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2 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

The vehicle was yawing and rolling really hard well before landing engine burn startup. I'm thinking that the grid fins didn't have enough authority to keep the vehicle properly oriented, which meant there was too much propellant slosh to get the engines consistently lit. 

Ok, so I got it the other way around - it wasn't instability because of the engine-outs, but engine-outs because of the instability.... :) Thanks!

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looks like they had a strip of metal floating around in the payload bay.


anyone note the fishtailing on the booster when it went into the drink. pid controllers need help.

Edited by Nuke
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Operating the flaperons in the hypersonic regime is completely untested. There was some early talk of putting a subscale demonstrator on Falcon 9 just to make sure the flaps operate properly...who knows how that will go. 

Looks like we have a good SES-2?

Wait, no, that was just a cold-gas flip.

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