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Guarantee there's SN7 hardware about now that just hasn't been recognised as such.


Anyway, was doing some sums - Falcon 9 US sure is incredible! For payloads under 9.5t it outperforms the Saturn S-IVB! That dry mass fraction tho. Beautiful.


Does anyone know what max liftoff mass for Dragon2 is? I think it's 9.5t dry mass, 1.4t propellant and up to 6t cargo, for 16.9t max. Makes sense - chimes with 16.8ish tonnes for Starlink.

Edited by RCgothic
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1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I'm not saying this to disparage SpaceX in any way, but the Boca Chica construction site is basically how I picture Jeb's Junkyard looking.



Yeah, I guess I need to add some Starship parts to this old one based on their (former) LA port site



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2 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:
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Yeah, I guess I need to add some Starship parts to this old one based on their (former) LA port site



They are once again planning to use the LA site as a Starship construction yard (IIRC), so that image would still be relevant :wink:

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31 minutes ago, tater said:

Dunno, worked fine for me all the way to successful docking.

Next time I might try a fly around.

Yeah, I got a successful docking on the first go as well. If you've played KSP it is pretty straightforward. 

I feel like it might be more difficult for the actual astronauts since they are likely to get induced pitch/yaw drift from translation. When I did it, all I had to do was cancel pointing drift once and it all stayed at 0.0 the whole time.

13 minutes ago, tater said:

Sounds like it's control-right arrow. I never read the instructions and clicked the arrows with my mouse cursor.


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22 minutes ago, tater said:

Sounds like it's control-right arrow. I never read the instructions and clicked the arrows with my mouse cursor.

try WASDQE + Numpad 456789

Anyway guys, check out the settings. Elon is trolling hard.

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4 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

They are once again planning to use the LA site as a Starship construction yard (IIRC), so that image would still be relevant :wink:

My guess is that they will be making at least the crew compartment for Starship there as they are far more complex. The life system parts is way more complex than on ISS, more crew and no abort modes shorter than an year. 

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Just noticed that docking sim.  First try, something weird happened - after getting pitch/yaw/roll to zero, and I started adjusting y/z axis, it started pitching up without commands (up to 1.0 degree/sec without me touching the keys).  After resetting it, came soooooo close the next attempt - I wasn't watching the roll, and it drifted to 2.2 degrees.  Third time was the charm.

So, who else kept trying to use the keys they're used to with KSP docking?

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I tried leaving it ON on flat for a few minutes expecting to fall down, alas, no result.

Also turned it OFF on oblate, expecting to fly away, but again no cigar.

Cool thing, you can fly all around the station, but need to stay fairly close

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5 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

I tried leaving it ON on flat for a few minutes expecting to fall down, alas, no result.

Also turned it OFF on oblate, expecting to fly away, but again no cigar.

Cool thing, you can fly all around the station, but need to stay fairly close

Don't you know how computers work? You have turn them OFF and then ON to fix problems, not the other way around.

Edited by mikegarrison
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