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[1.2.2] E.T. - Extreme Textures (RSS)


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So, I tried to run this mod on a VERY non-recommended computer- a 12 inch macbook, just for fun. It actually almost worked, minus the fps of about 10. The only other problem was that the scatterer drew a non transparent shell around the earth, that covers it. Is there a setting I could change to get this working, or is it a downside of the macbook's abysmal performance.

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  On 6/1/2017 at 4:11 PM, UnknownEclipse said:

So, I tried to run this mod on a VERY non-recommended computer- a 12 inch macbook, just for fun. It actually almost worked, minus the fps of about 10. The only other problem was that the scatterer drew a non transparent shell around the earth, that covers it. Is there a setting I could change to get this working, or is it a downside of the macbook's abysmal performance.


No, that is typically caused by a directory to the atmo textures being incorrect. 

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I have a pretty decent PC that can run standard RSSVE very well. But with this mod while very beautiful, extremely lags KSP beyond reason, it runs at less than 1 fps, everything is moving slower than a slideshow. This should not be the case as my pc runs on the GTX 970, Inter I7 4990, and 16 GB of RAM over 3 Channels, based on what I've read in the previous replies, they could still run Extreme Textures at 10 FPS on a laptop which means I should be getting more with a more significantly powerful PC. Is there a fix for this? Is it hardware or software related lag?? Please help!

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  On 6/16/2017 at 4:25 PM, Masterredlime said:

I have a pretty decent PC that can run standard RSSVE very well. But with this mod while very beautiful, extremely lags KSP beyond reason, it runs at less than 1 fps, everything is moving slower than a slideshow. This should not be the case as my pc runs on the GTX 970, Inter I7 4990, and 16 GB of RAM over 3 Channels, based on what I've read in the previous replies, they could still run Extreme Textures at 10 FPS on a laptop which means I should be getting more with a more significantly powerful PC. Is there a fix for this? Is it hardware or software related lag?? Please help!


Add "-force-d3d11" to your launch option for the executable.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 7/22/2017 at 5:43 PM, Jim123 said:

i used the 1.1.3 version i love it is there any difference between 1.1.3 and the 1.2 because if its better id like to know would it work on a 1.1.3 install of ksp?


Hello Jim123, I'm glad you like it. Yes there is a difference, I added twinkling lights and better auroras to 1.2. It will not work on 1.1.3 without a bit of shuffling around, I could do it however I am in a bit of a pickle and have been for quite a while. 

  On 6/7/2017 at 8:49 PM, Deplaisant said:

does it works on SSRSS ?


Not at the moment, sorry.

  On 7/24/2017 at 6:45 AM, NathanKell said:

Hadn't heard of this until now, which is bad. :D

I'm wondering--why is there a DX11 requirement? Just to lower system RAM usage, or does something actually depend on it?


Hey NathanKell, you stopped in at the right time, I haven't been on here for a few months. Honestly I have no idea why that's there. Let me explain my dilemma, ksp 1.1.3 is built with Unity 5.2 and defaults to D3D11. Unity 5.2 with dx11 opened new doors for texture size limits from the old 8k to 16k. (16k textures are used in E.T, cubemapped to form 64k textures.) Without dx11 you can't run the textures. What I don't get is why are some people having issues and say they have to place -force-d3d11 in the launch options. I thought everybody had dx11 and it would run perfectly, as I've never had that problem. So I put dx11 in the requirements :confused:. I don't really know what the problem is, especially since I don't have a decent pc at the moment, so I cant test. Any answers? lol

Edited by ufindbatman
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  On 5/20/2017 at 1:16 PM, Deplaisant said:

Hello, i'm not really interrested for the clouds ( gpu not enough powerful ) so i'd like to keep only the earth textures. Is it possible ? How ? 


Not really possible, the earth textures are the thing that melts your gpu the most. Removing the clouds won't really make a difference. This mod is all big textures, if your gpu can't run clouds, it cant run anything else.

  On 5/29/2017 at 1:08 PM, JeeF said:

And what the hell happened to the owner of this mod? =P


Things that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, truly terrible. I'm still fighting to get better, the storm hasn't quite past. Road to Recovery. :rolleyes:


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  On 7/24/2017 at 7:35 AM, NathanKell said:

@ufindbatman ah I can help there! KSP *always* runs in DX9 mode in Windows unless you force DX11 mode. You can also force OpenGL mode. On Mac and Linux of course you can only ever run OpenGL mode no matter what arguments you pass to the executable.

Best wishes to you! :)


And I guess a - purely hypothetical - question regarding should I force DX11 on my PC would be answered "try and see"? :P:wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I greatly missed terrain detail textures in the old EVE, so I was eager to try out this pack. I enabled the -force-d3d11 options on my KSP_64.exe shortcut, removed my existing scatterer, RSSVE, EnvironmentVisualEnhancements, DistantObject, and TextureReplacer folders, and installed ETO.

Unfortunately, this caused load times to jump to about 10 - 15 minutes (during which time my computer became inoperable), slashed my framerates in half, and imposed an opaque shell around 70km above the Earth that turned it into a blue, featureless ball. Some performance issues weren't surprising, but I have a GTX 980 Ti, an i5-5960k processor, and 12 Gigabytes of RAM, so I wasn't expecting it to lock up my computer entirely (though admittedly I am running in 4k). 

If there are likely to be performance improvements in the future, then I eagerly await those. Otherwise, I'm probably going to have to stick with RSSVE.

EDIT: As to the featureless sphere problem, I learnt that his was probably due to the change to DirectX 11. RSSVE comes with a fix for this in the form of a scatterer config, but I don't know if there is an equivalent for this mod. Regardless, the other issues unfortunately mean that I won't be able to use it for now.

Edited by avi
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  On 8/4/2017 at 12:20 AM, avi said:

I greatly missed terrain detail textures in the old EVE, so I was eager to try out this pack. I enabled the -force-d3d11 options on my KSP_64.exe shortcut, removed my existing scatterer, RSSVE, EnvironmentVisualEnhancements, DistantObject, and TextureReplacer folders, and installed ETO.

Unfortunately, this caused load times to jump to about 10 - 15 minutes (during which time my computer became inoperable), slashed my framerates in half, and imposed an opaque shell around 70km above the Earth that turned it into a blue, featureless ball. Some performance issues weren't surprising, but I have a GTX 980 Ti, an i5-5960k processor, and 12 Gigabytes of RAM, so I wasn't expecting it to lock up my computer entirely (though admittedly I am running in 4k). 

If there are likely to be performance improvements in the future, then I eagerly await those. Otherwise, I'm probably going to have to stick with RSSVE.

EDIT: As to the featureless sphere problem, I learnt that his was probably due to the change to DirectX 11. RSSVE comes with a fix for this in the form of a scatterer config, but I don't know if there is an equivalent for this mod. Regardless, the other issues unfortunately mean that I won't be able to use it for now.



I had the same issue, tho a excellent mod in it's own right but it did cause a performance issues with my rig. I kept all the files that come in the E.T.O. ZIP and just replaced the E.T.O. folder with the RSSVE and still have a decent looking game.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@KGas- Inc Hmmm I'm not really sure, it could be a few things. The 1.2.2 version of this mod was rushed, so it does have some issues. Also with RSS a lot of things start to show limits or flaws due to the enormous scale (scatterer). If it doesn't do it with another RSS visual mod like RSSVE, then I may be able to sort it out. I just got my gaming pc running last week so I'm back looking into the mod after months of being away, during that process I may come across the issue and be able to give you more info. Cheers.

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