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On 10/15/2021 at 6:25 PM, mikegarrison said:

And SpaceX says they are going to be flying 1000 people p2p around the world for the same price as an airline ticket. Airbus had a video about how they were going to make transparent airplanes so you would have a great view as you fly. People say a lot of crazy stuff in these videos.

NG is a "regular" launch vehicle. The claim is clearly nonsense if SS works at all, so I ignored the crazy SS stuff entirely—and NG can't even justify that claim vs extant SpaceX vehicles.

Edited by tater
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  • 2 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, tater said:

With Sierra Nevada Corp and Boeing.



Kinda kerbal.

Timeline looks quite doubtful unless they've been building the modules in secret already (which is possible), and I'm curious about when they will consider that to be operative. Still, very good to see LEO stations getting some love finally

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36 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Did they dock the engine of that reentry vehicle?

Unless I've understand you wrong, that is the Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser, that's how it docks. It has 2 smaller engines on the rear side and a docking adapter in the middle

This is the cargo variant, but it's the same:

Eren Ozmen e a nave especial Dream Chaser | ShareAmerica


And here you can see the engines:

Táxi espacial fará voo não-tripulado no ano que vem - Jornal O Globo

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I assume crew dream chaser isn't flying anymore (or at least not in this decade), else boeing would have little reason to join this. Same for the BO biconic capsule


I assume this again goes to confirm that Vulcan won't get crew rated without NASA money

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3 hours ago, Beccab said:

I assume crew dream chaser isn't flying anymore (or at least not in this decade), else boeing would have little reason to join this. Same for the BO biconic capsule


I assume this again goes to confirm that Vulcan won't get crew rated without NASA money

So they're not just gonna build it?

How old space of them (and I mean this in the worst possible reading of "old space," since I also respect and admire old space for doing little things like Apollo).

Meanwhile, SpaceX at some point will put a crew SS in LEO to test the life support, and bang, there's a station 90% the volume of ISS, done in 1.

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7 hours ago, Elthy said:

This would be so exciting... if it werent another blue origin paper project that may be ready when mars isnt habitable anymore due to overpopulation.

Yeah, if it were a Sierra only project (of smaller scale) I'd be certain they can do it, if it were a Boeing only project then there would have been 0 chances to see it realized and if it were a BO only project that would be a "maybe, but long after the original timeline". With all three combined we'll have to wait and see

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1 minute ago, tater said:

It's a focus, and something they could actually do.

If they were focused on that, sure they could. But this is amidst BE-4, BE-7, New Glenn, Jarvis, Blue Moon, HLS, Appendix N, LETS (with HLS and LETS at least requiring different landers entirely, we don't know about appendix N), New Shepard as well as building yet more ground infrastructure. This amount of work wouldn't be doable by SpaceX, let alone a notoriously mismanaged company with half the employees

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Well, they have NG in the pipes. It's big, and if they want to make crew vehicles ever, starting with on orbit ones is easy, they just have to survive in 1 environment, they don't have to do EDL.

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(idk, if it's alrready announced here)


BO is going to found a business park in space by the end of this decade.

It will be a LEO orbital station named Orbital Reef for crew of 10, including a hotel and a filming studio.

(I would recommendend also a coworking openspace to lease seats in an inflatable module for freelaunchers.

An openspace in open space.)

Edited by kerbiloid
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6 hours ago, Beccab said:

if it were a Boeing only project then there would have been 0 chances to see it realized

Not true - if it was fully funded by congress and they had several successful subcontractors doing the work, Boeing would happily supply the stickers for the outside of the craft 

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5 minutes ago, tater said:


Interesting observation, but it seems odd to me to not use even more of the available volume of NG since they can't possibly be mass limited with 45t to LEO on crew modules.

Maybe 5.5m had other limitations than the fairing diameter of the NG. Maybe it's a design choice, enough to fulfill their needs as of right now, they can always add bigger modules latter if needs arise. Also, since they are already making use of inflatable modules, they could go bonkers with size (possibly).

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3 minutes ago, VaPaL said:

Maybe 5.5m had other limitations than the fairing diameter of the NG. Maybe it's a design choice, enough to fulfill their needs as of right now, they can always add bigger modules latter if needs arise. Also, since they are already making use of inflatable modules, they could go bonkers with size (possibly).

Yeah, or perhaps they are using a partner with the capability to make hab parts of that diameter?


Vulcan could probably get a wider fairing, though, and that would allow multiple LVs to loft these.

That or the render is meh.

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