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@Benjamin Kerman You create a config file, that can be named anything, and placed anywhere in the GameData folder (preferably in the folder of your mod :P). And you can make as many as you want, one for each language, or different files for different collections of text. Or you can put them all into one file. As long as it's in the correct format it doesn't matter:

		#autoLOC_*** = ***

You can name the localization tags anything, but the most common format is:


The autoLOC part just makes it easy to identify as localization text, and putting your mod name, or any other unique identifier should prevent any overlaps. If there is an overlap I think it will just use whatever comes last in the loading process.


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17 hours ago, TriggerAu said:

Not directly related to the translations, but for modders on the refactoring code journey I finished this last night. Its a VS extension to help do teh refactors of strings to tags and create your base cfg files


Good stuff.  I used it this morning, and I like it.  Posted a comment in your thread.  Thanks for your hard work!

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We have a new version of Naval Artillery System (NAS), which has got Chinese and Japanese localization implemented, and we need help from the community to get the localization progress set and done.

EDIT: Spanish is done and many thanks to @fitiales!

EDIT2: Russian is done with the help of @Next_Star_Industries.

Edited by Acea
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I’ve added the localization support and a Russian translation for my two mods:

Translations to any other languages are welcomed!

Edited by Teilnehmer
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Hey guys! Anyone knows how to escape the special symbols in the Langoona syntax? Let's say I have a string for a set of values:

0 - <b>Bold Zero</b>
1 - <b>Bold One</b>

How do I make a Lingoona term? Obviously, this one doesn't work:

<<1[<b>Bold Zero</b>/<b>Bold One</b>]>>

It seems the problem is in the "/" symbol. I tried to replace it with the HTML escape code "&#47;" but in the output of Lingoona this sequence hasn't been replaced by the "/" symbol. I.e. the localized string could not be used as-is for the representation. Doing replacement before and after the localization could be an option but I'd go this way until there is a better one.

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It might be worth to add a well visible note to the OP for those who want to translate a mod to first take a look at the mods' thread and the translation files or when in doubt ask the mod author if another person is already working on a translation for a specific language.

I already had the case twice where two or more persons were working on the same translation for a mod without knowing of each other. It's really sad to explain to person who contacted you with a fully translated text that the whole work was in vain and he/she actually wasted multiple hours trying to help because another person finished the translation earlier.

It might look something like this:


Note for those who want to help:
If you want to help translate any of the mods please check if there are currently other persons working on the same translation. Try looking at the mods thread, the repository with the translation files (and forks of the project if necessary) or ask the mod author.
This helps to avoid conflicts and frustration when your work of multiple hours becomes superfluous because another translation was added without your knowledge.


Edited by Nils277
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On 17/6/2017 at 7:46 PM, Teilnehmer said:

I’ve added the localization support and a Russian translation for my two mods:

Translations to any other languages are welcomed!

Spanish translation done!

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On 11 June 2017 at 4:04 AM, DMagic said:

@Benjamin Kerman You create a config file, that can be named anything, and placed anywhere in the GameData folder (preferably in the folder of your mod :P). And you can make as many as you want, one for each language, or different files for different collections of text. Or you can put them all into one file. As long as it's in the correct format it doesn't matter:

		#autoLOC_*** = ***

You can name the localization tags anything, but the most common format is:


The autoLOC part just makes it easy to identify as localization text, and putting your mod name, or any other unique identifier should prevent any overlaps. If there is an overlap I think it will just use whatever comes last in the loading process.


Actually it's the first duplicate tag found in the game database if there are duplicate tags.

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On 6/26/2017 at 8:30 AM, Nils277 said:

Feline Utility Rovers is now available in russian:
Feline Utility Rovers - [Russian] [Spanish]

Still needed: Chinese and Japanese
Feline Utility Rovers - 1968 Words - Needs Chinese, Japanese

I'll translate to Chinese and Japanese if you still need it.

Sorry wrong quote. I will translate for you as well if you still need help but I have another one to do first.

Edited by Next_Star_Industries
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@Next_Star_Industries You can add any language for a mod. The languages provided by stock are those you have listed, but you can add others. If someone starts KSP using a non-stock language then it will use English as the backup for any text that hasn't been translated.

There are a few work-in-progress stock translations for other languages linked to at the top of the first post; French, Polish, Dutch, etc...

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20 minutes ago, Next_Star_Industries said:

@DMagic Can the dictionary be 1 file like this

or do they need to be separated into their own dictionary files for each language? Thanks for any help.

Both ways work fine. You can also have multiple language blocks within a single Localization block; from DMagic's own mod:


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