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[1.3 of KSP] [1.9.4] Suthe Planet Overhaul Mod


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56 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

I assume you also saw my small rant. I just have to call him out on stuff like that, because he just disregards months of effort because "there isn't a new star system"

Just had to get that off my chest :)

I saw the rant. I feel for you. Honesty sure can bite hard... re: the opening comment about the KSC.

13 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

And now I hereby summon the grandmaster of gimp, @The White Guardian 

(*sacrifices one planet from GPO to pay for his summoning*)

Better be one of the good ones. You're not getting away with using Gaia's moons.

12 minutes ago, Tynton said:

Also @Gameslinx

Do you know how to start a poll? I'm considering renaming the stock planets to something new, but I'm not sure if the game will still let you recover crafts if you rename Kerbin.


Use strawpoll.me I would vote for new names since some of the planet changes are so intense (like Duna and Ike).

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Strawpoll link: http://www.strawpoll.me/13099227

I knew at least in previous forum iterations that you could use a poll yourself.


Working on new names, apparently cbNameLater isn't working as I expected. Do I need to redesign the .cfg file?

1.5 will feature CustomAsteroids for asteroids in the two asteroid belts ( "Moho Belt" and "Vall Belt" ). Perhaps I will add the new names in that iteration or if people want new names badly, 1.4.1 will be a quick version.

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On another note, it seems adding cbNameLater isn't working, but I'm not done attempting to fix it, anyone else has any suggestions for it?

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Better be one of the good ones. You're not getting away with using Gaia's moons.

Where do you think Dusk and Vega wandered off to? :P

But yeah, I had to call the guy out for it. He won't take much notice now, but if he decides to review my next planet mod he will certainly think twice about it. I'm not bothered that he wouldn't review it. It's reverse psychology - he will be reminded of what I said only when he sees what I've done :)

30 minutes ago, Tynton said:


On another note, it seems adding cbNameLater isn't working, but I'm not done attempting to fix it, anyone else has any suggestions for it?

Set the name to "Kerbin" in its name plate.

Then in Properties {, add displayName = [NAME] 

After doing this, if you want to add visuals, don't specify your planet name, specify Kerbin. Clouds will be overlayed onto whatever body has "name = Kerbin", it's just renamed after. 

CbNameLater is redacted and no longer used.

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It was basically downloading some RSS heightmaps and some GIMP (or PhotoShop) magic, and the cracks were made via some GIMP brushes. Basically it takes a little skill in merging qualities of the RSS worlds and KSP. I was inspired by Galileo's planet mod (I noticed China's been used on Gael), and seeing his mod as a proof-of-concept, I figured I'd follow in his footsteps to make something slightly reminescent of his mod.

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2 hours ago, Tynton said:

Also, where does one place "UseTheInName" at?

I expect that displayName should allow spaces in it, so if "The" prefix ever appears, it's because you put it there, not because the body has a template that inserts it. UseTheInName is also redacted.

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@Tynton There are no resources as far as I can tell. The dV map maker needs to be a visual artist and needs to also be a Mathematician or have a partner who is a Mathematician. Any dV map I've seen was clearly hand-made and inspired by the original subway style dV map.

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@JadeOfMaar Thanks a lot.

Also there are tutorials for making custom EVE textures, I assume? I figured I wanted to make something ultimately parallel to a real-style mod (hence the detail already placed in this mod). I was intimidated by the rather long code for the Kerbin "biome" PQSMod. Setting that aside I can master most PQSMods.

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I intended on making some of the planet textures appear more realistic, and I need to manipulate some PQSMods to do so. In addition I wanted textures for the surfaces of my worlds (which don't have the code to do so but that's not hard since I could touch them a little to keep their current form (to a degree). And a few small details such as cryovolcano eruptions.

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51 minutes ago, Tynton said:


I intended on making some of the planet textures appear more realistic, and I need to manipulate some PQSMods to do so. In addition I wanted textures for the surfaces of my worlds (which don't have the code to do so but that's not hard since I could touch them a little to keep their current form (to a degree). And a few small details such as cryovolcano eruptions.

Since Galileo is busy I'll give you a small rundown of PQSMods. I doubt i'll be as detailed as TWG and 'that lot', but for the time being :wink:

If your terrain is quite smooth and lumpy, it's worth using this PQSMod to sharpen the terrain: 

					deformity = 17000 //Deformity in terrain, in m
					ridgedAddFrequency = 9 //Frequency of terrain ridgedness
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 //Sharpness of the ridges and overall 'bumpiness'
					ridgedAddOctaves = 8 //Quality of terrain
					ridgedAddSeed = 5473 //Seed
					ridgedMode = Low //Low, Medium, High. Depends what effect you're going for
					ridgedSubFrequency = 9 //Similar to ridgedAddFrequency, but this only adds terrain to the original ridged
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
					ridgedSubOctaves = 8
					ridgedSubSeed = 13425
					simplexFrequency = 35 //How often the PQSMod acts on the terrain
					simplexHeightEnd = 3000
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexOctaves = 16
					simplexPersistence = 0.4501
					simplexSeed = 847
					order = 40
					enabled = True
						key = 0 0 0 0
						key = 0.2 0 0 0
						key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598
						key = 1 1 0 0

That's taken straight from my Telos config, and makes the terrain look like this, provided your heightmap will support it. Usually, this PQSMod is used to create mountains and sharpen the upper ranges of the terrain. You can choose to 'sharpen' (I don't like using that term, because this PQSMod can also add ruggedness) any part you like.

						key = 0 0 0 0
						key = 0.2 0 0 0
						key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598
						key = 1 1 0 0

The SimplexCurve determines where the PQSMod builds more or less terrain.

The first entry in "key = 0 0 0 0" is the height part of the terrain, so this applies to the lowest point of the terrain. The second 0 is the deformity of the terrain. The third and fourth 0s most likely adjust the terrain curve in different ways, I just set them to 0.

So, at key = 0.6311918, which is just over half the total height of the terrain, 0.44 of your deformity value is applied.

I'm not a guru on PQSMods at all, but if you take my Vulcan.cfg from my planet mod, you can see how it was made. Vulcan uses no heightmap and is generated from that config file.

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