or SPH when hovering over the parts. All I see is "Antenna Feed" and "Deployable Antenna". This is only happening for NFE Antennas. (See pic)

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?



That sounds very much like a mod conflict. What mods do you have installed?

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4 hours ago, panarchist said:

That sounds very much like a mod conflict. What mods do you have installed?

I do have quite a few:

  1. Dynamic battery storage
  2. Environmental Visual Enhancments
  3. Kerbal Alarm Clock
  4. Kerbal Attachment System
  5. Kerbal Changelog
  6. Kerbal Engineer Redux
  7. Kerbalism - with the default config
  8. KXAPI
  9. Module Manager
  10. Most of the Near Future Suite (everything except launchers and solar)
  11. Progress Parser
  12. Remote Tech
  13. ReStock
  14. ReStock+
  15. SCANsat
  16. Stockalike Station Parts
  17. Toolbar
  18. Transfer Window Planner
  19. Universal Storage II
  20. Waypoint Manager
  21. Zero MiniAVC
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21 hours ago, Nertea said:

Might be Kerbalism, I don't support installs with Kerbalism because it changes the mod a lot. 

Ah, thank you so much for checking! I saw that Kerbalism supports some of the other NF mods, and thought this one might be similar. I assume the other NF mods that are supported are that way more by happenstance vs design.

Regardless, thank you for yet another amazing mod. Looking forward to future releases : )

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Actually, I use Kerbalism with NF mods, and it works. It explicitly supports NFEx. I would suspect RemoteTech, because that one messes with antennas and may not play well with either Kerbalism or NFEx.

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21 hours ago, Dragon01 said:

Actually, I use Kerbalism with NF mods, and it works. It explicitly supports NFEx. I would suspect RemoteTech, because that one messes with antennas and may not play well with either Kerbalism or NFEx.

Damn. Did some further troubleshooting, and it looks like it is RemoteTech : (

It's a shame as I was enjoying RemoteTech. Added a layer of difficulty and fun not having instant communication. At least the stock/remote tech antennas still work, and so do the other pieces of NFEx.

Thanks for all your help!

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21 minutes ago, bennie10101 said:

Damn. Did some further troubleshooting, and it looks like it is RemoteTech : (

It's a shame as I was enjoying RemoteTech. Added a layer of difficulty and fun not having instant communication. At least the stock/remote tech antennas still work, and so do the other pieces of NFEx.

Thanks for all your help!

Just checked with the RemoteTech source, looks like they're making the new config files for NFEx Antennas  (^_^)

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