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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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  On 8/27/2021 at 3:22 PM, limelier said:

Hi, I have an observation for the Proteus pod. Not necessarily a bug report, but something to watch out for (especially for the players).

I'm not 100% sure of it yet, but some experiments show that the hitbox of the pod might stretch out slightly further than that of the appropriately-sized heatshield. This is indeed the case visually:


What this can mean is that when re-entering at high speeds and/or in tougher conditions (JNSQ, deadly reentry, etc), the pod can slowly overheat and explode even though it's behind the heatshield. Just something to keep in mind.


Yeah, tends to create sudden critical existence failures in JNSQ, unless you keep your periapsis above 46Km. I have been using one size larger heat shields with flat adapters from ReStock+, this way I can dive deeper and actually land without multiple passes through upper atmo.

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@Nertea Bug report: NFSC --- Type: control, Severity: Medium

Controlpoint of Mk4-1 Commandpod is twisted 180° degrees around the Z-Axis


See here: watch North orientation, NAV-Ball Orientation and Kerbal seating:




For comparison: The controllpoint orientation in the correct functioning Mk3 Thetys module:

Also observe Crew seating, real North and NAV-Ball North. Here is everything correct. All other NFSC Commandpods work correctly




The only way to let the big MK4-1 command pod behave okay, is to let the kerbals fly seated upside down.

will pass this over to github.

Edited by Rakete
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  On 8/30/2021 at 9:50 AM, hoioh said:

I get a resource undefined error on B9partswitch, doesn't load at all, just fatal crash


This typically means you don't have Community Resource Pack. Nertea's mods don't use stock resources alone, and there is surely no dependency on anyone else's resource system.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I have a question. Why did all magnetoplasma engines remained more or less the same over the years but my favorite VASIMR VW-10K has had its ISP reduced almost 3 times :o? From almost 18 000s back in the day to 6000s now. This isn't a minute change. It sucks big time since the VASIMR was the main reason I started using the Nertea mods.  :sad:

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Near Future Systems Manager, while extremely useful, is really annoying to use because it doesn't support ClickThroughBlocker. Any chances for CTB support?

By the way, the manager could be improved and calculate energy needed for mining, based on pre-set engineer level and ore concentration, maybe even radiators if SystemHeat is installed. Energy usage of mining drills depends on 3 variables, engineer's level, ore concentration and temperature if it's not ideal, and a constant, the drill's speed. Convert-o-tron's energy usage depends on the ore input, engineer's level, temperature and its own maximum speed.

Edited by Krzeszny
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I'm here (probably again) to report about the little "bug", not only from your mod, but anyone adding some "Custom Part List" file:

each time the game is loaded, the game add a new istance of the list: I'm ending with dozen of your your mod category, after a while...

As "ModuleManager" is basically an hardcore dependency for many of them, I think that could be more "friendly user/coding etiquette" to add some MM "logical command", if they could work, alike "@"(edit) or "%" (edit-or-create) or something similar (I'm not very MM capable, aside basic modification-usage) to just updating the same category and part list, rather than use the actual "plain version" that had the issue to add multiple one, one for each time the game is loaded...

Dunno if MM can handle it, because the stock cfg file is updated/reloaded on the fly, like  saving a craft, each time VAB or SPH is exited, but if it could (it's just needed once, at game start), that should easily solve the "duplication bug".

Each time I had to hunt down wherever one of those file is placed/named, as not every modder has an unique way to name the corresponding cfg file.
(If MM is unable, at least put it in some "Extra" folder, out from the main one that goes into the "GameData" one, to let the user know that it could be used, but also it could lead to some "issues")

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  On 9/8/2021 at 9:44 PM, danfarnsy said:

Supposed to be 240 kN


Ah.  Right, all the mpdt engines are massively OP according to the thing.  I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks, @danfarnsy, I'll look into it further.

EDIT - maybe this was because lithium wasn't specified with SIMPLEX Resources, and so the game was making assumptions.

It'll need a test tonight :)

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  On 9/7/2021 at 6:32 AM, Nertea said:

Those improvements could all be made by an aspiring developer of KSP mods and submitted as a PR :). 


