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[1.12.x] RecoveryController - Let FMRS and StageRecovery work together


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I'm pleased to announce the release of a new mod which better integrates the two mods FMRS and Stage Recovery.

More details to come, but essentially, right-click on decouplers to show the properties, and click the Stage-Recovery button to cycle between the different available mods.

This will enable you to select which mod controls the decoupled stage.

Available settings are:

  • auto - Let FMRS decide depending on it's options whether it will take control or not
  • none - No mod should control this stage after staging
  • FMRS - FMRS has control of this stage
  • Stage Recovery - Stage Recovery has control of the stage

License is MIT

Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RecoveryController  (folder inside FMRS)

Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1311/RecoveryController

Mod will be installed automatically when you install the FMRS mod, no need to install separately.

Available via CKAN as well.

While initially targeted at FMRS and StageRecovery (because they are the only mods which deal with recovering stages after staging), the mod has been designed to work with any mod which would want to do the stage recovery.

For modders, there is a file called "RecoveryControllingWrapper.cs", which works in the same way as the Blizzy Toolbar wrapper works.  The file is documented, feel free to ask any questions here.



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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As the author of the other main mod this is associated with, I'm reserving this post :P

I'm going to use this post to describe how StageRecovery works with FMRS both with and without this addon (which is shipped with FMRS). By definition, setting "auto" with this mod will do the same thing as not having it installed, which is why "auto" is the default.

Without this mod/"Auto" mode: When using the default settings of StageRecovery and FMRS, FMRS will handle all stages with parachutes, probes, or Kerbals exclusively while FMRS is active. If you close the FMRS window or make FMRS not active, then StageRecovery will handle ALL stages as if FMRS were not installed. FMRS has two settings that can affect this behavior: one which makes FMRS not handle parachutes at all and another that defers parachute recovery to StageRecovery. If either of these are active then StageRecovery will handle stages with only parachutes (so no probe or kerbals on board) while FMRS handles probes and kerbals (again, only if FMRS is active).

With this mod: By changing the "Recovery Controller" on the decoupler it sets which mod will attempt to handle everything up to the next decoupler in the part list (which is also how StageRecovery tracks stages in the editor, so you can use the highlighting feature if you're not 100% positive what's included). Using this you can have StageRecovery recover something with a probe core and FMRS handle something with parachutes (even if FMRS's settings defer chute stages to SR), or you can use "none" to have neither mod attempt to handle recovery if you really don't want something recovered.

The settings you make should be saved with the craft. If you use sub-assemblies they should be saved with those as well.

There are a few cases where things might act different than expected. Please report your findings here in this thread. For instance, if you designate FMRS to handle a stage but FMRS is disabled, StageRecovery won't try to handle it. Is that incorrect behavior? Not necessarily, but you are all welcome to discuss what should and should not be handled in edge cases like this, and I in fact encourage these discussions.

The following is a video showing how the two mods interact without RecoveryController (or in "auto" mode) and how RecoveryController allows you to have substantially more control over how your stages get recovered.


Edited by magico13
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Wow, this solves the problem I just noticed. When using FMRS I couldn't use StageRecovery to pick up dropped dumb-srb-boosters. I'd have to either lose the boosters or even worse put a probe core on them and watch them all descend.

This is a great fix, awesome job linuxguru.

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2 minutes ago, frencrs said:

Wow, this solves the problem I just noticed. When using FMRS I couldn't use StageRecovery to pick up dropped dumb-srb-boosters. I'd have to either lose the boosters or even worse put a probe core on them and watch them all descend.

This is a great fix, awesome job linuxguru.

Actually, there was an option in FMRS to allow you to do just that

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On 4/9/2017 at 6:08 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Mod will be installed automaticaly when you install the mod, no need to install separately.

This line could probably be worded better ;).

Seriously though, you run so many wonderful mods.

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On 4/10/2017 at 11:32 PM, Wercho said:
On 4/9/2017 at 9:08 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Mod will be installed automaticaly when you install the mod, no need to install separately.

This line could probably be worded better ;).

Seriously though, you run so many wonderful mods.


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With the fixes the latest FMRS added, I was able to finish a video showing the basics of how integrations between FMRS and StageRecovery work in "auto" mode and when you use this mod to define which mod handles stages. I'm a bit rusty with making videos, but hopefully it helps explain what this mod can do and why it might be important to you.



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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, JacktoseIntolerant said:

Sorry to be that guy, but is 1.3.0 compatibility on the horizon? Can I do anything to help?

No need, already there.  It's built with FMRS, so when FMRS got updated, so did this.

I just updated the OP

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Thank you for the report.  I'll get Space stock updated I must have missed it during the massive update I was doing for all the mods for 1.3

I just downloaded the current release from Spacedock and Github, they are identical.  Spacedock WAS updated at the same time as Github.

But I do see that CKAN isn't updated for some reason, I'll take care of that

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Hi ! I am running on 1.3 version and i didn't succed to use FMRS while flying. FMRS is not present on my toolbar.

I install FMRS like all my others mods but maybe need I another module manager to fix this ?

Can someone help me.


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  • 1 year later...
44 minutes ago, Trigant said:

Hi, is this mod compatible with KSP 1.4*? I just want to ask, before installing it. Didn't tried it yet tho sry :/

according to CKAN - compatible up to 1.4.9. 

On 6/14/2017 at 8:45 AM, attilano said:

Hi ! I am running on 1.3 version and i didn't succed to use FMRS while flying. FMRS is not present on my toolbar.

I install FMRS like all my others mods but maybe need I another module manager to fix this ?

Can someone help me.


which version of FMRS do you have installed? FMRS (the original - v or FMRS Continued( Both are available in CKAN.

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11 hours ago, Trigant said:

Hi, is this mod compatible with KSP 1.4*? I just want to ask, before installing it. Didn't tried it yet tho sry :/

Yes, in 1.4.4 and 1.4.5.  I have used it in both although I don't have much experience with FMRS.  I set my decouplers to SR and have parachutes on my reusable stages.  I have dreams of manually flying my stages back (a la SpaceX) at some point, just for the giggles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

KSP v1.4.5, Recovery Controller v0.0.3.2, Universal Storage I & II

With the above mods installed, I used the new US II decouplers on a multi-stage rocket.  Everything worked except the new US II parts weren't recognized by RC - there was no part context menu option for stage recovery ownership in the VAB (which I documented in this post in US II).

The solution, or so it seemed at the time, was to use an MM patch to add the RecoveryIDModule to the US II decoupler parts.  This worked but only partially.  I do get the part context ownership options for FMRS and SR, but not 'none' or 'auto'.

Any advice as to how I can get all four ownership options on the US II decoupler parts?  What am I missing?

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