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Just now, DeltaDizzy said:

looks at every other game genre in existence

Thats what KSP just became. The first in a new genre/sub-genre

Well at least they haven't made a KSP 2 or a KSP 3 yet.

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1 hour ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Well at least they haven't made a KSP 2 or a KSP 3 yet.

What could you add to a KSP 2? Most of the mechanics would have to be the same. The improvements would I think be more related to performance or some more minor things, nothing too overly major or something.

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1 hour ago, qzgy said:

What could you add to a KSP 2? Most of the mechanics would have to be the same. The improvements would I think be more related to performance or some more minor things, nothing too overly major or something.

Yeah. It wouldn't fit in with the overall 'feel' of the game

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2 hours ago, qzgy said:

What could you add to a KSP 2? Most of the mechanics would have to be the same. The improvements would I think be more related to performance or some more minor things, nothing too overly major or something.

Well, you could build an engine that was more optimized to handle the complex physics of KSP. Also more control over certain features, like wheels. 

One potential reason could be to just rebuild the game from the ground up. Remember, KSP has been under development for the better part of a decade. There's lots of code in there that likely hasn't been touched for years. Not to mention stop-gap or temporary solutions that stuck around, or even just systems that may impose limitations to the game but are the only practical solution thanks to limitations from other software. Not to mention adding in things like n-body physics and maybe even a more in-depth tycoon element. And of course there's the problems that being dependent on a game engine provides. Some things just can't be fixed due to that.

Of course, rebuilding a game like KSP all the way up from the engine level would likely take quite some time.

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Watched s09e06 of the Walking Dead.

(spoiler warning)


I hoped, they will take out Rick, and they did.
(Though in some unexpected manner, but better this than nothing).

But now instead of Rick and Carl we have a new annoying she-carl Judie. Though without Rick.
That sheriff deputy's hat is probably cursed. It spawns these half-sized monsters if nobody wears it for a while.

And the zombies are still walking, several years after zombocalypse.
Why not use them as a fuel-free perpetual motion machine instead of their weird windmill rotating at constant speed when the leaves on the trees around look motionless for me.

I still remember the very first s01e01 episode. Even s01 in whole. Who could know the things will go so bad...

Why not use the zombie crowds walking always along the roads (so clever zombies) as a postal service to send goods from one crossroad to the next one.
Also to pull the electric wires along.

And if hang a radio on a zombie crowd, they could always know the crowd position and study their seasonal migrations. Put the rings on them, mark the ears, so on.

Why are they still keeping Negan alive?
I know, they don't want to be like him, but his existence is tempting them to be like him.
So, wouldn't it be better to be like him for a minute, then unbe back,


Edited by kerbiloid
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I don't know what I did to my side, but it hurts so bad.

On Friday night/Saturday morning (After a football game in like 30º weather), I had a tiny little stitch in my side. Nothing too bad- tiny bit sore when I stepped down with my left leg, but it was fine after some water and ibuprofen. Wake up Sunday; it's all gone. Last night, I had some trouble falling asleep, so I walked around my room. Bent over, and OHMYGOD OW. Go to bed after about 30 or 45 minutes (At 1:30 am) trying to keep off my spot. This morning, everything's fine as I wake up. Brush my teeth, take my shower, step out, and OW OW WHAT'S HAPPENING. It feels like someone's jamming a fist into the left side of my back every time I breathe in heavy, walk, or shift in the slightest way. And, since the football team lost on Friday, we're starting Basketball today. A sport that relies on movement. $@#!

Edited by DarkOwl57
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On 11/11/2018 at 11:31 PM, qzgy said:

What could you add to a KSP 2? Most of the mechanics would have to be the same. The improvements would I think be more related to performance or some more minor things, nothing too overly major or something.

What couldn't you add to a KSP 2? 

There's are no shortage of suggestions, personal wish-lists and perennial pet peeves on these forums. I agree with @Bill Phil - if KSP 2 is ever greenlit, it would be better to rebuild it from scratch and then use that rebuilt foundation to improve on KSP.  Be bold, do something different, even if the resulting game doesn't resemble KSP 1 much at all. It might be different but that doesn't necessarily mean it's also going to be worse. Heck, it might even be better.