The biggest change I made on GitHub is learning how to fork and make PR's  in order to change one line of text – a part's description.  Sure, I did some modding in XML (Barotrauma) and edited values in MM patches but that's not coding, that's modding. I don't even know how compiling works.

While adding CTB looks simple (unlike actual coding)...

  On 2/10/2018 at 10:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:
  • Add the following to the top of the source:
    • using ClickThroughFix;
  • Replace calls to GUILayout.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUILayoutWindow
  • Replace calls to GUI.Window with ClickThruBlocker.GUIWindow

...I can't find the .cs files that make the NF Systems Manager work. Heck, I couldn't find the option to download the Source folder which I'm assuming should have those files.

If I knew how, I'd add CTB support because it's just a matter of replacing some... things with other things, but so far I can't.

By the way, I still can't figure out how to use the on-demand part of the NF Systems Manager UI.

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  On 9/9/2021 at 8:11 PM, Krzeszny said:

If I knew how, I'd add CTB support because it's just a matter of replacing some... things with other things, but so far I can't.


CBT support is a one line change, in most cases.

Not all mod authors wish to support it

  On 9/9/2021 at 8:11 PM, Krzeszny said:

...I can't find the .cs files that make the NF Systems Manager work. Heck, I couldn't find the option to download the Source folder which I'm assuming should have those files.


You clone the repo on your computer.  I fork repos first to my account, then I make a local clone

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  On 9/9/2021 at 8:15 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

CBT support is a one line change, in most cases.


I don't know what file makes the Systems Manager work and what line you're talking about. A Notepad++ file search shows that only ReactorUI.cs and DischargeCapacitorUI.cs have `GUI.Window` and only DischargeCapacitorUI.cs has `GUILayout.Window` That's not the Systems Manager.

I was likely looking in the wrong spot. I think the mod that operates the NF Systems Manager is Dynamic Battery Storage, although I'm not certain.

And also:

  • Add the following to the top of the source:
    • using ClickThroughFix;

What's the source? In the Source folder there are dozens of .cs files.

Say I managed to change the right lines. How do I test whether it works? Compiling is all Greek to me. I'll also have to add CKAN dependencies.

It's not that easy for someone who has mostly no idea what they're doing.

Edited by Krzeszny
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  On 9/9/2021 at 9:48 PM, Krzeszny said:

I don't know what file makes the Systems Manager work and what line you're talking about. A Notepad++ file search shows that only ReactorUI.cs and DischargeCapacitorUI.cs have `GUI.Window` and only DischargeCapacitorUI.cs has `GUILayout.Window` That's not the Systems Manager.

I was likely looking in the wrong spot. I think the mod that operates the NF Systems Manager is Dynamic Battery Storage, although I'm not certain.

And also:

  • Add the following to the top of the source:
    • using ClickThroughFix;

What's the source? In the Source folder there are dozens of .cs files.

Say I managed to change the right lines. How do I test whether it works? Compiling is all Greek to me. I'll also have to add CKAN dependencies.

It's not that easy for someone who has mostly no idea what they're doing.


Ummm, well, it needs to be recompiled, just changing the lines won't do it.

And you can't just upload it, you have to comply with the license, and you can't change the current release, that is for the author to do so

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So this is fundamentally why I won't just do things - they require work, figuring things out, etc. Sure I know how to do it, but I have two dozen projects that need my attention. 

And yes, the 'Systems Manager' is the ingame name for the panel, the functionality is Dynamic Battery Storage. 

  On 9/9/2021 at 8:15 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

CBT support is a one line change, in most cases.

Not all mod authors wish to support it


Is this still a 'bundle if using' dependency rather than an optional integration?

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  On 9/9/2021 at 10:11 PM, Nertea said:

Is this still a 'bundle if using' dependency rather than an optional integration?


CTB, if used, is a required dependency.  It also would pull in and require the Toolbar Controller..  While it would be extremely easy to add, (and I'd be happy to do a PR for you) if you are concerned about dependencies, it may not be something you would want to add support for

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