A KSP 2 with minor tweaks and performance improvement would be a mistake in my opinion. It would be competing with KSP 1 from the outset, not to mention SimpleRockets 2, any other KSP-clones that appear in the meantime, or HarvesteR's new Balsa game.  

KSP was a brilliant concept - but that concept is now old. It also remains a niche concept, albeit one with a very passionate following.  If KSP 2 simply rehashes the same mechanics 10 years on, I'm willing to bet that most of the reviews will be variations on a theme of 'meh - I can get this for free with KSP 1 plus mods'.

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Yesterday, I FINALLY got the settlement check from Sony, over them removing the "Other OS" functionality from the Playstation 3, and thus eliminating my very first Linux box.

It only took 8 years and 7 months... :huh:

I really was expecting the claimed $65... I'd provided all my info... Dug up emails and downloaded installer's file creation dates, and all sorts of proofs... Damn it Sony... Well, They guaranteed one thing... I've been screwed over by Sony enough times... Between defective power management chips in multiple generations of TVs, to rootkits on music CDs, locking out third party Epic accounts over Fortnight crossplay... Originally, I bought a PS4, but quite frankly... I almost never touch it anymore. I let my PS+ expire, and I just don't care anymore. I now game on retro consoles, my PC, and the Nintendo Switch. I don't even care about Sony's exclusives... Sony had to drag this out, had to repeatedly appeal, even when the appeals got thrown out... Sony wrote off my troubles with $10.07... I'm writing off Sony. Ten o seven...  This isn't a new decision, but that INSULT of a check only bolsters my vitriolic hatred for Sony these days. I will not buy a PS5. I will not buy a PS Classic. I will not buy Sony TVs, or any other consumer good. I've even been lately, paying attention to what movies are Sony, and not paying to see those either.

Let me put this another way... I'll still give EA money, if they produce something I'm interested in... Not Sony. Sony is dead to me.

Have any of you ever hear of the Grand Theft Auto IV expansion "The Ballad of Gay Tony"... Well, on the PS3, you could enter a short bit of text to display by your username... I changed it to read "GTL-Balad of Gay Sony" (Grand Theft Linux) after they pulled their dirty bait and switch firmware update on April Fools day. NO WARNING that it would disable Other OS, that you'd even lose the partitioned space on your hard drive unless you reformatted the ENTIRE DRIVE... NO warnings at ALL... I read stories where people thought the claims it nuked Linux was itself an April Fools prank... "Sony would have said so if it actually did that"... It was some shady "involuntary launch seat deposits". After Skyrim came out, I changed my PSN user comment to read "Linux took Sony 2 Knee"... I did not like the limited character count, but I never changed it again...

When I bought my PS3, I had a hard choice... I had wanted the PS3, but my computer had died and I needed to decide on a new PC or a game console... Except I knew the PS3 could run Linux, so I made the choice. I did get an old Power Mac G5 at the time, but it was slow and cumbersome. This was 2008... I lost my job in 2009. At one point I was working THREE JOBS and making only half my old income. 2010 was a tough year... That old PowerMac G5 was PAINFULLY obsolete, and I had no spare cash... Then Sony took my one powerful computer away from me in the most out of turn, but definitely in season April Fool's prank... I was stuck using that pathetic Mac for another three years before I saved up for an i7! THREE YEARS OF SUFFERING under the glow of an obsolete Steve Jobs machine...

$10.07 doesn't even begin to cover my frustration, and it definitely doesn't begin to absolve any of my hate for Sony! :mad:

Edited by richfiles
Freedom costs a buck o five... At least I can afford that...
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2 hours ago, richfiles said:

Playstation 3 ... my very first Linux box.

... what

To be fair, Sony was probably not trying to keep it. Would be awkward for them to service something that's worthless for what it was for but more useful another way.

It's still a manufacturer that has had selfish tendencies. You can't put too much trust on it.

Also, I hope you can read those data from another linux, otherwise it really is bad.

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Sony even had instructions in the PS3 manual on how to use the Other OS feature. It was an advertised feature, and they disabled it... Not for compatibility or security reasons (their self contradictions in the courts prove that), though they claimed it was for "security". It was because they wanted to limit legal homebrew. They had already put heavy restrictions on what hardware Linux could access... This was being worked on by the homebrew community. They killed an advertised feature (pre-launch advertised even), to snuff out the chances of a free and legal software development community around their then advanced hardware, and push people into their Game OS and the Playstation Store. A Judge ruled Sony had to pay for this action... Sony just simply managed to drag this out long enough to stick it to all of us, AGAIN, and make sure the lawyers got most of the money, and not us.

Also, due to Sony's were security and formats and stuff... No, I never recovered anything on the drive. People eventually figured out how to make it work, but I didn't have much on there that wasn't also backed up to the Crapple Mac G5.

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More #OldTruckProblems. The power steering pump went out on me yesterday. Luckily one of the Toyota dealers down in Phoenix had one in stock, so, $370 later, FedEx says it will be here today. Should be able to get that swapped out tonight.

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At our school, we can watch videos that go far beyond what we call Rule 2.2b AND 2.2c, but Spotify isn't allowed.

Our school tried to ban social media, wich is good imo, but not being able to listen to music for free while working (NOT WHILE THE TEACHER IS SPEAKING) crosses the line for me, but then they still allow YouTube because it contains educational material, but because our school can't ban specific videos we can still watch everything on there, so ''the line'' is all over the place.

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11 minutes ago, NSEP said:

YouTube because it contains educational material, but because our school can't ban specific videos we can still watch everything on there, so ''the line'' is all over the place.

Game the system. Setup a YouTube Playlist with the songs you like and listen to that. That's what I do most of the time anyways for my music. 

I'm not quite sure if banning Spotify does cross a line as you say. I can see how it might be unreasonable though considering youtube is still viewable. 

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3 hours ago, qzgy said:

Game the system. Setup a YouTube Playlist with the songs you like and listen to that. That's what I do most of the time anyways for my music. . 


The problem with a YouTube playlist is that you can't play with it in background on mobile devices, and 98% of our school pupils uses mobile devices (iPads), rather than those handy dandy portably computers. So you either need to download a modified YouTube app or (what i do) use a VPN.

Thats also another thing i want to point out. You can ban all the social media apps you want, but the pupils are just going to use VPN. If our school wants to stop us from using social media all the time, just ban all mobile devices in general, its that simple! Me, and my many schoolmates have been saying this ever since our school intergrated this digital mess of a system, bring back the books!

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So today, at class, my friend gave me a pendrive with a cartoon series (pirated, of course). He said it was about space, and since everyone at school thinks I am a 'space nutjob' :huh:, he thought I would like it...

  • A warp drive? Umm, ok..i guess its alright
  • Oooh!! The spaceship is using rcs to dock, nice...realistic..
  • Spaceships are using modified Canadarms to swordfight.. wha???
  • There is magic involved..ok that's it, I am done.... (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻ 

In another story, our fridge is not working anymore. The guy from the company gave us a visit and said that the compressor was faulty, thankfully it was covered under warranty. He carted off the fridge to the workshop. And then, more problems *started popping up* out of nowhere..Condensor fault, eroded pipes, gas leak.... Suuuurrrrreeeeee....They said that the fridge was not worth repairing, and that they will sell us a new one for half the market price of the fridge. 

My elder brother is visiting us, and he is not very patient like my Dad..He went to the workshop and tore them a new one. He brought the faulty refrigerator back, and took it to the local repair guy, without telling him anything about the company workshop. The repair guy said that this was not an eroded pipe, it felt like it was corroded with some kind of acid... and the condensor was faulty, yes, but it was not a fault that would occur naturally.

That was the end of Dad's patience, bro was already ballistic! Dad's in contact with a lawyer and we are going to file a case against the company in the consumer court on charges of mental and emotional harassment and mishandling of private property, perhaps sabotage as well.. I am SOOO going to love this!! :D

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